

单词 干证

See also:

dried food
tree trunk
in vain
fuck (vulgar)
kill (slang)
male principle
surname Gan
surname Qian
main part of sth





External sources (not reviewed)

干证示,长期拖延就 诊,会令该病对治療的反应 [...]
Someevidence shows that long [...]
delays in obtaining treatment may also cause the illness to become less responsive to treatment.
(3) 本 法 令 本 部 内 的 条 文 不 会 妨 碍 法 庭 行 使
[...] 其 权 力 酌 情 排 拒干 证包 括 阻 止 提 问 [...]
或 其 他 ) 。
(3) Nothing in this Part of this Act shall prejudice any power of a
[...] court to excludeevidence (whether by preventing [...]
questions from being put or otherwise) at its discretion.
於二零零七年三月六日之聆讯上,郑州仲裁中心传令对 干证行监定,以厘 定对该宗案件是否具有聆讯权。
At a hearing on 6 March 2007, the Zhengzhou Arbitration Centre
ordered the verification of the
[...] authentication of certainevidence so as to determine [...]
whether it would have jurisdiction to hear the case.
(g) 向干证纪押记部份由本集团持有的中国数码股份作为抵押品,占本集团於中国 数码总权益约19.6%(2006年:19.6%)。
(g) pledge of Sino-i shares to certain securities brokers, the total of which represents about 19.6% (2006: 19.6%) of total interest in Sino-i.
因 此 , 董 事 认 为 将 不 会 出 现 潜 在 不 利 的 法 律 或 财 务 後 果 ; 及 (ii) 据 中 国 法 律 顾 问 告 知 , 除 有 关 土地使 用 权 的 未 解 决 问
题( 包 括 上 述 申 请 上 马 采 矿 土地及 新 尾 矿 库 的 土地使
[...] 用 权 )及 申 请 将干 证许 可 证 从 上 马 [...]
铁 矿 转 让 予 抚 顺 上 马 或 获 得 或 重 续 该 等 证 书 及 许 可
证 之 外 , 抚 顺 上 马 已 取 得 其 中 国 业 务 经 营 活 动 所 需 的 所 有 重 要 权 证 、 证 书 、 批 准 及 许 可 。
Therefore, the Directors believe that there will be no potential adverse legal nor financial consequence; and (ii) as advised by the PRC legal adviser, except for the outstanding issues relating to land use right (including the abovementioned application for land use rights for the Shangma Mining Land and new tailing pond) and
applications for the transfer, obtained or renewal
[...] of certain certificates andlicenses [...]
from Shangma Iron Mine to Fushun Shangma,
Fushun Shangma has obtain all the material licenses, certificates, approval and permits which are necessary for its business operation activities in the PRC.
於二零零七年三月六日举行的审讯上,仲裁委员会要求出具 干证认 证书以确定听审该案件是否属於其司法范围之内。
At the hearing on 6 March 2007, the arbitration office
ordered the verification of the
[...] authentication of certain evidence so as to determine [...]
whether it would have jurisdiction to hear the case.
换 言 之,对 於 并 非 可 判 监 的
[...] 罪 行,即 使 彼 告 有 可 能 再 犯 罪亦 不 会 剥 夺 他 的 法 定 保 释 权 。
In other words, the likelihood of further offences being
[...] committed orwitnesses being interfered withdoesnot take [...]
away the legal right to bail in non-imprisonable offences.
[...] 准:购买外汇用以支付股息,惟须提供 干证件(如董事会决议、税务证明);或 [...]
Under the Foreign Exchange Administration Regulations, FIEs may purchase foreign exchange without the approval of SAFE for paying dividends by providing certain
supporting documents (such as board
[...] resolutions,tax certificates), orfor trade [...]
and services-related foreign exchange
transactions by providing commercial documents evidencing such transactions.
(3) 监 管 人 员 具 有 合 理 的 理 由 相 信,被 捕 者 将 不 会 於
[...] 保 释 後 如 期 出 庭 , 或 为 防 止妨 碍 司 法 公 正 , 有 需 要 将 [...]
其 拘 留 。
(3) he has reasonable grounds for believing that the person arrested will fail to appear in court to answer to bail or
that his detention is necessary to
[...] prevent him frominterfering withwitnesses or otherwise [...]
obstructing the course of justice.
(d) 配售代理就国联聘请的法律顾问年利达律师事务所( 按配售代理满意的形式及内 容)。
(d) Linklaters, legal advisers to the Placing Agents as to certain U.S. Federalsecurities laws, in form and substance satisfactory to the Placing Agents.
尽 管 目 前 上 马 铁 矿 正 在 申 请使 用他 执 照 ╱ 审 批 , 惟 董 [...]
事 认 为 这 将 不 会 影 响 其 控 制 及 营 运 。
Although Shangma Iron Mine is currently applying
[...] for someof the land userights certificates and other licences/approvals, [...]
the Directors are
of the view that these will not affect its control and operations.
永泰已向买方作出明及 括在股份销售完成日期余下集团的经审计综合资 产净值不会低於 1,129,350,000 港元,为按照南聯编制南聯集团截至二零一一年十二月三 十一日止年度的经审计综合账目所采用的会计原则及惯例以及该 物业之价值为 1,129,350,000 港元(该价值为编制南聯集团截至二零一一年十二月三十一日止年度之经 审计综合账目所使用的价值,该价值是以仲量聯行有限公司对於二零一一年十二月三十 一日就南聯在麗晶中心之权益(包括构成该物业的单位及車位以及将构成经分派业务一 部分的麗晶中心的其他单位,即麗晶中心 B 座的 505 至 510 单位)的独立估值为基准) 之基准计算得出。
Wing Tai has provided certain representations and warrantiesto the Purchaser, including that the audited consolidated net asset value of the Remaining Group as at the date of the Share Sale Completion will not be less than HK$1,129,350,000, calculated in accordance with accounting principles and practices adopted by Winsor in the preparation of the audited consolidated accounts of the Winsor Group for the year ended 31 December 2011 and on the basis that the Property is valued at HK$1,129,350,000 (which was the value used in the preparation of the audited consolidated accounts of the Winsor Group for the year ended 31 December 2011 which was based on an independent valuation of the Property by Jones Lang Lasalle Limited as at 31 December 2011 of Winsor's interest in Regent Centre, which included those units and carparks comprising the Property and other parts of Regent Centre, being Units 505-510, Tower B of Regent Centre, that will form part of the Distributed Businesses).
公 司 独 立 非 执 行 董 事 已 按 照 中 国 证 监 会 的 要 求,认 真 对 照 了《关 於 规 范 上 市 公 司 与 关 联 方 资 金 往 来 及 上 市 公 司 对 外 担 保的 通 知》[2003]56号 文),认 为 公 司 已 认 真 执 行 了 该 通 知 的 有 关 规 定,没 有 发 生 与 该 通 知 相 违 背 的 事 项。
As required by CSRC, the Independent Non-executive Directors of the Company have reviewed the Company’s transactions against the “Notice regarding Certain Issues on the Regulation of Fund Transactions Between Listed Companies and Connected Parties and Third-party Guarantees Made by Listed Companies” (Zheng Jian Fa [2003] No. 56) and are of the view that the Company has diligently implemented the relevant provisions under the Notice and have not found any matter which is in breach of the Notice.
根据台积电股份及认股权证发行协议,若发行任何新股份或认股 情 况外,台积电拥有优先认购权,以按相等於台积电於新股份及认股权证发行前当时拥有的本 公司已发行股本百分比购买所发行的新股份及认股权证的按比例部分。
Pursuant to the TSMC Share and Warrant Issuance Agreement, in case of any issue of new shares or warrants, subject tocertain exceptions, TSMC has a pre-emptive right to purchase a pro rata portion of the new shares and warrants being issued equivalent to the percentage of the issued share capital of the Company then owned by TSMC prior to the issue of the new shares and warrants.
这 种 权 力 对 於 某 些 情 况 特 别 有 用,例 如 有 些 情 况 要 看 科 学 监 证 的 结 果 才 能 决 定 是 否 起 诉 , 而 进 行要 花; 又 如 复 杂 商 业 罪 案 , 因 为 在 这 类 案 件 里 是 要 审 查 大 量 文 件 的 。
This power is particularly useful where, for example, the decision to charge rests on the results of scientific tests which may take some time to be conducted, or in complex commercial cases where there are large quantities of documents to be examined.
於二零一零年九月二十九日,本公司、艾德蒙与飞利浦订立二零一零年商标许可协 议,据此飞利浦将授予艾德蒙及其联属公司独家权利及许可使许其将浦商标(即「飞利浦(Philips)」字样及飞利浦的盾牌标志)用於若干中国电视及相 关宣传资料上。
On 29 September 2010, the Company, AOC and Philips entered into the 2010 Trademark License Agreement which Philips will grant to AOCand its affiliates an exclusive right and license to use certain Philips trademarks (i.e. the word mark ‘‘Philips’’ and the Philips Shield Emblem) on certain TVs in the PRC and on related promotional materials.




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