

单词 平顶山市

See also:


Pingdingshan prefecture level city in Henan


flat roof

External sources (not reviewed)

颜盎镇坐落在一座山上, 有一小簇破旧 平顶 石 屋 ,四周绿树成荫,其间点缀着以色列定居者的建筑。
Nestled on a hill, the town of Yanoun is a small cluster of old flat-roofed stone houses, [...]
surrounded on all sides by a leafy
landscape dotted with the buildings of an Israeli settlement.
偏差要做到非常小无论在市的 屋顶还是非洲平原上,Juwi 都要 求大量太阳能板的安装必须做到完美 无缺。
When Juwi is clickmounting hundreds of solar
[...] panels, be it on top of roofs in a big city or in the plains of Africa, [...]
it must work perfectly.
2009 年 11 月,秘书处还与日本山市合作,组织了“在亚洲及平洋创 建一个包容性和无障碍社区问题亚太经社会高山会议”。
The secretariat also
[...] partnered with the city of Takayama, Japan, in November 2009 in organizing the ESCAP Takayama Congress on [...]
the Creation of an Inclusive
and Accessible Community in Asia and the Pacific.
平顶山鲁阳发电厂规划建设六台 1,000 兆瓦超超临界机组。
The Pingdingshan Luyang plant, which [...]
will ultimately feature six 1,000-MW ultra-supercritical units, is being built in phases.
如果政 府能夠 在 制 訂市 規劃的政策 時 , 考慮保 存 我們的 海 岸 山脊 , 維 持 維 港 兩 岸 景 觀 ,例如 獅山 及 太 平 山 , 相 信 也有助 吸引數 量相當 的 遊 客 來 港 。
It is believed that if the
[...] Government, when formulating town planning policies, would consider preserving the outline of our coast and mountains in order to conserve the landscape on both sides of the Victoria [...]
Harbour, for example, the Lion Rock and the Victoria Peak, a large
number of tourists might thus be drawn to Hong Kong.
在这座城市的其他地方,还可以看到夹在公寓楼间的中国古代庙宇,从中飘出的香烟溢满街道;葡国教堂和壁垒矗立 山顶 , 俯瞰 城 市 繁 忙的景象;殖民建筑与现代化办公楼及设施并肩耸立;来澳飞机降落在这座城市的国际机场,而与此同时,古老的中国帆船在铜色的水中像五百年前一样向前航行。
Elsewhere in the city, old chinese temples squeeze between apartment blocks and from there the smell of burning incense wafts onto the streets;
Portuguese churches and
[...] fortresses sit on hilltops overlooking the bustling movement of the city; colonial architecture [...]
stands side by side with modern office tower blocks
and facilities, and incoming aircraft climb down from the sky above to land on the city's International Airport while old Chinese junks cut through the copper waters in much the same way they did five hundred years ago.
某些价格平“保存”市场,如顶 部 和 底部,在那里他们施加强大的阻力或支撑价格的提高,但它通常会被打破克服了高强度的
Certain price levels are "saved" by the market, such as tops and bottoms, where [...]
they exert strong resistance or support
for the advancement of prices, but it will generally be broken overcome with great intensity
平顶山鲁阳 1 号和 2 号机组,综合性数字自动化解决方案包括 Ovation 控制系统、AMS™ Suite:智能设备管理系统和 Scenario® 仿真技术,以及罗斯蒙特和费希尔的 HART® 现场设备。
For Pingdingshan Luyang units 1 and 2, the comprehensive digital automation solution consists of the Ovation control system, AMS™ Suite: Intelligent Device Manager and Scenario® simulation technology, as well as HART® field devices from Rosemount® and Fisher®.
Equinix 汇聚了最大规模的交易所和交平台 、 顶 尖 市 场 数 据供应商、各种服务提供商及数以百计的买方和卖方公司。
Equinix is home to the largest collection of
[...] exchanges and trading platforms, top market data vendors, a [...]
myriad of service providers, and
hundreds of buy-side and sell-side firms.
政府间的盘区在气候控制(IPCC), 1992 年设定劝告联合国接山顶在里约热内卢, 相信, 大气二氧化碳可能由放射的减少只稳定由百分之六十(60%) 在1990 个平上。
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Control (IPCC), set up to advise the United Nations
Earth Summit in Rio de
[...] Janeiro in 1992, believes that atmospheric carbon dioxide can only be stabilized by a reduction of emissions by sixty percent (60%) on 1990 levels.
位于浙江省杭市宝石山北麓 的嘉华国际商务中心,被公认为杭 市 最 顶 级 的 写字楼,更是商业建筑设计界所追捧的模范。
Located at the foot of the picturesque Baoshi Mountain in Hangzhou the Jiahua provides a prestigious location [...]
with a strong cultural and historical identity.
墨西哥当局报告说,在其领土上存在以及进入其领 土的大麻药草绝大部分是经陆路走私;经干燥后,大麻药草借助压力机和液压 千顶被装 在塑料袋内,然后运往墨西哥和其他国家的非 市 场。
Mexican authorities reported that the vast majority of cannabis herb exiting, as well as entering, its territory was smuggled by land; once dried, the cannabis herb was packed in plastic bags with
the help of presses and
[...] hydraulic jacks and then transported to illicit markets, both in Mexico and in other countries.
(b) 一名參與者在介紹另一名參與者加入該項計劃之時或之 後的任何時間收取報酬,而報酬( 不論全部或部分) 並非
[...] 按其本人或該另一名參與者所實際銷售的或透過該另一 名參與者而實際銷售的貨品或服務的 平市 值 而 計算的 ( 粗體字以示強調,為後來加上) 。
(b) a participant receives a reward on, or at any time after, the introduction into the scheme by him of another participant which reward is
based, whether wholly or in part,
[...] otherwise than on the fair market value of goods or [...]
services actually sold by him or by or
through that other participant (emphasis added).
平顶山鲁阳 发电厂的发电量对满足该地区的电力需求十分重要。
The megawatts the Pingdingshan Luyang power plant [...]
will produce are critical to meeting the region's demand for power," said
Hongzhan Wang, I&C director at CPI.
从橄榄山和斯库普山山顶的观景台可以看到,一些高层建筑严重影响了这座历史名 城的市面貌 ,这一影响已无法挽回;1917 年英国托管时期曾颁布法规强令使用石料以保 持城市独特的风格,然而由于建筑施工中新技术以及钢筋混凝土的采用,有时这一规定没有 得到严格执行。
The famous urban landscape of the city is irreversibly affected by a number of high-rise buildings, which can be seen from the key viewpoints of the Mount of Olives or Mount Scopus; the regulation enacted by the British authorities in 1917 to impose the use of stone as a means to preserve the city’s unique character has been sometimes undermined by the use of new technologies in building construction and the use of reinforced concrete.
以一个顶平台俯瞰海洋山脉的 观点,私人游泳池,意大利风格的厨房花岗岩台面和一个大的开放的起居室壁炉特性。
Featuring a roof terrace with sea and mountain views, private swimming [...]
pool, Italian styled kitchen with granite worktops
and a large open plan living area with feature fireplace.
此合同是与中国电力投资集团公司签订的,该集团作 平顶山 煤 业 有限公司战略合作伙伴的成员拥有该发电厂。
The contract was awarded by China Power Investment Corporation (CPI), which owns the plant as part of a strategic
[...] partnership with Pingdingshan Coal Co.
使用平顶山鲁阳 发电厂相同的控制逻辑进行配置后,Scenario 解决方案将提供极为实用的工程分析环境。
Configured using control logic identical to that of the Pingdingshan Luyang plant, the Scenario solution will offer a highly realistic engineering analysis environment.
这家具5000平方英尺的家在一个私人的,绿树浓荫很多W /戴夫·穆雷下坡惠斯山顶的景 色,提供5张/ 7浴场,一个大型开放式厨房,一个大房间,16′天花板和顶棚的户外生活空间。
This furnished 5000 sf home on a private, treed lot w/ Dave Murray
[...] Downhill & Whistler Peak views offers 5 beds/7 baths, a large open plan kitchen; a great room with 16′ ceiling; and a covered [...]
outdoor living space.
山形县山市(KA MINOYAMA City),靠近温泉街的山地村庄以及标高1000米的藏王 平 , 以 此地为中心,引进了以德国的「气候性地形疗法」之疗养方法为基础的健康步行疗养法,推行新的日本型温泉健康保养地之地方都市建设。
Kaminoyama city in Yamagata Prefecture is repositioning it as a destination for spa therapy (Kurort), offering walking sessions [...]
in semi-natural areas
close to the spa resort quarter or Zaobodaira of 1,000 meter above sea level, based on German method called Climatherapy.
令人尊敬的托斯卡纳市科特 那,占据着离锡耶纳和佩鲁贾附近的一座 山 的 山顶。
The venerable Tuscan city of Cortona occupies the peak of a high hill not far from Siena and Perugia.
2011 年工作组建议,在《特遣队所属装备手册》第 3 章附件 A 第 34 段之后
[...] 增加警察装甲保护车辆和警察维持秩序车辆的定义,并为这两类车辆,包括其喷 漆和重新喷漆,确定通用平市价和 干/湿租赁标准偿还率。
The 2011 Working Group recommended that the definitions of a police armoured protected vehicle and of a police crowd control vehicle be added after paragraph 34 of annex A
to chapter 3 of the COE Manual and
[...] establish generic fair market values and standard [...]
dry/wet lease reimbursement rates,
including painting/ repainting, for these two types of vehicle.
該等方法包括採用近 期平市場交 易,參考其他大致類同金融工具的現行市價,現金流貼現分析和期權定價模型。
Such techniques include using recent
[...] arm’s length market transactions; reference to the current market value of another [...]
instrument which
is substantially the same; a discounted cash flow analysis; and option pricing models.
各国的贸易政策选择,包括决定一个合理的保护水平,取 决于各国的发展平、市场规模、顺序和时间安排,以及互补的政策。
The trade policy choices of countries, including determining a reasonable level of protection, depended on
the level of development of the country,
[...] the size of the market, sequencing and [...]
timing, as well as complementary policies.
此外,根据从当地人 那里得到的信息,据称儿童兵仍然与人民民主阵线有关联,其部队有武装,并驻 扎在中非共和国-乍得-苏丹边境三角地带;中沙里 Korbol 山地区的和平、重建 和发展运动中也有儿童。
Furthermore, according to information received from the local population, children allegedly remain associated with FDP, whose forces are armed and stationed in the Central African Republic/Chad/Sudan border triangle; and MPRD in the hills of Korbol in Moyen-Chari.
Jim Gifford:在偏远地区、业务接入受限地区 山顶 基 站,甚至在阿拉斯加冬季华氏零下60度的极寒天气下,中兴通讯的CDMA设备在可靠性和电源方面的表现超出了我们的期望。
Jim Gifford: In the remote areas and restricted access
[...] of our service area, mountain top cell sites, and extreme [...]
Alaska temperatures reaching
-60 Fahrenheit during the winters, the ZTE CDMA network has exceeded our expectations on reliability and capacity power usage.
所选专题为:教育人事政策(关于教育人事政 策的国际研讨会,保加利亚,索菲亚,2003 年 6
月);教育方面的非集中化(关于教育方面 非集中化政策和战略的国际研讨会,阿根廷,布宜诺斯艾利斯,2003 年 6 月/7 月);和资助
[...] 全民教育背景下的教育发展规划(关于资助和实施国家教育规划的国际研讨会、大韩民国山市,2003 年 9 月)。
The selected themes were: education staff policies (International Seminar on Teaching Staff Policies, Sofia, Bulgaria, June 2003); decentralization in education (International Seminar on Decentralization Policies and Strategies in Education, Buenos Aires, Argentina, June/July 2003); and financing education development plans in the context of Education for All
(International Seminar on Financing and Implementing National
[...] Education Plans, Asan-si, Republic of Korea, [...]
September 2003).
第四阶段工作组在 A/C.5/52/39 号文件所载报告中,审查了第三阶段报告公 布的标准,并建议对单一敌对行动或被迫放弃造成主要装备损失或损坏的赔偿必 须达到损失总额等于或超过 25 万美元(依据通用平市价)的门槛,而因秘书处 安排的运输导致的主要装备损失或损坏必须超过装备通用 平市 价的 10%。
In its report contained in document A/C.5/52/39, the Phase IV Working Group reviewed the rates published in the phase III report and recommended that reimbursement of loss or damage of major equipment resulting from a single hostile action or forced abandonment had to meet a
threshold of $250,000
[...] (based on generic fair market value) and that loss or damage of major equipment resulting from transportation arranged by the Secretariat had to be more than 10 per cent of the generic fair market value of the equipment.
它还建议为“特种装备”确定一个门槛值(一 件或一套物品的通用平市价应超过 500 美元,一件或一套物品的使用寿命应超 [...]
It also recommended that a threshold
value be established for “special
[...] case” (the generic fair market value of an item or [...]
set of items should be higher than $500
and the life expectancy of an item or set of items should be greater than one year) and that the threshold value should be reviewed by the next Working Group.




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