

单词 平常心

See also:

平常 n

ordinary n

平常 adj

usual adj
common adj



External sources (not reviewed)

I wonder if he would have wished to lecture his UDHK friends, telling them to take an "unbiased view" and not to second-guess other Members' stance.
我希望社會 各界都平 常 心 及成熟 的 態 度 來 處 理 這個問題。
I hope the community can deal
[...] with this issue in a calm and mature manner.
However, since the political system of
Hong Kong is a product of specific historical circumstances, Hong Kong people should
[...] accept this reality with equanimity.
財政司麥高樂先生以及我本㆟都將踏㆖㆟生新階段, 希望他和我㆒樣,平常心和積 極樂觀的態度,輕鬆㆖路。
And I wish him, like me, a pleasant life lived
[...] with ease, with peace of mind and with [...]
所以,這其實沒有甚麼大不了,我們要 平常心 看 待 “ 拉布” 策 略,因這是一般議會應有的空間和程序。
We should regard filibuster with a
relaxed attitude because it should be something permissible under the scope
[...] and procedure of a normal legislative assembly.
以㆒個持平的、 常理平常心來看 ,這樣的增幅是多還是少?
Based on the 1995 levy level, the monthly levy on each vehicle owner would be 13 "bucks" whereas the monthly levy on each driver would be $3.50. Would a fair and reasonable man consider the increases to be big or small?
此外,政府亦應向其他乘客加強宣傳,教導市民 平常心 善待 同車的殘疾人士,讓他們得以平等享用公共交通服務。
In addition, the Government should enhance publicity among other passengers and educate them on treating persons with disabilities kindly so that they can use public transport services on an equal footing like other people.
所以,大家不要太過悲傷或興奮,反 正我們要面對很多現實的問題,盡量 平常心 和 正面的態度處理。
So, we should not feel too sad or excited, as we have to face a lot of problems in reality after all.
回 歸 之後是一 國 了 , 在 一 些並非
特區政 府管轄 的 問題上, 中 央 對 香港傳媒有 點 期 望 , 也 不能算 是
[...] 非 分 , 香港傳媒如果能平 常 心分析 一 下,台 獨 問題究 竟是不 [...]
是 普通的 新 聞 問題, 反 應也許 便 一 定 不 會 這麼激烈了。
On matters that are not within the jurisdiction of the SAR Government, it is not an inordinate demand for the Central Authorities to expect something from the Hong
Kong media. If the Hong Kong media
[...] could remain unruffled in analysing whether [...]
the Taiwan issue was ordinary news, perhaps
their reaction would not have been so intense.
只要我們平常心看待此事,便沒有必要撒賴,或是向其他同事惡言惡語,像要 [...]
As long as we look at
[...] the issue with equanimity, it is not necessary [...]
to be a bad loser or say evil words to other colleagues
as if we want to win everything ― an attitude which I think should not be adopted.
結果又再「撞板」!記得約兩 個星期前,本局動議辯論許賢發議員提出「老㆟優惠」時,港同盟的張文光議員曾經以 ㆒句平常心」來 教訓當時發言的幾位議員,包括本㆟在內。
About two weeks ago, during a debate in this Council on Mr HUI Yin-fat's motion with regard to privileges given to senior citizens, Mr CHEUNG Man-kwong of the United Democrats of Hong Kong (UDHK) lectured us, me and some other speakers, about the "unbiased view".
縱使在歌舞昇平、舉世觸目的慶祝回歸日子裡,香港人都是本 平常心 輕 輕 面對。
Throughout the handover period, we monitored the public mood and published our results on a day-to-day basis.
因此,我其實希望各位平常心去看 我的動議。
Therefore, I really hope that Members
[...] will treat my motion in a normal way.
議員亦 應 是 非 分 明,平 常心, 對 事 不 對 人,無論“保皇” [...]
的 也好, “ 為 民 請 命 ” 的 也好, 至 少 在 議政時 , 都 應 保 持 風 度 , 予官員 應 有 的 尊 重 。
On the part of Members, they should distinguish
between what is right and what is wrong
[...] and act with an impartial state of mind, [...]
commenting on practical issues instead of
the people involved. All political parties, be they "royalist" or "populist", should behave with civic manners in the course of debate, giving government officials the due respect they deserve.
若議員都平常心,簡 單一點地看本來不應是很複雜的問題,可能就 是絕大部分市民的取態。
If Honourable Members can look at this
issue, which in fact should not be very
[...] complicated, from an ordinary and simple perspective, [...]
they may well find that this is
the way in which most members of the public would see it.
部份內地官員如果改不掉他們的政治腔調,我們就 平常心 體 會他們說話的內涵,然後敬之以文明的香港言語,避免無謂的磨擦。
We should leave those languages used in mainland during the Cultural Revolution in mainland. If some mainland officials cannot get rid of their political tone, we should then understand the meaning of their sayings rationally and peacefully, and respond with the civil languages in Hong Kong, so as to avoid meaningless conflicts.
雖然,本局議員來自不同階層,各有其代表利益的立場,但在討論施政時, 應該抱有客觀的態度,平常心面對問題,將黨派之爭及利益分歧置諸腦後,以整體 社會的利益作為主要的考慮依據。
Although Legislative Members come from different walks of life and thus represent different interests, when it comes to policy discussions, they should always remain objective and neutral, putting partisan conflicts and interests aside.
[...] 生,帮助个人恢复生计、返回家园、重建当地基础设施、获得安全感和恢 平常 心;它是走向全面复原的第一步。
It helps communities to become self-reliant and individuals to resume their livelihoods, return
home, rebuild local infrastructure, feel safe and
[...] regain a sense of normalcy; it is the first [...]
step towards full recovery.
他是中国佛教历史方面的专家,同时也是多个权威专项资金的获得者。他最近出版的著作有: 平常心 态 方式:杭州学派和禅宗的崛起》(牛津大学出版社2007),《中国宗教介绍》(劳特利奇出版社2009)。
A specialist in the history of Chinese Buddhism and a recipient of several prestigious fellowships, his latest books are Ordinary Mind as the Way: The Hongzhou School and the Growth of Chan Buddhism (Oxford UP 2007) and Introducing Chinese Religions (Routledge 2009).
我覺得,無論甚麼事情,我們都應 平常心 來 看 待。
I think we should
[...] look at all matters with equanimity
今天, 立法會與政府其實是第一次就這個問題交鋒,大家也是 平常心處 理
Today, it is the first time the Legislative Council confronts the Government over this issue.
政 治 藝術包 含 以 哲學的 理 想 作為基 礎 , 但 同 時 亦 兼 顧 實 際的政 治、經 濟 、 民生環境,有 需 要用和平理性的機制平常 心的態度理 論 , 最後共同接 受協商 的 結果, 這 才 是 政 治的功 能。
Whilst the art of politics embodies an underpinning philosophical ideal, it also has to take into consideration the actual conditions of politics, economy and livelihood.
不過,我 自己希望財政司司長會平常心來看 這件事,因為我不希望他因為有人說了 這個故事,或因為受了這項批評而將自己的諮詢工作縮減甚至退卻。
I hope that the Financial Secretary will not take it too seriously, because I do not want to see him cut down on, or even retreat from, his consultative process on account of the story quoted or the criticisms levelled at him.
梁劉柔芬議員:主席,聽 了 “華叔 ” 那樣沉 重 的 言 論 , 我想我是 承 不 上 的, “華叔 ”,對不起 , 我 會 用 一平常心 的 心 態 來說這一番 話 。
MRS SOPHIE LEUNG (in Cantonese): Madam President, after listening to the solemn comments made by Uncle Wah, I think his is a hard act to follow.
金瑞公司秉承诚信、本分的经营理念,以诚为本,保 平常心 , 讲 求专业化,为客户提供品质优良的产品和服务,为员工提供稳定的收入和良好的发展机会.未来,金瑞公司将坚持不懈的维护品牌信誉,基于品质卓越、服务完善的优势,不断巩固和强化国内外市场地位,建设成为具备较强竞争能力的知名电子板卡制造企业。
Jinrui uphold the integrity of the company,
the sub's operating philosophy, honest,
[...] maintain sense of balance, emphasis on specialization, [...]
to provide customers with quality
products and services, to provide staff with a stable income and good development opportunities. The future, Kim Swiss company will persevere to maintain brand reputation, based on outstanding quality and service improved, and constantly consolidate and strengthen domestic and international market position, building a strong competitive edge with a well-known e-card manufacturers.
披戴著自1953年後首位進入NBA哈佛大學學生和首位進入NBA美籍華裔球員光環的林書豪,並沒有因自己上了新聞頭版而衝昏頭,反而謙虛地不忘將功勞和自己的團隊分享,感恩地不忘將榮耀歸給神,明白光環只是一時,皆 平常心 與 人 相處。
Having notoriety of being the first Harvard graduate since 1953 and also the first Asian-American entering the NBA, Lin was not infatuated, but in fact, humbly shared credits with his team, and did not forget to glorify God. He understands that glory was but a temporary, and doesn’t let the fame change him.
如果长时间睡眠不足,您就会发现自己可能更容易生病,而且容易为一 平常 小 事 感到 心 或 沮 丧。
After a long period of poor quality sleep,
you might also notice that you get sick easier, and you
[...] get sad or depressed by things that normally wouldn't bother you.
至於市民的回歸心情,調查發現,各有百分之五被訪市民使用正面形容詞(如開心、興奮、期待、樂觀等)或混合形容詞(如矛盾、複雜等)描述自己對回歸 心 情 , 二成八使用負面形容詞(如憂慮、害怕、無奈、悲觀等),五成六則使用中性形容詞( 平常 、 平 淡 、無甚感覺等)。
Regarding people's sentiments towards the handover, results revealed that 5% of the respondents used either positive words (like happy, excited, and so on) to describe their feelings, another 5% used ambivalent words (like mixed feelings), 28% used negative words (like worried, afraid, and so on), while 56% used neutral words (like no special feeling).
根据第 60/180 号决议第 4 段(a)至(d),二十四个国家已经当选或被遴选为
[...] 俄罗斯联邦、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和美利坚合众国担任委员会成员;经 济及社会理事会选举澳大利亚、巴西、埃及、几内亚比绍、摩洛哥、波兰和大韩 民国担任成员;加拿大、德国、日本、荷兰和瑞典作为从向联合国预算分摊会费 最高以及向联合国各基金、方案和机构、包括向建设 平常 设 基 金自愿捐助最多 的 10 个国家中遴选出成员;孟加拉国、印度、尼泊尔、尼日利亚和巴基斯坦作 为从向联合国特派团派遣军事人员和民警最多的 10 个国家中遴选出的成员。
Pursuant to paragraphs 4 (a) to (d) of resolution 60/180, 24 States had already been elected and/or selected as members of the Organizational Committee of the Peacebuilding Commission: China, France, Gabon, Mexico, Russian Federation, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States of America selected by the Security Council; Australia, Brazil, Egypt, Guinea-Bissau, Morocco, Poland and Republic of Korea elected by the Economic and Social Council; Canada, Germany, Japan, Netherlands and Sweden
selected by and from
[...] among the top 10 providers of assessed contributions to United Nations budgets and of voluntary contributions to United Nations funds, programmes and agencies, including a standing peacebuilding fund; and [...]
Bangladesh, India, Nepal,
Nigeria and Pakistan selected by and from among the top 10 providers of military personnel and civilian police to United Nations missions.
獨立非執行董事確定上述關連交易乃基於以下情況下 簽訂:(甲)在本集團一般及常業 務 過程中訂立;(乙)按 常 商 業條款或按不遜於本集團提供予獨立 第三方或由獨立第三方提供的條款訂立;及(丙)根據規管該等交易的相關協議,按 平 合 理 且符合 本公司股東整體利益的條款訂立。
The INEDs confirmed that the aforesaid connected transactions were
entered into (a) in the
[...] ordinary and usual course of business of the Group; (b) either on normal commercial terms or on terms no less favourable to the Group than terms available to or from independent third parties; and (c) in accordance with the relevant agreements governing them on terms that are fair and reasonable and [...]
in the interests of
the shareholders of the Company as a whole.




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