

单词 平安的

See also:


at peace
safe and sound
quiet and safe
without mishap

平的 n

peacebuilding n

平的 adj

flat adj

External sources (not reviewed)

四金刚杵挂件是一件宗教工艺品,可以挂在家里、车上等作为装饰,具有祛妖避邪、护 平安的 功 效 ,适合当作馈赠给亲朋好友等的礼品.
Four Dorje pendant is a religious crafts, can hang in the home,
the car as a decoration, has cured to ward
[...] off evil, bless peace effect, suitable [...]
as a gift to friends and other relatives.
委员会注意到给内政部保护方案拨出了资源,但认为缔约国没有 充分遵守其关于保证证人和受害者安全 平安的 责任
The Committee notes the resources assigned to the protection programme of the Ministry of the Interior but considers that the State party has
not fully complied with its duty to
[...] guarantee the security and safety of witnesses [...]
and victims (arts. 6, 7, 17, 19 and 22).
在希望我们的亲人 健平安的同时 ,我们也应该看到,无论我们患病或者没有患病,我们每个人都有自己独特的 [...]
While we want our loved ones
[...] to be healthy and safe, we also need to [...]
see that each of us, whether we have an illness or
not, has unique wishes and desires.
可以挂在家里、车上等作为装饰,具有祛妖避邪、护 平安的 功 效 ,适合当作馈赠给亲朋好友等的礼品.
You can hang in the home, the car as a decoration, has cured to ward
[...] off evil, bless peace effect, suitable [...]
as a gift to friends and other gifts .
记念那位想要更多认识神的穆斯林祷告;在堕胎之後渴慕认识耶稣和祂的赦免的L;最近悔改、现在心中 平安的 H ; 还 有积极向其他人传福音的A、V和其他年轻的基督徒。
Remember the Muslim who is interested in learning more about God; ‘L' who expressed a desire to know Jesus and His forgiveness
following an abortion; ‘H' who recently
[...] repented and now has peace in his heart; as [...]
well as ‘A', ‘V' and the other young Christians
who are actively reaching out to others.
我作為長者安居服務協會的創辦人之一,在出席有 平安 鐘 的 會 議時, 有些同事便向我反映很多收費電視公司真的會跟老人家說到有所謂的 [...]
bundling(即捆綁服務),即是說如果要申請救命鐘服務,必須一併申請收 費電視服務,這做法令長者安居服務協會的救命鐘服務也受到影響。
I am one of the founders of the
[...] Senior Citizen Home Safety Association and [...]
when I attended meetings on the Personal Emergency
(PE) Link Service, some colleagues told me that many pay television companies had indeed adopted a bundling tactic, that is, they would tell the senior citizens that if they wanted to apply for PE Link, they had to make a joint application for pay television service as well.
它必须采取行动, 执行其相关决议,并信念坚定和顽强地行动起来,发挥应有的作用,促进实现以
巴冲突以及整个阿以冲突的公正、持久和全面解决,包括在 1967 年边界的基础
[...] 上实现两国和平解决办法,即一个以东耶路撒冷为其首都的主权独立的巴勒斯坦 国,同以色列在平安全的情况下相邻而处,并根据 1948 年的第 194(III)号决 [...]
It must act to implement its relevant resolutions and act with conviction and fortitude to play its rightful role in contributing to the achievement of a just, lasting and comprehensive solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Arab-Israeli conflict as a whole, including the realization of the two-State solution for peace on the basis of the 1967 borders, with an independent, sovereign State of Palestine, with East Jerusalem
as its capital, living side by side
[...] with Israel in peace and security, and the achievement [...]
of a just solution for the plight
of the Palestine refugees on the basis of resolution 194 (III) of 1948.
的,平安和公义是继续 的留在那顺服的人的生命里。
Similarly, peace and righteousness [...]
are continuously present in the life of one who obeys.
甚愿你素来听从我的命令!的平安 就 如 河水;你的公义就如海浪。
If only you had paid attention to my
[...] commands, your peace would have been [...]
like a river, your righteousness like the waves of the sea.
求父的平安充滿 我們的心,來引導我們每 天的生活遵行神的旨意。
We pray that Father God fills our
[...] hearts with your peace to guide our life [...]
every day to obey and to do your will.
23                                                         d.
[...] 開拓戶外「平安鐘」服務:為改善長者的個人安全,我們建議特區政府資助 長者安居服務協會把現的「平安鐘 」服務擴展至戶外。
The information are designed for and provided specifically for TV.23 d. Outdoor “Personal Emergency Link” services: To improve the personal safety of the elderly, we recommended the Government to subsidize the development of the
“Personal Emergency Link” services currently provided by the
[...] “Senior Citizens Home Safety Association” for outdoor use.
在巴勒斯坦和以色列之 间 取 得持久平 、安 全与的唯 一办法是通过和平 、非歧视而透明 的 谈判与对话。
The only means of
[...] achieving lasting peace, security and stability between Palestine and Israel is through peaceful non-discriminatory [...]
and transparent negotiations and dialogue.
上述三隻港股 ETF 上市後,將與 2010 年掛的平安 A 股 50 ETF 結合,共同構成平安涵蓋中 港市場的交易所買賣基金產品線,為投資者提供攻守兼備的組合策略:即以香港 50ETF 與 A 股 50ETF 為核心投資產品,互為補充,適合追求穩定長期資本增長回報的投資者;另以香港 [...] [...]
高息股 ETF 和香港中型股精選 ETF 作為一守一攻,為投資者提供在不同市場環境下表現優異 的指數投資產品。 平安集團副首席投資官及平安資產管理(香港)董事長陳德賢先生表示:「中國大陸市場開放及 政策發展,為中港投資市場締造良機,隨著近年來投資者對 ETF 的認識和接受度日漸增高, 我們認爲目前是加推 ETF 的最好時機。
Among the 3 ETFs, HK Mid Cap Select and HK Dividend ETFs are the first of its kind in Hong Kong, providing more investment options for investors.
在要求“抗菌产品”的效果及安全性的今天,品燃公司于1983年开发了领先世界的无机抗菌剂“洁而美客”,在无机抗菌剂中它是唯一拥有医疗品 平的安 全 品 试验数据的产品,被各领域制造厂商当作高信赖的抗菌剂所采用,需求在年年增长。
Today, consumers crave for the assurance of antimicrobial articles' effect and safety, and an inorganic antimicrobial agent Zeomic developed by Sinanen in 1983 for the first time in the world is the only
inorganic antimicrobial agent certified
[...] with drug-level safety test data and accepted [...]
by an increasing number of manufacturers
of various fields as a highly reliable antimicrobial agent, with demand for it growing year after year.
[...] 续,首先是关于安全-发展关系的性质;其次是应当 采取何种政策来实现持久平、安全 与 可持 的发 展,包括解决冲突的根源和动因;以及第三,鉴于冲 [...]
突和安全-发展关系的多变性质,以及巴西代表团编 写的概念说明(S/2011/50,附件)中的说法,安全理
Despite that broad conceptual acknowledgment, the political debate continues, first, on the nature of the security-development nexus; secondly, on the types of
policies that should be pursued
[...] to achieve durable peace, security and sustainable development, [...]
including to address the
root causes and drivers of conflicts; and thirdly, on the way forward for the Security Council to prevent the eruption or protraction of, or relapse into, violence, given the changing nature of conflicts and the security-development nexus, as well expressed in the concept note prepared by the Mission of Brazil (S/2011/50, annex).
该组织每个妇女都有权获得最的健 康 水 平 、 安 全 生 育 的 选 择 和高质量的 卫生保健。
The organization believes that every
[...] woman has the right to the highest attainable standard of health, safe reproductive [...]
choices and high-quality health care.
文件 165 EX/39 所阐述的一般原则旨在为该部门提供一个逐步发展该部门各专题的地 区战略的方法框架,并提请大家注意,在教科文组织中,社会科学和人文科学部门的具体使
[...] 命是促进知识与智力合作的发展,以推动体现正义、自由、 平 、 安 全 与 人 的 尊 严 等普遍价 值观的社会变革。
The general principles set out in document 165 EX/39 aimed at providing the Sector with a methodological framework for gradually developing its thematic and regional strategies, emphasizing that, within UNESCO, the specific mission of the Social and Human Sciences Sector is to advance knowledge and intellectual cooperation in order to
facilitate social transformations conducive to the universal values of
[...] justice, freedom, peace and security and human dignity.
鄭家富議員亦表示,必需作出 平的安 排 , 才可成功實 施盡早更換柴油小巴的資助計劃。
Mr Andrew CHENG
[...] echoed that an equitable arrangement was essential [...]
for the success of the incentive scheme for early replacement of diesel light buses.
马力诺、斯洛文尼亚和多哥等已经成为提案国,并 敦促委员会以协商一致的方式通过该决议草案,从 而在巴勒斯坦人民寻求主张自己不可剥夺的权利,
[...] 即拥有一个以东耶路撒冷为首都的有生存能力的主 权国家,与以色列平安全地共处的 时 候 ,向他们 发出声援的信息。
He said that Ecuador, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Montenegro, San Marino, Slovenia and Togo had become sponsors and urged the Committee to adopt the draft resolution by consensus, thereby sending a message of solidarity to the Palestinian people as they sought to assert their
inalienable right to a sovereign and viable State with East Jerusalem as its
[...] capital, living in peace and security with Israel.
在对我们区域至关重要的 这一关头,需要勇气和领导力,以最终制止这一旷日持久的惨剧,为巴勒斯坦人 民和以色列人民带来平与安全,并在 1967 年边的基础上建立一个独立、享 有主权和有生存能的巴勒 斯坦国,与以色列 平 、 安 全 地 毗邻共存,从而实现 基于两国解决办的持久的全面 和平,根据 1948 年第 194(III)号决议实现巴勒 斯坦难民的公正解决。
Courage and leadership is needed at this critical juncture in our region to ultimately
end this prolonged
[...] tragedy and bring peace and security to the Palestinian and Israeli peoples with the achievement of a lasting, comprehensive peace based on the two-State solution of an independent, sovereign and viable State of Palestine, living side by side in peace and security with Israel on [...]
the basis of the 1967
borders, and the achievement of a just solution to the problem of the Palestine refugees in accordance with resolution 194 (III) of 1948.
此外,安全理事会授权小组在利比里亚不断演变的法律框架内,评估森林和 其他自然资源对平、安全与发展的 贡 献;评估利比里亚政府遵守金伯利进程证 书制度的情况,并协同金伯利进程进行这一评估。
In addition, the Security Council mandated the Panel to assess the
contribution of forestry and other
[...] natural resources to peace, security and development in [...]
Liberia within the context of Liberia’s
evolving legal framework, and to assess the compliance of the Government of Liberia with the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme and to cooperate with the Kimberley Process in that assessment.
神所賜出人意的平安,必在基督耶 穌,保守我們的心懷意念。
And the peace of God, which transcends [...]
all understanding and comprehension, will guard our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus.
(b) 提议负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表参加该委员会的下一
[...] 次会议,与索马里问题监察组协调,以期与委员会成员交换信息,查明侵害索马 里儿童,因而对平、安全或 稳定造成威 的 个 人 和实体,并查明更好保护儿童 的途径。
(b) Proposing that the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict participate in the next meeting of the Committee and coordinate with the Monitoring Group on Somalia with a view to exchanging information with members of the
Committee on individuals and
[...] entities that threaten the peace, security or stability of Somalia [...]
by committing violations against
children in Somalia and on ways to better protect children’s rights.
[...] 二);第四十五届会议通过的关于海地局势的声明、关于让阿富汗妇女参与阿富 汗建设平、安全和重建进的声明、关于《北京宣言和行动纲要》执行情况 15 年期审查的声明、关于其与非政府组织关系的声明和关于其与议员关系的声明 [...] [...]
(A/65/38,第二部分,分别是附件二至附件六);第四十六届会议通过的关于纪 念安全理事会第 1325(2000)号决议十周年的声明(A/66/38,第一部分,附件一); 以及第四十七届会议通过的关于成立妇女署的声明(A/66/38,第二部分,附件 五)。
Those include a statement on gender and climate change adopted at its forty-fourth session (A/65/38, Part one, annex II); statements on the situation in Haiti, the inclusion of Afghan women in the process of peacebuilding, security and reconstruction in Afghanistan, the 15-year
review of the implementation of the
[...] Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, its relationship [...]
with non-governmental organizations
and its relationship with parliamentarians, adopted at its forty-fifth session (A/65/38, Part two, annexes II through VI, respectively); a statement on the commemoration of the tenth anniversary of Security Council resolution 1325 (2000), adopted at its forty-sixth session (A/66/38, Part one, annex I); and a statement on the establishment of UN-Women, adopted at its forty-seventh session (A/66/38, Part two, annex V).
可以使用下列 8
[...] 个标准来确定在何种程度上实现了持久解决: ( a) 平安和安 全;(b) 适的生活水准;(c) 获得谋生手段;(d) 归还住房、土地及财产;(e) [...]
获得证件;(f) 家庭团聚;(g) 参与公共事务;以及(h) 获得有效补偿和诉诸法 律。
The following eight criteria may be used to determine to
what extent a durable solution
[...] has been achieved: (a) safety and security; (b) adequate standard [...]
of living; (c) access to livelihoods;
(d) restoration of housing, land and property; (e) access to documentation; (f) family reunification; (g) participation in public affairs; and (h) access to effective remedies and justice.
[...] 勒斯坦双方之间的谈判,以依据安全理事会有关决议和马德里会议的职权范围全 面解决阿以冲突,从而确保实现以色列与独立、民主、毗连和有生存能 的 巴勒 斯坦国平安全毗邻共的政治 解决办法
Commending the efforts of the United States of America in pursuing vigorously a two-State solution, noting the commitment of the Quartet to remain actively involved and the need for strong international support to promote the peace process, and calling for the resumption and acceleration of negotiations between the Israeli and Palestinian sides towards a comprehensive resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict, on the basis of relevant Security Council resolutions and the terms of reference of the Madrid Conference, in order to ensure a political solution, with two States –
Israel and an independent, democratic,
[...] contiguous and viable Palestinian State – living side by side in peace and security
[...] 列依照旨在实现公正、持久与全面 平的安 全 理 事会 第 242(1967)号、第 338(1973)号、第 [...]
1397(2002)号 和第 1515(2003)号决议以及路线图、《阿拉伯和平倡 议》和土地换和平原则,撤出自
1967 年 6 月 4 日以 来占领的所有阿拉伯领土,包括黎巴嫩南部的 Shab’a 农场、Kafr Shouba 和 Ghajar 村。
In that context, I reaffirm the Arab position demanding Israeli withdrawal from all Arab territories occupied since 4 June 1967, including Shab’a farms, Kafr Shouba and the
village of Ghajar in southern Lebanon, in
[...] accordance with Security Council resolutions [...]
242 (1967), 338 (1973), 1397 (2002)
and 1515 (2003), as well as the Road Map, the Arab Peace Initiative and the principle of land for peace, which are all aimed at achieving a just, lasting and comprehensive peace.
同样,我们赞赏科 索沃特派团的重组和欧洲和平特派 的平安 部 署 ,我 们并希望所有当事方将根据 2008 年 11 月 26 日的安 全理事会主席声明(S/PRST/2008/44),与科索沃特派 团协调,继续与欧洲特派团进行合作。
Also, we commend the reconfiguration of UNMIK and the uneventful deployment of the European peace mission, and we hope that all parties will continue their cooperation with the European mission in coordination with UNMIK, in accordance with the presidential statement of the Security Council of 26 November 2008 (S/PRST/2008/44).
[...] 府的责任,咨询委员会虽然承认不是所有东道国的政 府都能向本组织提供同样平的安保 支 援,但认为不 应忽略它们在这个领域的作用。
With regard to the responsibility of host Governments, while the Advisory Committee acknowledged that
not all host countries could provide the
[...] same level of security support to the [...]
Organization, it nevertheless believed that
their role in that area should not be overlooked.




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