

单词 年寿



long-lived people, rich harvests (idiom); stable and affluent society


(this product will) extend your life
make life longer
promise longevity

See also:


long life
old age
surname Shou

External sources (not reviewed)

根据 2005-2010 年的死亡率,活到 60 岁的妇女预期平均还有 21 年寿命,男子则还有 18 年。
Women who reach age 60 can expect to live another 21 years, on average, and men another 18 years, given mortality levels of 2005-2010.
这样做并没有影响知名的力纳克质 量,所以您可以期待最小的维护量和长 达 2 0 年 的 寿 命 —这就是为什么我们 提供5年保修期的原因。
This is done without compromising the well-known LINAK quality, so you can expect a minimum of maintenance and a long lifetime of up to 20 years - that is why we grant 5 years warranty.
在这年龄,寿命年限主 要因为健康问题和外因 所致死亡而缩短。
In this age, years of life are reduced mostly [...]
due to health problems and deaths from external causes.
格劳宾登州Scharans教堂外的菩提树已经有 7 0 0 年 的 寿 命。
The huge lime outside the church of Scharans, Canton Graubünden, is some 700 years old.
(c) 通信(5 559 900 美元),主要是由于:特派团通信设备的购置减少,因 为特派团按照有关政策准则尽量减少对设备的更换,即达 7 年寿命的 设备才能更 换,或更换率最多不超过总存量的 15%,以两者中较低者为准;预计商业通信所 需费用也将减少,因为特派团使用卫星带宽来满足南方的必要所需资源
(c) Communications ($5,559,900), resulting mainly from a reduction in the acquisition of communications equipment as the Mission minimizes replacement on the basis of the policy guidelines specifying a 7-year lifespan for equipment or up to 15 per cent of total stock, whichever is lower; lower requirements are also projected in commercial communications owing to the use of satellite bandwidth within the Mission to meet the necessary requirements in the South
疾病负担”一词指人口健康的损失,对健康条件意外情况用早死所损失寿 命年限与残疾所损失寿命年限(残 疾调整生命年)之和表示。
The term “disease burden” denotes loss in the health of population, expressed by the sum of the years of life lost due to premature mortality and the years of healthy life lost due to disability for incident cases of the health condition (DALY).
精心的设计和零件选择使 VersaLogic 制造的大部分产品能够达到 5 至 10 年的寿命。
Careful design and parts selection enables VersaLogic to manufacture most products for 5 to 10 years.
光盘具有50年的介质寿命, 一次写入(WORM)技术确保您的数据是安全的,免遭雇员的意外损毁或恶意破坏或病毒的攻击。
With 50 year media life, the Write Once (WORM) [...]
technology ensures that your data is safe from accidental or malicious attack by employees or virus’s.
小聪明理解不了大智慧寿命短的小 年 比 不 上 寿 命 长的 大 年。
The knowledge of that which is small does not reach to that which is great; the experience of a few years does not reach to that of many.
最后,瘦客户机对于地方政府而言非常经济,其产 寿 命 约年,而普通 PC 的寿命仅为四年。
Finally, the thin clients are very cost effective for the local authority
[...] with a product life about six years compared to four years for the average PC.
在汽车行业中30多年的经验表明,用于重型卡车的铜/铜散热器的平均使 寿 命 为6 - 1 0 年 , 而 铝/铝散热器的平均使 寿 命 为8 - 1 2 年 , 使 用 寿 命 存 在差别的原因是全铝概念和精心设计的产品提供了更为优异的耐腐蚀性能。
More than 30 years of experience within the automotive
industry  shows that the
[...] average service life of a copper/copper radiator used for heavy trucks is 6-to-10 years, the average service life of an aluminium/aluminium radiator is 8-to- 12 years and the difference in service life is due to the [...]
superior corrosion characteristics
offered by the all-aluminium concept and well-designed products.
[...] 很多行动者和利益攸关方,而这对于延长受到危及生命的疾病之影响的 年 人的 寿命而 言具有绝对的关键意义,对于确保老年人有尊严地去世也具有绝对关键意 义。
Palliative care requires important funding and mobilisation of numerous actors and stakeholders within the medical sector, and it is absolutely crucial
in order to prolong the lives of older
[...] persons affected by life-threatening diseases [...]
and to ensure their death in dignity.
因为 15-20 年的使用寿命对于第 5 条国家来说太短,所以我们建议修改第 23 [...]
(a)(一) 段中的建议,变更成 2025 年和 67.5%的目标,在此之前“多边基金将支付为遵 守日程而需转产企业(第二次)与转产有关的全额增支费用”。
Since the life-time of 15-20 years is too [...]
short for A5 countries, we suggest to change the recommendation in Paragraph 23
(a) (i) to state 2025 and 67,5% until which, “the MLF would pay the full incremental costs associated with the (second) conversion of those enterprises which need to be converted in order to achieve compliance”.
(c) 重点支助农村地区无亲属的年人, 尤其 寿 命 较 长但掌握经济资源往 往较少的老年妇女
(c) Focus support on older persons in rural areas without kin, in particular
[...] older women who face a longer old age, often with fewer [...]
他最后发出一个正面的信息,指出一般的妇女在 2005 年的预期寿命要1955 年的预期寿命长三分之一,遭受疾病和贫穷折磨的可能性较小,识字和 [...]
He ended with a positive message, noting that
in 2005 the average
[...] woman could expect to live one third longer than would have been likely in 1955, [...]
is less likely to suffer
from disease and deprivation and much more likely to be literate and educated.
This includes all machinery directly connected with Voith.
第四,塔利班高级领导人失去权力已接近 10 年,在一个 预寿命不到 45 岁、中年龄约 为 18 岁的国家里,他们可能会担心自己的广泛 影响力早已下降。
Fourth, the senior Taliban have
been out of power for
[...] almost 10 years, and in a country where life expectancy is less than 45 years, and [...]
the median age is around
18, they may fear that their broader influence is already on the decline.
2011年,贡渥通过其美国子公司Pinesdale有限公司,收购了Signal Peak煤矿33%的股份——Signal
[...] Peak是一处高热值热能煤矿,有一个大规模的储备基地,大约 有 3 0 年 的 采 矿 寿 命 , 并有安全轨道和入口通道。
Gunvor, through its U.S. subsidiary Pinesdale LLC, in 2011 acquired a 33% stake in the Signal Peak—a high-Btu
thermal coal mine with an extensive reserve base for a
[...] roughly 30 years mining life span and secured rail [...]
and port access.
首先,Jacob Bor及其同事对具有里程碑意义的HIV预防试验网络052试验——或HPTN 052——进行了追踪,该试验显示,感染了HIV的人如果服用抗逆转录病毒药物,其传播病毒给他们性伴侣的可能性减少了96%,他们还发现自抗逆转录病毒治疗在夸祖鲁 - 纳塔尔扩展以来,该地区的年人预 期 寿 命 增 加了 1 1 . 3 年。
First, Jacob Bor and colleagues followed up on the landmark HIV Prevention Trials Network 052 trial, or HPTN 052, which showed that people infected with HIV are 96 percent less likely to transmit the virus to their partners if they take antiretroviral drugs, and found that the life expectancy of adults in KwaZulu-Natal has increased by 11.3 years since the antiretroviral treatments were expanded in the region.
[...] (M2M) 应用中,如车队和资产管理系统,产品周期短,每个产品的升级周期通常为9个月至 年 , 整 体产 寿 命 长 至 1 0 年。
In today’s electronics industry, particularly for industrial machine-to-machine (M2M) applications such as fleet and asset management systems, product cycles are
short, typically 9 months to a year for each product upgrade cycle,
[...] with overall product life-span lasting up to 10 years.
由于比激光和针式打印机等寿命较短的产品有一系列的环保优势,N7000 行式打印机系列寿命可长达年。
With key ecological benefits over shorter life cycle products such
as laser and serial dot matrix printers, the N7000 Cartridge Series of Line
[...] Matrix printers is built to last for years.
非消耗性财产包括以下财产和设备:(a) 购置时单位价值为 1 500 美元或以 上、使寿命至少五年的财 产或设备;(b) 被视为具有吸引力且因其大小易从房 舍中拆除、购置时单位价值为 500 美元或以上、使寿命三年或更 长的特殊财产 物品;(c) 家具和组合工作站等应盘点的团体用物品,不管其价值为何,但使寿命为五年或更长。
Non-expendable property consists of property and equipment, as follows: (a) property or equipment valued at $1,500 or more per unit at
the time of purchase
[...] and having a service life of at least five years; (b) special items, which are property items considered to be of an attractive nature and easily removable from the premises because of their size, costing $500 or more per unit at the time of purchase and with a serviceable life of three years or more; and (c) group inventory items (for example, furniture and modular workstations) with a serviceable life of five years or more, irrespective [...]
of value.
税前净现值(NPV)为 56 亿美元的基 础案例,税前无借贷内部收益率(IRR)为 20.5%, 有借贷内部收益率(60% 为 外借资金) 为 23.2% ,66.5% 铁精矿的船上交货价格为 100 美元/吨; o 采矿寿命的经营成本大约为 30美元/吨; o 从 2017 年开始,每年的精矿初始产量为 1000 万吨; o
为满足水力发电的需求,通过运营现金流提供资金将 2027
[...] 年的年产量提高至 2000 万吨; o 采寿命为 31 年; o 28.5 亿美元的初始资本成本,其中包括 [...]
9.3 亿美元间接成本和意外开支; o 2025 – 2026 年的计划扩展资本成本为
16.1 亿美元, 包括 4.9 亿美元间接成本和意 外开支; o 整个采矿寿命的持续资本为 7.7 亿美元。
Optimal production case delivers robust economics o Base case pre-tax NPV of $5.6 billion, pre-tax unlevered IRR of 20.5% and levered IRR (60% debt finance) of 23.2% at a price of $100 / tonne FOB for a 66.5% Fe concentrate; o Life of mine operating cost of approximately $30/tonne; o Initial production of 10 million tonnes of concentrate per annum commencing in 2017; o Expansion to production of 20 million tonnes per annum in 2027 funded through operating cash
flows, to coincide with availability of
[...] hydroelectric power; o Life of mine 31 years; o [...]
$2.85 billion initial capital cost inclusive
of $0.93 billion indirect costs and contingency; o Scheduled expansion capital cost of $1.61 billion 2025 – 2026, including $0.49 billion indirect costs and contingencies; o Sustaining capital of $0.77 billion over life of mine.
考虑到制造设备的使寿命为 15-20 年(按照本报告第 7.3 章:技术和经济评估 小组 2008 [...]
年 5 月《技术和经济评估小组充资报告补编》),以及多边基金资助的大多数 向氟氯烃转产项目都在 2005 年前完成,我们可以假设第 5 条缔约方在大部分氟氯烃消费
源于此类转产的情况下,可能不得不在使用寿命结束前替换一些相关的使用氟氯烃的设 备,以便遵守截止 2020 年减少 35%的氟氯烃淘汰目标。
Considering a life-time of 15-20 years for manufacturing [...]
equipment (as per chapter 7.3 of the report: Supplement to the
May 2008 TEAP Replenishment Report, by the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel), and the fact that most conversion projects to HCFCs financed by the MLF were completed prior to 2005, it may be assumed that Article 5 Parties with a large proportion of their HCFC consumption resulting from such conversions may have to replace some of the related HCFC-based equipment prior to its end-of-life in order to comply with HCFC phase-out targets up to the 2020 35% reduction step.
据说明,增加 1 018 700 美元的主要原因是翻修现有的伊
[...] 斯兰堡印巴观察组总部建筑群,这些建筑由预制结构组成,需要将其使 寿 命延 长到 2012 年以后
It is stated that the increase of $1,018,700 is related mainly to the refurbishment of the existing UNMOGIP
headquarters complex in Islamabad, which consists of prefabricated structures
[...] requiring extension of their useful life beyond 2012.
[...] 健康干预措施,有助于减少由于残疾和过早死亡造成的健 寿 命 年 数 的损失,有 利于实现更广泛的发展目标,包括提高教育、经济生产力和社会公平程度,并帮 [...]
UNFPA maternal, neonatal and reproductive
health interventions help reduce the loss of
[...] healthy years of life because of disability [...]
and premature death and contribute
to the achievement of broader development objectives, including higher levels of education, economic productivity, and social equity, and help lift families out of poverty.
[...] 富有的国家,妇女现在控制着投资财富的一半以上(与她们相对 寿 有 关 ),今后 50 年间, 代际转移的财富额大多数将由妇女监督。
This is particularly compelling when considering that recent studies show that women in some of the richest countries now control more than
half of the investment wealth
[...] (related to their relative longevity), and will oversee the [...]
majority of the intergenerational
transfer of wealth over the next 50 years.
[...] 件或一套物品的通用公平市价应超过 500 美元,一件或一套物品的使寿命应超 过年),并 应由下一个工作组审查这一门槛值。
It also recommended that a threshold value be established for “special case” (the generic fair market value of an
item or set of items should be
[...] higher than $500 and the life expectancy of an item [...]
or set of items should be greater than
one year) and that the threshold value should be reviewed by the next Working Group.
除道路交通事故之外的伤害占中上收入国家(包括俄罗斯联 邦)和中低收入国家(包括中国)的残疾调 寿 命 年 数 的 较大比例。
Injuries other than road traffic accidents accounted for a major share of the DALYs in upper middle-income countries, which include the Russian Federation, and in low middle-income countries, which include China.




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