

单词 平减

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因此,他们建议将平、减贫和 可持续发展三个主题作为教科文组织的 34 C/4 的总体目标,它的所有计划都应该为此作出贡献。
Accordingly, they proposed as overarching
objectives for UNESCO’s 34 C/4 the
[...] three themes of peace, poverty alleviation and sustainable [...]
development to which UNESCO
should contribute throughout efforts by all its programmes.
承认这些相互影响为部门的发展、 提高粮食安全平、减少贫 困和改善农村生计提供了机会。
Acknowledgement of these interactions offers
opportunities for sectoral development, for increasing
[...] food security, reducing poverty and improving [...]
rural livelihoods.
(a) 通过有效的社会经济一体化以及维持和加强福利 平 , 减 少 不 平 等和 社会排斥现象
(a) Reduce inequality and exclusion through effective [...]
socioeconomic integration while maintaining the welfare state
该计划的目标是 到 2020
[...] 年使包括营养素过多造成的污染 平减 低 到 不损害生态系统功能和生物 多样性的程度。
The target of the plan was to bring pollution, including from excess
[...] nutrients, to levels that were not [...]
detrimental to ecosystem function and biodiversity by 2020.
欧洲联盟已同意 2020 年的排放量将比 1990 年的平减少 20%。
The European Union has
[...] agreed to reduce its level of emissions in 2020 by 20 per cent from its level in 1990.
总体上,委员会认为《2008-2013 年中期战略草案》比以往的战略有了
[...] 明显改进,为教科文组织今后六年的工作提供了一个坚实的基础和令人满意的框架,因为 34 C/4 草案中所制定 的活动有可能促进平、减贫、 可持续发展和不同文化间对话。
Overall, the Commission considered that the Draft Medium-Term Strategy for 2008-2013 represents a distinct improvement from past strategies and provides a solid basis and a satisfactory framework for UNESCO’s work over the next six years, as actions contemplated in draft
document 34 C/4 have the potential
[...] to contribute to peace, poverty alleviation, sustainable [...]
development and intercultural dialogue.
以动态血糖监测系统的数据为依据调整治疗方案已被证实会明显减少极高或极低血糖的发生率和持续时间、降低A 1C 水 平 、 减 少 糖 尿病并发症的风险。
Therapy adjustments made with CGM data have been proven to
reduce the frequency and duration of highs and lows and
[...] reduce A1C levels, which can lead to reduced risk of complications.
[...] 金;哥本哈根协议有助于将大气中的二氧化碳浓度降至不超过百万分之 350;这 意味着,到 2020 年,需要从 1990 年的全球温室气体排放平减少 40%;到 2050 年,减少排放量的 80%。
In the lead up to COP15, the Maldives called for: the Copenhagen agreement to ensure that the most immediate and urgent adaptation needs of vulnerable nations are funded through a mechanism that is adequate, easily accessible and flexible; and the Copenhagen agreement to help reduce concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere to no more than 350 parts per million; implying the
need for a 40% global greenhouse gas emissions
[...] reduction by 2020 from 1990 levels and an 80% emissions reduction by 2050.
协商还能够保证在高级专员办事 处内地理代表更加平,减少现 在存在的不平衡的 现象。
There should also be concerted action to consider what could be done to
ensure a better geographical representation
[...] within the Office, reducing the disturbing imbalance that [...]
currently existed.
[...] 兰人力资源潜能得以发挥,提升企业和员工 的适应力,提高社会教育平,减少 社 会排 斥并支持国家行政机构的发展。
The overall goal of the programme is to enable Poland’s full human resources potential through increasing employment; the adaptability of the
enterprises and employees; raising the level of
[...] education in society; reducing areas of social [...]
exclusion and supporting the
development of the state’s administrative structures.
在 1981 和 1982 年期间,一个特设专家组审查了进一步完善《标准汇报表》 的可能性和寻找解决比较国家间军事支出问题的方法,并除其他事项外,建议发
[...] 展能反映每个国家货币相对购买力的平价和可适用于每个国家军事部门的价平减指数(见 A/S-12/7)。
In 1981 and 1982, an ad hoc group of experts considered the possibilities of further refining the reporting instrument as well as finding solutions to the question of comparing military expenditures among States and recommended, inter alia, developing parities which would reflect the relative
purchasing power of each country’s
[...] currency and price deflators applicable to [...]
the military sector in each State (see A/S-12/7).
欧洲共同体承诺 2020 年 达到使温室气体排放量比 1990 年平减少 2 0%,并在一项可能的国际协议之下通 过利用《京都议定书》机制再将排放量减少 10%。
The European Community has
[...] committed to reducing GHG emissions by 20 per cent in 2020 compared with 1990 levels, and to reducing the emissions [...]
by an additional
10 per cent under a possible international agreement through the use of Kyoto Protocol mechanisms.
黑死病的肆虐造成了可怕的后果,人口从1350年前的 平减 少 了 一半,甚至减少到三分之一。
The plague had raged with
[...] terrible effect, reducing the population to one-half or even one-third of its pre-1350 level.
在1996年举行的世界粮食安全首脑会议期间,全世界通过了《罗马宣言》, 承诺在2015年之前将营养不良人口从当前的 平减 半。
In 1996 during the World Summit on Food Security, the world adopted
the Rome Declaration,
[...] promising to reduce the number of undernourished people to half their present level no later than 2015.
科威特提出了各国加快经济增长、提高生活 平 、 减 少 饥饿和贫困的倡议, 以应对基本食品价格的不断急剧上涨。
Kuwait has launched initiatives
to boost economic growth, raise living
[...] standards and reduce levels of hunger and [...]
poverty in States which have to contend
with spiralling prices for basic food items.
会议一致认为,避免气候变化对小岛屿 发展中国家产生不利影响应当成为评估全球应对措
[...] 施所需行动的主要基准之一,《气候变化框架公约》 附件一的缔约方到 2020 年和 2050 年应将温室气体 排放量分别较 1990 年平减少 45%和 95%以上。
It had unanimously agreed that avoidance of adverse climate change impacts on small island developing States should be one of the key benchmarks for assessing the action needed for a global response, and that parties to annex I of the Framework Convention on Climate Change should reduce their collective
greenhouse gas emissions by more than 45 per cent
[...] below 1990 levels by 2020, and more than 95 per cent below 1990 levels by 2050.
在缴费服务的情况下,根据社会贫困 平减 少 收费,减少金额甚 至可以定为 100%。
In the case of services that are subject to fee payment, a reduced fee is to be paid according to the level of needs in social terms, and the reduction can even be set at 100%.
[...] 2007 年西部气候倡议组织包括美国各州和加拿大各省之间的合作。24 参加者履约到 2020 年为止,温室气体排放从 2005 年的平减少 15%。
The WCI, established in 2007, involves cooperation between US
states and Canadian provinces.24 Participants commit
[...] to a 15% reduction of GHG emissions reduction from 2005 levels by 2020.
按照未经审核的初步数字,过去两年机场同业减少碳强度近14%,机场同业于2010年承诺,到2015年将机场的碳强度从2008年的 平减少 25%。
The Airport Authority said the airport reduced carbon intensity nearly 14% in
the last two years, and is on track to meet the goal it set
[...] in 2010 of a 25% reduction by 2015 on 2008 emission levels.
如果不扭转这一趋势,计划生育供资 平减 少 的 趋势将对各国解决 未满足此类服务需求的能力产生严重影响,而且可能会有损预防意外怀孕及降低 [...]
If not reversed, the trend towards less funding [...]
for family planning will have serious implications for countries’ ability
to address unmet needs for such services and could undermine efforts to prevent unintended pregnancies and reduce maternal and infant mortality.
1990 年平减少至少40% 。然而,发达国家缔约方作为整体的这个减排 目标并非必然意味着发展中国家将承担其余减排量,因为要充分考虑到社会及经 [...]
However, this emission reductions target on the [...]
part of developed country Parties as a group does not automatically imply
that developing countries will pick up the remainder of the emission reductions, taking fully into account that economic and social development and poverty eradication are the first and overriding priorities of developing country Parties.
泰交通运输部部长认为,过去 20 年间,许多国家的贸易、产出 和发展都实现了前所未有的增长,提高了人民的生活 平 , 减 少 了 贫困, Page 12从而使本区域开始成为全球的增长中心。
The Minister observed that unprecedented increases in trade, output and development experienced by many countries over the preceding two decades had increased standards of living, reduced poverty and resulted in the emergence of the region as a global growth centre.
此外,在作为加工剂的受控 使用(其他受控使用现在已被减至很低的水平)中所消费的四氯化碳数量通常是生产总量 16 水平减去原料数量。
Additionally, the quantity of CTC consumed in controlled uses as a process agent (other controlled uses are now reduced to insignificant levels) is typically determined by deducting the feedstock amount from the total level of production.
委员会提出了如下建议:(a)应在更大程度上注重灾害统计数据编 制工作的标准、方法和准则;(b)各国政府应系统性地收集关于小规模灾
害的数据;(c)秘书处应继续强化旨在减少灾害风险的区域合作机制和能 力建设,包括信息、通信和空间技术,以加速执行《兵库行动框架》;
[...] (d)通过开展区域合作和持续提供区域咨询服务,加强体制机构能力;(e) 减少灾害风险工作的所有利益攸关方均应充分利用亚洲及 平 洋 减 少 灾害 风险与发展网关。
The Committee made a number of recommendations, such as: (a) that the development of standards, methodologies and guidelines for disaster statistics be given higher priority; (b) that Governments systematically collect data on small disasters; (c) that the secretariat continue promoting regional cooperative mechanisms and capacity development efforts for disaster risk reduction, including on information, communications and space technologies, to accelerate the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action; (d) that institutional capacity be strengthened through regional cooperation and continued regional advisory services; and (e) that all
stakeholders of disaster risk reduction make full use
[...] of the Asia-Pacific Gateway for Disaster Risk Reduction and Development.
资金一直用于支持旨在介绍妇女权利和两 平 等 专题 , 减 轻 不 平 等 现 象的项 目(竞争包括种种专题,诸如妇女创业和提高妇女就业率,防止侵害妇女的暴力 [...]
和援助受害者,支持兼顾工作和家庭生活的措施,妇女权利和保护妇女,排除职 业选择和教育中的性别障碍,影响地方决策,参加政治)。
Funding has been used to support projects aimed at introducing
women’s rights and gender
[...] equality topics, as well as reducing inequality (competitions [...]
have included topics such as women’s
entrepreneurship and raising employment among women, preventing violence against women and assisting of victims, measures to support reconciling work and family life, women’s rights and protecting them, overcoming gender barriers in choice of occupation and education, influencing decision-making on local level, participating in politics).
全球民间社会要求向最不发达国家提供优惠待遇,确保 平贸 易和减免债 务,并真正和实质性地增加官方发展援助,保证最不发达国家实现有 [...]
Global civil society has demanded
preferential treatment for least developed
[...] countries to ensure fair trade and debt cancellation [...]
and real and substantive increases
in ODA, which will guarantee effective and sustainable development in least developed countries.
这些方 案和项目的主要目的是为公众和有关目标群体提供信息,对他们进行培训,编写
[...] 和分发有关材料,提高国家机关的行政能力以注意和查明歧视妇女现象 减 轻两平等。
These have been primarily aimed at informing and training the public and relevant target groups, preparing and distributing the relevant materials, raising
the administrative capacity of state agencies to notice and identify
[...] discrimination of women and reduce gender inequality.
其他与会者建议关注的优先领域包括:气候变化、防灾备灾、通过资源可持续 管减少生 物多样性的损失、可再生能源、国家科学与技术战略的制定、促进地方和本地知识系 [...]
Other suggested areas of priority attention included:
climate change, disaster prevention and
[...] preparedness, minimizing biodiversity [...]
loss through sustainable management of resources,
renewable energies, the formulation of national strategies in science and technology, the promotion of local and indigenous knowledge systems as well as improving the links between scientists and decision-makers.




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