

单词 平地

平地 noun ()

plain n
flat n

平地 ()

level ground
level the land



start from scratch [idiom.]

平地机 n

grader n


Asia-Pacific region

External sources (not reviewed)

然而,许多人和许多国家,特别是最贫困的人和国家不能有 地 和 公平 地利用 信息,并因此得不到发展的机会。
However, many people and nations,
especially the poorest ones, do not
[...] have effective and equitable access to information, [...]
and therefore, to development opportunities.
[...] 移民领域加强政府和非政府组织的能力建设,以保证移民人口 平地 融 入社会,并保证他们 的权利。
There is a need to build capacities in the field of migration of both
governmental and non-governmental
[...] organizations to assure a peaceful social integration [...]
of migrants and to promote migrants’ rights.
提升单向阀是依靠重力来动作的、故必需 平地 安 装 、阀帽螺母 在上部。
The lift check valve is gravity assisted and
[...] must be mounted horizontally, with bonnet [...]
nut on top.
此責任包括設計、實施及維持與編制及真實兼 平地 呈 列 財務 報表有關的內部監控,以確保並無重大錯誤陳述(不論是否因欺詐或錯誤引起);選擇及應用適當之會計 [...]
This responsibility includes designing, implementing and maintaining internal
control relevant to the preparation
[...] and the true and fair presentation of financial [...]
statements that are free from material
misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances.
各位部长认识到,必须加强生物多样性的保护和可持续利用,以及建立一 种公平公正的获取和惠益分享国际机制,尊重各国对其自然资源的主权权利,
[...] 以及在《生物多样性公约》和其他相关国际文书框架内公正和 平地 分 享 利用 遗传资源和相关传统知识而产生的惠益。
The Ministers recognized the importance of Strengthening the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity and the establishment of an a fair and just international regime on access and benefit sharing that respect the sovereign rights, of States
over their natural resources and
[...] promotes the fair and equitable benefit sharing from [...]
the utilization of genetic resources
and associated traditional knowledge in the framework of the Convention on Biological Diversity and other related international instruments.
[...] 专业能力、反应能力和敬业精神表示满意,工作队成员普遍同意需要审查执行支 助股的供资模式,使其具有可持续性和可预期性,并更为 平地 分 摊 责任。
The President also recalled that the States Parties have expressed satisfaction with the performance, efficiency, professional competence, responsiveness and dedication of the ISU and that there was general agreement among the Task Force members on the need to review the
financing model of the ISU, in order to make it sustainable and predictable,
[...] and to achieve more equitable burden sharing.
[...] 的看法和评估意见,请秘书长在按 平地 域 分 配将于 2009 年设立的政府专家组 [...]
协助下,继续研究信息安全领域的现存威胁和潜在威胁及为对付这些威胁可能采 取的合作措施,并向大会第六十五届会议提交关于这一研究结果的报告(第 64/25 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly invited all Member States to continue to inform the Secretary-General of their views and assessments on the issues of
information security, and requested the
[...] Secretary-General, with the assistance [...]
of a group of governmental experts to be established
in 2009 on the basis of equitable geographical distribution, to continue to study existing and potential threats in the sphere of information security and possible cooperative measures to address them, and to submit a report on the results of that study to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session (resolution 64/25).
尊重科特迪瓦民族多样性的包容的政治多元 化;(b) 制定一个对政治生活伦理原则有共识的民主宪章;(c) 建立具备人力物
[...] 力的独立制度和机制,以保障基本的民主活动的客观性和公正性,如选举、资助 其他政党、平地获得 信息和交流技术和尊重基本自由。
Rebuilding democracy should focus on (a) achieving inclusive political pluralism that respects the diversity of the Ivorian people; (b) drafting a consensual democratic charter on ethical principles in politics; and (c) establishing independent institutions and mechanisms with the necessary human and material resources to guarantee the objectivity and impartiality of basic features of
democracy such as elections, financing of
[...] political parties, equal access to information [...]
and communication, and respect for basic freedoms.
(c) 條例草案不應該不平地以中 小企為打擊 對象,因為現行法例已能夠打擊中小企或 會採用的不當營商手法,例如與新建租住 [...]
公屋裝修工程有關的不良營商手法或競投 舊樓修葺工程時所採用的圍標手法,而中 小企在市場上亦非處於可讓他們從事掠奪 式定價行為的優勢。
(c) SMEs should not be unfairly targeted by the Bill [...]
because illegal trade practices which they might commit, such as those
related to decoration works at new public rental housing (PRH), or bid-rigging for repair works for old buildings, could already be tackled by existing laws, and SMEs were not in a dominant position in the market to enable them to engage in predatory pricing.
政府组织建立伙伴关系,其中包括两性平等和青年团体、私人部门、所有政府部 门,以便有效地实施可持久的土地做法和措施,解决在自然资源利用和管理方面
[...] 存在的国家和各州的政策缺陷,制订持久的土地利用管理计划,以及能够 平地 调动 各级利益相关者的制度和政策计划。
The aims of this program are to develop partnerships with local institutions, community and non-governmental organizations, including gender and youth groups, the private sector, and all government sectors, in order to effectively implement sustainable land practices and measures and to address national and state policy gaps in natural resources use and management by developing
sustainable land use management plans, as well as regulatory and
[...] policy plans that equitably engage stakeholders [...]
at all levels.
除了父亲Paulinus,已经提到,是神甫罗素,谁被选为协助完成了大量的“薄伽梵往世书”的比尔努夫开始,翻译和出版谁除了对印度教有趣的研究有;神甫杜波依斯,谁发表了巧妙地阐述了现代印度教,题目是“印度教的礼仪,习俗和礼仪”(牛津,1897年);和父亲j的Dahlmann,律政司司长最后,但 平地 注 意 到有相当出色的翻译工作是由当地印度教学者所做神圣的印度教和解释文本。
Besides Father Paulinus, already mentioned, are the Abbé Roussel, who was chosen to assist in completing the translation of the voluminous "Bhagavata Purana", begun by Burnouf, and who has besides published interesting studies on Hinduism; the Abbé Dubois, who published a masterly exposition of Modern Hinduism under the title "Hindu Manners, Customs and Ceremonies"
(Oxford, 1897); and Father J. Dahlmann, SJ
[...] Finally, it is but fair to note that considerable [...]
excellent work is being done by
native Hindu scholars in translating and interpreting sacred Hindu texts.
我们期待着成功、平地完成 目前的选举进程, 也期待着与新当局就我们建设和平的联合议程继续 开展积极协作。
We look forward to
[...] the successful and peaceful completion of the [...]
current electoral process and to continuing our proactive
engagement with the new authorities on our joint peacebuilding agenda.
只有平地分配資源,支援不 同的學術領域發展,以及以謙虛的態度處理大學運作中出現的需要、 [...]
困難和糾紛,才能保障大學教職員和學生擁有理想的學術環境,讓他 們作多元的發展。
It is only through a fair distribution of resources [...]
to support the development of different academic disciplines and a humble
attitude in addressing the needs, difficulties and disputes in the operation of the university that an ideal academic environment can be assured for academic staff and students in the university to pursue diversified development.
(b) 报告其他组织为了透明和平地兑现期票所实行的规则和制度,以使执行委员会 能够确定是否应该为使用期票制订更多的标准规则,保证 平地 对 待 所有捐款国 提交的期票和现金捐款,并尽量减少汇率导致的损失。
(b) to report on rules and/or systems for the transparent and equitable encashment of promissory notes used in other forums, with a view to enabling the Executive Committee to determine [...]
the advisability of establishing more standardized rules for the use of promissory notes, and in an effort to ensure that the notes,
as well as the contributions in cash of all donors were treated equitably and exchange rate loss was minimized.
谈判必须包括所有涉及最终地位的问题,包括 边界、耶路撒冷、难民、安全和水,而且必须在商定
[...] 时限内导致实现两国解决方案,即以色列国和一个安 全、平地毗邻共处的独立、民主、毗连和能生存的 [...]
They must include all final-status issues, including borders, Jerusalem, refugees, security and water, and must lead, within an agreed time frame, to a two-State solution, with the State of
Israel and an independent, democratic, contiguous and viable State of Palestine living
[...] side by side in peace and security.
[...] 作,使所有国家,无论是先进的航天国还是航天能力正在起步的国家,都平 地从空 间活动中获益,这将有助于社会经济繁荣和可持续发展,尤其将惠及发 [...]
Some delegations expressed the view that further development of the international legal regime and the work of the Legal Subcommittee in a manner that allowed all nations, whether advanced spacefaring nations or nations with emerging
space capabilities, to benefit from space
[...] activities in an equitable manner would contribute [...]
to socio-economic prosperity and
sustainable development, in particular in developing countries.
(i) 倘於任何董事會會議上提出任何有關大會主席以外董事利益(就此而言,
包括其任何聯繫人利益)重大性或有關任何大會主席以外董事表決或計 入法定人數的權利的問題,而有關問題未能因其自願同意放棄表決或 不計入法定人數而解決,則該問題須交由大會主席處理,而其就該董事
[...] 所作出的裁定須為最終及不可推翻,惟倘有關董事所知其所擁有利益 的性質或程度並未平地向董 事會披露則除外。
(i) If any question shall arise at any meeting of the Board as to the materiality of the interest (including, for these purposes, the interest of any of his associates) of a Director (other than the Chairman of meeting) or as to the entitlement of any Director (other than such Chairman) to vote or be counted in the quorum and such question is not resolved by his voluntarily agreeing to abstain from voting or not be counted in the quorum, such question shall be referred to the Chairman of the meeting and his ruling in relation to such other Director shall be final and conclusive except in a case where the nature
or extent of the interest of the Director concerned as known to such
[...] Director has not been fairly disclosed to the Board.
富聯與本集團所出租之物業均以不同之顧客及 市場為對象,本公司獨立非執行董事及審核委員會委員亦 恒加監察,本集團因此得以不受該等競爭性業務影響而獨地及公平地經營業務。
In this respect, coupled with the diligence of the Company’s Independent Non-Executive Directors and the members of its Audit
Committee, the Group is capable of carrying on its
[...] businesses at arm’s length and independently of such competing business.
(g) 倘若任何董事会会议内产生任何关于董事(除会议的主席外)或其联系人
的权益或关于任何董事(除该主席外)的表决及被计入法定人数的权利的 问题,且此问题没有因为他自愿放弃表决或被计入法定人数内而得到解 决,此问题应提交会议主席处理,他对于该董事的裁定应属最后和最终的
[...] 裁定,除 非 以该董事所知该董事或其联系人的利益的性质和范围没有平 地披露予董事会知道。
(g) If any question arises at any meeting of the Board as to the materiality of the interest of a Director (other than the chairman of the meeting) or his Associate, or as to the entitlement of any Director (other than such chairman) to vote or be counted in the quorum and such question is not resolved by his voluntarily agreeing to abstain from voting or not to be counted in the quorum, such question shall be referred to the chairman of the meeting and his ruling in relation to such other Director shall be final and conclusive except in a case where the nature or extent of the
interest of the Director or his Associate concerned as known to such
[...] Director has not been fairly disclosed to the Board.
[...] 胁已成为解决这一问题的主要手段,如果谨慎和 平地 使 用 ,可能会是一项有效 的措施。
Mozambique noted that the threat of trade
sanctions had become the key tool to address this issue and could be an effective measure if
[...] utilized carefully and equitably.
只有 彻底停止一切定居点活动和侵犯人权的举动,才能
[...] 营造一种有利于和平进程以及以色列和巴勒斯坦两 国在 1967 年边界内安全平地毗邻共存这一终极目 标的环境,巴勒斯坦人民将作为一个自由、安全和 [...]
自立的民族,生活在以东耶路撒冷为首都的独立国 家中。
Only a complete cessation of all settlement activities and human rights violations would create an environment conducive to the peace process and its ultimate goal of
two States, Palestine and Israel, living
[...] side-by-side in peace and security on [...]
the basis of the pre-1967 borders, with the
Palestinian people living as a free, secure, self-reliant nation in an independent State with East Jerusalem as its capital.
还需 要更平地监督 所有主要金融中心,并需要有鼓励措 施,鼓励有系统性重要性的国家对政策咨询意见作出 反应。
There was also a need for more even-handed surveillance of all major financial centres as well as for incentives to encourage countries of systemic importance to be responsive to policy advice.
决定 决定 决定
[...] 决定接下来在其第七十二届会议上考虑到秘书长在第六十六届至第七 十二届会议之间收到的有意加入为成员的新的表示,大会以往的各项决议,并酌 情考虑到秘书长关于科学委员会的所有报告,以及 平地 域 分配原则和确保科学 委员会工作效率和质量的必要性,考虑对增加科学委员会成员的可能性进行审 查,以便在第七十三届会议上确定可能进一步增加成员的程序,并请秘书长将此 [...]
to next consider reviewing the possible increase in the membership of the Scientific Committee at its seventy-second session, taking into account new expressions of interest in membership received by the Secretary-General between the sixty-sixth and seventy-second sessions of the General Assembly, all previous resolutions of
the Assembly and, as
[...] appropriate, all relevant reports of the Secretary-General on the Scientific Committee as well as the principle of equitable geographical distribution [...]
and the need
to ensure the effectiveness and the quality of work of the Scientific Committee, with a view to establishing a procedure at the seventy-third session for the possible further increase in the membership, and requests the Secretary-General to duly inform all Member States about this procedure.
此外, 为满足危机后复苏需要而重建发达国家和新兴经济体之间的全球平衡,将构成该
[...] 区域的重大宏观经济挑战,其表现形式为:出口价格、外部需求和实际货币平价 波动,以及存在出现更加专门化生产模式的危险,这种模式未必有利于经济高速 增长和更平地分配惠益。
Moreover, rebuilding global balances between the developed and emerging economies as needed for postcrisis recovery will pose substantial macroeconomic challenges for the region, in the form of fluctuating export prices, external demand and real currency parities, along with the danger of even more specialized
productive patterns that are not necessarily conducive to high economic
[...] growth and a more equitable distribution of the benefits.
(b) 促请联合国相关机构认识到参加妇女地位委员会第五十四届会议的非 政府组织平地域代表性的重要性,援助那些没有所需资源的非政府组织,特 别是来自发展中国家,包括最不发达国家和经济转型国家的非政府组织参加委 员会第五十四届会议。
(b) Urged that, in recognition of the importance of equitable geographical representation of non-governmental organizations in the fifty-fourth session of the Commission on the Status of Women, relevant bodies of the United Nations system should assist those non-governmental organizations, in particular non-governmental organizations from developing countries, including the least developed countries, and countries with economies in transition, which do not have the resources needed to participate in the fifty-fourth session of the Commission.
这将通过以 下几点来实现:(i)在区域和用户之间 平地 分 配 水资源,并且在水资源短缺时,确定水资源分 [...]
配的优先次序;(ii)为共享有限的水资源制定规则,以及维持可持续发展所需的环境质量;(iii) 防止过度开采,保护水资源长期的可靠供应;(iv)增加新用户的同时保护现有用户,适应当地 情况的变化。
This will be achieved by (i)
[...] distributing water equitably among regions and [...]
users, and setting priorities during water scarcity;
(ii) establishing rules for sharing limited water resources and maintaining environmental quality for sustainable development; (iii) protecting the long-term reliability of the resource from over-exploitation; and (iv) adapting to changes in local conditions by accommodating new users while protecting existing users.
该办事处将支持加强防备和应对紧急情况的工作,促 进加强能力,以确保在各方面平地 实 现 儿童的生存、成长和发展权利;改进和 [...]
监测儿童在整个生命周期获得教育的机会和教育的质量,尤其是重视紧急情况、 两性不平等和特定背景下的不公平问题;减少艾滋病毒的传播和影响,特别是减
It will support enhanced preparedness and response to emergencies and contribute to strengthened capacity to ensure the rights
of the child to survival, growth and
[...] development with equity in all contexts; [...]
improve and monitor access to and quality of
education throughout the life cycle of the child, with a focus on emergency situations, gender inequalities and contextspecific inequities; and reduce HIV transmission and impact, with special focus on children and adolescent boys and girls.
该框架确定了广泛的基准,使我能 够评估:(a) 选举前阶段的环境是否安全,是否让民众和候选人全面参与选举进 程;(b)
选举进程是否具有包容性;(c) 所有候选人是否都能公平利用国家控制 的媒体,后者是否保持中立;(d) 选举名单是否可信,是否得到所有各方的接受;
[...] (e) 选举结果是否通过透明计票程序决定,是否得到所有各方的接受,或通过适 当途径平地接受质疑。
The framework defines broad benchmarks that enable me to assess whether: (a) a secure environment exists during the period leading to the elections and allows for the full participation of the population and the candidates in the process; (b) the electoral process is inclusive; (c) all candidates have equitable access to State-controlled media and whether the latter remain neutral; (d) the voters lists are credible and accepted by all parties; and (e) the results of the elections are determined
through a transparent counting process and are accepted by
[...] all or are challenged peacefully through the appropriate [...]
[...] 該等風險評估時,核數師考慮與公司編制及真實兼 平地 呈 列 財務報表有關的內部監控,以設計在各類 情況下之合適審核程序,但並非對公司內部監控之成效表達意見。
In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal
control relevant to the entity’s
[...] preparation and true and fair presentation of the financial [...]
statements in order to design audit
procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control.
此外, 瓦克 还将展出新型VINNAPAS®威耐实5111 L, 这种低VOC粉末可用于配制符合严格生态标签要求(如EMICODE® EC1+ 或蓝色天使)的自平地坪砂浆。
WACKER is also presenting the new VINNAPAS® 5111 L, a VOC-reduced powder for the formulation of self-leveling flooring com-pounds that conform to strict eco-labeling requirements, such as EMICODE® EC1+ or Blue Angel.




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