单词 | 平直 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 平直 noun —level n平直 adjective —straight adj平直 —smoothExamples:平直度 n—straightness n
对于还没有低浓铀燃料的设施,获得将浓度降至武器级以下以及尽可能低的 水平,直到低浓铀燃料过关的承诺。 daccess-ods.un.org | For facilities for which low enriched uranium fuels are not yet available, secure commitment to reduce [...] enrichment below weapons grade and to the lowest [...] level possible, until such time as low [...]enriched uranium fuel can be qualified. daccess-ods.un.org |
2013年第一季度的生产水平很可能会继续保持在减低的 水 平 , 直 到 库 存和代理商的订单量逐渐回转至最终用户的需求水平。 china.cat.com | Reduced production levels are likely to continue at least through the first quarter of 2013 until inventories and dealer order rates move back in line with end-user demand,” Oberhelman added. china.cat.com |
2010 年初之 前,一直需要这一援助水平,直至冬 季作物在 5 月和 6 月收割。 daccess-ods.un.org | This level of assistance will be needed through early 2010 until winter crops [...] are harvested in May and June. daccess-ods.un.org |
要想取出,再往下按直到發出喀噠聲為止, 然後平直將其抽出。 en.leica-camera.com | To remove, push it further down until it [...] clicks, then pull it out upright. us.leica-camera.com |
然后维持在那一水平, 直到低 于更替水平的生育率持续 100 年,此后缓慢上升到更替水平,并维持在那 一水平,直到 2300 年。 daccess-ods.un.org | It then remains at that level for [...] enough time to complete 100 years of below-replacement fertility, after which it rises slowly to replacement level and remains at replacement level until 2300. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管该项目本身由单独预算供资(由委员会筹资并由联合国开发计划署管 理),但项目相关活动水平直接影 响到委员会第三名成员办公室的所需资金。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the project itself is financed under a separate budget (fund-raised by the Committee and managed by the United [...] Nations Development [...] Programme), the level of activity associated with it impacts directly upon the financial [...]requirements of the [...]office of the third member of the Committee. daccess-ods.un.org |
单一结晶阶段的简化流程图 结晶器由刮壁和锥形底的罐体组成,并且沿罐体 的 平直 侧 安 装有半管冷却夹套。 exxonmobilchemical.com.cn | The crystallizer consists of a scraped wall, conical bottom vessel with half-pipe cooling jackets [...] installed along the straight sides of the vessel. exxonmobilchemical.com.cn |
政府當局於2002年 7月發出 一份編號為FCRI(2002-03)9號的參考文件,告知財委會,政府當局決定 [...] 將綜援和福利金的標準金額維持在當時的 水 平 , 直 至 20 03年 3月為止, 以待政府就援助金額和相關事宜進行檢討。 legco.gov.hk | The Administration informed FC, vide an Information Note FCRI(2002-03)9 issued in July 2002, of its decision to maintain [...] the CSSA and SSA standard payment rates [...] at their current levels up to March 2003, [...]pending a review of the payment rates and related matters. legco.gov.hk |
大会在第 61/262 号决议第 8 段中决定,作为一项过渡措施,根据《国际法 院规约》第三十二条第 5 项的规定,维持其第 59/282 号决议第三节核可的法院 [...] 现任法官以及两法庭法官和审案法官的年薪 水 平 , 直 至 其 目前的任期结束或其薪 酬低于按订正年薪制度计算的薪酬。 daccess-ods.un.org | In paragraph 8 of its resolution 61/262, the General Assembly decided to maintain, as a transitional measure, in line with the provisions of Article 32, paragraph 5, of the Statute of the Court, the level of annual salary approved in section III of its resolution 59/282 for the current members of the Court and the judges and ad litem judges of the two [...] Tribunals for the duration of their current [...] term of office or until such time as this [...]amount was overtaken by the application [...]of the revised annual salary system. daccess-ods.un.org |
fanSINK™ 散热器 - fanSINK™ 散热器采用横切平直翅片结构,是一种先进的热解决方案,提供全向气流,散热性能极佳,丝毫不受 [...] PCB 布局的影响。 digikey.cn | fanSINK™ Heat Sinks - Advanced Thermal Solutions fanSINK™ [...] features a cross-cut, straight fin heat sink offering [...]omni-directional air flow for optimum [...]thermal performance independent of the PCB layout. digikey.ca |
虽然他们的工程师设计的,他们也将满足广大发烧友的客户需求,谁真正的和自然 的 平直 响 应传递声音的需求。 technologeeko.com | While they are designed for engineers, [...] they will also meet the needs of our audiophile customers who demand sound delivered with [...] a true and natural flat response. technologeeko.com |
管端部被机加工成具有平直的 表面和转角、以便对准并保持 管壁均匀性。 swagelok.com | Precisely finished diameter matches tube diameter Tube ends are machined with a square face and corners [...] to enhance alignment [...]and maintain tube wall uniformity swagelok.com |
美國聯儲局已承諾把官方 利率維持在極低水平,直至2013年中。 abnamroprivatebanking.com | The US Federal Reserve has already promised that it will maintain [...] extremely low official rates until mid-2013. abnamroprivatebanking.com |
它们能确保刮刀梁的平直度, 以使涂布的横幅曲线达到最佳状态,因此能防止机械变形和热变形,而无需使用昂贵的补偿系统。 voith.com | They ensure the straightness of the blade beam [...] for optimal coat CD profiles, thereby preventing mechanical and thermal deformation [...]without costly compensation systems. voith.com |
截至9月5日的立法會選舉滾動調查顯示,選民的投票意欲在過去一個星期不斷上升,已經超越2008年同期的 水 平 , 直 逼 2004年的數字。 hkupop.hku.hk | As of September 5, our Legislative Council rolling poll shows that voters’ [...] propensity to vote has continued to rise over the past week, and [...] passed the 2008 level, getting close [...]to the 2004 figure. hkupop.hku.hk |
非洲联盟充分考虑到这一点,因此设立了一个和 平管理系统,该系统包含从预防性外交经由维持 和平 直到建设和平的各项活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Having taken this fully into account, the African Union established a system for the management of peace, which spans the spectrum of activities from preventive diplomacy to peacebuilding via peacekeeping. daccess-ods.un.org |
因果关系可能很简单,也可能很 复杂,同儿童所需的认知能力或运动技能 水 平直 接 相 关。 cpsc.gov | The cause and effect can range from very simple to highly [...] complex and is directly related to the [...]level of cognitive or motor skills required from a child. cpsc.gov |
o 在管理平台的背面,找到标有“USB”的端口。 o 若要将管理平台连接至电脑,请将电缆 的 平直 端 插 入电脑的 USB 端 口;将另一端插入管理平台背面的 USB 端口。 www.indsci.com | o On the back of the station, locate the port marked “USB”. o To connect the station to the computer, insert the cable’s flat end into the computer’s USB port; plug the other end into the USB port on the back of the station. www.indsci.com |
要想取出 記憶卡,請按壓記憶卡直到發出喀噠一聲為 止,然後平直抽出記憶卡。 us.leica-camera.com | To remove, push it further down until it [...] clicks, then pull it out upright. en.leica-camera.com |
此外,掉頭隧道的作用是在列車超越車 站月台位置時提供額外的剎車距離,因此適宜鋪設較為 平直的路軌。 devb.gov.hk | The purpose of overrun tunnel is to provide [...] additional braking distance beyond the station platform in case trains [...]overshoot. devb.gov.hk |
那一天切爾西羞辱的3-3戰平,直到今 天我還是覺得很難相信。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | And on the day of that humiliating 3-3 draw that to this day I still find hard to believe. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
确保喉罩背面平直,远 端没有任何弯度; 应最大限度地压平远端。 vitaid.com | Ensure that the [...] back of the mask is straight, without any curvature [...]of the distal end; the distal end should be maximally flattened. vitaid.com |
綜觀市民自去年2月以來對董建華工作表現的評價,認為其表現欠佳的比率由最初的三成反覆上升至本年4月初接近六成的 水 平 , 直 至 本月初才開始回落。 hkupop.hku.hk | On a macro level, with respect to people's appraisal of Tung Chee-hwa's job performance, the disapproval rate has fluctuated upwards, from 30% registered in February last year, to nearly 60% in early April this year. hkupop.hku.hk |
列名包括可伸縮長度、剛性平直段、 肘型電纜頭、彎曲以及配件(如伸縮接頭、公母適配器和電耦等)。 ul.com | Listing includes [...] pliable lengths, rigid straight sections, elbows, [...]bends and fittings such as expansion joints, female and male adapters, and couplings. ul.com |
该垫圈由膨胀石墨 (纯度 >99.5%), 膨胀和平直金属 插入件(耐酸不锈钢制成)组成,材料不包含粘合剂或填充剂。 tss.trelleborg.com | Containing no bonding or filling agents, this [...] gasket is made of expanded graphite with a purity of over [...] 99.5 percent and flat metal inserts of [...]acid-proof stainless steel. tss.trelleborg.com |
通過 VARIO 原理利用可水平自由移動的 注塑單元進行水平直線充模。 arburg.com | implement linear mould filling thanks to the VARIO principle with horizontal freesliding injection unit. arburg.com |
例如,表 2 顯示 Pulsar.2™ 固態硬碟機以 3.13 毫秒的平均回應時 間,傳遞 14,008 的 I/O - [...] 遠低於規格臨界值的 30 毫秒 - 在圖表中顯示為線性分佈 (沒有上下起 伏的平直線)。 seagate.com | For example, Table 2 shows that the Pulsar.2™ SSD consistently delivered 14,008 I/Os with an average response time of [...] 3.13ms — well under the 30ms specification threshold — with a linear [...] distribution (a flat line without up [...]and down spikes). seagate.com |