

单词 平白无故

See also:


for no reason


without cause or reason

External sources (not reviewed)

这些袭击背后的恐怖分子继续不分青红 白 地 故 意 针 对 平 民 — —目标从校车上 的学童、呆在家中的人,到在田间劳作的农民。
The terrorists behind these attacks continue to
[...] indiscriminately and deliberately target civilians — from schoolchildren [...]
in buses to people in
their homes to farmers cultivating their fields.
现在我们白,无论我们多么热爱平、多 么憎恨战争,倘若世界其他地区动荡不安, 我们还是无法避免战争降临。
Now we have learned that no
[...] matter how much we love peace and hate war, we cannot avoid having [...]
war brought upon us if there
are convulsions in other parts of the world”.
塞浦路斯完全清楚移民所涉的人道主义责任;也 白无 论 在 何种情况 下必须尊重和维护人的尊严。
Cyprus was fully aware of the human dimension of migration and the need to ensure that individuals, in whatever circumstances, receive respect and enjoy their dignity.
新设计: AFM-700紧密集成较少零部件,不仅减少了空间占用, 而且达到了较高平均无故障间隔时间 (MTBF).
New design: The AFM-700 is tightly integrated with fewer parts, which both reduces the footprint and achieves a higher Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF).
关于这位神秘主义的禁欲者的生平已有不少著述,其实这个人物是否真的存在或者关于她的 平故 事 是 不是杜撰的,我们 无 从 知晓——但是真是假有什么关系呢?
Much has been written about the life of this mystic
and ascetic and it is not
[...] known if this character really existed or if the story of her life is [...]
a fabrication – but does
it matter if this is true or false?
切尔诺贝利故后的 25 年间白俄罗 斯 共和国在克服辐射影响后果方面积累了宝贵的 理论、实践和组织经验。
In the 25-year period following the
[...] Chernobyl accident, the Republic of Belarus has accumulated [...]
invaluable theoretical, practical
and organizational experience in overcoming the consequences of radiation’s impact.
以色列占领国对军事占领下的巴勒斯 平 民 故 意 使 用暴 力和野蛮行径,造成这些巴勒斯坦人的死亡和受伤,并公 无 视 人 权法律和国际 人道主义法律关于保护武装冲突中的平民的规定,对此,必须追究以色列占领国 的责任。
Israel, the occupying Power, must be held responsible for the death and injury of
these Palestinians
[...] caused by its deliberate use of violence and brutality against the Palestinian civilian population under its military occupation and its blatant disregard for human [...]
rights and international
humanitarian law requiring the protection of civilians in situations of armed conflict.
They have to explain to us in detail so that we can get the whole picture.
这种藐视法律以及无视国际上关于冻结定居 点的要求的做法,只会导致人们得出这样一个结论, 即以色列现政无意缓和不断加剧的紧张状况,实际故意要破坏平努力
Such flouting of the law and the international demands for a settlement freeze can only lead to the conclusion that
the current Israeli
[...] Government has no interest in defusing rising tensions and is in fact set on derailing peace efforts.
提升单向阀是依靠重力来动作的故 必 需 水 平 地 安 装、阀帽螺母 在上部。
The lift check valve is gravity assisted and
[...] must be mounted horizontally, with bonnet nut on top.
首先通无故障情 况下的在线慢同调分析,掌握系统中发电机群的关联特性;在扰动发生后,利 平 均 数 充分性(MIA)同调识别法获取具体的发电机摇摆分群模式;在发电机的分群模式约束下,把电网中节点间关系表达为拓扑距离,并按照该距离关系完成系统节点的K-Medoids聚类,最终得到满足孤岛功率平衡约束的解列面;为避免电网连锁解列和提前解列,对全网线路运用“激活-闭锁”的策略,使参与解列的线路在检测到可靠的失步信号后,同步速动完成解列。
The correlation among generator groups in system is obtained by the online slow coherency analysis during non-faulty period;the actual grouping pattern of generator swing is detected during faulty period by the MIA(Mean Index Adequacy) coherency identification;in the constraint of grouping pattern,the relationship among buses is expressed as the topological distance and the K-Medoids clustering of system buses is carried out according to the distance to obtain the split section meeting the constraint of islanding power balance;in order to avoid the cascading split and premature split,the “activation-blocking” strategy is applied to all lines in system to quickly and simultaneously split all participated power lines after the out-of-step signal of generator is detected.
地区磋商会议和会员国的答复都表明,跨部 平 台 是一种 广受欢迎的计划实施方式,特别是在国家一级,但是它们需要更加明确的重点, 白无 误的 高层次目标和专门拨款。
Regional consultations and responses by Member States suggest that intersectoral platforms are a welcome modality of programme implementation, including at the country [...]
level, but that they need clearer
focus, well-articulated higher-level objectives and distinct financial allocations.
我覺得當局故意裝作不白,或 是不想瞭解市民希望有一個清廉的制度, 其中設有一個獨立機制調查所有的貪污案件,包括涉及政府最高層的個案, [...]
而這個機制運作時,是不應該受到壓力或影響的,那麼,機構便可以很獨立 地進行調查。
I believe that the
[...] Administration either deliberately pretends not to understand, or does not [...]
wish to know that the public
has a desire for a clean system, in which an independent mechanism is put in place to investigate all corruption cases, including those that involve the highest level of the Government.
政府當局清楚白到核 事故將持 續一段時間,所帶來的影響亦可蔓延至 其他地方,以及需要更長期監察從其他地方輸入 香港的食物。
The Administration well recognized that the nuclear incident would continue for a certain period and its impacts could spread to other places as well, and more long-term monitoring would be required for food entering Hong Kong from other places.
15.2 如果报告员不再代表委员会的某一委员,或 故无 法 任 满其任期,应在委员 会中进行磋商后指定一位副主席接替其任满现有任期。
15.2 if the Rapporteur ceases to represent
a Member of the Committee or if for any
[...] reason he/she is unable to complete his/her [...]
term of office, he/she shall be replaced
by a Vice-Chairperson, after consultation within the Committee, for the remainder of the term of office.
越南奶果的果汁清甜,呈白色,故 而 被 西印度群岛人称为“苹果奶”,在越南则有“奶果”之称。
Caimito fruit has a pulp
[...] that produces sweet, white milk, the inspiration [...]
for its local name of "pomme de lait" in the West
Indies and "mother's milk" (vu sua) in Vietnam.
如果需要调整聚焦、光圈、增益 白平 衡 , 则请进 行调整。
Adjust the
[...] focus, iris, gain and white balance if they need [...]
to be adjusted.
大赦国际呼吁迅速、公正和有效地调查所有对侵害妇女的暴力的举报,政府 应确保将负有责任者绳之以法,受害者得到赔偿,妇女在法律与实践 无 保 留地 享有与男子同样平等。
Amnesty International called for prompt, impartial and effective investigation of all reports of violence against women, that the Government ensure that those responsible were brought to
justice and the victims granted reparations and
[...] that women be granted unqualified equality with men in law and in [...]
然后选择 AWB A 或 AWB B 时,可以调用存 储在所选的存储器中白平衡。
When AWB A or AWB B is
[...] then selected, the white balance stored in [...]
the selected memory can be recalled.
最后一段,是一个被分隔的单独的拼贴,画幅中有黑白无常的鬼的形象,有些许压抑和庸俗,雾气濛濛的;也有一段墨水印记和随意涂抹,意在和‘具象’产生呼应,为 白无 常 营造 更 平 面 性 质的效果,可以说这里是最‘传统戏剧性’的部分,而恰好被我割裂然后错落拼贴了。
It makes the irregular black and white seem even flatter. You could say that this section is the most “traditionally dramatic” part – and this is the part that I separated off and pieced together as a collage.
这可以包括但并不局 限于要求法官和检察官以白无的语 言向其解释其权利。
This may include, but is not limited to, requiring judges and prosecutors to explain their rights to them in clear and plain language.
专家平行活动中审查无障碍 性的深度和广 度,利用了缔约国和幸存者在无障碍性方面的经验,并就执行《卡塔赫纳行动计 划》中涉及无障碍性的内容交流了经验。
At the parallel programme, experts reviewed the depth and breadth [...]
of what constitutes accessibility, benefited from the
States’ and survivors’ experiences as concerns accessibility and exchanged experiences on the application of the Cartagena Action Plan as concerns accessibility.
[...] 物技术的所有缔约国采取积极措施,促进 平 等 和 无 歧 视基础上开展技术转让和 国际合作,尤其是与该领域中不那么先进的国家开展技术转让和国际合作,同时 [...]
促进《公约》的基本目标,并确保科学技术的普及完全符合《公约》的和平目标 和宗旨。
Therefore, the Conference urges all States Parties possessing advanced biotechnology to adopt positive measures to promote
technology transfer and international
[...] cooperation on an equal and non-discriminatory [...]
basis, particularly with countries less
advanced in this field, while promoting the basic objectives of the Convention, as well as ensuring that the promulgation of science and technology is fully consistent with the peaceful object and purpose of the Convention.
各国应对儿童司法系统中任何阶段的暴力侵害儿童行为的严肃报 告进行公开调查,调查应由正直之人进行,还应得到充足经费,并且不 无故拖 延
States should undertake public investigations into all serious reports of violence against children at any stage of the juvenile justice system, carried out by persons of integrity and adequately funded and completed without undue delay.
[...] 他一些做法经常被统称为减少危害措施,但重要的不是支持某一个特定术语, 而是应当对拟实施的方案和政策作出 白无 误 的 说明。
It was also stated that, although those and other practices were frequently lumped together as harm reduction measures, it was not support for a particular
term that was important but rather that the programmes and policies to be undertaken
[...] be described clearly and precisely.
獨立董事委員會經考慮聯昌國際之意見後,認為加工協議之條款及年度上限 對獨立股東而言均屬平合理,故建 議 獨立股東投票贊成批准持續關連交易及年 [...]
The Independent Board Committee, having taken into account the advice of CIMB-GK, considers that the
terms of the Subcontracting Agreement and
[...] the Annual Cap are fair and reasonable insofar [...]
as the Independent Shareholders are concerned.
为了进一步鼓励发展中国家制作富有创造性和文 化多样性的产品,教科文组织参与了多部记录片的合作制作,其中有“反对贫困的斗争” (马里);获得两项泛非电影电视节奖的“Eya
的困窘”(2003 年 3 月);“尼日利亚的传 统音乐”;“Afro@digital(刚果民主共和国);”2003
[...] 年嘎纳电影节和国际广播电视大学 (URTI)大奖参赛作品“S21-红色高棉的屠杀机器”;“战争与 平 中 的人 的 故 事 ” (亚 美尼亚)。
As a means of further encouraging the production of creative, culturally diverse content in developing countries, UNESCO co-produced such documentaries as La lutte contre les pauvres (the struggle against the poor) (Mali); Le dilemme d’Eya (Eya’s dilemma) (Togo) which were awarded two prizes at FESPACO (March 2003), “Traditional Music of Nigeria”; Afro@digital (Democratic Republic of Congo); “S21 – The Khmer Rouge Killing Machine” (Cambodia) which was selected for the 2003 Cannes Festival and for the
grand prize of the International Radio and Television University
[...] (URTI); and “A story of people in war and peace” (Armenia).
残疾人数增加有多种原因,其中最主要的是:内乱和持续战争;文盲率高; 营养不足和营养不良;传染病;保健服务低下;社会援助和服务 平 低 下故和家 庭暴力;大多数国家经济条件差;以及老年病和自然灾害(非洲联盟委员 会,2005 年)。
The increase in the number of people with disabilities is due to a number of reasons, chief among which are civil
strife and continuing
[...] wars; a high level of illiteracy; undernutrition and malnutrition; communicable diseases; poor health services; a low level of social assistance and services; accidents and domestic [...]
violence; poor economic
conditions in most of the countries; and old age and natural calamities and disasters (AUC, 2005).
由于使用平较低,故阿瓦 尔制冷和空调 公司和各种其他用途的淘汰未被列入本次投资项目,并将作为向预混多元醇小用户提供技 [...]
Due to the low level of use, the phase-out [...]
in Awal Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning and miscellaneous uses is not included
in the investment project and will be addressed as part of technical assistance for small users of pre-blended polyols.




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