单词 | 幕间 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 幕间 —interval (between acts in theater)See also:幕—headquarters of a general • act (of a play) • canopy or tent • curtain or screen
显示窗会在 六个说明屏幕间切换。 graco.com | The display [...] will cycle through six instruction screens. graco.com |
左 / 右箭头:用于在屏幕间进行 移动。 gww.graco.com | Left/Right Arrows: [...] Use to move from screen to screen. gww.graco.com |
在这方面,她提请注意大会第 [...] 57/301 号决议第 1 段和第 2 段中关于一般性辩论的开 幕时间和会期。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that respect, attention was drawn to [...] paragraphs 1 and 2 of General Assembly resolution 57/301 regarding the dates for [...] the opening and duration of the general debate. daccess-ods.un.org |
如有需要,秘书处会以视像会议和联网传播方式在 闭 幕 期 间 召 开 会议。 daccess-ods.un.org | If necessary, the secretariat may [...] convene an intersessional meeting using [...]videoconference and webcasting. daccess-ods.un.org |
本文件逾期提交,是因为《公约》之下的长期合作行动问题特设工作组第九届会议结束到第 十届会议开幕之间的时间很短。 daccess-ods.un.org | This document was submitted after the due date owing to the short interval between the ninth and tenth sessions of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention. daccess-ods.un.org |
另外,依赖于精准显示餐厅布局的酒店 接待和座椅系统可通过 C 系列的宽屏和可用的附加屏幕空间 显示其座椅 / 占地面积。 elotouch.com.cn | In addition, hospitality host and seating systems that depend on an accurate display of [...] restaurant layouts can utilize [...] the wide screen of the C-Series and the additional screen space available to display [...]their seating/ floorspace. media.elotouch.com |
多功能曲线 在屏幕空间或三 维空间内绘制曲线,并以多种方 式使用这些曲线,从而增强绘图和雕刻工具集。 images.autodesk.com | Draw curves in screen space or in 3D space, [...] and use them in a variety of ways to augment the painting and sculpting toolsets. wam.autodesk.com |
为了帮助简化开发过程,ExpressQuantumGrid套件包含了一个技术等级的数据导航器,它可以独立启动,也可以作为Grid容器中的一部分整合其中,从而帮助你完全优化 屏 幕 空 间 占 用。 evget.com | Built-in Data Navigator - To help simplify development, the ExpressQuantumGrid Suite includes an industrial grade data navigator, which [...] can be used standalone or integrated as part of the Grid container itself - helping you [...] fully optimize screen real-estate! evget.com |
哈萨克斯坦采取重大措施进一步扩大人权保护机制,于 2008 年签署了《残 疾人权利公约》及其《任择议定书》并于 [...] 2010 年 9 月大会第六十五届大会开幕 期间签署 了《经济、社会及文化权利国际公约任择议定书》。 daccess-ods.un.org | The important step towards further extension of human rights protection mechanisms in the country was the signing of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Optional Protocol in 2008, and the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on [...] Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in September [...] 2010 at the opening of the sixty-fifth session [...]of the General Assembly. daccess-ods.un.org |
鉴于上述关于行动的呼吁,提出以下问题供两个互动式专题小组审议,这两 个小组将在全体会议的开幕和闭幕期 间 举 行为期一天的高级别会议,主题是“在 可持续发展和消除贫穷背景下处理荒漠化、土地退化和干旱问题”。 daccess-ods.un.org | With these calls for action in mind, the following questions are suggested for consideration at the two interactive panels that will constitute the one-day high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the theme “Addressing desertification, land degradation and drought in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication”, between the opening and closing plenary meetings. daccess-ods.un.org |
会议官方语言为英语和意大利 语,开幕会期间提供同声传译。 cigr.org | The official languages of the Conference will be English and Italian, with simultaneous [...] translation during the opening session. cigr.org |
在此次双年展开幕周期间,将有一系列现场互动表演,包括喜剧、杂技和街舞等元素。 shanghaibiennale.org | Physical comedy, acrobatics and street dance are presented as a series of live interactive routines. shanghaibiennale.org |
执行局还欢迎设在罗 马的这三个机构的主管在世界粮食保障委员会上一届会议上显 示团结,当时,他们在开幕式期间一 起 在讲台就坐并发言。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Board further welcomed the unity demonstrated by the three heads of Rome-based agencies at [...] the last session of the CFS, when they were seated together at [...] the podium and took the floor during the opening ceremony. daccess-ods.un.org |
这就 提出了学员每天在住处和幕张之间来 回 路途所花费的时间问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | This raises the issue of the time spent by participants travelling between their accommodation and Makuhari every day. daccess-ods.un.org |
这个 API [...] 能够让你轻松的指引浏览器将一个元素及它的子节点(如果存在的话)占据整个 屏 幕 , 在此 期 间 , 会 将浏览器的界面及屏幕上的其他应用清除。 developer.mozilla.org | The API lets you easily direct the browser to make an element and its children, if [...] any, occupy the fullscreen, eliminating all browser user interface and other [...] applications from the screen for the duration. developer.mozilla.org |
布里斯托大学2010年的研究表明,孩子在屏幕前(此处指任何一种 屏 幕 ) 花 费的 时 间 长 短 直接关系到他们的心理问题。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | According to a 2010 University of Bristol study, the number of hours that kids spend in front of a screen – any screen – directly correlates with their psychological difficulties. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
抹布方便你在黏保护贴前清洁屏幕,括卡可助你除去 屏 幕 与 保 护贴 之 间 的 汽 泡。 tunewear.com | The texture feels like beautifully woven carbon fiber. Protective clear film is built-in to protect the LCD from scratches. tunewear.com |
虽然基金的决策过程大体上仍然相同,但这种扩大可能需要改 变执行局的工作方法,例如需要在闭 幕 会 议 期 间 进 行 更多的决策,并且需要修订 对于要求参加条约机构或人权理事会各届会议的申请人的选拔标准。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the decision-making process under the Fund could, by and large, remain the same, such an expansion is likely to require certain [...] changes in the working methods of the [...] Board, such as more intersessional decision-making [...]and revised selection criteria for those [...]applying to attend sessions of treaty bodies or the Human Rights Council. daccess-ods.un.org |
要更改间隔时间,请单击屏幕下方的 区 间 图 标 ; 间 隔 时 间 还 可 以在 “数据存储和下载” 屏幕中更改。 wavetronix.com | To change [...] the interval time, click on the Interval icon at the bottom of the screen; the interval time [...]can also be changed [...]in the Data Storage & Download screen. wavetronix.com |
因此,秘书处将对从现在起至执行局 届会开幕前这段时间收到 的补充资料和答复继续进行评估,以将评估结果反映在本文件的增 补件中。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Secretariat will therefore continue the evaluation process and any additional information or replies received by the opening of the Executive Board’s session will be reflected in an addendum to this document. unesdoc.unesco.org |
另附有抹布及屏幕刮卡,方便你在黏保护贴前清洁屏幕,而括卡可助你除去 屏 幕 与 保 护贴 之 间 的 汽 泡。 tunewear.com | The squeegee found inside the package can be used to remove air bubbles when applying the film. tunewear.com |
这一做法的优点是使附属机构主席有机会准备和主持日历年期间 ( 期中以及与缔约方会议同时举行) 的附属机构各届会议,并在缔约方会议 闭 幕会 议期间提出附属机构工作结果报告。 daccess-ods.un.org | This practice has the advantage of providing an opportunity for the Chairpersons of the subsidiary bodies to prepare for and preside over the sessions of the subsidiary bodies during the calendar year (at the mid-term and in conjunction with the COP), and to present the report on the outcome of the work of the subsidiary bodies during the closing session of the COP. daccess-ods.un.org |
设在肯尼亚埃 杰顿大学的非洲首个生物伦理中心也在会议 期 间 揭 幕。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Africa’s first bioethics centre, in Egerton University of Kenya, was inaugurated as well on the occasion. unesdoc.unesco.org |
有些女性(或在某些情况下,虽然有时会采取行动,打扮像一个女仆,园艺),男性(在一个情节的蟑螂偷他的洗衣袋和不断下降的轨道衣服 - Oggy他们一但,不好意思,离开屏幕, 当 胸罩 之 间 的 拳 击短裤和袜子可见)。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Although sometimes acting somewhat female (or in some cases, dressing like a maid, gardening), or male (in one episode the roaches steal his laundry bag and keep dropping a track of clothes – Oggy picks [...] them up one-by-one, but, [...] embarrassed, moves off screen when a brassiere becomes [...]visible among the boxer shorts and socks). seekcartoon.com |
扫描期间提供屏幕上的 实时彩色影像预览。 graphics.kodak.com | On-screen, real-time color preview of [...] images during the scanning process. graphics.kodak.com |
通 过 单 击 开/关开关开始记录区间数据;如果“ 区 间 数 据” 屏 幕 关 闭 则记录将 终止。 wavetronix.com | Begin logging the interval data by clicking the On/Off switch; logging will be terminated if the Interval Data screen is closed. wavetronix.com |
这里指的“设 置”包括使蜂鸣器与打印机动作或不动作,以及日期、 时 间 、 日期 格式、屏幕对比度等。 itcmed.com | These setting options include enabling or disabling the beeper and printer, [...] and setting the time, date format, and screen contrast. itcmed.com |
使用此选项可以保持视图, 以便您的查看者可以更长时间地研究 屏 幕 上 的 内容。 sketchbook.com | Use this to hold on a view, so your [...] viewers can study what’s on screen for longer. sketchbook.com |
在民间社会论坛闭幕式上,会议秘书长、土耳其外交部长、尼泊尔副总理、 最不发达国家观察组织的阿尔琼·卡尔基博士和环球医生组织的伊桑·卡拉曼博 [...] 士作了关于论坛的总结性发言。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the conclusion of the Civil Society Forum, the [...] Secretary-General of the Conference, the Minister for Foreign Affairs [...]of Turkey, the Deputy Prime Minister of Nepal, Dr. Arjun Karki of LDC Watch, and Dr. Ihsan Karaman of Doctors Worldwide made concluding remarks on the Forum. daccess-ods.un.org |
履行机构还请执行秘书继续 与中国政府磋商,在合理的时间内在 届会 开 幕 前 作 出必要的法律安排。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also requested the Executive Secretary to continue consultations with the Government of China and to conclude the necessary legal arrangements within a reasonable time before the opening of the sessions. daccess-ods.un.org |