

单词 平月

External sources (not reviewed)

(d) 過去 3 個月平均每月住戶 入息須不超過以下相應住戶 人數的入息限額
(d) The average monthly household income in the past 3 months does not exceed [...]
the income limit applicable to the relevant household size below
六及/或第七部分所示的人士過去 3 個月平均每月住戶 入息是港幣 12,000 元,不超 本項目相應住戶人數的入息限額(見項目簡介第 2(b)項)。
(i) The average monthly household incom made by me and/or the person(s) specified in Part 5, Part 6 and/or Part 7 of this Form in the past 3 months is HK$ 12,000, which [...]
does not exceed the
income limit applicable to the relevant household size of this Programme (see item 2(b) of the Programme Brief).
今年前六个月,教科文组织网站 月平 均 访问量确定在 1.400.000 人左右,实际上世界上所有国家至少每月接入该网站一次。
The monthly average of visits to the UNESCO site for the first six months of the year [...]
is roughly 1,400,000 visitors and
practically all the countries of the world are connected at least once a month.
但主要的原因是法官的效率较 低,他们月平均处 理 1.9 起案件,而法庭的程序规则要求每月处理 6 起案件。
The main reason, however, has to do with the very
low productivity of judges,
[...] who handle an average of 1.9 cases per month although the court [...]
rules of procedure call for
them to handle 6 cases per month.
该系 统现在月平均发出 1,500 份出口前通知,而三年 前每月仅发出 600 份通知。
On average, over 1,500 pre-export notifications are sent through the system every month, compared with [...]
about 600 per month three years ago.
月 平 息 / 每 月 手 續 費 ( 按 貸 款 本 金 計 ) 0.25% 為 例 , 12 個 月 及 24 個 月 還 款 期 之 實 際 年 利 率 分 別 為 7.63% 及 7.92% ; 以月 平 息 / 每 月 手 續 費 ( 按 貸 款 本 金 計 ) 0.65% 為 例 , 12 個 月 及 24 個 月 還 款 期 之 實 際 年 利 率 分 別 為 17.25% 及 17.68% ; 若 以月 平 息 / 每 月 手 續 費 ( 按 貸 款 本 金 計 ) 0.75% 為 例 , 12 個 月 及 24 個 月 還 款 期 之 實 際 年 利 率 則 分 別 為 19.74% 及 20.16% 。
For a monthly flat interest rate / monthly handling fee (based on the loan amount) of 0.25%, the annualised percentage rates calculated over a 12-month and 24-month loan tenor are 7.63% and 7.92% respectively; For a monthly flat interest rate / monthly handling fee (based on the loan amount) of 0.65%, the annualised percentage rates calculated over a 12-month and 24-month loan tenor are 17.25% and 17.68% respectively; For a monthly flat interest rate / [...]
monthly handling fee (based
on the loan amount) of 0.75%, the annualised percentage rates calculated over a 12-month and 24-month loan tenor are 19.74% and 20.16% respectively.
[...] Namukaya 前三个月的正规出口为 7 公斤,几 乎是 2011 年正规出口月平均数
In South Kivu, the export house
Namukaya officially exported 7 kg in the first trimester, an amount it almost
[...] officially exported per month on average in 2011.
如果与 特定雇主的雇用关系持续达 5 年,失业保险基金就支付金额为当事工人一月的月平均工 资的补助;如果雇用关系持续了 5-10 年,补助则为当事工人 一个月半月平均工 资;如果雇用关系持续了 10 年以上,补助则为当事工 人两月的月平均工资。
If an employment relationship with the particular employer has lasted for up to five years, the Unemployment Insurance Fund pays
the benefit in the
[...] amount of the worker’s one month’s average monthly wage, if the relationship has lasted for 5–10 years the benefit is the worker’s oneand-a-half month’s average monthly wage, and if the employment relationship has lasted for more than 10 years the benefit is the worker’s two month’s average monthly wage.
副秘书长说人道主义局势仍十分严重,但观察到一些令人鼓舞的进展,包括 目前月平均有 150 人返回家园。
With regard to the humanitarian situation, the Under-Secretary-General reported that the situation remained dire; however some
encouraging progress had been observed, as some people were returning to their
[...] homes, at an average of 150 people a month.
公务员须证明其在公共服务机构的就业年 限至少达到 15 年,才有权领取相当月平均保 险收入的 75%的养恤金;而地方 当选者不少于 8 年。
Civil servants must confirm at least 15 years of total employment experience with the public
service to have the right to
[...] a pension equal to 75% of the average insured monthly income, whilst the [...]
local electees – not less than 8 years.
將 自 基 期 起 物 價 轉 變
[...] 的 影 響 計 算 在 內 , 調 整 至 2012 年 的 價 格 水 平 , 甲 類 、 乙 類 及 丙 類 消 費 物 價 指 數 所 涵 蓋 住 戶 的月 平 均 開 支 , 分 別 大 約 在 5,000 元 至 20,500 元 之 間 、 20,500 元 至 36,000 元 之 間 及 36,000 元 至 72,900 元 之 間 , 而 綜 合 消 費 物 價 指 數 所 涵 蓋 住 戶 的月 平 均 開 支 則 大 約 在 5,000 元 至 72,900 元 之 間 。
Taking into account the impact of price changes since the base period, the monthly household expenditure ranges of the CPI(A), CPI(B), and CPI(C) adjusted to the price level of 2012 are broadly equivalent to $5,000-$20,500, $20,500-$36,000 and $36,000-$72,900 [...]
respectively, and that of the Composite
CPI is broadly equivalent to $5,000- $72,900.
文学翻译信息交流中心不但巩固了其访问者人数:(访问者人数 月平 均由 1,000 名 增至 5,000 名),而且还扩大了其信息合作和联络网。
The Clearing House for Literary Translation
broadened its
[...] audience, with the average number of visitors rising from 1,000 to 5,000 per month, and widened its [...]
partnership network and information links.
1 銀行服務 表十一 [Q9] 你本人或者貴 公司既財務管理人員每月平均會用幾多時間去處理 公司既開支帳目?
Sub-total 10 Table 11 [Q9]
[...] How much time on average do you or your financial management staff spend on managing the company’s expenses per month?
徐先生的公司已經運營2年,由於他遵守誠信和服務為公司政策,所以他很快就擁有了不少的客戶資源, 月 入 金 平 均 2- 3萬美金,但是穩定的的入金量並沒有為他帶來很好的利潤收入,這是由於客戶的成交單量 月平 均 只 有50-80手左右,導致徐先生的公司只能維持每月的成本,並沒有很好的利潤收入。
Mr. Xu's company has operated for two years, because of his integrity and service to comply with company policies, so
he soon has a lot of
[...] client resources, a monthly average of 2-3 million dollars into gold, but the stability of the income payment amount is not give him a very good profits, which is due to a single volume of customer transactions per month on average only about [...]
50-80 hands, leading to
Mr. Xu, the company can only maintain the monthly costs and no good profits.
紅 色 部 分 代 表 每 月 作 出 定 額 港 幣 1,000 元 額 外 靈 活 供 款 後 而 得 出 的 預 計 額 外月 平 均 可 用 之 儲 備 ; 而 紫 色 部 分 則 代 表 若 你 希 望 65 歲 至 80 歲 ( 男 性 ) 及 86 歲 ( 女 性 ) 之 預 計月 平 均 可 用 之 儲 備 ( 綠 色 部 分 ) , 加 上 每 月 作 出 特 定 的 額 外 靈 活 供 款 後 而 得 出 的 預 計 額 外月 平 均 可 用 之 儲 備 , 能 相 等 於 65 歲 之 預 計 有 關 入 息 的 2/3 ( 即 大 約 66.67% ) 而 計 算 出 每 月 需 要 作 出 的 額 外 靈 活 供 款 。
The red bar represents the additional projected average monthly amount
[...] resulting from HKD1,000 additional Flexi-Contribution made into your MPF account monthly; whereas the purple bar represents the additional projected average monthly amount resulting from a specific monthly additional Flexi-Contributions on top of the projected average monthly amount after age 65 to 80 (for male) and 86 (for female) (shaded in green), [...]
which is required for maintaining a living standard equivalent to 2/3 (that is approximately 66.67%) of your projected relevant income as at age 65.
[...] 动情况,授权支付政府经认证的特遣队所属装备偿付要求,确定 月平 均 兵力、应 偿还数额及开始向政府支付部队及建制警察费用偿付款,并提供资金监测培训。
The Office continues to monitor cash-flow status of the special accounts for each peacekeeping operation, authorizing payment to Governments for settlement of their certified
contingent-owned equipment claims, to
[...] determine average monthly troop strengths, [...]
to establish amounts reimbursable and
initiate payments for troop and formed police unit cost reimbursements to Governments, and to provide training on fund monitoring.
統計處剔除上述三個類別的非代表性公屋租戶和無效的抽樣公屋 單位數目後,並採用倍大調查數據的統計方法,計算出家庭人數分布百
[...] 分比,作為一組加權用的權數,以供計算整體公屋租戶家庭的 月平均 收 入,及由此而得租金檢討的收入指數。
With the exclusion of the three categories of non-representative PRH households and invalid sampling units, as well as the application of statistical method to gross up the survey data, C&SD computes the household size distribution of PRH tenants
which forms a set of weights for
[...] computing the overall mean monthly household income and [...]
hence the income index for the rent review.
某地月平均的 太阳辐 射量是一个相对常量,因此可以作为决定太阳能电源尺寸大小的基础数据。
The solar
[...] insolation of a site averaged over a month is relatively constant [...]
and can be used as basis for dimensioning solar systems.
空运处在 14 个国家开展业务,月平均 使用 54 架飞机。
UNHAS operated in 14
[...] countries, using an average of 54 aircraft per month.
从二月到五月,艺术市场信心指数从来 没有跌破过20点,而在月平均指数在30 点以上。
From February to May, the art market confidence index never once fell below 20 points, and even
[...] oscillated above an average of 30 points in April.
月平均超 过 100 万页的浏览量外,该新闻门户网站还通过简易新闻聚合接口 (RSS feeds)、大约五万名订户的电子邮件、以及在脸书和推特上的英法文账户 [...]
With over 1
[...] million page views per month on average, the Internet-based [...]
news portal further distributed its stories through
RSS feeds, e-mail to some 50,000 subscribers and through Facebook and Twitter accounts in English and French.
而百分之五十八的父母於選擇聖誕玩具禮物時,「教育意義」成為最重要的考慮因素,其次為「安全性」(42%)及「價錢」(34%)。百分之三十九的父母計劃付出港幣100元或以上購買聖誕玩具禮物給每名子女,較 月平 均 用於購買玩具的支出多百分之七。
Educational" (58%) is considered as the top priority when selecting toys. 39% of the
parents plan to spend HK$ 100 or more on a Christmas gift per child, a 7%
[...] increase from the monthly toy purchase spending.
A 項 輸入每一家庭成員現時月平均 收入,包括薪金及工資、營業盈 利、所收各種服務費、花紅、獎金、 [...]
佣金、小賬收入、各種津貼,以及 其他工作的收入。
Enter the present average monthly income, including [...]
salary or wages, business profit, fees received for services rendered,
bonuses, cash awards, commission, tips, allowances, and other earnings of each member of the family.
根據《商業登記條例》的規定,除根據《公司條例》註冊成立或登記的 公司外,月平均銷售或收入總額不超過規定限額(主要憑提供服務以賺取利潤的業 [...]
務 :10,000 元;其他業務 :30,000 元)的小型業務可申請豁免繳交商業登記費和徵 費。
Except for companies incorporated or registered
under the Companies Ordinance, a small
[...] business with average monthly sales or receipts [...]
below a specified limit ($10,000 for
a business mainly deriving profits from the sale of services or $30,000 for other businesses) could apply for exemption from payment of the business registration fee and levy.
艾滋病毒还连带引起照护病人的巨 大责任,这种责任没有适当的报酬;撒南非洲一项六国研究报告发现,志愿照护 人员月平均担任 69 小时的义务工作。
HIV is also associated with considerable caregiving responsibilities that are not adequately compensated, with a six-country
study in sub-Saharan Africa finding that volunteer
[...] caregivers performed an average of 69 hours of free work each month.
元 *(如屬沒有固定收入人仕(例如,的士司機/三行工人/裝修工人/地 盤雜工/散工等),請提供每月工作日數及日薪資料,並將工作日數 乘以日薪找出月平均薪金。
For those without income proof (e.g. taxi-drivers, sam hong workers, decoration workers, construction site labourers, casual workers, etc.), please provide information on the number of working days per month
and daily wages, and
[...] calculate the average monthly wages by multiplying the number of working days per month by daily wages.
(b) 计算出了 2003-2003 年三年期的固定汇率,这个汇率是计算得出的应向捐款缔 约方送交发票的年度前一年的 12 个月平均汇 率,将把这个汇率通知有资格使用 固定汇率机制的捐款缔约方。
(b) A Fixed Exchange Rate is calculated to the 2003-2005 triennium by averaging the 12 months rates of the year preceding the year in which invoices to the contributing Parties are due and is communicated to contributing Parties qualified to use the
fixed-exchange-rate mechanism
[...] (c) Gains and losses due to the fixed-exchange-rate mechanism are determined as deviations of the realized US dollar payments relative [...]
to the US dollar amount
calculated in determining the Party’s pledges when converted to national currencies using the fixed exchange rate mechanism.
河北钢铁集团有限公司将按照基于普氏铁矿石指数(包括铁含量大于62%的铁矿石的额外溢价)(普氏价格)报的铁矿石烧结上料粉的每干公 月平 均 价格的高于95%的价格进行购买。
The price paid by HBIS will be based on the monthly average price per DMT for iron ore
sinter feed fines quoted by Platts Iron Ore Index (including additional quoted
[...] premium for iron content greater than 62%) (“Platts Price”), less adiscount equal to 5% of such [...]
quoted price.




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