

单词 常务委员会



Standing Committee of the National People's Congress

See also:


standing committee

委员 n

committee n
council n


committee member

External sources (not reviewed)

遵循养恤金联会常务委员会和咨 询委员会的要求,联委会报告中 的预算列报采用 2008-2009 [...]
[...] requests by the Standing Committee of the Pension [...]
Board and the Advisory Committee, the budget presentation in
the Board’s report follows a results-based budgeting format adopted in the biennium 2008–2009.
为了保证届会闭会期间中心日常工作的有效进行,理事会可以根据需要设立由理事会 成员组成常务委员会。
In order to ensure the effective running of the
Centre between its sessions, the Governing Board may establish, as
[...] needed, a Standing Committee, from among its members.
总干事或其代表可出常务委员会的 会 议。
The Director-General or his/her representative
[...] may attend the meetings of the Committee.
理事会还应选常务委员会候补 成员,以防正式委员辞职或无法履行其职责。
The Board shall also elect
[...] replacement members to sit in the Committee in case one [...]
of its full members resigns or is prevented
from carrying out his/her duties.
全国 人民代表会常务委员会在征询其所属的澳门特区基本法委员会和澳门特区政府 的意见后,可对列于附件三的法律作出增减。
The Standing Committee of the National People’s [...]
Congress may add to or delete from the list of laws in annex III after consulting
its Committee for the BL of the MSAR and the Government of the MSAR.
在民间社会直接参与方面,为听取其意见,以帮助改善与残疾问题相关的公 共政策的质量,可以说,全国支助残疾人理事会,作为负责监督《残疾人权利公 约》的执行情况并对相关措施提出建议的多部 常务委员会 的 技术部门,促成了 残疾人及其家庭所属的组织参与选举出五名残疾人及其家属代表,加入负责监督 《残疾人权利公约》的执行情况并对相关措施提出建议的多部 常务委员会 的技 术秘书处。
With a view to promoting the direct participation of civil society, hearing its members’ opinions and obtaining inputs for the improvement of public policies on disability, CONADIS, as the
technical secretariat of
[...] the multisectoral commission responsible for following up on and developing measures to implement the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, invited associations of persons with disabilities and their relatives to take part in the election of the five representatives of persons with disabilities and their families who are to sit on the commission.
宣布澳门特区进入紧急状态的权限属于全国人民代表大会 常务委员会, 《基本法》第18条第4 款规定,在全国人民代表 会常务委员会 决 定 宣布战争 状态或因澳门特区内发生澳门特区政府不能控制的危及国家统一或安全的动乱而 决定澳门特区进入紧急状态时,中央人民政府可发布命令将有关全国性法律在澳 [...]
Article 18
[...] (4) of the BL establishes that in the event that the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress decides to declare a state [...]
of war or, by reason of turmoil
within the MSAR which endangers national unity or security and is beyond the control of the Government of the Region, decides that the Region is in a state of emergency, the CPG may issue an order applying the relevant national laws in the Region.
在《公约》框架内,通过第 007-2008-MIMDES 号最高敕令,成立了专司负 责对《2009-2018 年残疾人机会平等计划》的执行进行后续跟踪和监测的多部常务委员会。
Within the framework of the Convention, Supreme Decree No. 007-2008-MIMDES established a second multisectoral commission to monitor and follow up on the 2009–2018 Equal Opportunities Plan for Persons with Disabilities.
常务委员会在理 事会授权范围内监督所长的工作,并向理事会报告自己的工作。
The Committee shall supervise the [...]
work of the Director to the extent to which authority is delegated to it by the Board,
to which it shall report its activities.
新约之间的时代和后期风 常务委员会 第 二 个世纪的文学,这些作家代表基督教传统的原始元素。
Standing between the New Testament era and [...]
the literary efflorescence of the late second century, these writers represent
the original elements of Christian tradition.
酌情设立框架(包括一个或多个独立机制)方面的情况,以 及为促进、保护和监测本公约的实施,同时顾及与保护和 促进人权的国家机构的地位和运作有关的原则而采取的措
[...] 施 负责监测《公约》履行情况的多部 常务委员会 提 议 将吸 纳各类残疾人代表入会;为此已批准了选举此类残疾代表 [...]
The establishment of a framework, including one or more independent mechanisms, as appropriate and measures taken to promote, protect and monitor implementation of the Convention, taking into account the principles relating to the status and function of national institutions for the
protection and promotion of human rights
[...] The multisectoral commission which monitors implementation [...]
of the Convention is planning
to include representatives of each type of disability; the procedure for the election of those representatives has been approved.
为了保证届会闭会期间中心日常工作的有效进行,理事会可设立一个小型 常务委员会 ,人 数由其确定并向其授予必要的权力。
In order to ensure the effective running of the Centre between
sessions, the Council may delegate to
[...] a small Standing Committee whose membership [...]
it fixes, such powers as it deems necessary.
(h) ㈠ 理事会各职司员会和常务委员会每 届 常会的会期一般不应超过八 个工作日;㈡ 理事会一旦通过会议日历,两年期内不允许召开超出两年期会议 周期范围的额外会议(理事会第 [...]
1979/81 号决定(b)至(d)段和大会第 34/50 号决 议),大会第 40/243
号决议中有关总部规则的暂免规定对于各职司委员会不再使 用(大会第 49/221 A 号决议)
(h) That (i) the regular sessions of the
[...] functional commissions and standing committees of the Council should normally have a duration [...]
of not more than
eight working days; and (ii) once the calendar of meetings has been adopted by the Council, no additional meetings involving departures from the biennial cycle of meetings would be authorized during the biennium (Council decision 1979/81, paras.
第十一届全国人民代表 会常务委员会 1 61 名委员中,有少数民族人士25 名,占15.53% ,远高于少数民族人口所占比例的8.41% 。
Of the 161 members of the Standing Committee of the Eleventh [...]
National People’s Congress, 25 are of minority nationality,
for a proportion of 15.53 per cent, far exceeding the 8.41 per cent of the overall population represented by minority nationalities.
联阿援助团作 为协调和监察联合委会安全 常务委员会 的 联合主席,继续大力支持这些努力。
UNAMA continues to advocate strongly for these
efforts, including in its role as co-chair
[...] of the Security Standing Committee of the Joint Coordination [...]
and Monitoring Board.
这些成果体现在为执行由第 007-2008-MIMDES 号最高敕令批准通过的 《2009-2018 年残疾人机会平等计划》和由第 080-2008-PCM 号最高敕令批准通
[...] 过的《残疾人权利公约》,并据此分别组建了相应的多部 常务委员会。
Examples of achievements in this field include the establishment of multisectoral commissions to implement the 2009–2018 Equal Opportunities Plan for
Persons with Disabilities and the Convention
[...] on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities [...]
by Supreme Decrees Nos. 007-2008-MIMDES
and 080-2008-PCM, respectively.
县级以上的地方各级人 大设常务委员会。
Local people’s congresses at and above the county
[...] level establish standing committees.
中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法》(1982 年 8 月 23 日第五届全国人民代表会常务委员会第 24 次会议通过;1983 年 3 月 1 日起生效,1999 年 12 月 25 日 第九届全国人民代表会常务委员会第 13 次会议修订)。
Marine Environmental Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China
(Adopted at the twenty-fourth
[...] session of the Standing Committee of the Fifth National People’s Congress on 23 August 1982; effective as of 1 March 1983, and revised at the thirteenth session of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National [...]
People’s Congress on 25 December 1999).
除了本章程专门赋常务委员会的职 权之外,理事会可授 常务委员会 以 它 的名义行 使其他一些职权,常务委员会须就 此向理事会报告其工作。
The Board may
[...] authorize the Committee to exercise certain of its functions in its name, except those functions reserved by these Statutes for the Board, and to report on its actions to the Board in the matter.
自治区、自治州、自治县的人民代表会常务委员会 中 应当有实行区域自 治的民族的公民担任主任或者副主任。
The administrative head of an autonomous region, [...]
prefecture or county shall be a citizen of the nationality, or of one of
the nationalities, exercising regional autonomy in the region concerned.
它的常设机关是全国人民代表 会常务委员会。
Its permanent subsidiary organ is the Standing Committee of the National [...]
People’s Congress.
今年,即 2010 年,由负责监督《残疾人权利公约》的执行 情况并对相关措施提出建议的多部 常务委员会 倡 议 ,着 手设计了一项针对残疾问题的战略方案,旨在对与残疾问 题相关的公共政策从信息层面上(金融管理综合体系)进行 系统监测和核查。
In 2010, at the initiative of the
[...] multisectoral commission responsible for recommending measures to implement the Convention, work started on the development [...]
of a strategic programme on disability
which will allow system-wide, verifiable computerized monitoring (integrated financial management system) of public policies relating to persons with disabilities.
中心向联合国中部非洲安全问题常设咨询委员会提交了其活动年度报告常 务委员会审阅 报告后作出了部长级决定,即决定在 2011 年会议上审议贩卖人口 行为对次区域人权和稳定构成的挑战。
The presentation of the Centre’s annual report of activities to the United
Nations Standing
[...] Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa led to the decision of the Standing Committee, at the ministerial [...]
level, to consider,
at its meeting in 2011, the challenges posed by trafficking in persons to human rights and stability in the subregion.
(b) 与常务委员会磋商 ,编制研究所的年度计划与预算,以及编写关于研究所活动的 年度报告
(b) to prepare, after
[...] consultation with the Committee, the annual programme [...]
and budget of the Institute and the annual reports of activities
根据机构常务委员会所使 用的保护概 念,26 在自然灾害方面的保护可被理解为涵盖所有旨在根据有关法律( [...]
特别是人 权法 ) 的字面意义和精神实质确保完全尊重包括国内流离失所者在内的所有受到 自然灾害影响民众的权利的活动。
25 In line with the notion of protection as used by the
[...] Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC),26 protection [...]
in the context of natural disasters
can be understood as encompassing all activities aimed at ensuring full respect for the rights of all persons affected by such disasters, including those internally displaced, in accordance with the letter and the spirit of the relevant bodies of law, in particular, human rights law.
刑事诉讼 法
[...] 》 修正案已列入第十届全国人民代表 会常 务 委 员会的立 法方案,以防止刑讯 逼 供;加强 保护诉讼当事人合法权益的安 [...]
排 ; 确 保 更好地体现 宽严并 举 的 司 法政 策 ; 确 保公正审判,提高法律诉讼的 标准,加强
对 少 年 犯罪嫌疑人和被告人权利 的保护。
Amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure have been included in the
legislative programme of the tenth
[...] session of the Standing Committee of the National People’s [...]
Congress, in order to prevent
the extortion of confessions by torture; to strengthen arrangements to protect the legal rights of litigants; to ensure better reflection of the policy of tempering severity in justice with leniency; to ensure fair trials and to raise the standard of legal proceedings and to strengthen protection of the rights of juvenile criminal suspects and defendants.
不久,这份名单将缩小到前10名的公司将参加在拉斯维加斯的舞台上动感十足的拉斯维加斯会议中心北10:30阿明演示厅N257于2011年1月8日与现场观众投票,以确定哪些产品值得采取最后小工 常务委员会 称 号
Soon this list will be narrowed to the top 10 companies that will compete onstage in Las Vegas in an action-packed demo on January 8, 2011 at 10:30amin
LVCC North Hall N257 with live audience voting to determine which product
[...] deserves to take the Last Gadget Standing title.
国内法界定和理解《公约》第一和第二条 中提出的概念时所用的方式和方法,特别 是各种以残疾为由加以歧视的法律、法 规、社会习俗或做法 通过颁布法律成立在前文中提到若干多部 常务委员会 , 或 批准通过对不遵 守关于保护残疾人的基本法之规定的《违反和惩治法》,对残疾人实施保护 并生成了促进实现残疾人权利的特别制度,秘鲁政府由此重申了在残疾问题 上开展跨部门合作的重要性;也就是说,并不是任命一个单独的机构来负责 [...]
The ways and means by which the domestic law defines and understands the concepts
provided in articles 1
[...] and 2 of the Convention, and in particular any laws, regulations, social customs or practices that discriminate on the ground of disability Through such measures as the establishment of the multisectoral [...]
described above and the passage of a law on offences and penalties for non-compliance with the Omnibus Act, which protects persons with disabilities and establishes a special framework for the promotion of their rights, Peru has underlined the importance that it attaches to taking a cross-sectoral approach to disability issues.
国家主席根据全国人大和全国人大常委会 的决定,公布法律,任免国务院总理、副总理、国务委员、各部部长、各委员会 主任、审计长、秘书长,授予国家的勋章和荣誉称号,发布特赦令,宣布进入紧 急状态,宣布战争状态,发布动员令;代表中华人民共和国,进行国事活动,接 受外国使节;根据全国人民代表 会常务委员会 的 决 定,派遣和召回驻外全权代 表,批准和废除同外国缔结的条约和重要协定。
Pursuant to the decisions of the National People’s Congress and its Standing Committee, the State President promulgates statutes; appoints and removes the Premier, Vice-Premiers, State Councillors, Ministers in charge of Ministries or Commissions, and the Auditor-General and the Secretary-General of the State Council; confers State medals and titles of honour; issues orders of special pardons; proclaims martial law; proclaims states of war; and issues mobilization orders.
以何种方式落实了《公约》第三和第四条 规定的一般原则和一般义务,以及打算如
何确保其有效实现,特别是第四条规定的 原则,即促进充分实现《公约》规定的各 项权利,使其不受任何基于残疾的歧视,
[...] 并请举例说明 秘鲁政府于 2008 年责令批准《2009-2018 年残疾人机会平等计划》并成立了 一家负责对该计划的实施情况进行跟踪监督的多部 常务委员会。
In what manner the general principles and obligations established under articles 3 and 4 of the Convention have been implemented, and how it intends to ensure their effective realization, in particular the principle of promotion of the full realization of the rights under the Convention without discrimination based on disability as provided under article 4 and provide examples In 2008, Peru adopted the 2009–2018 Equal
Opportunities Plan for Persons with
[...] Disabilities and appointed a multisectoral commission to monitor its implementation.




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