单词 | 平坦的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 平坦的 adjective—level adjExamples:(地势)平坦的 adj—flat adj 不平坦的 adj—uneven adj See also:平坦 n—level n • flatness n 平坦—even • smooth 平坦 v—flatten v 平的 n—peacebuilding n
高架橋部分將經過平坦的鄉郊 地區,可能 造成景觀和視覺的影響。 legco.gov.hk | The viaduct sections passing through flat and rural areas [...] may also cause landscape and visual intrusions. legco.gov.hk |
波罗的沿海地带是一个低洼的地带,它构成了 波兰主要的平坦的海岸线和北部边境。 paiz.gov.pl | The Baltic coastal plains are a low-lying [...] region, which form Poland’s mostly smooth coastline and northern border. paiz.gov.pl |
承襲CLS 63 [...] AMG設計,AMG Performance軚盤別幟一格,包括上下 平坦的 軚 盤 邊、帶有金屬飾邊和穿孔皮革包裹的握手位及鋁質換檔板。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | The specially shaped AMG Performance steering wheel is familiar from the CLS 63 AMG: [...] amongst its special features are the [...] steering wheel rim, flattened at both the top and [...]bottom; the metallic trim, the grip [...]areas which are covered in perforated leather; and the aluminium shift paddles. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
我们不知道如何将这座峭壁变成比 较平坦的山坡,而这正是所需要的。 daccess-ods.un.org | We do not know how to turn that cliff into a more gentle slope, which is really what is needed. daccess-ods.un.org |
未来将涵盖低频范围和平坦的频率响应传感器模块, 以使用相同 Nardalert S3 主机轮流执行任务。 narda-sts.us | Future coverage will include lower [...] frequency ranges and flat frequency response sensor modules to perform alternate tasks using the same Nardalert [...]S3 Mainframe. narda-sts.us |
存在于“平坦的赛场 ”概念中的另一见解是,尽管有一些因素应当是平等的,如竞技环境 本身,但是其他方面的差异也应予以考虑。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The other [...] insight contained in the “level playing field” [...]concept is that while some factors should be equalized, the field [...]itself for example, other differences ought to count. unesdoc.unesco.org |
安置步骤 以下说明是假定 3D Disto 安装在三脚架上,但也可以置放在 平坦的 表 面,如地板或木板 上。 leica-geosystems.dk | Setup step-by-step The following description assumes setup on a tripod but it is also possible to place the 3D Disto on flat surfaces such as a floor or boards. leica-geosystems.dk |
儘 管隔音屏障的 效 用會因 屏障的高 度及隔音屏障與聲音 感應點之間的距離等 因 素而 有所不同,然 而在平坦 的道路設置兩 米 高 的隔音屏障,通常可把路 旁 的噪音減低10分貝(A)。 legco.gov.hk | While the effect of noise barriers varies with such factors as barrier height and the distance between the noise barrier and sound receiving points, a reduction of 10 dB(A) is usually achieved at the edge of the road with two-metre high noise barriers being placed on the flat road. legco.gov.hk |
若频谱分析仪显示 的曲线是水平的,就表示被测设备的幅频响应 是 平坦的。 virtins.com | A flat curve in the Spectrum Analyzer would indicate a flat magnitude frequency [...] response of the DUT. virtins.com |
这里是著名的葡萄园领域,如圣特美隆之间连绵起伏的丘陵,梅多克,河吉伦特一个较 为 平坦的 西 部 地区。 leapfrog-properties.com | Here are the well-known vineyard areas such as St-Emilion set amongst rolling hills, and Medoc, a much flatter area west of the River Gironde. leapfrog-properties.com |
公平意味着为美国和中国企业间的健康竞争保证有一 个 平坦的 赛 场,为外国商品产品和服务建立更开放的投资环境并确保更多机会,终止不公平的扭曲性的货币做法,以及改善知识财产保护以允许创新大量生成。 embassyusa.cn | Fairness means guaranteeing a level playing [...] field for healthy competition between U.S. and Chinese firms, establishing a [...]more open investment climate and ensuring more opportunities for foreign goods, products and services, ending unfair distorting currency practices and improving protections of intellectual property that allow innovation to thrive. eng.embassyusa.cn |
層狀礦體原先是平坦的,但 由於劇烈動力變質作用及剪應變作用而變得陡峭。 glencore.com | Originally the [...] stratified ore body was flat but eventually became [...]steep dipping due to intensive dynamic metamorphism and shearing. glencore.com |
将加湿器瓶体置于加湿器支架上,并将支架牢固地安置于患者附近稳固 、 平坦的 表 面,确保支架安全牢 靠并且不会掀翻。 igopoc.com | Place the humidifier bottle on the humidifier stand and secure the [...] stand on a sturdy, flat surface near the [...]patient where it will be safe and will not be knocked over. igopoc.com |
位于州东部的大分水岭(Great Dividing [...] Range)对气候影响非常大,形成了四个独特的区域:沿海地带、高地、西坡和向西 较 平坦的 乡 村。 australia.com | The Great Dividing Range, in the east of the state, has a large impact on the climate, [...] creating four distinct zones: the coastal strip, the highlands, the Western [...] Slopes and the flatter country to the west. australia.com |
平坦的表面加热材料更少,让效率最 大化 graco.com | Even surface heats less material for maximum efficiency graco.com |
在反对在体育运动中使用兴奋 [...] 剂及提高成绩的药物和方法的辩论中,运动员经常使用 “ 平坦的 赛 场 ”这样一个比喻,形容公 正的、不向使用药物者倾斜的体育比赛(Murray,2003 [...]年)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In debates over anti-doping and the use of performance-enhancing drugs and [...] methods in sport, athletes routinely use the [...] metaphor of a “level playing field” [...]to refer to a sport competition not tilted [...]in favor of those using drugs (Murray, 2003). unesdoc.unesco.org |
双眼的 视力对判断距离和深度也非常重要,助你上下楼梯和在 不 平坦的 地 形 上走动。 cgh.com.sg | Good vision in both eyes is also crucial in judging distances and depth to help navigate stairs and uneven terrain. cgh.com.sg |
一个短暂应用程序必须被设计成具有非 常 平坦的 , 至 少是非常简短的学习曲线。 uigarden.net | An ephemeral application must be [...] designed with a very flat, or at least a very [...]brief, learning curve. uigarden.net |
这是第一次, 终极耳朵 [...] ,一logN)的产品单位罗技(六:(纳斯达克:LOGI),已交付的显示器,具有一 个 平坦的 响 应 曲线是自然的,也是在其繁殖的三维音效。 technologeeko.com | For the first time, Ultimate Ears, a product unit of Logitech (SIX: [...] LOGN) (NASDAQ:LOGI), has delivered a monitor [...] that features a flat response curve that [...]is both natural and dimensional in its sound reproduction. technologeeko.com |
所以不论是在平坦的道路 或者是在崎岖的坡路;不论是载荷高或者是载荷低,司机总能获得最佳的引擎动力。 anfahrkomponenten.eu | The driver has the best engine power available for level roads or mountainous terrain and heavy or light loads. anfahrkomponenten.eu |
它具有平坦的宽带 频率响应,因而音质自然,清晰度高。 digikey.cn | It has a flat wideband frequency [...] response, resulting in natural sound with high intelligibility. digikey.be |
通过折叠60/40后排座椅可以获得 平坦的 载 物区地板,扩大多功能的后部载物空间,放下座位后,空间更是多达1670升。 landrover.com | The versatile rear loadspace can be expanded by folding the 60:40 split rear seats to provide a flat load floor, [...] and up to 1,670 litres of space. landrover.com |
平坦的螺旋 形轮廓 - Opti S-类型螺旋拉链比传统的缝入式拉链更平坦30%和窄10%,使它更紧凑,和更好看的拉链。 coatsindustrial.com | Flatter Spiral Profile - The Opti S-type Spiral zip is 30% flatter and 10% narrower than the conventional sewn on zip, making it a more compact and better looking zip. coatsindustrial.com |
高强度ABS号筒可保护高音单元的同时还提供均匀 、 平坦的 声 音 响应。 acehk.com | The two 1″ silk dome tweeters provide warm, clear and crisp high frequency and wide, even coverage of listening area. acehk.com |
使用四個可用切割,它產生的平坦的 表 面 ,例如,螺釘頭部,還在於在孔底部的。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | With four useable [...] cutting it produces flat planar surfaces, eg [...]for screw head rests also on the bottom of the hole. en.developmentscout.com |
使用三摺〝穿線膠裝作業〞或〝騎馬釘作業〞裝訂時,第三摺不可用輾刀斷,並建議採用配有加壓輪 ( PRESS ROLLERS ) 之STAHL摺紙機,其摺邊可獲得較為 平坦的 效 果 ,如再輔以油壓壓平裝置,效果更佳。 npc.com.tw | When using 3 fold "Line Feed Binding Operations" or "Saddle Stitching Operations" in binding, a grinding blade broken line should not be used for the third fold. npc.com.tw |
這種圓角四角形和平坦的壺身是清中葉典型的類型;珊瑚的、水晶的、瑪瑙的、翡翠的、閃玉的都有,特別是後者。 e-yaji.com | This rounded-rectangular form, with flattened main sides, is typically [...] mid-Qing and occurs in a range of materials including [...]coral, crystal, agate, jadeite, and, particularly, nephrite. e-yaji.com |
同时,我们也密切关注商家的实际困难,广泛的收集他们的意见和建议,及时向政府各部门反馈,反映广大商家的心声,为本地企业的多元化发展,铺设更加宽 阔 平坦的 康 庄 大道。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | At the same time, we pay [...] close attention to the practical concerns [...]of members and regularly solicit their feedback through surveys and dialogues. english.sccci.org.sg |
今天,关于宇宙学的共识是,我们生存在一个蓝姆达冷暗物质(Lambda Cold Dark Matter)宇宙,或称ΛCDM的宇宙中,其 平坦的 空 间 几何所需密度,大概有四分之一由普通物质和暗物质组成,其余的四分之三则由暗能量组成。 shawprize.org | The consensus opinion in cosmology currently holds that we live in a Lambda Cold Dark Matter, or ΛCDM, universe, where ordinary plus dark matter constitutes perhaps 1/4 of the density required for the geometry of space to be flat, with dark energy accounting for the remaining 3/4. shawprize.org |