

单词 年事

年事 ()

years of age



old in years

External sources (not reviewed)

政府的各部委,如教育部,农业部,社会与 年事 务 部 以及与青年人打交道的非政府 组织也会成为协调机制的一部分。
Government ministries such as those of education, agriculture, social
[...] community and youth affairs, as well as NGOs [...]
working with youth are also expected to
be part of this coordinating mechanism.
家庭法典》第二部分 X 标题第 328 条 规 定:“当一个未成年人的健康、安全、 精神 或教育,由于父 母或 监护人的不 道 德或无能, 遭 到 破坏或者未得到足够 保护时, 或 由于未成年人的不 端行为或不守 纪 律,使 父 母或 监护人极 为不 满 或者使 他 们无 法履行指 导 职责时,年事务法官 按规定,或 在公共部长的要求 下 、 或者在 父母 或 监护人的要求 下, 可以决定让 该 未成年人在一定时期内(这个时间不可以超过其成年的时间),接受社会助理的定期 到访,或者接受监视自由制度的管理”。
Section II, title X, article 328 of the Family Code states: “When the health, safety, morality or education of a minor are jeopardized or insufficiently protected owing to the immoral behaviour or disability of the father and mother or of the person accorded the right of guardianship, or when, owing to misconduct or unruly behaviour, a minor gives these individuals cause for very serious dissatisfaction or renders them incapable of exercising guidance, the juvenile judge may on his own initiative, at the behest of the public prosecutor or at the behest of the father, mother or guardian, rule that the minor shall, for a period not to extend beyond the date of his coming of age, be visited regularly by a social worker or placed on probation.
在 “近年”之前加上“青年人為香港社會支柱,”;在“批評;”之後刪 除 “ 及 ” ;及在緊接句號之前加上“ ; (五 ) 重新組成十八區青年議 會,並設立恆常機制,由當區學校及青年組織派青年人擔任代表,
以便有效地推動地區青年活動及服務;(六 ) 增加舉行青年論壇,
[...] 讓青年人可以面對官員提出意見,讓政府吸納不同青年人聲音; 及 (七 ) 檢討年事務委 員會架構運作,並且評估對推動 年事務 的 成效和推行青年人自我提名機制加入委員會,增加參與機會及 委員會的認受性”。
To add "young people are the pillar of the Hong Kong society," after "That"; to delete "and" after "criticism;"; and to add "; (e) to establish afresh the youth councils in the 18 districts, and to set up a permanent mechanism for schools and youth organizations of the respective districts to send young people as delegates, so as to effectively promote youth activities and services in the districts; (f) to hold more youth forums, so that young people can put forward their opinions to officials in person and the Government can listen to various voices of young people; and (g) to review the structure and
operation of the
[...] Commission on Youth, and to assess its effectiveness in promoting youth affairs, as well as to implement [...]
a self-nominating
mechanism for young people to join the Commission, so as to enhance their chances of participation and the Commission's recognition " immediately before the full stop.
纳瓦霍部落代表克里丝塔.李在年事 务 讨 论会上发言,该会议是联合国土著问题常设论坛的场外边会。
Crystal Lee, representing the Navajo people, speaks at the youth panel, a side event to the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.
第 四,民政事務局與年事務委 員會會檢討 委 員會轄 下的各項青年發展 [...]
計劃, 包 括 各項撥 款 資 助 活動的 計劃, 以確保這些計劃能有效地 配 合 整體青 年發展 的 目 標 , 以 及 社 會 在 這 方面的 期望。
Fourthly, the Home Affairs Bureau and the [...]
Commission on Youth will review the various youth development programmes under
the sponsorship of the Commission, which include the various activities financed by allocated funds, so as to ensure that these programmes can tie in effectively with the overall objectives of youth development as well as the expectations of society in this area.
教育和年事务部 自 1992-1993 年开始制定母语和国家语言教育计划,包 [...]
Since 1992–1993, the Ministry of
[...] Education and Youth has been developing [...]
educational plans for studies in mother tongue
and state language, as well as study plans on teaching the mother tongue as a study subject.
此外委员会还关注的是,这项服务难以将受害者的 电话转给负责青年事务的市政秘书处,这是由于各种机构间缺乏协调,也由于 没有切实的制度来进行后续处理工作,因为接到的电话太多。
Furthermore, the Committee is concerned at the difficulties that this service faces regarding the transfer of calls from victims to the municipal secretariats for the rights of childhood and adolescence owing to a lack of coordination among the various institutions, as well as at the lack of an effective system for follow-up due to the high number of calls received.
(d) 采取必要步骤确保司法体制中从事与儿童相关工作的人、 年事 务法 官、监狱人员、假释工作人员等获得适当的培训
(d) Take the necessary steps to ensure that persons working with children in the justice system, juvenile judges, prison officers, probation officers etc. receive appropriate training
非暴力、非性别歧视等方面的知识;市青年办公室以及市级青年委员会组织人权 方面的培训;就尊重青年人权问题向社会征求意见;进一步将涉及青年人权以及
[...] 道德观念等题目的教育纳入国家基本教育大纲,并且计划设立一个国家级 年事 务检察院,负责维护青年人的权利。
In terms of human rights, the National Institute for Youth runs a school for parents on young people’s human rights and living together without violence or gender discrimination, organizes human rights training in the Municipal Youth Office and municipal youth commissions, organizes a social audit on implementation of young people’s human rights, supports inclusion of courses on young people’s human rights
and ethical values in the National Core
[...] Curriculum, and a proposal to establish [...]
a special prosecutor for young people at the
national level to defend their rights.
2005 年 7 月 7 日伦敦公共交通遭到爆炸袭击之后,英国内政大臣查尔斯·克拉克宣布,他将 利用他的权力,从英国驱逐任何试图以任何方式方法策动恐怖主义行为或煽动他人实施此类行 为的外国人,包括:(1) 编写、编制、出版或分发材料;(2) 公开演讲,尤其是说教;(3) 管 理网站;(4) 利用责任职位(如教师、社区领导或 年事 务 领 导人)表达下列意见:(a) 策动、 辩解或美化为某些信念服务的恐怖主义暴力;(b) 寻求煽动他人实施恐怖行为;(c) 策动其他 严重犯罪活动或寻求煽动他人实施严重罪行;(d) 灌输可能在英国引起族群间暴力的仇恨。
Following the London transport system bombings of 7 July 2005, the British Home Secretary Charles Clark announced that he will use his powers to deport from the United Kingdom any non-United Kingdom citizen who attempts to foment terrorism or provokes others to commit terrorist acts, by any means or medium, including: (1) writing, producing, publishing or distributing material; (2) public speaking, including preaching; (3) running a website; or (4) using a position of responsibility, such as teacher, community or youth leader to express views which: (a) foment, justify of glorify terrorist violence in furtherance of particular beliefs, (b) seek to provoke others to terrorist acts, (c) foment other serious criminal activity or seek to provoke others to serious criminal acts, or (d) foster hatred which might lead to inter-community violence in the United Kingdom.
另專頁亦包括年事件敘 列,羅列了自回歸以來的重大事件。
Besides, this feature page also includes a chronology of significant events which lists out big events since the handover.
还有人以工商非政府组织、环境非政府组织、农民非政府组织、地方 政府和市政当局、工年事务非 政府组织以及妇女和性别问题非政府组织的名义 发了言。
Statements were also made on behalf of the business and industry non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the environmental NGOs, the farmers NGOs, local government and municipal authorities, the youth NGOs and the women and gender NGOs.
OIJ 的具体目标是:(i) 鼓励会员国努力提高该地区青年的生活质量;(ii) 加强负责年 事务的 政府结构,加强机构与直接参与制定青年政策的部门之间的合作;(iii) 促进会员国之 间以及国际组织、非政府组织和青年组织之间的合作;(iv) 当国际组织和实体开展与青年有 关的计划和项目时,发挥咨询机构的作用。
OIJ objectives are to: (i) Encourage the efforts of the member states aiming at improving the quality of life of young people in the region; (ii) Strengthen governmental structures for the youth, as well as cooperation between institutions and sectors directly involved in policies for the youth; (iii) Promote cooperation between Member States as well as international organizations, NGOs, and youth organizations; and (iv) Act as a consulting agent for international organizations and entities when carrying out programmes and projects related to youth.
来自南方各族州妇女、儿童及青 年事 务 署的伊尔加(Yirga)女士及其他团队成员在联合国儿童基金会的支持下,接受了有关照看儿童并帮助他们与家人团聚的培训。
Ms. Yirga and the rest of the team from the SNNPR Bureau of Women,
[...] Children and Youth Affairs were trained [...]
with the support of UNICEF to provide care
for the children and reunite them with their families.
(a) 缔约国成立了平等机会委员会及平等机会业务办公室、儿童和 年事 务监 察专员办公室以及受害者援助办公室
(a) The establishment of the Equal Opportunities Commission with its operational Office of Equal Opportunities, the Ombuds Office for Children and Young People and the Victims Assistance Office
1996年,事务所受邀与科尔诺娱乐中心(贝加莫省)一起参加威尼斯第六届国际建筑展的意大利部分; 2 0 0 2 年 , 事 务 所 受邀参加国际石材建筑展,同时与House in Leffe一起参加了在日本东京举行的题为“从未来主义到可能的未来”的意大利建筑展;2008年,Nembro图书馆的设计被选用于伦敦设计博物馆中展览,2010年,在第七届威尼斯国际建筑展的背景下,事务所参加了“AILATI未来的思考”展。
In 1996 it was invited to participate in the Italian section of the VI International Architecture Exhibition of Venice with the Amusement Centre of Curno (BG); in 2002 it was invited [...]
to participate in
the International Stone Architecture Exhibition and in the exhibition of Italian architecture in Tokyo titled “From futurism to a possible future” with the House in Leffe; in 2008 the design of the Nembro Library was selected for the exhibition of the Design Museum of London, and in 2010 it participated in the show “AILATI Riflessi dal futuro” within the context of the XII International Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennial.
年齡由十五至二十四歲的年青人可由今日(九月十八日)起,登入 年事 務 委 員會網站www.coy.gov.hk,報名參加於十一月二十四日舉辦的「青年高峰會議2012」,就他們所關注的課題與政府官員及嘉賓交換意見。
Starting from today (September 18), young people aged from 15 to 24 can log on to the Commission on Youth (COY)'s website (www.coy.gov.hk) and sign up to participate in the Youth Summit 2012 to be held on November 24 and exchange their views on issues of concern with government officials and guests.
青年交流會是年事務委 員會舉辦的一系列活動之一,目的是讓青年人有更多機會與政府官員就他們關注的議題表達及交換意見。
The Youth Exchange Session is one of the activities organised by the COY to provide young people with opportunities to exchange views with government representatives on topics of concern.
针对青年失业问题(该问题仍是对巩固和平进程 的重大挑战),新成立了青年就业与体育部,还任命 了国家年事务专员和成立了国家 年事 务 委 员会, 以便提供政策框架和确保执行,从而为青年真正参与 国家发展铺平道路。
In response to youth unemployment, which remains a significant challenge to the peace consolidation process, a new Ministry of Youth Employment and Sports has been established and a national Youth Commissioner and Board have been appointed to provide the policy framework and implementation that would pave way for the meaningful participation of young people in national development.
[...] 香港回歸十週年專頁,收錄民研計劃十年來各項社會議題的調查之結果,當中包括數表、圖表、分析評論及回歸十 年事 件 敘列等,歡迎任何媒體及市民參閱。
As the 10th Anniversary of HKSAR is approaching, the Public Opinion Programme (POP) at the University of Hong Kong has set up a HKSAR 10th Anniversary feature page,
which is a collection of survey results of
[...] various social issues over the past [...]
10 years, in the "HKU POP SITE" (http://hkupop.hku.hk).
为了确保罗姆人子弟得到高等教育的机会,2003 年教育和年事务部 在每 个公立高等教育机构,为罗姆人子弟保留了 2 个预算资金资助的名额和 2 个预算 外资金资助的名额。
In order to ensure access to higher education of the children of Roma origin, in 2003 the Ministry of Education and Youth reserved 2 places with budgetary and 2 places with extra-budgetary financing therefore at each higher education state institution.
人口基金与国际移民组织合作,支持非洲联盟委员会及其新伙伴关系方案设 立非洲联盟青年志愿者团,其设立得到 2010 年非洲联盟主管年事务部长会议 赞同。
UNFPA, with the collaboration of IOM, supported the African Union Commission and its NEPAD programme in the establishment of the African
Union Youth Volunteers
[...] Corps, which was endorsed by the 2010 Conference of African Union Ministers Responsible for Youth.
从 2006 年开始,人权办公室进行机构重组并重新确立战略行动路线,成 为如今的人权事务处,人权事务处的工作重点是:儿童和青 年事 务 、 种族事 务、土著居民事务以及国际事务(针对美洲国家间人权体系)。
It took that opportunity to undertake a structural reorganization and harmonize its strategic lines of action with its aims and mission, according priority to the following thematic areas: children and adolescents, gender, indigenous affairs, and international cases examined by the Inter-American human rights system.
在本报告所述期间,由 Bossa(主审)、Tuzmukhamedov 和 Rajohnson 法官组 成的第三审判分庭的一个审判组继续就曾任 年事 务 部 部长的被告 Callixte Nzabonimana 案进行审理和起草判决书。
A section of Trial Chamber III, composed of Judges Bossa, presiding, Tuzmukhamedov and Rajohnson, continued deliberations and judgement drafting during the reporting period in the case against Callixte Nzabonimana, the former Minister of Youth.
年 內 董 事 和 監 事 年 度 報 酬 的 進 一 步 詳 情 載 列 於 按 香 港 財 務 [...]
報 告 準 則 編 製 的 財 務 報 表 註 釋'。
Further details
[...] of the remuneration of Directors and Supervisors for the [...]
year are set out in Note 8 to the financial statements
prepared in accordance with HKFRSs.
经济学院政治和国际研究中心理事会 事 ( 1 9 96 - 20 04 年);美洲国际法协会成员 (1987-1996 [...]
年);高等教育最高理事会经济、法律和政治研究委员会成员 (2004-2009 年);埃及促进国际人道主义法委员会成员(1996-2004 年);全国人 权委员会主席顾问(2005 年);主管多边事务的外交部长助理(2002-2005 年)。
He was a
[...] member of the Board of Directors of the Centre for [...]
Future Studies, Suez Canal University (1996-2004); a member of the Board of Directors of the Centre of Political
and International Studies, Faculty of Economics, Cairo University (1996-2004); a member of the American Society of International Law (1987-1996); a member of the Committee on Economic, Legal and Political Studies at the Supreme Council for Higher Education (2004-2009); a member of the Egyptian Committee for the Promotion of International Humanitarian Law (1996-2004); Adviser to the Chairman of the National Council on Human Rights (2005); and Assistant Foreign Minister for Multilateral Affairs (2002-2005).
至于国防部方面(军队),防范小组委员会在相关报告的第 35 段中曾指出,
[...] 对于军方在驱散示威人群时过度使用武力,以及封锁道路阻止向示威人群提供 人道主义援助事(2009 年 8 月 14 日乔洛马市大桥事件)表示担忧,而军方的作 [...]
With regard to the role of the Ministry of Defence (Armed Forces), and with reference to paragraph 35 of the report, in which the Subcommittee
expresses its concern at the excessive
[...] use of force by military personnel in dispersing [...]
some demonstrations (clearing the
bridge in Choloma on 14 August 2009), the blocking of roads to prevent humanitarian assistance reaching demonstrators, and arrests, this was done to maintain law and order in the context of the institutional crisis and the curfew.
马来西亚科学院院士(2010 年、2006 年);Jantung Negara 研究所客座顾问 医师(2000-2002 年);马来亚大学医学院医学系:副教授(1999-2001 年)、讲师 (1996-1999 年);澳大利亚墨尔本费尔菲尔德传染病医院:临床研究员(1995-1996 年)、传染病高级住院医师(1992-1994
年);澳大利亚墨尔本奥斯汀医院传染病住 院医师(1994-1995 年);澳大利亚墨尔本 Monash 医学中心住院医师(1990-1992
[...] 年);澳大利亚墨尔本亨利王子医院 Monash 医学中心驻院医务事(1988-1990 年)。
Fellow, Academy of Science Malaysia (2010, 2006); Visiting Consultant Physician, Institut Jantung Negara (2000-2002); University Malaya, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medicine: Associate Professor (1999-2001), Lecturer (1996-1999); Fairfield Infectious Diseases Hospital, Melbourne, Australia: Clinical Research Fellow (1995-1996), Senior Infectious Diseases Registrar (1992-1994); Infectious Diseases Registrar, Austin Hospital, Melbourne, Australia (1994-1995); Medical Registrar, Monash Medical
Centre, Melbourne, Australia (1990-1992);
[...] Resident Medical Officer, Prince Henry’s [...]
Hospital, Monash Medical Centre, Melbourne, Australia (1988-1990).
2008 年 11
[...] 月初,SADC 的国家元首们被协议执行 的缓慢速度激怒,呼吁津巴布韦政党从速组成联合 政府,不再提及制裁事。71 2009 年 1 月 ,已经对 津巴布韦政府应对 2008 年选举暴力的政策感到恼 火的欧盟,认为津巴布韦的局势没有取得足够的进 [...]
步,在其旅行禁令名单上增加了 26 名 ZANU-PF
的 成员,被冻结资产的公司数目也从 4 家增至 40 家。
The EU and others adopted a “wait-and-see” approach, and in some respects, their caution was validated by ZANU-PF’s unilateralism during the last months of 2008.70 In early November,
exasperated by slow
[...] implementation, SADC heads of state appealed to the parties to form an inclusive government without further delay and made no mention [...]
of sanctions.71
In January 2009, the EU, which had been agitating for a response to the 2008 electoral violence, concluded there had been inadequate progress, added 26 ZANU-PF names to its travel ban list and increased the number of companies whose assets were frozen from four to 40.72 This set the tone for future relations between the sanctioners and the sanctioned.
之前,在 1997 年至 1999 年間,她擔任 Rockport
[...] Capital Incorporated 的管理事,1993 年至 1997 年間則是 Sallie Mae 的行銷執行副總裁,1985 [...]
年至 1993 年間,則擔任 Sallie
Mae 機構與公共財務及策略規劃部門的資深副總裁。
Previously, she was Managing Director of Rockport Capital Incorporated [...]
from 1997 to 1999, Executive Vice President–Marketing
of Sallie Mae from 1993 to 1997, and Senior Vice President heading Sallie Mae's Institutional and Public Finance and Strategic Planning Divisions from 1985 to 1993.




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