单词 | 平顶山 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 平顶山 —Pingdingshan prefecture level city in HenanExamples:平顶山市—Pingdingshan prefecture level city in Henan See also:平顶—flat roof 顶 n—roof n • substitute n 顶—apex • classifier for objects with protruding top, such as hats, tents • (slang) "bump" a forum thread to raise its profile • push to the top • carry on the head • be subjected to (an aerial bombing, hailstorm etc) • go against • crown of the head
此合同是与中国电力投资集团公司签订的,该集团作 为 平顶山 煤 业 有限公司战略合作伙伴的成员拥有该发电厂。 emerson.com | The contract was awarded by China Power Investment Corporation (CPI), which owns the plant as part of a strategic [...] partnership with Pingdingshan Coal Co. emerson.com |
使用与平顶山鲁阳 发电厂相同的控制逻辑进行配置后,Scenario 解决方案将提供极为实用的工程分析环境。 emerson.com | Configured using control logic identical to that of the Pingdingshan Luyang plant, the Scenario solution will offer a highly realistic engineering analysis environment. emerson.com |
平顶山鲁阳发电厂规划建设六台 1,000 兆瓦超超临界机组。 emerson.com | The Pingdingshan Luyang plant, which [...] will ultimately feature six 1,000-MW ultra-supercritical units, is being built in phases. emerson.com |
平顶山鲁阳 发电厂的发电量对满足该地区的电力需求十分重要。 emerson.com | The megawatts the Pingdingshan Luyang power plant [...] will produce are critical to meeting the region's demand for power," said [...]Hongzhan Wang, I&C director at CPI. emerson.com |
对于平顶山鲁阳 1 号和 2 号机组,综合性数字自动化解决方案包括 Ovation 控制系统、AMS™ Suite:智能设备管理系统和 Scenario® 仿真技术,以及罗斯蒙特和费希尔的 HART® 现场设备。 emerson.com | For Pingdingshan Luyang units 1 and 2, the comprehensive digital automation solution consists of the Ovation control system, AMS™ Suite: Intelligent Device Manager and Scenario® simulation technology, as well as HART® field devices from Rosemount® and Fisher®. emerson.com |
匹兹堡(2009年12月9日) — 艾默生过程管理今天宣布赢得了一份合同,即为中国河南省 的 平顶山 鲁 阳 燃煤电厂,应用其采用 Ovation® 专家控制系统的 PlantWeb® 数字化工厂管控网。 emerson.com | PITTSBURGH, December 9, 2009 — Emerson Process Management announced today that it has won a contract to apply its PlantWeb® digital plant architecture with the Ovation® expert control system at the Pingdingshan Luyang coal-fired power plant in China's Henan Province. emerson.com |
颜盎镇坐落在一座小山上, 有一小簇破旧 的 平顶 石 屋 ,四周绿树成荫,其间点缀着以色列定居者的建筑。 unicef.org | Nestled on a hill, the town of Yanoun is a small cluster of old flat-roofed stone houses, [...] surrounded on all sides by a leafy [...]landscape dotted with the buildings of an Israeli settlement. unicef.org |
以一个屋顶平台俯瞰海洋和山脉的 观点,私人游泳池,意大利风格的厨房花岗岩台面和一个大的开放的起居室壁炉特性。 maispa.estatecy.com | Featuring a roof terrace with sea and mountain views, private swimming [...] pool, Italian styled kitchen with granite worktops [...]and a large open plan living area with feature fireplace. maispa.estatecy.com |
有些鱼种总是聚集在一起,而且可能会出现大面积聚集(如在 海 山顶 部 )2 1和 聚集在坡段的情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some species are typically aggregating and may occur in vast [...] concentrations (e.g., on top of seamounts)21 and in slope [...]sections. daccess-ods.un.org |
非常接近我们的宿舍是位于一些对Itch im b i a 山顶 上 , 包括对旧城区的惊人的观点很不错的餐厅,你可以得到在历史中心非常好的餐馆,以及。 instantworldbooking.com | Very close to our hostel is located some very nice [...] restaurant on the top of the Itchimbia hill including [...]an amazing view of the Old Town and [...]you could get very good restaurants in the Historic Center as well. instantworldbooking.com |
来自 29 个国家的约 100 名获得平山研究金资助的学者 和丝绸之路方面的专家参加了研讨会。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Some 100 Hirayama fellowship beneficiaries [...] and experts on the Silk Roads from 29 nations participated in the symposium. unesdoc.unesco.org |
山都平 121- XXM200 热塑性硫化弹性体牌号更高的光泽度提高了设计的灵活性,同时还可以采用特定的模具粒面处理与挤压型材的表面匹配。 news.exxonmobilchemical.com | The higher gloss levels of Santoprene 121-XXM200 TPV grades increase design flexibility, and specific mold graining can be used to match the surface aspect of extruded profiles. news.exxonmobilchemical.com |
政府间的盘区在气候控制(IPCC), 1992 年设定劝告联合国接地山顶在里约热内卢, 相信, 大气二氧化碳可能由放射的减少只稳定由百分之六十(60%) 在1990 个水平上。 zpower.com | The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Control (IPCC), set up to advise the United Nations [...] Earth Summit in Rio de [...] Janeiro in 1992, believes that atmospheric carbon dioxide can only be stabilized by a reduction of emissions by sixty percent (60%) on 1990 levels. zpower.com |
您还可以随我们前往土伦参观中世纪村落耶尔,以及位 于 山顶 、 可 俯瞰海洋全景的小村艾日。 msccruises.com.cn | If you journeyed with us to Toulon and visited the medieval village of Hyères, [...] then you will love [...] Eze, a stunning hilltop village adorned with rambling bougainvillea and with panoramic views [...]over the sea. msccruises.com.eg |
这家具5000平方英尺的家在一个私人的,绿树浓荫很多W /戴夫·穆雷下坡惠斯勒山顶的景 色,提供5张/ 7浴场,一个大型开放式厨房,一个大房间,16′天花板和顶棚的户外生活空间。 kadenwood.com | This furnished 5000 sf home on a private, treed lot w/ Dave Murray [...] Downhill & Whistler Peak views offers 5 beds/7 baths, a large open plan kitchen; a great room with 16′ ceiling; and a covered [...]outdoor living space. kadenwood.com |
此外,根据从当地人 那里得到的信息,据称儿童兵仍然与人民民主阵线有关联,其部队有武装,并驻 扎在中非共和国-乍得-苏丹边境三角地带;中沙里 Korbol 山地区的和平、重建 和发展运动中也有儿童。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, according to information received from the local population, children allegedly remain associated with FDP, whose forces are armed and stationed in the Central African Republic/Chad/Sudan border triangle; and MPRD in the hills of Korbol in Moyen-Chari. daccess-ods.un.org |
2012 年 1 月 17 日晚 23 时至 18 日凌晨 1 时,一伙枪手袭击了位于埃塞俄比 亚东部阿法尔地区Erta'Ale火山山顶的 游 客营地。 daccess-ods.un.org | During the night of 17/18 January 2012, between approximately 11 p.m. and 1 a.m., gunmen raided a tourist camp [...] located at the top of the [...] Erta’Ale volcano, in the Afar region of eastern Ethiopia.10 Twenty foreign tourists were present in the [...]camp at the time. daccess-ods.un.org |
专家组登上距机场约 1 000 米的一座小山的山顶,亲 眼证实在停机坪上没有 飞机,然后调转车辆。 daccess-ods.un.org | On reaching the crest of a hill approximately 1,000 [...] metres from the airport, the Group visually confirmed that no aircraft [...]was present on the tarmac and turned the vehicle. daccess-ods.un.org |
第二阶段工程包括:安全工程、翻修大楼面墙遮阳板、更新 I 号楼、III 号楼和连接过道 平顶的防 水层、IV 号楼和停车场的标准化改造、I 号楼的电线竖管、基本电器标准化改造和 VI 号、VII 号和 VIII 号会议厅的空调设施。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The second stage comprises: security work, restoration of façade sunbreakers, renewal of waterproofing of the terrace of Building I, Building III and the piazza, standardization of Building IV and car parks, electrical rising mains in Building I, standardization of the primary electrical supply and air-conditioning in conference rooms VI, VII and VIII. unesdoc.unesco.org |
空中花园始建于1881年,屹立在马拉巴 尔 山顶。 shangri-la.com | First laid out in 1881, the Hanging Gardens are terraced [...] gardens perched at the top of Malabar Hill. shangri-la.com |
教科文组织已与阿富汗文化遗产保存学 会、日本文化遗产基金会(由平山教 授 担任主 席)、拉特斯(法国)考古博物馆和布本多夫 [...] (瑞士)瑞士阿富汗博物馆签订了合同,以便 保护阿富汗的文化遗产。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO has established contracts with the Society for the Preservation of Afghanistan’s Cultural Heritage (SPACH), [...] the Cultural Heritage Foundation (presided [...] by Professor Hirayama) in Japan, the [...]Archaeological Museum in Lattes (France) [...]and the Swiss Afghanistan Museum in Bubendorf (Switzerland) with a view to safeguarding Afghan cultural heritage. unesdoc.unesco.org |
外部,别墅享受一个大型屋顶平台与 惊人的观点,景观花园和无边的游泳池。 maispa.estatecy.com | Externally, the villa enjoys a large roof terrace with stunning views, landscaped garden and infinity swimming pool. maispa.estatecy.com |
Jim Gifford:在偏远地区、业务接入受限地区 、 山顶 基 站,甚至在阿拉斯加冬季华氏零下60度的极寒天气下,中兴通讯的CDMA设备在可靠性和电源方面的表现超出了我们的期望。 zte.com.cn | Jim Gifford: In the remote areas and restricted access [...] of our service area, mountain top cell sites, and extreme [...]Alaska temperatures reaching [...]-60 Fahrenheit during the winters, the ZTE CDMA network has exceeded our expectations on reliability and capacity power usage. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
关于上述防水层翻新问题,考虑到目前的恶劣天气,为避免翻修过的地方出现渗漏,决 定先修 I 号楼的平顶,初始工程已于 2003 年 1 月开始。 unesdoc.unesco.org | With regard to the renewal of waterproofing mentioned above, in view of the inclement weather at this time of the year and to avoid water leakage into areas that have already been [...] renovated, it was decided that priority would be given to [...] the terrace of Building I where initial work [...]began in January 2003. unesdoc.unesco.org |
从橄榄山和斯库普斯山山顶的观 景台可以看到,一些高层建筑严重影响了这座历史名 城的城市面貌,这一影响已无法挽回;1917 年英国托管时期曾颁布法规强令使用石料以保 持城市独特的风格,然而由于建筑施工中新技术以及钢筋混凝土的采用,有时这一规定没有 得到严格执行。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The famous urban landscape of the city is irreversibly affected by a number of high-rise buildings, which can be seen from the key viewpoints of the Mount of Olives or Mount Scopus; the regulation enacted by the British authorities in 1917 to impose the use of stone as a means to preserve the city’s unique character has been sometimes undermined by the use of new technologies in building construction and the use of reinforced concrete. unesdoc.unesco.org |
山都平 121- XXM200 热塑性硫化弹性体牌号是我们为开发新型热塑性硫化弹性体而不断创新的一部分,我们开发的新型热塑性硫化弹性体可满足汽车行业降低成本和减轻重量的工程应用要求,同时还可增强功能和外观性能。 news.exxonmobilchemical.com | Santoprene 121-XXM200 TPV grades are part of our ongoing innovation to develop new TPVs that meet automotive industry requirements for lower cost and lighter weight engineered applications, while improving functional and aesthetic performance," said Michael Russo, global brand manager, Santoprene TPV, ExxonMobil Chemical. news.exxonmobilchemical.com |
使用于液晶面板或LED的生产的锑、铟等,至今为止不常听到的稀有金属从中国大陆以大气沉降物的形式飞来,其积累率在这30年间急速增加,这一事实是由八 幡 平山 岳 湖沼的湖底堆积物分析而得来的。 tohoku.ac.jp | The analysis of alpine lake sediments in the [...] mountains of the Hachimantai have revealed [...]that the accumulation rate of these metals [...]is rapidly increasing in the past 30 years. tohoku.ac.jp |
叶柄0.8-1.2厘米; 披针形的叶片,长圆形,卵形的或很少, 8-16 * 2-5 厘米,革质,背面具一浅灰色紧的层鳞片状的毛状体,很少两面同色,基部宽楔形到楔形, [...] 正面的中脉的至少自基部至中部是稍突起或者从中间 到 顶平 的 到 稍凹陷; 次脉9-14在中脉两边各。 flora.ac.cn | Petiole 0.8-1.2 cm; leaf blade lanceolate, oblong, or rarely ovate, 8-16 × 2-5 cm, leathery, abaxially with a grayish tight layer of scalelike trichomes, rarely concolorous, base broadly cuneate to cuneate, inaequilateral or symmetric, margin entire, apex acute to acuminate; midvein at least from base to [...] middle adaxially slightly raised or from [...] middle to apex flat to slightly impressed; secondary [...]veins 9-14 on each side of midvein. flora.ac.cn |