单词 | 平易近人 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 平易近人—easy understandless common: amiable and approachable (idiom); easy-going modest and unassuming (of writing) plain and simple See also:平易—unassuming easy take in amiable (manner) written in plain language 平人—ordinary person common people 近人—intimate associate modern person close friend
专为 Hi-Fi 和家庭影院设计的 600 系列具有极高的性价比:先进的 [...] Bowers & Wilkins 技术,获得大奖的性能和卓而不凡的设计,价格却平易近人。bowers-wilkins.cn | Designed for hi-fi and home cinema, the 600 Series offers extraordinary value for [...] money: advanced Bowers & Wilkins technologies, award-winning [...] performanceand outstanding design at aninconspicuous price. bowers-wilkins.eu |
他为人和善,备受选民爱戴,被他们视为富有爱 心和同情心的人,而且总是平易近人。 daccess-ods.un.org | An affable personality, he was highly regarded by his constituents, who viewed him as a loving and compassionate individual, and one who was always accessible. daccess-ods.un.org |
平易近人的名字、摄影和美艺监修,《BREAKFAST LUNCH TEA》道出一种纯粹的生活态度。 think-silly.com | Its name, photography and art direction demonstrate a simple way of living. think-silly.com |
您是否在寻找最平易近人的骨科诊所周围新加坡? compareclinic.com | Are you looking for the most approachable... compareclinic.com |
现今高画质摄影机的品质不断提升,售价则越趋平易近人,因此有越来越多的学生尝试在校园中建立自己的电视频道。 solutions.avermedia.com | As HD camcorders continue to increase in quality and decrease in price, more and more students are trying to establish their own TV station in campus. solutions.avermedia.com |
法国市场上价格较为平易近人的作品比比皆是(85%的拍品以低于5,000美 元的价格成交),但在全球实力最强的拍卖市场之间所展开的最高拍价纪录 争夺战中却难以登上优势地位。 imgpublic.artprice.com | France was a positive granary of affordable works (85% of lots sold for less than $5,000), but struggled to establish itself in the fight for records between the top world marketplaces. imgpublic.artprice.com |
他尽管 成就斐然,但仍保持谦逊和平易近人的态度,而且有 着他人无法模仿的冷幽默风采。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite his many achievements, he remained humble, approachable and possessed of an inimitable dry wit. daccess-ods.un.org |
Fossil 珠宝系列与 Fossil 手表 系列是一组时尚珠宝系列,该系列囊括多款吊饰、项链、手链和耳环,其款式新奇别致、趣味十足,实惠的价格格外平易近人。 hk.ashford.com | The Fossil Jewelry collection, along with the Fossil watches line is a fashion jewelry collection with a wide range of pendants, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings with a fun and whimsical twist at affordable prices for everyone to enjoy. ashford.com |
除了拥有许多进阶的功能让专业玩家能够享受到乐趣,这台 NAS 在操作上也非常的平易近人。 synology.com | With highly advanced features that will delight the most enthusiastic users, yet this [...] NAS server remainsease-of-use. synology.com |
卢森堡的规 模和高效的经营方式还意味着政治家 和主要公务员都平易近人、欢迎对话。 setupineurope.com | The size of Luxembourg and its efficient business approach also means that politicians and key civil [...] servants are approachableand open to dialogue. setupineurope.com |
要比较的话,我还是喜爱他们多於Badly Drawn Boy、Turin Brakes等同辈,KOC始终多一点纯朴真挚,一种比较平易近人的真 性情。 think-silly.com | Compare to their contemporary peers such as Badly Drawn Boy and Turin Brakes, KOC remains to establish a music territory of their own. think-silly.com |
所以说,摄影艺术 [...] 有他独有的时间面向及其文化印象,他也提供给求“艺“若渴的买家许多有利 的收藏条件,诸如:易保存,价格平易近人,从 几百美元到3百万美元都有可 能,这也让它可以触及更广大的群众。 imgpublic.artprice.com | It also offers a number of benefits to bulimic [...] buyers(it is easy to store) and its price range – from [...]a few dollars to more than $3 million [...]– appeals to a particularly wide public. imgpublic.artprice.com |
他鞠躬尽瘁,平易近人,并将他的全部贡献给了中国人民。 zhouenlaipeaceinstitute.org | He gave everything he had, and everything he was, to the people of China. zhouenlaipeaceinstitute.org |
他们通常这样描述与当局的和谐关系:他们 觉得政府的最高决策层应该平易近人,体察民意, 与民众保持类似的价值观和目标。 crisisgroup.org | They generally describe a harmonious relationship with the authorities: they feel that government, at the highest levels, is accessible and receptive to their ideas and shares similar values and objectives to their own.117 They have also been able to provide channels to senior policymakers for smaller or more newly established organisations. crisisgroup.org |
毫无疑问,时装是杂 志的强项:积极、时髦、平易近人而别致,绝不粗俗和平庸,摄影的 方式使得环境更显梦幻色彩,令读者会想要如此打扮。 bootb.com | Without a doubt fashion is its strong [...] point: positive, trendy,easy chic, never vulgar[...]or banal, photographed in a way that makes the [...]image evoke situations with a dream element to make readers want to dress in that way. bootb.com |
爬冰河-纽西兰与全世界冰河相比之下,最突出的一点是它的平易近人。 4tern.com | Glacier Guiding-Why would New Zealand glacier so special compare to others? 4tern.com |
1987 年教会聘请了陈永建牧师,陈牧师和师母 非常平易近人,来了之後,有人负责教牧师开车,有人当 [...] 买车顾问, 有人当房产顾问等等,印证经文万事都互相 效力, 让爱神的人得益处(罗 8:28)。 mccc.org | In 1987 the church engaged Pastor Norman Chen, Pastor [...] and Mrs. Chenwere easyto get along with; [...]after they came, some taught the Pastor [...]how to drive, and some became their car-buying and real estate advisors, proving that all things work together for the benefit of all those that love God. mccc.org |
吊灯造型独特,设计上EOQ品牌的设计原则,即根植于工业背景,使用可再生物料制作,价格平易近人。 vantageshanghai.com | The pendant is unique in appearance and its design follows the principles “EOQ” brand, using renewable materials andsold at a reasonable price. vantageshanghai.com |
平易近人的凯特拉斯先生精通复杂腕表机芯的机械组装工序,而且要比一般人所想象的年轻。 iwc.com | Mister Kittlas is an especially approachable person, and perhaps younger than you’d imagine given the sophisticated engineering embedded in these watch movements. iwc.com |
Merison 先生的教学方法既平易近人又有 很高的专业水准,这使他成为善于引导任何人取得成功的杰出导师。 cn.lsbf.edu.sg | Mr Merison has a very friendly, yet professional, approach that makes him a truly [...] outstanding tutor who can easilylead anyone to success. lsbf.edu.sg |
中立的做法,包容各方的判断,调解人的 平易近 人,是建立调解过程有益动态的关键,可克服地方误解和对抗造成的障碍。 daccess-ods.un.org | A neutral approach, an all-inclusive judgement and the accessibility of the mediator are critical for building a beneficial dynamic of the mediation process, by overcoming barriers of local misperception and confrontation. daccess-ods.un.org |
首 先,我要感谢潘基文先生平易近人,迅速响应法语国 家组织方面的要求。 daccess-ods.un.org | First and foremost, I wish to thank Mr. Ban Ki-moon for being accessible and for his promptness in responding to requests from la Francophonie. daccess-ods.un.org |
该款脚架坚固、紧凑,价格却出乎意料得平易近人,微型Static支架用途广泛,适用于35mm到4x5''画幅相机。 manfrotto.cn | Sturdy, compact, and surprisingly [...] affordable, the versatile Mini Static can handle [...]cameras from 35mm to 4'' x 5'' formats. manfrotto.ca |
为了在中国市场进一步地发展,Quiksilver需要一个对于中国顾客来说更平易近人的中国名称来提高品牌知名度。 labbrand.com | To step up in the Chinese marketplace, Quiksilver needed a Chinese brand name that was more accessible to Chinese customersto increase awareness. labbrand.com |
Milow的平易近人和屏幕上的良好形象为他在全欧洲赢得了许多忠实歌迷,更不用说他所获得的一长串成就,其中包括了最佳单曲,白金唱片,大热巡演以及登上全球最有名的音乐节舞台和Youtube上成千上万的视频点击量。 spli-t.com | This combination of the intimate and the widescreen has won Milow a devoted fanbase across Europe, not to mention a list of achievements that includes number-one singles, platinum albums, sold-out tours, performances at some of the world’s most prestigious festivals and millions upon millions of YouTube hits. spli-t.com |
Artprice:价钱平易近人的作 品通常是能复制性的的限量作品,也就是版 画,摄影等,它们不是单件创作,但价格通常相对便宜。 imgpublic.artprice.com | Artprice: The market foraffordable works [...] consists mainly of multiples, i.e. limited editions (photographs, prints, etc.) [...]which do not have the aura of a unique artwork and are therefore, a priori, less expensive. imgpublic.artprice.com |
China girl主要面向年轻时尚的女性消费者,是一个中西时尚撞击融合,拥有高工艺水平,却走平易近人价位 的时尚女鞋品牌。 designsuccess.cn | Founded in Shanghai last year, China Girl is the brand new female shoe brand [...] targeting young [...] fashionable female customers, combining western and Chinese culture with high-leveltechnologyand affordable price. designsuccess.cn |
成立於2 011年2 月,以新媒体(Blog、FB )提供员工与社会大众平易近人的环境保 育观念,以促进民众在日常生活中养成环保习惯,使其相信自己致力於环保行为并 不是上街头抗议,而是用自己爱地球的方式来执行即可。 taya.com.tw | People will believe they can do something for the environment, not just put on a demonstration; instead, they can love the earth in their own way. taya.com.tw |