

单词 常人

常人 ()

ordinary person



Standing Committee of the National People's Congress


such is human nature [idiom.]
only natural

External sources (not reviewed)

部分省下的人手將用以填 補在計劃中負責登記及協助旅客使用 e-道所需的常人手。
Part of the savings will be
[...] used to cover the recurrent staff requirements [...]
for providing enrolment service and support to visitors using e-Channels.
蒂珀雷里是爱尔兰最大的内陆郡,因其辽阔的土地, 常人 们 将 其分为东南地区的南蒂珀雷里和香侬地区的北蒂珀雷里。
Tipperary is Ireland’s largest inland country and, because of its size, is generally divided into South Tipperary in the  south east region, and North Tipperary in the  Shannon region.
常人的用 法,第一就是第一,一次就是一次。
But from a normal person's perspective, [...]
first is first, once means once.
Reductions were achieved through natural fluctuation, as well as through transfers of employees to other parts of the Group such as the fast-growing WACKER POLYSILICON division.
常,人们把 一个个摄影机排列好, 再快速连续触动快门,从而在玻璃板上捕捉一系列的单独影像。
Typically, an array of individual [...]
cameras, triggered in rapid succession, captured a series of single exposures on glass plates.
包括在作出合理盡職審查的查詢後,(a)該上市文件載有充足詳情及資料, 使常人皆可在上市文件刊發時,據此對該公司的股份、財務狀況及盈利能 力,作出有根據並有理由支持的意見;及(b)該上市文件內非專家部分載有 有關法例及規則規定的所有資料,在所有重大方面均為真實及並無遺漏重大 資料。
19 of the Listing Rules, to declare that, having made reasonable due diligence inquiries, among other things, (a) the listing document contains sufficient particulars and information to enable a reasonable person to form, based on the document, a valid and justifiable opinion of the shares and the financial condition and profitability of the company at the time of the issue of the listing document; and (b) the information in the non-expert sections of the listing document contains all information required by relevant legislation and rules; is true in all material respects and does not omit material information.
阿尔及利亚还在信 中附上了飞机的飞越请求表(见附件三),该表明确说明,飞机载有给阿尔及利亚 国防部的 12
[...] 吨航空器备件,搭乘的机组人员为 10 人,这几乎是常人数的两倍。
) to its letter (see annex III), which specifies that the aircraft carried 12 tons of
aircraft spares for the Algerian Ministry of Defence and carried a crew of 10 persons,
[...] nearly double its normal strength.
借此,我们能够向患者提供最先进、最可靠的ICD和CRT-D疗法,生活质量的提高,以及尽可能像 常人 生 活 的机会。
With this, we have the opportunity to offer our patients the most advanced
and reliable ICD and CRT-D therapy, an enhanced quality of life, and an
[...] opportunity to live as normal a life as possible.
董事不得登記其知悉屬未成年人或精神常人士或 任何其他法律認定的傷殘人士承讓的股份,惟董事沒有責任查明任何 承讓人的年齡或精神狀況或法律行為能力。
The Directors shall not register a transfer to a person who is known to them to be an infant or a person of. unsound mind or under any other legal disability but the Directors shall not be bound to enquire into the age or soundness of mind or legal ability of any transferee.
警方亦已引入多项措施,包 括频密而不定时巡视羁留室、在羁留大楼内安装闭路电视以监察突发事件,以及 加强警务人员处理被扣留者,包括患有严重疾病或精神 常人 士 的 培训。
Various measures have been introduced, including conducting frequent but irregularly timed cell checks, installing closed-circuit television (CCTV) inside the cell complex to monitor sudden incident, and providing
enhanced training to police officers in
[...] handling of detained persons including those with serious illness or mental disorder.
目前,挚友国际共有七个正式项目,分别是中学项目、高中项目、大学项目、市民项目、电子挚友®项目、求职就业项目和大使项目,吸引了来自 50 个州和 50 个国家/地区的参与者,对近 70 万智障人士和常人士的 生活产生了积极的影响。
Today, Best Buddies’ seven formal programs – Middle Schools, High Schools, Colleges, Citizens, e-Buddies® , Jobs and Ambassadors – engage participants in each of the 50 states and in 50 countries, positively impacting the lives of nearly 700,000 people with and without disabilities around the world.
持续性全国调查的数据显示,已就业残疾人口相对于处于劳动年龄的残疾总 人口的比率达到了 48.2%,这低于无残疾的常人口就 业比例 18.5 个百分点,这 表明在对残疾人口仍有就业歧视。
According to the Continuous National Survey results, 48.2 per cent of persons with disabilities of working age were in employment, which is 18.5 per cent lower than the rate of employment for persons without disabilities.
这是特殊奥运会的创举,它把常人 和 有 智力障碍的人联系在一起,世间只有很少的人能够像母亲对孩子一样拥有那样的感情,所以我认为罗斯和苏珊她们是天经地义的一队。
Few in the world have the empathy that a mother has for her child, so I suppose Rose and Susan are a natural team.
於現有公司細則第77條「精神常人 士 的 投票可」字眼後刪除「,不論以舉手 表決或以投票方式表決,」等字眼及於「其他人士可」字眼後刪除「以投票方 式表決」等字眼。
By deleting the wordings “, whether on a show of hands or on poll,” after the words “in lunacy may vote” and by deleting the wordings “on a poll” after the words “other person may” in the existing Bye-law 77.
在进入到生产环节创建PDF文件之前,不要对矢量图形进行光栅化处理 , 通 常人 们 将 矢量文件转为JPEG格式,这样当此后对文件再次转换格式时,文件有相当程度的质量丢失,建议采用无损JPEG [...]
into production processes in the creation of
PDF file, not to be grating vector
[...] graphics processing, usually it will be converted [...]
to JPEG format vector file, so when
the subsequent re-conversion of the document format, document a considerable degree of quality loss, proposed to use lossless JPEG 2000 format as a format conversion, image compression can make the smallest loss of information.
小组名为“无关”,实则是深刻意识到今天的当代艺术与日常生活和 常人 的 情 感的过分无关,而试图去用团体行动建立一种“相关”。
The name of the Group is “Irrelevant Commission”. In fact, they are keenly aware of the excessive irrelativeness between nowadays contemporary art and the daily life and emotions of average people, so they try to construct a “relativeness” through group action.
有乳癌家族史的人士:近親如母親、姐妹或女兒患有乳癌的人士,其罹患的機會 常人 高 出 兩倍;而擁有兩位近親患上乳癌者,其罹患的機會 常人 高 出 五倍;父親或兄弟患有乳癌者,亦會增加罹患的機會。
People with family history of breast cancer: Having one first-degree relative (mother, sister, or daughter) with breast cancer approximately doubles a woman's risk, and having two first-degree relatives increases her risk five-fold.
常人们认 为,整个问责制和报告问题应通过相关的工作工具,包括诸如财务与 [...]
预算系统、SYSTER 系统等,辅之以相关的控制工具,如审计和内部监督办公室 的任务来处置。
Normally it would be thought [...]
that the whole accountability and reporting issue should be covered through the relevant working
tools, such as FABS, SISTER etc., complemented by relevant controlling instances, like audits and IOS missions.
另外,人常常要依 靠家人提供食物和药品。
Moreover, prisoners very often rely on food [...]
and medication provided by their families.
特别 是无家可归人常常受到行动自由的限制并因使用公共空间而被定罪。
Homeless persons in
[...] particular are frequently subject to restrictions [...]
on their freedom of movement and criminalized for using public space.
人常常在青 年时代养成体育锻炼的习惯,因此儿童和青年有充足的体育运 [...]
People usually develop the habit [...]
of physical exercise in a young age and therefore it is important that children and young
people have sufficient opportunities for sports and movement.
严重关切残人常常受到 多重或严重的歧视,而且在落实、监测和评价千年 发展目标过程中有可能被基本忽略
Gravely concerned that persons with
[...] disabilities are often subject to multiple [...]
or aggravated forms of discrimination and
can be largely invisible in the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the Millennium Development Goals
我们提供保护和分发物资但忽视了女人、女孩、男孩和 人常常 有 不同 的需求、面对不同的威胁并且拥有不同的技能和愿望。
We offer protection and distribute aid but can forget that women,
[...] girls, boys and men often have different [...]
needs, face different threats and have different skills and aspirations.
委员会回顾, 过去的结论性意见
[...] (E/C.12/1/Add.28第16段) 曾对弱智者和 精神疾病患者缺乏适当医疗设施的情况表示关切,这 人常常 被 转 送到老人院或 不能满足其特殊需要的机构。
The Committee, recalling its previous concluding observations (E/C.12/1/Add.28, para. 16) expresses concern about the lack of adequate medical
facilities for persons
[...] suffering from mental disabilities and illnesses who are often transferred [...]
to Homes for Aged or to
institutions which are unable to meet their special requirements (art. 12).
强调青人常常是武 装冲突的主要受害群体之一,表示深为关注那些阻 碍保护武装冲突中平民的人权的违犯国际人道主义法行为,吁请会员国按照《世 [...]
界青年行动纲领》采取具体措施,进一步保护并帮助处于武装冲突环境中的青年 男女,铭记武装冲突及其他类型冲突、恐怖主义以及劫持人质行为仍然存在于世
界许多地区,侵略、外国占领和族裔及其他类型冲突是影响到几乎每个区域青年 人的持续现实,必须保护他们不受这种现实的影响,此外还呼吁会员国确认青年 男女是预防冲突、建设和平及冲突后进程的重要行为者
Stresses that
[...] young people are often among the main victims [...]
of armed conflict, expresses its deep concern at the violations
of international humanitarian law that undermine the protection of the human rights of civilians in armed conflict, calls upon Member States, in accordance with the World Programme of Action for Youth, to take concrete measures to further protect and assist young women and men in these situations, bearing in mind that armed and other types of conflict and terrorism and hostage-taking still persist in many parts of the world and that aggression, foreign occupation and ethnic and other types of conflict are an ongoing reality affecting young persons in nearly every region, from which they need to be protected, and also calls upon Member States to recognize young women and men as important actors in conflict prevention, peacebuilding and post-conflict processes
有些社區領袖不願提案增設新公園,也不願支持現有公園,擔心可能吸引犯罪及違法活動,但若經妥善規劃,住宅區旁的公園及綠色空間可能有助防堵犯罪,一 人常 覺 得 在市中心內,相較於空地,綠地較可能窩藏非法活動,不過伊利諾大學研究員比較幾處綠地大小不一的公寓群後,發現週遭環境綠意愈多,人身及財產遭遇的犯罪事件愈少。
The study compared crime rates for inner-city apartment buildings with varying amounts of vegetation and found that the greener the surroundings, the fewer crimes occurred against people and property.
最可能造成上诉判决预测完成日期拖延的五个因素 与以下方面有关的或是由此造成的拖延:(a) 多个上人案件的性质;(b) 非常 多的上诉前请求;(c) 将判决书翻译成波斯尼亚/克罗地亚/塞尔维亚文,并将提 交的书面文件翻译成分庭的一种工作语文和波斯尼亚/克罗地亚/塞尔维亚文,特 别是如果上人作自 我辩护,所需的时间 常 之 长 ;(d) 对上诉理由的修订,特 别是在判决书翻译之后(主要是有律师的上诉人);(e) 工作人员人手不够和/或 缺乏上诉支助方面的经验。
The five factors
[...] with the most potential to cause slippage in projected estimates for completion of judgements on appeal are the delays associated with or caused by: (a) the nature of multi-appellant cases; (b) the inordinate amount of pre-appeal motions; (c) the inordinate length of time for translation of trial judgements into Bosnian/Croatian/ [...]
Serbian, as well as
for translation of written submissions into one of the Tribunal’s working languages and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, especially in cases of selfrepresented appellants; (d) amendments to grounds of appeal, especially following translation of the trial judgement (mainly for represented appellants); and (e) understaffing and/or lack of experience in appeals support.
咨询委员会回顾,秘书长在 A/64/6(Sect.34)号文件中提出了暂用的 拟议方案预算第 34 款常预算和共同出资活动的毛额预算的初步提案, 以待世界各地联合人员及 房舍安全保障问题独立审查小组(独立审查小 组)2008 年 6 月建议对安全和安保部组织进行的全面管理审查完成以及联 [...]
The Advisory Committee recalls that in document A/64/6 (Sect. 34), the
Secretary-General submitted a
[...] preliminary proposed programme budget for section 34 of the regular budget and the gross budget for jointly financed activities, [...]
pending the completion
of the comprehensive management review of the organization of the Department of Safety and Security that was recommended in June 2008 by the Independent Panel on Safety and Security of United Nations Personnel and Premises Worldwide and the submission of the response of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination to the recommendations of the Independent Panel.
人常常互相仇恨,因为他们互相害怕;他们 互相害怕,因为他们互相不了解;他们互相不了 [...]
解,因为他们无法沟通;他们无法沟通,因为他 们被分开。
Men often hate each other [...]
because they fear each other; they fear each other because they do not know each other; they do
not know each other because they cannot communicate; they cannot communicate because they are separated.
摩洛哥还主办了大量宗教间宽容和对话的活动,包括在第一届伊玛目和拉比 世界和平大会之后成立的一个犹 人常 设 委 员会会议,还主办了每年一度的不同 宗教精神音乐节。
Morocco has also hosted numerous events on interfaith tolerance and dialogue, including a meeting of a Jewish standing committee that was formed following the First World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace and that hosts an annual festival of the spiritual music of different faiths.




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