

单词 干法

See also:


stem n
cadre n


dried adj
capable adj

dried food
tree trunk
in vain
fuck (vulgar)
surname Qian
main part of sth
surname Gan
male principle
kill (slang)

External sources (not reviewed)

在教育和健康领域,有干法定措 施是为了保护儿童的利益和福祉实施的,例如 义务教育。
In the areas of education
[...] and health, several statutory measures in [...]
place are geared towards protecting the interests and
well-being of children, for example, compulsory education.
通过了干法律, 其 中包括监狱工作人员的新地位,区别监视和安全类别与重返社会类别;改善工作 人员的物质条件及使该职业道德化。
Several laws have been passed, including a new statute for prison [...]
staff distinguishing between the categories of surveillance
and security and that of reintegration, improving the material conditions of staff and raising the ethical standards of the profession.
与会者就国家和地方为加强交通运输可 持续性而采取的干法律、 政策和实际措施交流了信息。
Participants exchanged information
[...] on a number of legal, policy and practical [...]
measures at the national and local levels
aimed at increasing transport sustainability.
[...] 东和北非开展治理工作,重点关注摩洛哥和突尼斯的 干法 律 和 司法改革项 目; (c) 大会和会议。
The same division also continued to conduct governance work in the Middle East and North Africa through a
framework agreement with the World Bank, focusing on a
[...] number of legal and judicial reform projects [...]
in Morocco and Tunisia
該 等條文關乎簡稱及生效日期、平等機會委員會("平機會")的職能及 權力、對平機會轉授權的限制、平機會成員的保障、平機會發出
[...] 的實務守則、平機會訂立規則的權力、授權平機會提起 干法律 程 序的規例,以及對《性別歧視條例》(第 [...]
480章 )、《殘疾歧視條 例》(第 487章 )及《家庭崗位歧視條例》(第 527章 )作出相應及相關 的修訂。
These sections relate to the short title and commencement, functions and powers of the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC), restrictions on delegation by EOC,
protection of members of
[...] EOC, codes of practices issued by EOC, [...]
power of EOC to make rules, regulations to empower EOC to bring certain proceedings and consequential
and related amendments to the Sex Discrimination Ordinance (Cap. 480), Disability Discrimination Ordinance (Cap. 487) and Family Status Discrimination Ordinance (Cap. 527).
湿法和干法水泥 窑、轻型组合窑和石灰窑一直 用于这种试验。
Both wet and dry process cement kilns, [...]
aggregate kilns and lime kilns have been used for these tests.
食典委还注意到,要做到同步或提前分发文件,只有大量削减附属机构的会议次数从而 避免在食典委会议前三个月里举行任何法典委员会的会议,或回到过去食典委两年一届 会议的做法,这样可以在没有食典委会议年份的 4 月至 9 月举行干法典委员会的会议。
The Commission further noted that such synchronized, advance distribution of documents would only be possible by significantly reducing the number of meetings of subsidiary bodies so that no Codex sessions take place during a three month period before a Commission session and by returning to the biennial meetings of the Commission,
which would allow to
[...] accommodate several Codex committee meetings in the April-September period for the year when the Commission did not meet.
一、1924 年 8 月 25 日在布鲁塞尔签署的《统一提单 干法 律 规则国际公约》、 1968 年 2 月 23 日签署的修正《统一提单干法律规 则国际公约》的议定书、或 1979 年 12 月 21 日在布鲁塞尔签署的修正经由 1968 年 2 月 23 日修正议定书修正 的《统一提单干法律规 则国际公约》的议定书的缔约国,应在批准、接受、核 准或加入本公约的同时,通过向比利时政府提供相应的通知,退出已是其缔约国 的该公约及其议定书,同时声明退约自本公约对该国生效之日起生效。
A State that ratifies, accepts, approves or accedes to this Convention and is a party to the International Convention for the Unification of
certain Rules of Law
[...] relating to Bills of Lading signed at Brussels on 25 August 1924, to the Protocol to amend the International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules of Law relating to Bills of Lading, signed at Brussels on 23 February 1968, or to the Protocol to amend the International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules of Law relating to Bills of Lading as [...]
Modified by the Amending
Protocol of 23 February 1968, signed at Brussels on 21 December 1979, shall at the same time denounce that Convention and the protocol or protocols thereto to which it is a party by notifying the Government of Belgium to that effect, with a declaration that the denunciation is to take effect as from the date when this Convention enters into force in respect of that State.
文化部在根据国际公约(包括《海牙公约》) 制定的干法律中 对不可移动和可移动文化财 产的保护作了规定。
The protection of immovable and movable cultural property is regulated by the Ministry of Culture in a number of laws in accordance with international conventions, including the Hague Convention.
可以采用Malvern的动态光散射(DLS)仪如Zetasizer Nano S和Zetasizer Nano ZS测量纳米级材料(一般100% < 100nm),而更大粒度的传统颜料和填料/补充剂可以通过标准的衍射仪器(如Mastersizer 2000)以适当的湿法或干法样品 分散单元进行测量。
Nano sized materials (typically 100% < 100 nm) can be measured on Malvern's Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) instruments, the Zetasizer Nano S and Zetasizer Nano ZS, while the larger conventional pigments and
fillers/extenders can be
[...] easily measured on the standard diffraction instruments (Mastersizer 2000) with appropriate wet or dry sample dispersion units.
除了规定制裁伊朗的贸易限制措施方面的各项具体法律文书之外,还在 2008 年的《出口管制法》下拟订了干法 律 文 书,对某些类别的货物和技术的出口进 行管制。
In addition to the specific legal instruments giving effect to the trade restriction aspects of the Iran sanctions, a number of legal instruments have been made under the Control of Exports Act 2008 which control the export of certain classes of goods and technology.
燃烧烟煤的设备、以及配干法烟气 脱硫 (FGD)洗尘器或湿法FGD洗尘器的设备,汞吸收水平也很高。
Units that burn bituminous coal, and that are equipped with dry flue gas desulfurization [...]
(FGD) scrubbers or wet FGD scrubbers,
also exhibit high levels of mercury capture.
出席研讨会的有来自学术机构、公私企业、承包商和会员国的专家, 还有干法律和技术委员会成员。
The workshop was attended by experts from academic institutions, public and
private enterprises, contractors and member States, as well as a number of
[...] members of the Legal and Technical [...]
(ix) 在截止認購日及期權終止日(如有)或之前,已按牽頭經辦人表示滿意的格式及內容向其交付註
[...] 明日期為截止認購日或期權終止日(視屬何情況而定)的 干法 律 意 見書,以及已交付牽頭經辦 人可合理要求與發行可換股債券相關的該等其他決議案、同意書、授權書及文件。
(ix) on or before the Closing Date and the Option Closing Date (if any), there having been delivered to the Lead Manager certain legal opinions, in form and substance satisfactory to the Lead Manager, dated the Closing Date or the Option Closing Date, as
the case may be and such other
[...] resolutions, consents, authorities and documents [...]
relating to the issue of the Convertible
Bonds, as the Lead Manager may reasonably require.
机器使用ATMOS 技术生产高级卫生纸的同时,也生产传统 干法 起 皱 纸。
The machine can use ATMOS to produce premium tissue but can
[...] also manufacture dry crepe conventional tissue.
会议讨论了干法治问题,包括被遣返者的再 入境和重新融入社会、打击有组织犯罪和腐败、司法机构的运作和重新任命法官 [...]
At the meeting, a
[...] number of rule of law matters were discussed, [...]
including the readmission and reintegration of repatriated
persons, the fight against organized crime and corruption, the functioning of the judiciary and the reappointment of judges and prosecutors.
[...] 2000 年商定的实 际步骤包括干法律、 技术和政治步骤,这些步骤可成为实现一个无核武器世界 [...]
The practical steps agreed by States parties in 2000 for systematic and progressive efforts
to implement article VI of the Treaty
[...] included a number of legal, technical and [...]
political steps, which could provide a basis
for some of the elements required for a nuclear-weapon-free world.
用于磨料的Insitec干法系统 利用激光衍射技术,可对粒度范围0.1至2500µm的颗粒进行连续测量。
Insitec Dry systems for abrasive materials [...]
use laser diffraction technology for the continuous measurement of particles
in the size range 0.1 to 2500µm.
除了在一些地理区域(主要是中国和印度)依然使用立窑(VSK)外 (中央污染控制委员会,2007 年;Höhne 和 Ellermann,2008 年),水泥熟料
[...] 主要在回转窑中烧成,加热生料可采用四种不同的工艺之一: 干法 ” 、干法”、“半湿法”或“湿法”工艺。
With the exception of vertical shaft kilns (VSK) still used in certain geographical areas (mainly China and India) (CPCB, 2007; Höhne and Ellermann, 2008), cement clinker is predominantly burnt in rotary kilns, where heating of the
raw meal can take place in one of four different
[...] types of arrangements: ‘dry’, ‘semi-dry’, ‘semi-wet’, or [...]
‘wet’ processes.
[...] 比元素蒸汽短,约 100 到 1000km 内就会经过湿法或干法的过 程沉积下来。
These species have a shorter atmospheric lifetime than elemental vapour and will
[...] deposit via wet or dry processes within roughly [...]
100 to 1000km.
售賣貨品條例訂明,貨品在售賣賣及 交付時均須屬必需,但干法律專 著的作 ,例如 Anson 及 Winfield 等 人均曾辯稱,根據英國一八九三年售賣貨品法(Sale of Goods Act 1893) 所載明的同樣字眼,重要者僅係交付貨品的時間而已。
The Sale of Goods Ordinance states at the time of sale and delivery but several writers, including Anson and Winfield, have argued, on the identical wording found in the Sale of Goods Act 1893, that it is only the time of delivery that is important.
干法律訴 訟程序而言,倘飛利浦業務推斷,披露相關資料預期將會嚴重影響法律訴訟程序的結 [...]
For certain legal proceedings, [...]
information required under HKAS 37 may not be fully disclosed, if the Philips Business concludes
that the disclosure can be expected to prejudice seriously the outcome of the legal proceeding.
这项努力的成果是,在 2010/2011 财政年度捐款约 100
[...] 万加元,包括研发最新的系统电子设备,以用来 监测不停堆换料动力堆,还进行了应用卫星成像的研究,以监测核设施并支持技 术革新,提高保障监督转移干法贮 存 过程的效力和效率。
This effort resulted in a contribution of approximately C$ 1 million over the 2010/11 fiscal year and included the development of updated electronics for systems used to monitor on-load refuelled reactors, studies in the application of satellite imagery in monitoring nuclear
facilities and support for upgrades to improve
[...] the effectiveness and efficiency of safeguarding transfers to dry storage.
c) 按中華人民共和國(「中國」,就本報告而言,不包括香港、澳門及台灣)之規則及法規之規定,外商投資企業須將其稅後 溢利(經對銷往年虧損後)之適當部分撥作 干法 定 儲 備。
(c) as stipulated by the rules and regulations in the People’s republic of China (the “PrC”, for the purpose of this report, does not include Hong Kong, macau and taiwan), foreign investment enterprises are
required to appropriate part of their after-tax profit (after offsetting prior
[...] years’ losses) to certain statutory reserves.
刑事诉讼法》为法干预提供法律框架;该法适用于成年人和儿童,对 逮捕和监禁程序做出了规定。
The Code of Criminal Procedure provides a legal framework for judicial action, applicable both to adults and to children, and governs procedures for arrest and placement in detention.
此外, 尽管摩洛哥通过将法干扰证人和举证的妨害司法行为定为刑事犯罪,实施了 《公约》第 25 条(a)项,但摩洛哥立法没有充分遵守《公约》第 25 条(b)项,因 为只有干扰司法职责 或执法官员的行为由其他公职人员实施时才进行惩处。
Furthermore, although Morocco has implemented subparagraph (a) of article 25 of the Convention
by criminalizing
[...] obstruction of justice by unlawful interference with witnesses and production of evidence, Moroccan legislation does not fully comply with subparagraph (b) of article 25 of the Convention, as interference with the duties of justice or [...]
law enforcement officials is punished
only if committed by other public officials.
干擾機械裝置或設備 任何人不得以任何法干擾放置在公司的處所或船隻上的機械裝置或設備,或作出任何 [...]
事情令該等機械裝置、設備、處所或船隻損壞,或阻延公司的運作,或造成任何人受傷 或不適。
No person shall interfere with any mechanism [...]
or equipment on the Company's premises or vessels in any way, or do anything
liable to cause damage to such mechanism, equipment, premises or vessels, or to delay the Company's operations, or to cause injury or discomfort to any person.
在本届会议上,社会科学及人文科学委员会和自然科学委员会审议了 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 号文件所建议的决议(提案国:奥地利、比利时、玻利维亚多民族国、布基法 索、 刚果、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、丹麦、吉布提、多米尼加共和国、芬兰、冰岛、利比 亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、马达加斯加、新西兰、荷兰、挪威、帕劳、巴布亚新几内亚、波兰、 葡萄牙、萨摩亚、塞内加尔、斯洛文尼亚、瑞典、图瓦卢和乌拉圭;共同提案国:巴巴多 斯、哥斯达黎加、德国、哈萨克斯坦、拉脱维亚、黎巴嫩、马来西亚、摩纳哥、巴基斯坦、 所罗门群岛、苏里南和赞比亚),要求 干 事 利 用教科文组织独有的跨学科背景,加强教科 文组织在气候变化问题上的专业能力。
During this session, the SHS and SC Commissions examined the resolution proposed in document 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 (submitted by: Austria, Belgium, Plurinational State of Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Congo, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Finland, Iceland, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Samoa, Senegal, Slovenia, Sweden, Tuvalu, Uruguay; co-sponsored by: Barbados, Costa Rica, Germany, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Malaysia, Monaco, Pakistan, Solomon Islands, Suriname, and Zambia), requesting the Director-General to strengthen UNESCO’s specialized capacity on climate change, building upon UNESCO’s unique interdisciplinary profile.
(2) 任何人不得使用或企圖使用已不恰當地更改、損壞又或以其他 法干 擾 的車票, 而如屬使用聰明卡作為車票,則不得使用或企圖使用不能與車票自動處理裝置傳訊的車票以乘搭 [...]
(2) No person shall use or attempt to use for travel on any bus or the railway a ticket which has been
improperly altered damaged or
[...] which has been otherwise interfered with and, in the case [...]
of using a smart card as a ticket
which is unable to communicate with an automatic processing device for tickets.
然而,自联合国在半个多世纪前成立以来,数百万计的儿童、妇女和男子沦 为因使用武力、种族灭绝罪、法干 涉 造 成的暴行的受害者,各大洲发生了 60 多场战争,其中包括在格林纳达、朝鲜、巴拿马、索马里、苏伊士运河、越南和 [...]
Nevertheless, since the establishment of the United Nations more than half a century ago, millions of children, women and men have been victims of atrocities
resulting from the use of force, crimes
[...] of genocide, illegal intervention and more than 60 [...]
wars on different continents, including
the wars in Grenada, Korea, Panama, Somalia, Suez, Viet Nam and the former Yugoslavia, as well as the current war in Iraq in its various aspects and the war in Afghanistan.




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