

单词 平等的法律地位

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通过将相关条款 移入国内法律,并得益于基本法赋予的优地位布提批准的国际人权条约的 执行增强了国内确保不歧视平等的法律
The application of international human rights treaties ratified by Djibouti through the incorporation of relevant provisions
into national
[...] legislation and the prominence givento them in the Constitution strengthens the national legal framework guaranteeing non-discrimination andequality.
在打 击有罪不罚现中,应严格遵法律和人权标准,以确保当事人诉地位平等确保不会为追求公正而犯下进一步的侵权行为。
Incombating impunity there should
[...] be strict adherence to proceduresof law andhuman rights standards to ensureequality of arms and that further violations are [...][...]
not committed in the interest of pursuing justice.
该文件规定了有助于将基于人权的社会模式和方法纳入影响残疾地位策主流的措施和活动:将与残疾地位的问题纳入总体发展计划的主流; 制定有的法律;提供基于受益人的权利和需求的社会、医疗和其他服务; 制定旨在为残疾人提平等和鼓励他们在各个方面独立、个人发展和积极生 活的政策和实施方案;为残疾人提供无障碍建筑环境、无障碍交通、信息,通讯 和公共服务,并提供适足的生活和社会安全水准。
The document prescribes measures and activities which shall help mainstream the social model and approach based on human
rights into the policies
[...] affecting thestatus of persons with disabilities: mainstreaming issues relatingto thestatus of persons with disabilities into general development plans; developingefficientlegal protection; availability of social, health and other services based on the rights and needs of beneficiaries; developing policies and implementing programmes providing equalopportunities [...]
for persons with disabilities
and encouraging independence, personal development and active living in all areas; providing access for persons with disabilities to the constructed environment, accessible transportation, information, communications and public services, and providing adequate living and social safety standards.
法律会有助于妇的平等权,但若无文 化上的转变,提高妇地位平等予妇女权力的基本价值仍然不能发生。
Although lawsmay change in support of women’s equality andempowerment, without a cultural shift towards respect for the fundamental value of women, equality and empowerment [...]
cannot occur.
(29) 与任何政府或机关(最高、市、地方或其他级别)或任何可能有助实践本公 司全部或其中任何团、公司或人士订立任何安排,并向任何、机关、法团、公司或人士取得任何约章、合约、法令、权利、特权及优 惠以及实行、行使及遵守任何该等约章、合约、法令、权利、特权及优惠; 申请、促进及取得任何可直接或间接令本公司受惠之法规、法令、规例或其 他授权或颁令,及反对任何可能直接或间接损害本公司利益之法案法律或申请;及促使本公司在任何其他海外国家或地方根据地法记或取 得认地位
(29) To enter into any arrangements with any Governments or authorities (supreme, municipal, local or otherwise), or any corporations, companies, or persons that may seem conducive to the attainment of the Company's objects, or any
of them, and to obtain
[...] from any such Government, authority, corporation, company or person any charters, contracts, decrees, rights, privileges and concessions and to carry out, exercise and comply with any such charters, contracts, decrees, rights, privileges and concessions; to apply for, promote and obtain any statute, order, regulation or other authorisation or enactment which may seem calculated directly or indirectly to benefit the Company, and to oppose any bills, proceedings or applications which may seem calculated or likely directly or indirectly to prejudice the Company's interests; and to procure the Company to be registered or recognised in orunder thelaws ofanyotherforeign countryorplace.
西班牙王国政府认为,对第 9 条第 2 款、第 15 条第 1 和第 4 款、第 16 条第 1 款(a)、(c)和(f)项的保留与《公约旨相抵触,旨在使卡塔尔 免于履行其在国籍、男女法律地位平等身移动和自由择居、缔婚权利、 婚姻财产制度、亲权等领域对消除对妇形式的歧视的承诺。
The Government of the Kingdom of Spain believes that the reservations made with respect to article 9, paragraph 2, article 15, paragraphs 1 and 4, and article 16, paragraph 1 (a), (c) and (f), are incompatible with the object and purpose of the Convention,
since their intent
[...] is to exempt Qatar from committing itself to the elimination of specific forms of discrimination against women in such areas as nationality,equality with men before the law, free movement and residence, the right to enter into marriage, the matrimonial [...]
regime and filiation rights.
则因而禁止行政措施对个的法律地位份带来平等影 响,同时也要求采用实质相同的标准去处理相同的情况,如因公共利益而被强加 符合规定的负担时有权利得到补偿等。
The principle of equality therefore prohibits administrative measures that carryunequal negative impacton the legalposition or status [...]
of persons, and requires the adoption
of substantively identical criteria for the resolution of identical cases, the right to compensation as a result of qualified burdens imposed on grounds of public interest, etc.
这些包括非毛利人与毛利人之间的差异, 《威坦哲条约》在国内的地位庭暴力,机平等利人在刑事司法 制度中比例过高,以及批准新西兰尚未成为缔约国的人权条约问题。
These included the social disparities between non-Maori
[...] and Maori; the statusofthe Treaty of Waitangi in domestic legislation; family violence;equality of opportunity; [...]
of Maori in the criminal justice system; and ratification of human rights treaties to which New Zealand was not party.
为改善司法系统的效率和对司法的运用,该部采取了各种行动编纂法律文 件,把与人权(《国籍法》、与艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染者有关的法律)、改进司法机 关的运转(属人法司法机关法律、设立执行法官的法律、正在制定的旨在将最高 法院转变为最高上诉法院的法律文件、关于监狱管理人地位的法)重 振法官职能(法地位法律)的宪法条款和国际条款考虑在内。
The Ministry is working to codify legislation that takes account of constitutional and international provisions on human rights (Nationality Code, act on people living with HIV/AIDS), the need to improve the functioning of the courts (act on personal status courts, act instituting judges responsible for the execution of sentences, legislation being developed to change the Supreme Court to a
court of cassation, decree on the status
[...] of prisonofficials, etc.)and to revitalize the work of the membersof the judiciary (Status ofthe Judiciary Act) with the aim of improving the efficiency of the legal system and [...]
access to justice.
阿尔及利亚并赞赏地注意到哥斯达黎加为减少 贫穷,提高弱势群的地位高妇地位平等及落实所有人的教育 权,实现《千年发展目标》,并将这项权利扩大到包含的子女等方面采 取的措施。
It also noted with appreciation the measures taken by Costa
Rica to reduce poverty, improvethe statusof disadvantaged groups, promotethe status ofwomen and gender equality, aswell as the implementation of the right to education of all to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, and the extension of that right to cover the children of irregularmigrants.
As well, Afghanistan stressed the importance of gender equality, as well as equal access to education for all children, embodied in its legal system.
表示严重关切占领国以色列继续系统地侵犯巴勒斯坦人民人权的行为,包括 过分使用武力和军事行动造成包括儿童,妇女,非暴力和平示威者在内的巴勒斯亡、使用集体惩罚、封闭一些地区、没收土地、建立和扩大定居点、在 巴勒斯坦被占领土内偏离 1949 年停战线修建隔离墙、毁坏财产和基础设施以及 为改变包括东耶路撒冷在内巴勒斯坦被占领的法律地位理性质和人口组成 而采取的所有其他行动而产生的侵犯行为
Expressing grave concern about the continuing systematic violation of the human rights of the Palestinian people by Israel, the occupying Power, including that arising from the excessive use of force and military operations causing
death and injury to Palestinian civilians, including children, women and
[...] non-violent and peaceful demonstrators; the use of collective punishment; the closure of areas; the confiscation of land; the establishment and expansion of settlements; the construction of a wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory in departure from the Armistice Line of 1949; the destruction of property and infrastructure; and allother actions by it designed to change the legalstatus, geographical [...]
nature and demographic
composition of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem
在中小学,向儿童教授世世界历史和道德法律等,在这一过程中促进了对其他国家和民文化和传,并培养了 国际容忍友谊精神。
At primary and secondary schools children are taught on subjects like world
geography, world history
[...] and ethics and law, in the course of which understanding of different cultures and traditions of other countries and nations are promoted and the spirit of internationalpeace,tolerance, equality andfriendship [...]
is cultivated.
(D) 尽管股东作出任何选择,倘若本公司获知,向股东所提供之任 何电子地址寄发任何通知或其他文件会或可能会违反任何有 关司法权的法律倘本公司不能核实股在 伺服则本公司可将刊登於本公司之网站,以 代替发送任何通知或其他文件到有关股东提供的电子地址,而 此举须视作有效送达有关内容予该股东,而有关的通知及文件 [...]
(D) Notwithstanding any election by a member, if the Company is advised that the sending of any notice or other document to any electronic address supplied by a
shareholder may or might
[...] infringe the lawof any relevant jurisdiction, or if the Company cannot verify the location of the server at which the electronic address of the member located, theCompany [...]
may in lieu of the
sending of any notice or other document to the electronic address supplied by the shareholder concerned, place the same on the Company’s website, and any such placement shall be deemed effective service on the shareholder, and the relevant notice and document shall be deemed to be served on the shareholder on which the same is first placed on the Company’s website.
(f) 在巩固 CNEM能力方面,赋予该委员会法地位法律17 个玛雅组织,成 立一个建立玛雅大,资助玛雅教育第二和第三届大会,以及提供财政援这一行动的重要步骤。
(f) In regard to consolidating the
institutional capacity of CNEM, the granting oflegal statusto CNEM, the legalized affiliation of 17 Mayan organizations, the establishment of a team for the creation of the Mayan University and the backing of the Second and Third Congresses on Mayan Education, as well as the financial support provided, constituted keysteps in this endeavour.
近年来采取的此类措施包括:保证农村地区居民 每年就业 100
[...] 天;颁布“信息权法”,帮助使公民更 知情;落实受教育权,帮助每一个印度人分享国家经 济进步的利益并为之作出贡献;以及倡议在国家议会 和各州中为妇女保留席位,确保妇女在国家 进步过程的平等地位将地方机构中为女性 保留的席位比例增加到 50%。
In recent years, they include the assurance of 100 days of employment to every person living in rural areas, the enactment of the Right to Information Act to help our citizens to become more aware, the right to education to help every Indian share in the benefits of the country’s economic progress and also to contribute to it, and the
initiative for
[...] reservation for women in Parliament and in statelegislatures to ensure equal partnership of womenin our progress and the increase [...]
in reservation for women
to 50 per cent in local bodies.
在预售协议中, 可以要求另一方当事人针对有问题的财产履行 一些特别的义务,例如澄清财的法律地位还抵押借款准备最终出
In the pre-sales contract it is possible to oblige the second party to realise specific conditions
related to the property
[...] in question, such as clarifyinglegal status,the payment of mortgage and preparing [...]
forfinal sales.
中国坚持各民族律平等行民族区域自治制度,即在少数民族聚的地行区域自治,设立自治机关,行使自治权,包括及经济、教育、科 学、文化、卫生等各领域的自主管理权。
China adheres to the principle that all
[...] nationalities are equal, and implements a system of regional national (ethnic) autonomy whereby regions whose population primarily comprises minority nationalities exercise autonomy, establish autonomous official organs, andexercise autonomous rights, including the right to enacttheirownlegislation and manage their [...]
own affairs in the
areas of economics, education, science, culture and health.
20 国集团 已经率先开始重新定义这一系统,联合国也依然在 寻求自己作为所有国地位平等的者的角 色。
The Group of Twenty had taken the lead in redefining that
system, while the United Nations was still seeking
[...] its role as the legitimate voice of allnationson anequal footing.
公 司 严 格 按法 律《深 圳 证 券 交 易 所 上 市 公 司 公 平 信 息 披 露 》以 及《公 司 章 程 》的 规 定,真 实、准 确、完 整、 及相 关 信 息,并 确 保 全 体 股 东平 等 的获 取 信 息。
Relevant information is disclosed in strictcompliance with Rules on Fair Information Disclosure by Companies Listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Articles in a true, accurate, complete and timely manner, and ensures that all shareholders haveequal accessto information.
匈牙利请该国 对重新评估“科索沃难民的法律地位给予更多关注,并鼓励政府就这一问 题采取后续行动。
It asked that more attention be paid to reassessingthelegal status of the “Kosovo [...]
refugees”, and encouraged the Government to follow up on this issue.
16 除本章程细则另有明文规定或或具司法管辖权的法院颁令外,否则 没有任何人士会获本公司承认以任何信托方式持有任何股份,而本公司亦不 受任何股份平法、或有权益、未来权益或部分权益,或任何不足 一股的股份中的任何权益,或有关任何股份的任何其他权利(登记持有人持 有全部上述股份权益的绝对权利除外)所约束,亦不会以任何方式被迫承认或权利(即使公司已知悉有关事项)。
16 Except as otherwise
[...] expressly provided by these Articles or as requiredby law or as ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction, no person shall be recognised by the Company as holding any share upon any trust and the Company shall not be bound by or be compelledin any wayto recognise (even when having notice thereof) any equitable, contingent, future or partial interest in any shares or any interest in any fractional part of a share or any other rightsin respect of any share except an absolute right to the [...]
entirety thereof in the registered holder.
苏丹代表说,对此非政府组织的审议引起委员会一些成员的关切,原因是该 中心设在巴黎,但却在未获得阿拉伯叙利亚共和法律地位的下监督该国言 论自问题。
The representative of the Sudan said that consideration of the non-governmental organization had raised concern among some of the members of the Committee since the Center was based in Paris but
monitored sensitive issues, such
[...] as freedomof expression in the Syrian Arab Republic, without legalstatus in that country.
采用 人 身 保护令 状,提法律和国家 人权机的地位等都 应 被视为是乌兹别 克 斯坦为 开展司法 和法律改革、履行在人权方面的国际义务所采取的一贯步骤。
The institution of habeas corpus, the
[...] improvement ofthe statusand institution of the legal profession and the national [...]
human rights institutions
should all be seen as consistent steps being taken by Uzbekistan to implement judicial and legal reforms and to carry out international obligations in the human rights area.
行动纲领》提出了 提高妇地位的广议程,强调加强各级政治进程中妇平等和公平代表权 的重要性;加强妇女在各种职业中赚取收入的能力,使她们在经济上自立,同时 确保她们能够平等进入劳动力市场和享有社会保障,确保妇女享有平等权利,能 够以自己的名义购买、持有和出售财产和土地,获得信贷和谈判合同,并行使继 [...]
承权(第 4.4 和 4.6 段)。
TheProgramme of Action sets a broad agenda for the
[...] improvement of thestatus of women, stressing the importance of increasing their equal participationand equitable representation [...]
at all levels of
the political process; improving women’s ability to earn an income in varied occupations so that they can become economically self-reliant, ensuring their equal access to the labour market and social security, and ensuring their equal rights to buy, hold and sell property and land, to obtain credit and negotiate contracts in their own name, and to exercise their right to inheritance (paras. 4.4 and 4.6).
2001 年中国颁正案重申男女平等基本原则,强调夫地位平等姻家庭权 利义务平等,有针对性地补充了禁止实施家庭暴力、禁止重婚等有利于维护妇女 权利的条款。
TheamendedMarriage Lawpromulgated in China in 2001 reiterated the basic principle of gender equality, emphasized the equal statusofhusband and wifeas well as the equality [...]
of their rights and
obligations in marriage and the family, and provided a focused enhancement of the articles focused on the protection of women’s rights, such as those prohibiting domestic violence, bigamy and the like.




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