

单词 幅射

See also:

classifier for paintings, pictures or Chinese couplets


launch v

allude to
radio- (chemistry)

External sources (not reviewed)

他亦 表示,過往 的研究已顯 示 ,雷幅射與癌症沒有 直 接關 係 ,但警務處會正 [...]
視 員工此方面的關注。
He further advised that past research had shown no direct relationship
[...] between radar radiation and cancer but [...]
the department nevertheless acknowledged the concerns of staff.
擬設的雷達 監察系統 不 會 有雷幅射的問題。
The question of radar radiation would not arise [...]
in connection with the proposed RSS.
教育市民認幅射對㆟ 體的影響,以及如何處理緊急的情況,對 整個應變計劃是非常重要的。
It is of vital importance, as far as the overall contingency plan is concerned, to educate the public about the radioactive effects on the human body and the emergency measures.
[...] 表示,當局已在每批來自日本的食物中抽取樣本進行測試,不 論有關類別的食物曾否被驗幅射。
SFH advised that samples were already taken from every
batch of food from Japan for testing
[...] irrespective of whether radiation had been detected [...]
from the types of food concerned.
委員促請政府當局與廣東省核 管辦、中電及港核投全面檢討現行通報機制,以及全面檢討香 港特區政府為處理大亞灣核電站的核事故而制訂的大亞灣應變 計劃,以期提高核電站運作和表現的透明度、就目前監察核幅射相關 事件的機制找出可作進一步改善的地方,以及協助政 府當局就核事故作出協調和積極的回應。
Members urged the Administration to conduct an overall review of the current notification mechanisms with PEACO/GD, CLP and HKNIC as well as the Daya Bay Contingency Plan developed by the HKSAR Government for handling nuclear incidents at DBNPS, with a view to
enhancing the transparency
[...] of nuclear power stations' operation and performance, identifying areas for further improvement to the current mechanisms for monitoring nuclear and radiation-related events, and [...]
facilitating the Administration
in making coordinated and proactive response to nuclear incidents.
委員籲請政府當局與廣東 省核管辦、中電及港核投全面檢討通報機制及大亞灣應變計
[...] 劃,以期提高核電站運作和表現的透明度、就目前監察核幅 射相關 事件的機制找出可作進一步改善的地方,以及協助政府 [...]
Members called on the Administration to conduct an overall review of the notification mechanisms with PEACO/GD, CLP and HKNIC as well as the Daya Bay Contingency
Plan, with a view to enhancing the
[...] transparency of nuclear power stations' operation [...]
and performance, identifying areas for
further improvement to the current mechanisms for monitoring nuclear and radiation-related events, and facilitating the Administration in making coordinated and proactive response to nuclear incidents.
其中放射性極高的元素 鈈
[...] (Plutonium) 更需要 240,000 年時間, 才能幅射下降至安全水平。
Plutonium, one of the world’s
[...] most highly radioactive elements, takes [...]
240,000 years to be deemed safe.
原子 能 發 電是取
[...] 代 燃 料 發 電最具 經濟效 益 的方法,但 是 , 潛 在幅 射 問 題和要安 全處 理 含幅 射 的 廢 料 , 卻 令 很多國家卻 步 。
Although atomic energy is the most cost-effective alternative to fuels in
power generation,
[...] the potential radiation problem and the safe disposal of radioactive waste have caused [...]
many countries to give up on the technology.
另一方面,世界衞生組織曾於2005年研究"電 幅射 過 敏"的問題;而世界衞生組織屬下的國際癌症研究組織去年將流動電話產生的電磁場列為"對人類有機會致癌"的類別,並正進行有關人類暴露在電磁場中的可接受水平的研究。
On the other hand, the World Health Organization ("WHO") studied the issue of "electromagnetic hypersensitivity" in 2005; and last year the International Agency for Research on Cancer under WHO classified the electromagnetic fields produced by mobile phones as "possibly carcinogenic to humans" and is conducting research on the acceptable level of exposure to electromagnetic fields for humans.
在意大利的资助下,阿卜杜什·萨拉姆国际理论物理 中心(ICTP)与教科文组织和在的里雅斯特(意大 利)的国际教育评价协会(IAEA)为发展中国家的 约 2000
[...] 的大量专题的培训班、短期班和讲习班;在教科文组 织的援助下,中东的同幅射促进 中东实验科学和应 用科学发展(SESAME)临时理事会的十三个政府成员 [...]
正在开展的 SESAME 项目取得了进展;实施了科学
家、工程师和技术人员培训计划(5 期讲习班)和 SESAME 临时理事会做出了重要决定(未来的研究中 心设在约旦,更新德国政府捐赠的机器、财务问 题)。
Organization by the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), jointly operated by UNESCO and the IAEA in Trieste (Italy), with the financial support of Italy, of about 60 training courses, schools and workshops on a wide range of topics in physics and mathematics for the benefit of about 2000
scientists from developing countries; Progress
[...] of the SESAME (Synchrotron-light for Experimental [...]
Science and Applications in the
Middle East) project that is being developed with the assistance of UNESCO by the 13 governmental members of the SESAME Interim Council from the Middle East; Implementation of training programme for scientists, engineers and technicians (five workshops) and taking of important decisions by the Interim Council of SESAME (location of the future research centre in Jordan, upgrading of the machine donated by German authorities, financial matters).
假如出幅 射外泄,後果堪虞,因此本局必須向㆗國政府提出理據,反映港㆟的憂慮,呼籲㆗國政 府不要在香港鄰近㆞區再建核電廠。
Therefore, this Council should present its case, reflect the worries of the people of Hong Kong and urge the Chinese Government not to build additional nuclear power plants in the vicinity of Hong Kong.
為 釋除水警人員幅射威脅的疑慮,香港警務 處水警總區指揮官指出,警務處會再 度 要 求專家 [...]
提供專 家 意見。
To allay the worry of Marine
[...] Police staff about radiation hazards, the Regional [...]
Commander Marine, HKPF confirmed that the
Police would seek expert opinion from specialists again.
[...] 量委員會對實現「米」定義的建議,本所透過碘穩頻氦-氖激光器放 出波長 633 nm 的幅射以達至擁有「米」的標準。
In accordance with the recommendation for the practical realisation of the above definition of the International Committee of Weights and Measures, the
Laboratory maintains the metre through the
[...] wavelength of the 633 nm radiation from an iodine-stabilised [...]
helium-neon laser.
4.2 林大輝議員詢問,當局有否制訂措施,以應付近期 日本發生地震及幅射事件 可能對香港金融市場造成的 影響,包括日本為重建本土和應付保險索償而撤走資金的影 響。
4.2 Dr LAM Tai-fai enquired whether measures were in place to cope with the possible effects of the recent earthquake and nuclear incident in Japan on Hong Kong's financial market, including the withdrawal of capital from Japan for re-construction in their homeland and for meeting insurance claims.
鑒於冷卻水幅射水平 保持穩定,且 在可容許的限度之內,不會對公眾安全、公眾健康或環境構成 任何影響,港核投並沒有啟動通報機制。
Since the level of radioactivity of the cooling water [...]
remained stable and well within allowable limits, without any impact
on public safety, public health or the environment, HKNIC did not activate the notification mechanism.
同时,国家委员会发出声明,强调中国所有的反应炉都是安全的,中国并未受到日 幅射 外 洩 的影响。
At the same time a statement from the State Council emphasised
that all reactors in operation in China were safe and the country
[...] remained unaffected by the radioactive leakages in Japan.
他察悉X光 系 統會釋 出 輻射, 並 詢問當局有 何安排
[...] 以確保 貨櫃車上 的 人 不 會 暴露於 過 量幅射中。
Noting that the x-ray system would emit radiation, he enquired
about the arrangements for ensuring that people on board the container vehicles would not be
[...] exposed to excessive radiation.
它比任何其他檢查方法 更清楚地透視人體內部的組織,並且沒有任 幅射 性。
It provides the most detailed look inside the body and a
[...] significantly better picture than any other medial imaging devise - without radiation!
就上述提及的個案,當局為何批准多於1間電訊營辦商於同一個地點安裝多個發射器,將居民長期置 幅射 之 下 ;當局審批時有否考慮裝置多個發射器對居民及大廈帶來的影響;當局會否檢討現時審批安裝申請的機制(例如由多個相關政府部門合作處理申請、以醫學角度衡量電磁輻射對居民健康的影響、增加審批透明度和諮詢居民等);如否,原因為何?
regarding the aforesaid case, why the authorities approved more than one telecommunications operator to install several
transmitters at the same location and expose
[...] the residents to radiation over a prolonged [...]
period; whether the authorities took into
account the impact of the installation of several transmitters on the residents and their buildings when they vetted and approved these applications; whether the authorities will review the current mechanism for vetting and approving these applications (e.g. various relevant government departments collaborating in handling these applications, assessing the health risk posed by electromagnetic radiation to the residents from a medical perspective, enhancing transparency in the vetting and approval of applications, as well as consulting residents); if they will not, of the reasons for that?
他們可以在這方面做一些工夫,檢視在其所屬選區內有 甚麼地方可以作出改善,使整個社區成為一個無障礙的網絡, 幅射到 其他地區。
In the Legislative Council, many Honourable Members are members of the District Councils as well. They can make some efforts in this regard by examining if there is any room for improvement in their respective
districts, so as to enable the whole community to form a
[...] barrier-free network and radiate this concept to other [...]
據報,很多類家庭常用的電氣產品("家電產品")包括電視機、電腦、吹風機、微波爐等,均會發出電 幅射 , 而長期暴露於電 幅射 中 , 會影響人體中樞神經系統及身體機能。
It has been reported that many types of common household electrical appliances, including television sets,
computers, blowers, microwave ovens,
[...] etc., generate electromagnetic radiation ("ER"), and that prolonged exposure [...]
to ER will affect
human body's central nervous system and functional capabilities.
换向型号包括新 3 相 SSR 接触器型号里有的 IP20 安全触摸设计、A 类幅射要求及 3 级抗扰性能。
The reversing models include the same IP20 touch safe design, Class A emissions and level 3 noise immunity as the new 3 phase SSR contactor models.
如有關物品是為在攝氏-55度至攝氏124度的溫度範圍以外操作 而特別設計,或評定為能抵幅射, 上述清單將不適用。
This list no longer applies if the
commodities are specially designed to operate outside the temperature range from -55°C to
[...] 124°C or rated as radiation hardened.
這個波長, 「λ」,是由國際協定幅射頻率,「v」,與光速,「c」(等於 299 [...]
792 458 m/s),根據λ= c/v 的關係而得來的。
This wavelength, λ, is derived from the
internationally agreed value for the
[...] frequency, ν, of the radiation and the speed of [...]
light, c (299 792 458 m/s), by the relation λ = c/ν.
以香港偏處㆒隅,㆕面環海的㆞理環境,假如出 幅射 泄 漏的話,最佳的應變措施, 應考慮與㆗方商討將大亞灣核電廠這方面的計劃的所有資料,與香港直接聯繫。
Judging from the geographical environment of Hong Kong that it is at the extremity of a land mass and being surrounded by sea on four sides, the best contingency measure, in the event of any radioactive release, should be to consider negotiating with the Chinese authorities for direct communication to Hong Kong of all the information relating to that plan of the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant.
教会团体应推行反对暴力、倡导和平运动,以免战争及核 幅射 摧 毁 大自然。
Church organisations should call for peace and an end to violence, so as to prevent wars that will destroy nature.
有評論指出,香港的居住單位面積普遍細小,因此香港人暴露於該種電 幅射 的 水 平可能較其他地方為高。
There have been comments that since the residential units in Hong Kong are generally small, the level of such ER to which Hong Kong people are exposed is higher than that in other places.
4. 本年度(2013-14年度)為荔枝角收押所、羅湖懲教所、大欖女懲教所、壁屋懲 教所及石壁監獄增添幅射X光身體掃瞄器的計劃詳情
4. details of the plans to procure low radiation X-ray body scanner for Lai Chi Kok Reception Centre, Lo Wu Correctional Institution, Tai Lam Centre for Women, Pik UK Correctional Institution and Shek Pik Prison in this financial year (2013-14)




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