

单词 年下



last-half year


ten years of practice for one minute on the stage [idiom.]

External sources (not reviewed)

2002 年下单时,在中国获得成功的大量参考机器是我们选择 Voith Paper 作为供应商的决定因素。
When the order was placed in 2002, the large number of successful reference machines in China was the decisive factor for choosing Voith Paper as the supplier.
直至 2011 年下半年前, 阿法尔联阵战斗员也在红海省北部的Ghelaalo地区 接受训练。
Until late 2011, ARDUF fighters were also trained in the Ghelaalo area, in northern Red Sea Province.
新增開支主要與我們於年下半年所 發 射新衛星引致之在軌保險有 關。
This increase was related substantially to in-orbit insurance incurred for our new satellite,
[...] launched in the second half of last year.
鑒於香港經濟持續低迷,失業率高達5.3%,同時消費物價指數已 連續3年下滑, 通縮日益惡化,而本港各類公共交通服務的收費依 [...]
然高企,交通費佔了市民生活開支一個甚大的比例,本會促請政 府與各公共交通機構磋商,鼓勵各機構因應其個別營運情況,調 低收費或提供優惠給乘客,以減輕市民負擔。
That, as Hong Kong's economy remains in the doldrums with the unemployment
rate rising to 5.3%, the Consumer
[...] Price Index falling for three consecutive years, and the [...]
worsening deflationary situation,
while the fares of various public transport services remain high, and transport expenses account for a large proportion of the public's living expenses, this Council urges the Government to discuss with various public transport operators and encourage them to take account of their respective operating conditions and reduce their fares or offer concessions to passengers, thereby alleviating the burden on the public.
不过意大利提交了一份 清单,列有自 2009 年下半年以来同以下国家签署或正在谈判的关于进行国际警 察反恐活动的协定、技术性谅解备忘录和双边备忘录:安哥拉、亚美尼亚、阿塞 拜疆、白俄罗斯、爱沙尼亚、俄罗斯联邦、格鲁吉亚、加纳、哈萨克斯坦、黎巴 嫩、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、尼日尔、葡萄牙、沙特阿拉伯、塞内加尔、塞尔维亚、 南非和土耳其。
However, it provided a list of agreements, technical understandings and bilateral memorandums for international police cooperation relating to terrorism signed or under negotiation since the second half of 2009 with Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, the Russian Federation, Georgia, Ghana, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Latvia, Lithuania, Niger, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, South Africa and Turkey.
必须为处理该案文提供足够的时间,以确保整个进程始终由缔约方驱动,因 此,年下半年增加 一届会议十分重要。
It is important that sufficient time be provided for the production of this text in order to ensure that
the process remains Party-driven, and thus the additional
[...] session in the second half of the year will [...]
be very important.
近东救济工程处表示,整个工程处的人力资源战略已最后形成在 2010 年 年底之前执行的人力资源部工作计划;由于外地人力资源部进行调整(所有外地
[...] 人力资源干事将在今后几个月到任),该部计划在 2010 年下半年举行务虚会,为 所有外地办事处制定人力资源计划。
UNRWA stated that the Agency-wide human resources strategy had culminated in the Human Resources Department workplan for implementation through 2010, and that due to field Human Resources Department restructuring (once “on-boarding” of all field human resources officers is completed in the
coming months), the Department was planning
[...] a retreat in the second half of 2010 to [...]
develop a human resource plan for all field offices.
2004 年 下半年,在 执行局秋季届会之后,还将举行一轮多国磋商,并寻求具有更大的参与性,包括 [...]
教科文组织全国委员会和各国利益相关单位的参与,确定多国层面的优先需求,以供写进 33 C/5 文件。
The organization of a further round of cluster consultations
[...] later in 2004, following the autumn session [...]
of the Executive Board, will seek to
introduce a more participatory process, including the involvement of National Commissions and stakeholders at the national level, in the identification of priority needs at the cluster level, proposed to be included in document 33 C/5.
在武装冲突背景下其他影响到人权和国际人道主义法的发展包括民众集体探 讨桑托斯总统政府2 与游击队集团3 发起实现和平方面的举措之可能性;哥伦比
[...] 亚革命武装力量-人民军一些最重要的军事指挥官在作战中死去的情况;被绑架 人员的获得解救和释放;以及年下 半 年 敌 对 行动的加剧。
Other developments impacting human rights and international humanitarian law in the context of the armed conflict include public reflections about possibilities for peacerelated initiatives of the Government of President Santos2 and guerrilla groups;3 the death in combat of some of the most important military commanders of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia –
People’s Army (FARC-EP); the rescue and release of kidnapped persons; and increased
[...] hostilities in the second half of the year.
二零一年下半年的 表 現因濕貨運費下降(鑒於我們面臨長期但程度持續降低的定期租船風險)及石油市場環 [...]
H2  2011 performance was impacted by lower wet freight [...]
rates (given our long, but continuously reducing exposure to time
charters) and a more challenging oil market environment which provided fewer opportunities.
虽然预测不同肉食性鱼类和甲壳类物种饲料中鱼油含量也将在未来 年下降 0.5–7.0%,但水产养殖领域使用鱼油的量可能在长期将增加,尽管缓慢。
Although it is projected that fish-oil inclusion in the diets for different carnivorous fish and crustacean
species will also be reduced by 0.5–7.0
[...] percent over the next ten years, the use [...]
of fish oil by the aquaculture sector will
probably increase in the long run, albeit slowly.
关于以色列修建安全隔离墙问题的咨询意见已 发表五年,下面几点令人关注:尽管国际法院发表 [...]
意见,隔离墙修建工作已完成三分之二;以色列藐视 国际法院裁决,违反了作为联合国会员和主权国家应 承担的义务;联合国无力推动执行国际法院裁决,再 次表明巴勒斯坦人的权利未获尊重,以色列享有事实
上的有罪不罚;以色列安全部队粗暴镇压巴勒斯坦人 的和平示威。
The fifth anniversary of the advisory opinion [...]
on the construction of a security wall by Israel called attention to several
points: despite the opinion rendered by the International Court of Justice, construction of the wall was two thirds complete; Israel’s defiance of the Court’s ruling was a violation of its obligations as a Member of the United Nations and as a sovereign State; the failure of the United Nations system to implement the Court’s decision was another indication that Palestinians’ rights were not respected and that Israel enjoyed de facto impunity; and Israeli security forces had brutally repressed non-violent Palestinian demonstrations.
[...] 了与摩洛哥类似的趋势,2009 年急剧上升到 75 吨,随后在 2010 年下降到 23 吨。
Seizures in Algeria followed a trend similar to that in Morocco, with a sharp rise to 75 tons in 2009
[...] followed by a drop to 23 tons in 2010.
它将于年下半年开始 投入商业运营,届时, 240 兆瓦的联合循环电站将为它附近的电网提供电力,以及为 Engro 化学有限公司的化肥厂提供蒸汽,该公司是巴基斯坦最大的尿素肥料生产商之一。
When it begins commercial operation later this year, the 240-MW combined-cycle plant will provide electricity to the grid and steam for a nearby fertilizer plant owned by Engro Chemical Pakistan Limited, one of the largest producers of urea fertilizer in Pakistan.
在未来十年,欧洲经委会区域在世界产出中 的占额预计将继续年下降约 半个百分点,因为其人口和人均收入的增长都低于 世界平均。
The share of the ECE region in
world output is expected to
[...] continue to decline by about half a percentage point each year in the coming [...]
decade since its growth
in population and per capita income is below world averages.
黑山提到了在落实《执行司法改革战略行动计划》方面所开展的许多活 动,2008 年下半 年的行动计划措 施执行报告正 在审议之中,特别是在加强 司法部 门的独立性和效率方 面 , 已 经采取了大 量 的 措 施 。
Montenegro referred to the richness of activities in implementing the Action plan for the implementation of the Strategy for the Reform of Judiciary with the Report on the Implementation of measures from the Action Plan for the second half of 2008 currently under consideration and the high level of measures completed, particularly in the field of strengthening the independence and efficiency of the judiciary.
年下半年期间 在非洲展开的多数贸发会议技术合作活动是在非洲竞争方案 的框架范围内展开的。
Most of UNCTAD technical cooperation activities in
[...] Africa in the second half of 2009 were [...]
undertaken within the frameworks of AFRICOMP.
雄厚的资金储备和有力的 资本账户监管措施,帮助各国在 2011 年下半年的金 融风暴中几乎没有受到太大 冲击:银行抗住了金融风暴,而资本流入的急剧逆转似乎没有太大影响到经济活 动。
Strong reserve positions and capital account regulatory measures helped countries to come relatively
unscathed out of the financial
[...] turmoil of the second half of 2011: banks survived the storm, [...]
while the sharp reversal in capital
inflows did not seem to have affected economic activity too much.
1993 年中期,因特网上只有不到 200 个网站,但是到 2000 年下半年已有2 千万个;到 2005 年因特网用户的数量可望达到 10 亿,虽然大多数仍集中于发达国家(联合国开发计 划署 2001 年)。
In mid-1993, there were fewer than 200 websites on the Internet but by late 2000, there were 20 million; and the number of Internet users is expected to reach 1 billion by 2005, though most of these will still be in the developed countries (UNDP 2001).
充分意识到,乌兹别克斯坦作为全球经济一体化的一部分正在并将继续经受 全球危机所带来的负面且更加严重的影响, 20 08 年下半年制订 了《2009 至 2012 年反危机措施纲要》,将国家经济的具体条件和状况均考虑在内。
The realization that Uzbekistan, as part of an integrated global economic space, was experiencing and would continue to experience the adverse and increasingly harsh effects of the world crisis led to the adoption in late 2008 of a programme of anti-crisis measures for 2009 to 2012 based on the actual state of the country’s economy.
特派团除在 2010 年下半年和 2 011 年上半年 为总统和立法机构选举提供实质性技术和后勤支持 和协调努力外,还在最近几个月把工作重点放在启动 与当局、民间社会及私营部门的对话上,以帮助就治 理问题达成协议,这将推动建立或加强使法治能够妥 善运作的必要机构,而法治是海地政局的关键所在。
In addition to its substantial technical and logistical support and coordination efforts for the presidential and legislative elections during the second half of 2010 and early 2011, in recent months the Mission has focused its efforts on launching a dialogue with the authorities, civil society and the private sector in support of agreements on governability that will promote the creation or strengthening of institutions necessary to the proper functioning of the rule of law, which is critical to Haiti politics.
项目组预见,在四个省(自 2007 年 1 月 1 日)禁止甲基溴的用途,以及禁止使用 超过 70%的甲基溴混合物进行土壤熏蒸的条例从 2007 年下半年开始生效,将使甲基溴的 消费量降至与执行委员会签订的协定中所允许的水平。
The project team expects that the effects of the ban on MB use in four provinces (in place since 1 January 2007) together with the introduction of a regulation prohibiting the use of mixtures with more than 70 per cent of MB for soil fumigation to be enforced in the second semester of 2007, will result in reducing the MB consumption to the level allowed under the agreement with the Executive Committee.
已完全开发的种群的渔获量已十分接 近最大可持续产量,已没有扩大的余地,需要采取有效管理措施才能避免产量下
[...] 降,这部分种群的数量变化幅度最小,其所占比重在1974年至1985年间一直稳 定在50%左右,随后于1989年下降为 43%,而后又逐渐回升,2009年为57%。
The fraction of fully exploited stocks, which produce catches that are very close to their maximum sustainable production and have no room for further expansion and require effective management to avoid decline, has shown the smallest change over time, with its percentage stable at
about 50 percent from 1974
[...] to 1985, then falling to 43 percent [...]
in 1989 before gradually increasing to 57 percent in 2009.
2009年 下 半 年,本 集 團 將 在 加 強 收 款 均 衡 [...]
性 管 理 的 同 時,視 乎 外 部 環 境 的 變 化,適 當 調 整 本 集 團 的 信 貸 策 略,以 將 負 債 率 控 制 在 合 理 水 平。
Inthesecondhalf of 2009, the [...]
Group will adjust its credit policy as appropriate depending on changes in
the external environment while strengthening management to keep payment collection in a balanced manner, with a view to controlling the gearing ratio at a reasonable level.
截至 2011 年下半年,Ji m’ale 积极支持了青年 党,方式是提供免费通信、车辆使用、粮食援助和政治咨询,并通过各种商业团 [...]
As of late 2011, Jim'ale actively supported [...]
al-Shabaab by offering free communications, use of vehicles, food aid and political
advisement and set up fundraisers for al-Shabaab through various business groups.
[...] 事务处根据与准备实行《国际公共部门会计准则》有关的措施,在 2007 年下半年对非 消耗性物品和特殊物 品进行了全面的实物盘点,以核实哪些资产在拆除石棉工作竣工后被移走。
In addition, Operational Support Services initiated a comprehensive
physical inventory of non-expendable and
[...] special items in the second half of 2007 to [...]
verify assets that were moved after completion
of the asbestos removal and in line with measures related to the preparation for the introduction of IPSAS.
於二零一五年項目完成時,第一期廢熱發電廠最終能向電網供應200,000兆瓦時剩餘電力,並將於二零一年 下 半 年 開 始 營 運。
The first phase of the cogeneration plant, eventually capable of supplying 200,000 megawatt hours per annum of surplus electricity to the power grid at maturity of the project in 2015, will become operational during H2 2013.
113.2 倘於董事退任的任何股東大會上,退任董事的職位未有填補,退任董事可繼續任職下 年度下屆股東周年大會,以後如此類推,除非董事名額如上述減少,或除非本公司與股 [...]
113.2 If at any general meeting at which a Director retires, the office(s) of the retiring Director(s) are not filled up the retiring Director(s) may
continue in office until the annual
[...] general meeting in the next year, and so on from [...]
year to year unless the number shall
be reduced as aforesaid or unless the Company at the annual general meeting shall resolve that a retiring Director shall not remain in office.
衍 生 金 融 工 具 如 涉 及下 年 限 超 過12個 月 的 套 期 項 目,則 劃 分 為 非 流 動 資 產 或 非 流 動 負 債,或 如 涉 及下 年限 少 於12個 月 的 套期 項 目,則劃 分 為流 動 資產 或流 動 負債。
The derivative financial instrument is classified as a non-current asset or liability if the remaining maturity of the hedged item is more than 12 months or, as a current asset or liability, if the maturity of the hedged item is less than 12 months.
方法以及使对话有效、可信的条件的立场,尤其是在 大会 2007 年举行的关于宗教间和文化间理解和合作
[...] 以促进和平的高级别对话期间和黎巴嫩共和国总统下 2008 年发表 讲话,支持沙特阿拉伯国王阿卜杜 [...]
The position of Lebanon on the aims, value and methodology of dialogue, as well as on the conditions that make it credible and effective, have been clearly stated on many occasions, notably during the General Assembly’s 2007 High-level Dialogue on Interreligious and Intercultural Understanding
and Cooperation for Peace and in the
[...] address of the His Excellency the President [...]
of the Lebanese Republic in 2008 in support
of the dialogue initiative of King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia.




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