单词 | 幕後操纵 | ||||||||
释义 | 幕后操纵—pull the stringsmanipulate from behind the scenesSee also:幕后—behind the scenes 操纵adj—manipulatedadj 操纵—rig 操纵v—controlv operatev
如果稍後想要从 Seagate 应用程式移除此权限,可以在 Facebook 的 「应用程式设定」萤幕中执行此操作。 seagate.com | If you later want to remove the permission from the Seagate app, you can do so from the App Settings screen inFacebook. seagate.com |
(ii) 倘若房委会发现*本人/我们/本号曾设法 操纵投标,则房委会得照「投标 普通章程」第10条规定收取算定损害赔偿。 housingauthority.gov.hk | (ii) if *I am/we are [...] discovered to have manipulatedHA’s tender system, [...]as stated in Clause 10 of the General Conditions of Tender. housingauthority.gov.hk |
港铁乘客不仅可以从别具型格的透明LCD电视屏幕上,观看Wind ows8操作示范视频推介其革命性设计及先进功能,如全新的「图片密码」功能和Windows Store应用程式等,还可清晰看见置於透明LCD电视後的透明箱内的平板电脑,创造视频与实物同时显示的超感体验。 ipress.com.hk | feature,Windows Store apps, etc. on the cool-looking Transparent LCD TV, but also see a tablet PC placed inside a see-through container behind the screen, creating a magnificent customer experience of a real and video display [...] of Windows 8. ipress.com.hk |
此类社区共通之处为充分操纵公私生活型态,首尔菁英阶级乐於让游客倘佯於广场,或是乘坐影片里的鸭子船,但不希望平民百姓踏入附近的高级马术俱乐部;另一项极端例子,则是去年在纽约「占领华尔街」抗争期间,大企业原本乐於开放祖克提公园(Zucotti Park)供民众使用,但发生企业领袖不乐见的全国抗议运动後,企业却迅速强调这座公园属私人所有,不愿让公园成为抗争集散地。 thisbigcity.net | Seoul’s elite are happy for throngs of visitors to enjoy public plazas, or the now famous duck boats of Hangham park seen in the Gangnam style video. thisbigcity.net |