

单词 年均日照

See also:


annual average (rate)


Rizhao prefecture level city in Shandong



External sources (not reviewed)

秦巴雾毫茶产区地处汉中地区大巴山群峰之首,具有高纬度(北纬32.5°)、高海拔(800~1200米)、多云雾均日照 有28%)、富含硒(0.76ppm)、无污染等得天独厚的生态环境。
Qiba Wu Hao tea producing areas located in the Hanzhong area cents Daba peaks of the first, with a high latitude (latitude
32.5 °), high altitude (800 to 1200
[...] meters), Cloud (annual averagesunshinerate of [...]
only 28%), rich in selenium (0.76ppm), pollution
and other ecological environment.
深圳地处中国 亚热带地区,靠近 北回归线,气候温和,年均充沛 日照量。
Shenzhen is situated in the subtropical part of China, located at about the Tropic of Cancer and has a mild climate as well as plentiful sunshine and rainfall all year round.
(b) 在预算期间第一年年任何未支配批款余事务 司司长的批准,结转并用于支付下一年的费用。
(b) At the end of thefirst calendar year of a budget period any unencumbered balance [...]
of appropriations shall be carried
over and remain available for expenses in the following year, as authorized by the Director, Division of Management and Administration.
2003121958/126 号决议的规定,每年 6 月,大会当选主席 在考虑到会员国所提意见并经与现任主席和秘书长协商后,将提出一个或多个全 球关注的问题,请各会员国在一般性辩论期间就其发表评论。
In accordance with resolution 58/126 of19 December 2003,in June of each year, the President-elect of the General Assembly, after taking into account the views provided by Member States and following consultations with the incumbent President and the Secretary-General, will suggest an issue, or issues, of global concern upon which Member States will be invited to comment during the general debate.
本集团将继续向医药公司提供有关财务资助,有关财务资助(i)金额不超过212,660,000港元(即 於
[...] 本公告日有关财务资助的总额);(ii)利率为中国人民银行不时设定的基准利率(「人行利率」);(iii) 并无抵押;及(iv)於合营公司营业 第二 年日
The Group will continue to grant the Relevant Financial Assistance to GP Corp. which shall (i) amount to not more than HK$212,660,000 (being the total amount of the Relevant Financial Assistance as at the Latest Practicable Date); (ii) bear interests at the rate that equals the benchmark interest rate set by The People’s Bank of China (“PBOC Interest Rate”) from time to time;
(iii) be unsecured; and (iv) be for a term ending onthe second
[...] anniversary of the issuance ofthe JV Business Licence.
董事会及薪酬委员会年均非执行董事於本公司之职责、公司业绩及当时普遍市况,检讨及厘定所有独立非执行 [...]
The remunerationof all Independent Non-executive [...]
Directors of the Company will be reviewed annually by the Board and the
Remuneration Committee with reference to their duties and responsibilities with the Company, the Company’s performance and the prevailing market situation.
根据联合国 系统 31 个实体中的 29
[...] 在联合国系统的地位的报告(A/65/334)指出,除了在未叙职级别(即助理秘书长 和以上级别)女性代表平均增加了超过 1 个百分点(报告所述 2007 年 12 月312009 年 12 月31年均1.75%)之外,其他所有职等的年均增 长率都不足 1 个百分点。
Based on statistics provided by 29 of 31 entities of the United Nations system, the report of the Secretary-General to the General Assembly on the Improvement of the Status of Women in the United Nations system (A/65/334) reported that except at the ungraded levels (i.e., Assistant Secretary-General and above), where the representation of women increased by more than one percentage point on average (an
average annual
[...] increase of 1.75 percent over a two-year reporting period from 31 December2007 to 31 December 2009),the average annual increase [...]
was less than one
percentage point per year for all other levels.
然而,由于在拉 塔基亚发生袭击事件造成两名监察人员受伤,汽车遭到严重破坏,两个 小组于 2012110日均大马士革。
However, both returned to Damascus on 10 January 2012 owing to attacks thatled tothe injury of two of the monitors in Latakia and material damage to the cars.
在国际人道主义法范围内,1949四公约》共同第三条以及《第二议定书》第十八条(上文第 86 和 87 段引述了这 两)人道主义组织有权在发生冲突时表示援助意向。
In the context of international humanitarian law, common article 3 of the 1949 GenevaConventions and article 18 of Protocol II (both quoted in paras. 86 and 87 above) recognize the right of humanitarian organizations to offer their assistance in the case of conflict.
在长期照料方面,不论是机构还是家 大量重要的人权问 题,实现其自由和人身安全权、隐私权、行动自由权、言论自由权、免 遭酷刑或其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇的权利、人格完整权、适足生活水 准权和可达到的最高水准的身心健康权方面面临的挑战很常见,但是没有得到适 当的应对。
Particular challenges for the realization by older persons of the right to liberty and security of person, the right to privacy, freedom of movement, freedom of expression, freedom from torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, the right to personal integrity, the right to an adequate standard of living and the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, among others, are common but have often not been adequately regulated.
目前已起草关于改善俄罗斯打击洗钱和资助恐怖主义系统的措施计划,并正20081110VP-P13-6722 号指令和反洗钱金融行动任务组关于 [...]
A plan setting out measures to improve the Russian system to combat moneylaundering and the financing of terrorism has been drawn up and is being implemented in line with
Government Instruction No.
[...] VP-P13-6722 of 10 November 2008and in thelight of the recommendations [...]
contained in the report
of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) on the Russian Federation.
定,承诺为了获得下表 1 所列资助数额,将1规定费限额和本协定规定的效绩目标,并 照年行方案中的详细规定,消除其附件 A 第 一物质的全部消费量。
By this Agreement, Nigeria commits that in exchange for the funding level specified belowin Table 1, it will eliminate its total Annex A, Group I substances in accordance with the annual [...]
consumption limits
given in Table 1 and the performance targets in this Agreement and as detailed in the annual implementation programmes.
(a) 关于自上次报告前一年以来的附有 照日的数据的进展情况的陈述 报告,介绍国家在淘汰各种物质方面的情况,不同活动对其的影响以及这些
(a) A narrative
[...] report, with data provided by calendar year, regarding [...]
the progress since the year prior to the previous
report, reflecting the situation of the Country in regard to phase out of the Substances, how the different activities contribute to it, and how they relate to each other.
也在同次会议上,委员会通过了商定结论草案,并决定20087242 008/29 号决议将其转递经济及社会理事会,作为对 [...]
2011 年年度部级长审 查的投入(见第一章,A 节)。
Also at the same meeting, the Commission adopted the draft agreed conclusions, and decided to transmit them to the Economic and Social
Council, in accordance with its
[...] resolution 2008/29 of24July 2008, asan input to the [...]
annual ministerial review of 2011 (see chap. I, sect. A).
企 业 所 得 税 — 本 集 团2008''施 的《中 华 人 民 共 和 国 企 业 所 得 税 法 》,按 应 纳 税 所 得 额 计 算 企 业 所 得 税。
Enterprise income tax — InaccordancewiththeLawonEnterpriseIncomeTaxpromul gatedon ' January2008, enterprise income tax was payable by the Group on its taxable income.
在此情况下,二零一球金融市场来说充满挑战,特 别是政府对主权债务问题的反应及财政政策, 日均资者信心 及 行为 产 生 重 大 的 影 响,而 这 则 对 我 们 许 多 商 品 的 定 价 产 生 影 响, 虽 然 对 终 端 需 求 的 影 响 相 对 温 和。
Against this backdrop, the second half of2011 was a challenging period for global financial markets
[...] in particular, with governments’ reactions to sovereign debt issues and fiscal policies havingastrong dailyinfluenceon investor sentiment and behaviour.
此后,在第二十次会议上,缔约方注意到厄瓜多 尔已提交上述行动计划,划,厄瓜多尔明确承诺在不影响《蒙特利尔议定书》财 务机制运行的情况下,减少甲基溴的消费量,使得甲基溴消费量在 2008 年以及之后到 2014 年的年均 过 52.8 ODP 吨;除缔约方可能准许关键用途外,2015 年不超过零 ODP 吨(见第 XX/16 号决定)。
Subsequently, at their 20th meeting, the Parties recorded Ecuador’s submission of such a plan of action, under which, without prejudice to the operation of the financial mechanism of the Montreal
Protocol, Ecuador specifically committed
[...] itself to, inter alia, reducing MB consumption to no greater than: 52.8 ODP tonnes in 2008 and in each subsequent calendar year until 2014; and zero ODP tonnes in 2015, save for critical uses that may be authorized by the Parties (decision XX/16).
201212谷物和油籽期权日均量为 158,557 口合约,为 126,724 口合 约,同比增长 25.12%。
Average daily volume forDecember 2012 Grain and Oilseed options was 158,557 contracts, compared with [...]
126,724 during December
2011, an increase of 25.12 percent.
2011范法》的制度, 采购实体采取的任何决定或行动被指称不符合采购法规定,声称由于这一所指 称的不合规决定或行动而遭受了损失或损害或者可能遭受损失或损害的供应商 或承包 此种决定或行动提出质疑。
Underthe 2011 regime, any decision or action by the procuring entity allegedly not in compliance with the provisions of the procurement law may be challenged by suppliers or contractors that claim to have suffered or claim that they maysuffer loss or injury because of such alleged non-compliance.
201212场外(OTC)玉米跨月掉期日均量为 196 口合约,为 379 口 合约,同比降低 48.28%。
Average dailyvolumefor December 2012 cleared OTC Corn Calendar Swaps was 196 contracts, compared with 379 [...]
during December 2011, a decrease of 48.28 percent.
2000414的《关于给予特定群体特殊社会保障的法律》 (第 933-XIV 号),可以将记名补贴理解为为以前赋予的特权交易支付的金钱、公 用事业费 – 供暖、冷热水供应(冷水加热)、烹饪和取暖用天燃气、污水处理、 (固体和液体)垃圾清运、电梯、建筑维修或租赁等费用。
Within the meaning of the Law on special social protection of certain categories of population No. 933-XIV from 14 April 2000, nominative allowance is understood as payment of money in exchange of privileges previously given; and public utility services – heating, cold and hot water (heating of cold water), natural gas used for cooking and heating, sewage disposal, garbage evacuation (both solid and liquid), elevators, building’s maintenance or rent.
Featherlight, withalight fruity scent, it promotes an incredibly natural-looking tan, with or withoutthe sun.
叙利亚和其他阿拉伯国家一道通过 2002
年《阿 拉伯和平倡议》,始终努力争取实现和平以及和平所
[...] 需一切:恢复所有阿拉伯权利,包括以色列全部撤离 所有被占领土,撤回到 196764线;以 及1948第 194(III)号决议解决巴勒斯坦 难民问题。
Syria, along with other Arab countries, has worked, through the adoption of the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative, to achieve peace and all that peace entails: the restoration of all Arab rights, including Israel’s
total withdrawal from
[...] all occupied territories to the line of4 June 1967, and the settlement of Palestinian [...]
refugees as set
forth in General Assembly resolution 194 (III) of 1948.
塞尔维亚政府和大多数科索沃塞族人20081126全理事会 主席声明(S/PRST/2008/44)和我 2008 年 11 月 24 日的报告,接受在科索沃部署 欧洲联盟驻科索沃法治特派团(欧盟驻科法治团),条件是它须充分遵守第 1244(1999)号决议并在联合国的总体领导下,在联合国地位中立的框架范围内运 作。
In line with the Security Council’s presidential statement of 26 November 2008 (S/PRST/2008/44) and my report of 24 November 2008, the Government of Serbia and a majority of Kosovo Serbs have accepted the deployment of the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) on condition that it would fully respect resolution 1244 (1999) and that it would operate under the overall authority of the United Nations and within its status-neutral framework.
董事认为,按独立第三方将可取得之可供比较劳工及原材料费条款为基准,并照 日务过程中就生产服务收取委托人之全部加工订单费计金额计算之 各百分比率(盈利比率除外),预期为相等於或高於2.5%但少於25%,惟预期年度代 价会高於10,000,000港元但少於年度上限。
the Directors consider that each of the percentage ratios (other than the profits ratio) calculated by reference to the annual aggregate sum of all Subcontracting Order Fees to be received from and the Principal in the ordinary course of business in respect of the Production Service on the basis of comparable terms of labour and raw material charges that will be made available to independent third parties, is anticipated to be equal to or more than 2.5% but less than 25%, but the annual consideration is expected to be more than HK$10,000,000 and less than the Annual Cap.
最后,我认为应当在此指出,欧洲议会在最近关于20113月9其 的进展报告的决议中呼吁土耳其及其下属地方行政当局“避免在岛上建立新的土 耳其人定居点,因为此举会改变该岛的人口平衡,减少土耳其人对以共同的历史 为基础的未来共同国家的效忠”,并应“公约》和国际法原则解决 岛上土耳其人的定居问题”。
In closing, I consider it pertinent to note that, among others, the European Parliament, in its recent resolution
on Turkey’s 2010
[...] progress report of 9 March 2011, called on Turkey and its subordinate local administration “to refrain from any new settlements of Turkish citizens on the island, as this would continue to change its demographic balance and reduce the allegiance of its citizens to a future common State based on its common past” and to “address the issue of the settlement of Turkish citizens on the island, in accordance with the Geneva Convention and [...]
the principles of international law”.
正如我在 201066日照提供给各位常 驻代表和常驻观察员的背景文件中提到的那样,本次 [...]
高级别会议将包括一次开幕全体会议和一次非正式 小组讨论会,然后是一次正式全体会议。
As mentioned in my background document to
Permanent Representatives and Permanent
[...] Observers inanote dated 6June2010, this high-level [...]
meeting will consist of an opening
plenary meeting and an informal panel discussion followed by a formal plenary meeting.
仲裁庭有权责令退回或销毁根据合同提供的货物或任何财产(不论是有 形还是无形的)或任何机密资料,有权命令终止合同,或命令酌情对根据合 同提供的货物、服务或任何其他财产(不论是有形还是无形的)或任何机密资 料采取任何其他保护措施,这一 法委员会《仲裁规则》第 26 条(“临时保护措施”)和第 32 条(“裁决的形式和效力”)赋予仲裁庭的权 力而进行。
The arbitral tribunal shall be empowered to order the return or destruction of goods or any property, whether tangible or intangible, or of any confidential information provided under the Contract, order the termination of the Contract, or order that any other protective measures be taken with respect to the goods, services or any other property, whether tangible or intangible, or of any confidential information provided under the Contract, as appropriate, all in accordance with the authority of the arbitral tribunal pursuant to Article 26 (‘Interim Measures of Protection’) and Article 32 (‘Form and Effect of the Award’) of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules.




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