

单词 平流层

See also:

平层 n

screed n

流平 v

flow out v

External sources (not reviewed)

第三、“流层”和“平流层下部”的组成发生变化就 会引起“气候变化”。
Third, changes in the composition of the troposphere and lower stratosphere cause climate change.
在南极上空发现了一个巨大的臭氧“空洞”之后,地球的保 层 “ 平流层 臭氧 ”的耗竭成了 1980 年代后期人们高度关切的一个环境问题。
Depletion of the Earth’s
[...] protective layer of stratospheric ozone was [...]
one of the defining environmental concerns of the late
1980s, following the discovery of a major ozone “hole” over the Antarctic.
大气层”――或空气质量――是“地球周围的气体混合物”、其中 大部分存在于“流层”和“平流层 ”。
The atmosphere — or air-mass — is a mixture of gases that surrounds the earth, most of it existing in the troposphere and stratosphere.
平流层后, 他们发现一个巨大的丸子机是唯一的核心和发送众生的食物,攻击他们。
Entering the stratosphere, they find that [...]
the machine is the sole core of a giant meatball and sends sentient food to attack them.
机制,吸收群众兆瓦的电力,从附近的电厂,并最终穿过小镇,投篮命中率高达飙升 平流层 , 破坏沙丁鱼土地。
The mechanism absorbs masses of megawatts of electricity from
the nearby power plant and ends up rocketing through town and
[...] shooting up into the stratosphere, destroying Sardine Land.
该方案将促进平流层臭氧 耗竭机理的研究。
The programme will contribute to the study of the
[...] mechanisms of stratospheric ozone depletion.
它们是:大气中四氯化碳浓 2 度的测量,多数在低层大气(对流层),在 高 层大气平流层下部 )有 一 些辅助测量;《 蒙 特利尔议定书》第 7 条下提供的关于国家四氯化碳消费量的报告,以及来自行业来源和国 家与执行机构提交给秘书处的项目数据中包含的行业生产量和使用量的报告。
They are: measurements of CTC concentrations in the atmosphere, largely in the lower atmosphere (troposphere) with some supporting measurements in the upper atmosphere (lower stratosphere); reports on national CTC consumption provided under Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol, and; reports of 2 industrial production and use, available from industry sources and also contained in project data provided to the Secretariat by countries and implementing agencies.
流层和平流层的数 据紧密相连,两个数据集都被纳入 2006 年科 学评估小组的“臭氧消耗科学评估:2006 [...]
年”报告中,其中估计,2004 年全球四氯化碳的 排放总量约为 70,000 公吨(77,000 ODP 吨)。
Tropospheric and stratospheric data is strongly [...]
interlinked and both data sets were integrated into the findings of the
2006 Scientific Assessment Panel (SAP) in their “Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 2006” report, in which it was estimated that global emissions of CTC in 2004 totalled some 70,000 metric tonnes (77,000 ODP tonnes).
现已确定共计 9 个极限:气候变化、生物多样性丧失速度、生物地球化学 流动(氮和磷)、平流层臭氧 耗损、海洋酸化、全球淡水使用量、土地用途变化、 大气气雾剂浓度和化学污染。
A total of nine boundaries are identified: climate change, rate
of biodiversity loss,
[...] biogeochemical flows (both nitrogen and phosphorus), stratospheric ozone depletion, [...]
ocean acidification,
global freshwater use, change in land use, atmospheric aerosol loading and chemical pollution.
大约 20 到
[...] 30 名成员一直在多个研究项目中工作,例如,开发实验性火箭 平流层 气 球 和微型火箭。
Around 20-30 members of the CLES-FACIL continuously work on
different research projects, for example the development of
[...] experimental rockets, stratospheric balloons and [...]
miniature rockets.
平流层 位于 对流层上方,呈分层稳定状,海拔约在10公 里至50公里(高纬度为9公里,热带地区为16公 里)。
Highly stratified region of atmosphere above the troposphere extending [...]
from about 10 km (ranging from 9 km in high latitudes
to 16 km in the tropics) to about 50 km.
实验室研究 已对 RC-316c
[...] 的光解损耗进行了评估,结果显示光解损耗主要出现 平流层, 紫外线照射是主要原因。
The photolytic loss of RC-316c had been evaluated in
laboratory studies and it appeared to occur
[...] mainly in the stratosphere, with ultraviolet [...]
radiation being the major cause.
此后星球焰火与我们的超生物星 平流层 碰 撞,旨在颠覆日常生活的黯淡...
Since then Planet Fire has been
[...] bombarding the stratospheric layers of our world with [...]
ultra-biotic intergalactic characters,
aiming to take over and subvert the dullness of daily life
他强调了下述事实,即:特别筹资机制是一个有时间限制的工具,其优先服务的对象是与 预防污染和减轻平流层臭氧的威胁以及减轻气候威胁相关的项目。
He highlighted the fact that the facility was a time-limited instrument that was to give priority to
projects related to pollution prevention and abatement of
[...] the threat to stratospheric ozone and mitigating [...]
climate threats.
估算间接 GWPs
[...] 时具体考虑了后一因素,即规定 当等平流层氯(EESC)回复到 1980 年前的值时, [...]
As ODS indirect cooling effects are projected to
[...] cease upon ozone layer recovery, their [...]
duration depends not only on gas lifetime
but also on the time of ozone recovery.
德国航天中心执行局主席 Johann-Dietrich Wörner、执行局成员 Gerd Gruppe 和 Hansjörg Dittus,以及德国大使 Peter
Ammon 于 2011 年 12 月同美国国家航空 航天局(美国航天局)局长 Charles Bolden 和美国国会议员举行会谈,以便特别
[...] 是讨论未来对国际空间站的利用、红外天文 平流层 观 测 站的状况,以及重力 再发现和气候实验后续飞行任务。
The chair of the DLR Executive Board, Johann-Dietrich Wörner, and members of the Executive Board Gerd Gruppe and Hansjörg Dittus, as well as the German Ambassador Peter Ammon, met in December 2011 with the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Charles Bolden and members of the United States Congress to discuss, in particular, the future exploitation of the
International Space Station (ISS), the
[...] status of the Stratospheric Observatory for [...]
Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) and the Grace Follow-On mission.
该化合物主要是平流层的 紫 外线(波长范围为 190 - 210 纳米)光解的(与三氯一氟甲烷和二氯二氟甲烷 [...]
The compound was mainly lost in ultraviolet
(190-210 nanometer wavelength range)
[...] photolysis in the stratosphere (similar to [...]
many other CFCs, such as CFC-11 and CFC-12).
利用日本GAME资料、TRMM卫星资料及中国730站降水资料研究了1998年夏季亚洲地区 流层 至 平流层 低 频 振荡(LFO)的传播特征及该年长江中下游夏季降水变化的LFO型,结果表明:1998年5—8月,在青藏高原经纬度上,对流层LFO的东西向传播特征与季节变化有关。
The propagation characteristics of the atmospheric low frequency (LF, 30--60 days) oscillation (LFO) around the Tibetan Plateau from troposphere to stratosphere and its relationship with the floods over the mid-lower reaches of the Yangtze River in the summer of 1998 are studied, based on the GAME dataset from Meteorological Research Institute (MRI)/Japan Meteorological Agency, the TRMM satellite rainfall and the 730-station precipitation over China.
[...] 容是利用一种专门为此目的开发的原创办法对南极冬季极地涡旋的动态进行观 测:一组大约 20 个气球连续好几个月飘飞在 层平流层 一 个不变的高度上。
The project consists of observing the dynamics of the Antarctic winter polar vortex using an original method specially developed for
this purpose: a flotilla of about 20 balloons flying at a constant altitude
[...] in the lower stratosphere for several months.
惊愕, 卡安, 罐头食品厂, 多云有一个肉丸的机会, 通信设备, 破坏性的龙卷风, 父亲添, 哈德, 机系列, 庞大的数量, 兆瓦, 病态肥胖,
[...] ·帕特里克·哈里斯, 宠物猴, 沙丁鱼, 沙丁鱼, 平流层, 类型的食品, 天气实习生
astonishment, caan, cannery, cloudy with a chance of meatballs, communication device, destructive tornado, father tim, hader, machin, massive
quantities, megawatts, morbidly obese, patrick harris, pet monkey,
[...] sardine, sardines, stratosphere, types of food, [...]
weather intern
博纳 D550 快干型底涂是一种单组分分散型底涂,用作在使用博纳 H650 快干型流平剂之前的层地面 的准备工作。
Bona D550 Speed is a one-component dispersion-based primer for the preparation of substrates prior to
[...] the use of Bona H650 Speed self levelling compound.
平层流原理 可确保不同材料间的精确过渡,在控制即使只有若干原子厚度的薄膜的沉积率方面,更是无可匹敌。
The laminar flow principle ensures [...]
extremely precise transitions between different materials, and an unparalleled control
over the deposition rates for films that are only a few atoms thick.
目前,中国正在建造新一代地球观测系统,侧重点是以高分辨率卫星、流层飞艇 和航空遥感系统为基础建立一个地球观 平 台 ,目的是发展 24 小时全 天候收集地球观测数据的功能和发展其应用的能力,并通过发展地面支持和运 [...]
Currently, China is building a new-generation Earth observation system, with the focus on developing an
Earth observing
[...] platform based on high-resolution satellites, stratosphere airships and aerial remote sensing systems, [...]
the aim being to develop
the capability for 24-hour and all-weather collection of Earth observation data and their application, and to build up a space data industry chain by developing the system of surface support and operation.
在“流层”和 “同温层”, 大部分气体的相对比例是相当稳定的,在科学上,这些“气层”一起组成“下大 气层”,它往上延伸平均海 拔 50 公里的高度,而与“上大气层”区别开来。
In the troposphere and the stratosphere, the relative proportions of most gases are fairly stable; scientifically these spheres are grouped together as the “lower atmosphere”, which extends to an average altitude of 50km, [...]
and are distinguished
from the “upper atmosphere”.
博纳 H620 是一种先进的加强纤维型平滑剂 流平 剂 ,用于快速将既有 层 地 面 (如木地板、刨花板 V100、沥青地板和既有的带有地板胶残留物的 层 地 面 )变得平整。
Bona H620 is an advanced fibre reinforced smoothing and levelling compound designed to rapidly smooth and level existing substrates like timber floors, chipboard V100, [...]
flooring grade asphalt and
existing substrates with adhesive residues.
业务卫星完全可以保证不同传感器和不同任务间的连续性和 一致性(从红外图像中获得的海洋表面温度;全球尺度的 平 面 , 大尺度 层流 和 波 高 以及用高度计测得的风速;用散射计观测的海洋矢量风;合成孔径雷达观测的海冰、表 层波谱、油膜;通过海洋水色观测的海表叶绿素等),但它主要适用于开阔大洋环境和 一类水域(海洋水色)的观测,一般都达不到沿岸系统(特别是浅水近岸水域和河口)所需 [...]
要的空间分辨率(< 500 m)。
The minimum set of variables to be measured are as follows: (1) real-time wind fields (updated 3-4
[...] freshwater fluxes (rainfall, rivers,ground water) and related inputs of sediments and nutrients (daily rates updated weekly); and (2) surface currents and waves, [...]
sea surface temperature
and chlorophyll distributions updated daily; vertical profiles (with measurement at surface, pycnocline, near bottom as a minimum) of temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, inorganic nutrients (N, P, Si), chlorophyll, coloured dissolved organic matter, and cell densities of HAB species updated at weekly (small number of stations) to monthly intervals (more stations).
此 外,应当加大努力,制定一项全球战略,将发 层 面 优 先纳入全球进程和有关 多边机构,以使发展中国家能够从全球化和贸易自由化所提供的机会中获益, 包括通过为发展创造一个有利的外部经济环境,这要求国际贸易、货币和金融 体系之间加强一致性,使之具有普遍、开放 平 等 、 非胁迫性、基于规则、可 预测和非歧视性。
In addition, greater efforts must be made to generate a global strategy to prioritise and
mainstream the development dimension into global processes, and in the relevant multilateral institutions in order to enable developing countries to benefit from the opportunities offered
[...] by globalisation and trade liberalisation, including through the creation of an enabling external economic environment for development which requires greater coherence between the international trading, monetary and financial systems that should be universal, open, equitable, non-coercive, rule-based, predictable and non-discriminatory.
此外,根据具体开支项目的开支率衡量计划的执行情况可能并不妥当,因为,在 这样具层面的开支平在整 个双年度期间并不总是呈现线性运行态势的。
In addition, measuring the programme implementation by expenditure rates of specific object-of-expenditure items may not be appropriate as expenditures at that level of detail are not always incurred in a linear manner during the biennium.
专家组将请平利用外层空间 委员会成员国、联合国政府间机构、相关的 政府间组织,以及工作组工作范围和工作方法(A/66/20,附件二)第五节所列 [...]
的其他国际组织和机构提供意见,并请各国非政府组织和私营部门行动方通过 委员会的相关成员国提供意见。
The expert group will invite contributions from States members of
[...] the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, United [...]
Nations intergovernmental bodies,
relevant intergovernmental organizations and other international organizations and bodies, as listed in section V of the terms of reference and methods of work of the Working Group (A/66/20, annex II), as well as from national non-governmental organizations and private sector actors through relevant States members of the Committee.
援助侧重于以下几个方面:(a)建立符合国际标 准和规范的法律和政策框架;(b)加强国内机构特别是反腐败机构和刑事司法机 关的能力,以便以综合协调的方式有效预防和控制腐败;(c)在公共和私营部
[...] [...] 门,包括在公共资源管理方面,增强廉洁和问责制并提高透明度;(d)协助有关 政府机关进行国际合作并在国内和国际范围追回资产;(e)与国际社会成员和联 合国系统成员发展战略性和主题性的合作伙伴关系,以确保技术援助提供工作 的一致性;(f)支助建立网络平台, 使会员国在区域和国 层 面 进 行政策对话 和同侪学习。
Assistance focuses on (a) establishing legal and policy frameworks consistent with international standards and norms; (b) strengthening the capacity of domestic institutions, in particular anti-corruption bodies and criminal justice institutions, to effectively prevent and control corruption in an integrated and coordinated way; (c) enhancing integrity, accountability and transparency in public and private sectors, including the management of public resources; (d) supporting relevant Government institutions in international cooperation and the recovery of assets at the domestic and international levels; (e) development of strategic and thematic partnerships with members of the international community and United Nations system to ensure coherency in the delivery of technical assistance; and (f)
supporting the establishment
[...] of networks and platforms for policy dialogue and peer learning among Member States at the regional and international levels.




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