单词 | 常春藤 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 常春藤—ivy常春藤noun—mallown arnican See also:春—youthful gay spring (time) joyful surname Chun lust 藤—vine rattan cane
Wolostoff博士集中讲解如何选择一个适合自己的大学,而不是只专注如何进入这些着名的常春藤高校。 ycis-bj.com | Instead of focusing on how to get into these universities, Dr. Wolostoff said students should focus on what was the right college for them. ycis-bj.com |
切勿让幼犬接触有毒的植物,如猩猩木、杜鹃花、北美杜鹃花、黛粉叶、红豆杉、夹竹桃和常春藤等。 eukanuba.com.cn | Never give her access to poisonous plants [...] such as poinsettias, azaleas, rhododendrons, dumb can, Japanese yew, oleander and English ivy. eukanuba.com.au |
虽然申请非保送大 [...] 学难度很大,但是每年都会有一部分表现优异的学生完成从两年制社区学院转学到常春藤大学的飞跃。 virginiapathways.com | While difficult, each year a small group of exceptional students are able to make the leap [...] from two-year collegesto IvyLeague schools. virginiapathways.com |
伦敦餐馆的面貌总是不断改变,但如果您要象邦德一样优雅就餐,还是应选择如常春藤和Nobu这样的经典餐厅。 visitbritain.com | London’s restaurant scene is ever-changing, but if you’re dining like Bond, keep it classic [...] with favourites like The Ivy andNobu. visitbritain.com |
前两年在社区大学中,我学到了许多学术领域所需要的知识,它们也帮助我 成功转入了常春藤名校。 virginiapathways.com | Famous Attendees: Clifton Garvin (former Chairman/CEO of Exxon), Brad Casper (President of NBA’s Phoenix Suns), George Nolen (former CEO of Siemens) “It was at my [...] two year college where I learned all the things I needed to succeed in the academic [...] field and transfer to an Ivy League. virginiapathways.com |
不让狗狗接触对其有危害的植物:例如猩猩木、杜鹃花、北美杜鹃花、黛粉叶、红豆杉、夹竹桃和常春藤等。 eukanuba.com.cn | Restrict access to plants that are [...] dangerous to dogs:poinsettias,azaleas, rhododendrons, [...]dumb cane, Japanese yew, oleander [...]and English ivy, to name a few. eukanuba.com.au |
英特尔至强 E3-1200 V2 系列微处理器"常春藤桥-DT"已成为非常有趣的替代,甚至对于桌面用户,因为他们可以安装在绝大多数的主板插槽 [...] LGA 1155 (虽然你失去的 ECC 支持和功能侧重于服务器和工作站)。 cn.500gadgets.com | Intel Xeon E3-1200 V2 Series [...] microprocessors "Ivy Bridge-DT" have become [...]a very interesting alternative even for desktop [...]users, because they can be installed in the vast majority of motherboards socket LGA 1155 (although you lose the ECC support and features focused on servers and workstations). 500gadgets.com |
品牌设计灵感来自于美国东部名校联盟IVY LEAGUE(常春藤联盟)的生活方式:学习,运动休闲,年度学院竞赛,度假旅游等,这些优越卓越的天之骄子有着他们伟大的梦想与追求,并保持着传统的贵族气质。 gtcgalleria.com | Its design concept comes from the life style of the students in IvyLeague:study,sports and leisure, annual college contest, vacation tour etc. These prominent persons have their great dreams and conduct themselves with traditional nobility. gtcgalleria.com |
在新近的文献中如下内容是相关的: Ackerfield和Wen, 对于Hedera L.(常春藤属,Araliaceae)的形态学分析和它的分类的暗示的morphometric (Adansonia,sér. 3, 24: 197–212. 2002);Ackerfield和Wen,Hedera(常春藤属,Araliaceae)的演化:从叶绿体DNA 数据发现的 (Int. J. Pl. [...] Sci. 164: 593–602. 2003).J. Pl。 flora.ac.cn | Among recent literature the following are relevant: [...] Ackerfield and Wen, A [...] morphometric analysisof Hedera L. (the ivygenus, Araliaceae) and its taxonomic implications (Adansonia, sér. 3, 24: 197-212. 2002); Ackerfield and Wen, Evolutionof Hedera (the ivygenus, Araliaceae): [...]insights from [...]chloroplast DNA data (Int. J. Pl. Sci. 164: 593-602. 2003). flora.ac.cn |
当学生和家长看到美国着名大学的招生统计数据时,都惊呆了——美国常春藤高校每年都会收到超过30,000份入学申请,最后只招收2,000—4,000名大学新生。 ycis-bj.com | The well-knownIvy League colleges saw applications of more than 30,000, but were only able to accept an incoming freshmen class of 2,000-4,000 students. ycis-bj.com |
海藻提取物、世界3国的泥、西蒙德木油、低凝点高级润滑油、麦芽油、大豆PPT(水解大豆蛋白质)、植物萃取提取物配合(铁线莲提取物、豆瓣菜提取物、绣线菊提取物、木贼提取物、常春藤提取物、牛蒡提取物、鼠尾草提取物、皂草提取物、柠檬提取物)。 petesthe.com | Sea mud、seaweed extract, mud from 3 countries, jojoba oil, squalane, wheat germ oil, soybean PPT (hydrolyzed soybean protein), a mixture of vegetable extracts (Clematis extract, watercress extract, Filipendula extract, horsetail extract, ivy extract, burdock root extract, sage extract, Saponaria extract, lemon extract). petesthe.com |
该产品是一种效果良好的复合物,萃取积雪草(Gotu kola),墨角藻和洋常春藤(Ivy)成分,能有效改善血液循环,(特别是在橘皮组织区域),加强刺激皮肤和结缔组织。 institutebcn.com | This effective cocktail combines Centella asiatica (Gotu kola), Fucus vesiculosus and Hedera helix extract (Ivy) to improve blood circulation, (particularly in areas where cellulite is present), strengthen the skin and stimulate the connective tissue. institutebcn.com |
适合母亲节和平时使用的花束,12支粉红和红色的康乃馨轻巧漂亮,特别孔和纸和长春藤包装。 givegift.com.hk | A bouquet good for mother's day and other occasions, 12 [...] pink and red carnations, floating and pretty, wrapped in special Japanese paper and ivy. givegift.com.hk |
(二 ) 羊蹄甲藤是香港常见的本 土 植 物,多 生 於低洼 地 区( 例 如 南 区 某 些 地点)的 树 林 及 灌丛。 legco.gov.hk | It grows in woodland and shrubland in low-lying areas such as some areas in Southern District. legco.gov.hk |
棕榈状小乔木,或灌木,很少藤本植物,通常具皮刺,雌雄同株,雌雄异株,雄花两性花同珠,雌花两性花同珠,或者杂性同株。 flora.ac.cn | Trees small, palmlike, or [...] shrubs, rarely vines, often prickly, monoecious, [...]dioecious, andromonoecious, gynomonoecious, or polygamomonoecious. flora.ac.cn |
由五人组成的监事会还包括现有委员——常驻东京的远藤功(Isao Endo)(53岁)和常驻杜塞尔多夫的维特•施文肯多夫(Veit Schwinkendorf)(44岁)。 rolandberger.com.cn | The five-member Supervisory Board is rounded off by existing members Isao Endo (53), of Tokyo, and Veit Schwinkendorf (44), of Düsseldorf. rolandberger.com.cn |
藤本植物常绿,对10米抑制淡色的灰色; 幼时的小枝短毛,不久后脱落。 flora.ac.cn | Lianas evergreen,to 10 m. Stems [...] pale gray; branchlets shortly hairy when young, soon glabrescent. flora.ac.cn |
但是,外 国 大 学 有 很多私人 捐献, 如 美 国长春 藤大学联 盟 , 便 能 成 功 和 商界建 立 密 切 的 联 系 , 这 一点值 得香港大 学 借 镜 。 legco.gov.hk | For instance, the longstanding Ivy League succeeds in establishing close contact with the business sector, so the universities in Hong Kong should draw reference from it. legco.gov.hk |
四十年过后,Royal Oak皇家橡树系列依然青春常驻,延续着优雅的运动形象。 audemarspiguet.com | Forty years have gone by, but the Royal Oak hasn’t skipped a beat and remains an icon of sporting elegance. audemarspiguet.com |
正在进行的磋商的结果将被收入总干事将提交给 2005 年春季执行局会议 的 33 C/5 建议中,这样一来自下而上的方法便充实了自上而下的方法。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The results of the ongoing consultations would be included in the proposed 33 C/5 document that the [...] Director-General would submit to the [...] ExecutiveBoard in spring2005, thus ensuring [...]that the bottom-up approach complemented the top-down approach. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(a) 理事会与国际金融和贸易机构举行的高级别春季会议可从目前 的一天延长至两天,而且通常应在布雷顿森林机构春季会议之前适时召开, 至少应该在这些会议之前五周举行,应满足各方的需要,并有助于高级别参与。 daccess-ods.un.org | Council with the international financial and trade institutions [...] could last from the [...] existing one day up to two days, andshould normallybeheldbefore the spring meetingsof the Bretton Woods institutions [...]and should be timed [...]appropriately, at least five weeks before those meetings, so as to meet the needs of all parties and be conducive to high-level participation. daccess-ods.un.org |
今 天 是三八 妇 女 节 , 我 谨 祝愿主席及各位女议员青春 常驻,一 团 和 气 。 legco.gov.hk | I wish the President and the lady Members of this Council lasting youthfulness and every amicability in their life. legco.gov.hk |
这架精心制作的机器同化并接受了自身的架构限制,似乎要利用展厅有限的空间来支撑自己的生长,时刻让人联想起具有顽强生命力的常青藤在向高处攀爬。 shanghaibiennale.org | The elaborate organic machine assimilates and conforms to its architectural confines, as if it [...] were using the limited space the building provides to support its own growth – [...] reminding us of a tenacious growingivy. shanghaibiennale.org |
此款抗衰老精华素适于日间敷用,是淡化衰老痕迹的护肤精品,让您保持青春常驻。 cn.lubrizol.com | This age-defying serum, formulated as a first-line of defense, is fordaily wear and fights the signs of aging - maintaining a youthful look and feel. lubrizol.com |
除了叶柄间的线,叶柄,花萼和花冠的藤本植物通常无毛。 flora.ac.cn | Lianas usually glabrousexcept for interpetiolar [...] lines, petioles, calyx, and corolla. flora.ac.cn |
巫师在宗教和疾病治疗仪式上用灵藤水(“灵魂之藤”的意思)诊断和治疗疾病、通灵、占卜未来。 iprcommission.org | The shamansuseayahuasca (whichmeans"vineof the [...] soul") in religious and healing ceremonies to diagnose and treat illnesses, [...]meet with spirits, and divine the future. iprcommission.org |
但有一点要说的,就是财政司司长在宣读预算案之前, 罕有地走上公众席亲吻为他打气的太座,以及演说完毕又高调地祝愿女议员 包括主席在内,“青春常驻”,引来一阵骚动,欢笑声和掌声,其公关手段 确实一流,令本人佩服。 legco.gov.hk | But there is one point I wish to make and that is, before he read the Budget speech, he made a rare move of walking up to the public gallery and kissed his wife who was there to lend him support. legco.gov.hk |
办事处还为保护和恢复特立尼达的濒危文化财产、社区参与非物质文化遗产的保 护、保护土着人民的文化多样性和为圣马藤岛制定一项文化政策等工作做出了突出的 贡献。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Significant contributions were also made towards the protection and rehabilitation of endangered cultural property in Grenada, the participation of communities in the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage, the protection of cultural diversity with regard to indigenous peoples, and towards the elaboration of a cultural policy for Saint Maarten. unesdoc.unesco.org |
国际葡萄和葡萄酒组织的观察员忆及,葡萄和葡萄酒组织是一个政府间科技组织, 在葡萄藤、葡萄酒及采用葡萄酒的饮料、鲜食葡萄和葡萄干,以及其他葡萄产品领域拥 有公认的专门知识,该组织与食典委的合作为食品添加剂和污染物、分析方法、贴标等 多个食典工作领域带来了积极的成果,让生产者和消费者因此而受益。 codexalimentarius.org | The Observer from the International Organization of Vine and Wine (OIV) recalled that OIV was an intergovernmental organization of a scientific and technical nature with recognized expertise in the field of vines, wine and wine-based beverages, table grapes and raisins and other vine-based products and that the cooperation between OIV and Codex had produced positive results in several areas of Codex work such as food additives and contaminants, methods of analysis, labelling, etc. of interest to producers and consumers. codexalimentarius.org |
大力推广各种农业用水工程设施控制与调度方 [...] 法,高效使用地表水,合理开采地下水,在时间上和空间上合理分配与使用水资源, 发展“长藤结瓜”灌溉系统及其灌溉水管理技术,实现“大、中、小,蓄、引、提” [...]联合调度,提高灌区内的调蓄能力和反调节能力。 wrdmap.org | Greatly popularize various agricultural water-consuming projects control and dispatching methods, use surface water with high efficiency, reasonably exploit underground water, reasonably dispatch and [...] use water resources across time and space, [...] develop"long-vine melon"irrigation [...]systems and irrigation water management [...]technology, realize the unified dispatching of water and enhance dispatching-storage and anti-dispatching abilities within the irrigation area. wrdmap.org |