单词 | 帷幕 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 帷幕 noun —curtain n帷幕 —heavy curtainSee also:帷—curtain 帷 n—screen n 幕—headquarters of a general • act (of a play) • canopy or tent • curtain or screen
这部40分钟的影片以孩子们日常练功的场景拉 开 帷幕。 unicef.org | The 40-minute film starts with children practising their routines. unicef.org |
兰博基尼宝珀 Super Trofeo 超级挑战赛本周末于纽伯格林赛道拉开 2012 年欧洲赛第九轮和第十轮赛事帷幕。 lamborghini.com | The Lamborghini Blancpain Super Trofeo is at the Nürburgring this weekend for rounds nine and ten of the 2012 European series. lamborghini.com |
宗教性和历史性的地标星罗棋布,构成一幅如诗如画 的 帷幕。 shangri-la.com | The area is full of scenic backdrops dotted with religious and historical landmarks. shangri-la.com |
2007 年 1 月,在教科文组织莫斯科办事处开始实施一个试点项目,从此拉开了 向总部外推广物资管理(MM)模块工作 的 帷幕 , 随 后将在 2008-2009 年向其他办事处推 广。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In January 2007, the roll-out of the Material Management (MM) module to the field was launched with a pilot project in the UNESCO Office in Moscow, with other offices to follow in 2008-2009. unesdoc.unesco.org |
活动通过一则幽默的网络视频拉开 帷幕 , 最 终制成两则微电影,展示兄弟中国CEO的花商生活,以及副CEO下乡农作的场景。 labbrand.com | The operation was announced with a humorous web video and resulted in 2 mini films showing Brother’s CEO living the life of a florist for a week while his vice CEO did farm work in the countryside. labbrand.com |
中国上海(2010年5月20日) — Emerson 公司(纽约证券交易所代码:EMR)旗下业务品牌艾默生环境优化技术宣布,2010 Emerson Cup 第八届艾默生杯空调设计大赛即日正式拉 开 帷幕 , 开 始征稿。 emerson.com | Shanghai China, May 20, 2010 – Emerson Climate Technologies, a business of Emerson (NYSE: EMR), announced that the 2010 Emerson Cup Air-Conditioning Design Competition has officially begun to accept entries starting today. emerson.com |
2006年11月3日,一连四天的“2006中国国际电力电工展EPChina”于北京中国国际展览中心落 下 帷幕。 yupont.com | On November 3, 2006, the”2006 China International Electric Display (EP China)” which lasted four days was concluded in the China International Display Center of Beijing. yupont.com |
至诚感受 完美共享” — 2011LEXUS雷克萨斯尊贵体验之旅于2011年11月26-27日在武汉圣泽捷通物流园拉 开 帷幕。 lexus.com.cn | On November 26th to 27th, focusing on the theme “Perfect Experience, Perfect Sharing”, the 2011 Taste of Lexus nationwide brand event rolled into Wuhan Shengzejietong Logistics Park. lexus.com.cn |
会籍可免费加入,您的费尔蒙总统俱乐部体验将从甫一抵达任何一家费尔蒙酒店时展开,私人接待处的快捷入住与退房将为您的舒适住宿拉开精 彩 帷幕 , 而 后,您还可尽情享受免费高速上网、免费市话、健身中心、指定酒店 TaylorMade 高尔夫俱乐部的免费使用以及蔚柳溪水疗中心、费尔蒙商店的独享折扣以及更多精彩内容。 fairmont.cn | Membership is complimentary and your Fairmont President's Club experience begins the moment you arrive at any of our hotels with a private reception desk offering express check-in and checkout and continues during your stay with complimentary high-speed internet access and local calling, Fairmont Fit, complimentary use of TaylorMade golf Clubs at select hotels, exclusive savings at Willow Stream Spas, Fairmont Store and so much more. fairmont.com |
写这篇文章的时候世博会正拉开帷幕 , 因 此对于扩声系统性能更深入的评论尚未出现。 acehk.com | The curtain is just now going up on [...] the Expo at the time of this writing, so in-depth reviews of performance sound have yet to appear. acehk.com |
無論身處在市區何處,都距離浦東高聳的鋼骨與玻 璃 帷幕 大 樓 不遠。 thisbigcity.net | Wherever you go in the city, you are not far from the ubiquitous site of the lumbering steel and glass giants of Pudong. thisbigcity.net |
销售强劲的2月拍卖会过后,5月拍卖会在一片利好声中拉 开 帷幕 , 而 汤森 路透/密歇根大学的消费者信心指数(77.8,是2008年1月以来达到的最高点) 和Artprice的艺术市场信心指数(5月份的艺术市场信心指数平均值为27.5, 达到全年中的最高水平)更促使人们对拍卖结果保持乐观态度。 imgpublic.artprice.com | After the fine performance of the February sales, those of May started out under the best possible auspices, especially since the confidence of American buyers, measured by the Michigan-Reuters index, was set fair at 77.8: its highest level since January 2008, just like the Artprice AMCI (the Art Market Confidence Index posted a confidence level of 27.5 in May, its highest score for the year). imgpublic.artprice.com |
销售效力和云计算领域的领先企业Callidus Software公司(纳斯达克股票代码:CALD)今天宣布,2012年C3(CallidusCloud(TM) Customer Connections)用户大会正式拉开帷幕, 大 会是Callidus Software公司的客户、合作伙伴以及行业思想领袖的年度盛会。 tipschina.gov.cn | (NASDAQ: CALD), the leader in sales effectiveness and cloud computing, today kicks off C3 2012 (CallidusCloud(TM) Customer Connections), its annual conference of customers, partners, and industry thought leaders. tipschina.gov.cn |
這棟三層樓高的建築外牆色澤較深,使用許多上海老建築常見的木石,雖然風格顯然受中國影響,但肯定是現代建築,木質牆面背後是整片玻 璃 帷幕 , 展現中國政府大樓少見的透明感。 thisbigcity.net | Behind much of the wooden facade are floor to ceiling glass walls, offering a transparency rarely seen in Chinese government architecture. thisbigcity.net |
共知,人类在地球以外的旅程,以太空竞赛拉 开 帷幕 —— 美国和苏联两个竞争者之间为了安全和声誉展 开高风险的争斗。 daccess-ods.un.org | (United States of America): Humanity’s journey beyond Earth famously began as the space race — a high-stakes struggle for security and prestige between two competitors, the United States and the Soviet Union. daccess-ods.un.org |
2008年7月12日 由远洋一方主办的“增加蓝天,骑行上班”活动拉 开 帷幕。 sinooceanland.com | July 12 – POETRY OF RIVER (Beijing) launched the “Go to Work on Bicycles” campaign. sinooceanland.com |
应广大粉丝的要求,第二轮的潜水系列的征集活动也于2012年7月9日拉 开 帷幕 , 向 人们展示了迷人的海底世界。 oris.ch | By popular demand, the second Photo contest was launched on the 9th July, devoted to the Diving and Aquatic World of fun and excitement! oris.ch |
北京尤伦斯当代艺术中心2013年开年大展“ON/OFF:中国年轻艺术家的观念与实践”1月中旬拉 开 帷幕 , 并 将一直持续到4月14日。 vantageshanghai.com | On/Off is an exhibition that is ongoing until April 14th at the UCCA in Beijing, to give a 50-artist overview of the post 1976 generation. vantageshanghai.com |
事实上,在过渡进程落下帷幕 时,安理会应继续与非洲联盟和政府间发展管理局一 道努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Indeed, the Council should continue to work alongside the African Union and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development as the transitional process winds down. daccess-ods.un.org |
2011 年 4 月 8 日,在得克萨斯州埃尔帕索举行的虚伪审判落 下 帷幕 , 在 对恐 怖主义分子路易斯·波萨达·卡里莱斯的移民诉讼中,他在所有指控上都被判无 罪。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 8 April 2011, the sham trial that had been under way in El Paso, Texas, came to an end when terrorist Luis Posada Carriles was acquitted of all charges in the immigration proceedings against him. daccess-ods.un.org |
中国海洋学会“第二届海洋强国战略论坛”落 下 帷幕, 中国海洋学会,2003 年 11 月 21 日。 crisisgroup.org | A famous ocean law scholar and former official from Shangdong, Wang Shicheng proposed to the government on his personal website to establish a national ocean committee crisisgroup.org |
面對南京東路的方向為體育館的主入口,大部份的觀眾由此進出,所有樓層的CONCOURSE由街面上皆清晰可見,室內與室外的互動造成一吸引人且令人興奮的都市舞台,故以玻 璃 帷幕 牆 來 處理。 taiwanglass.com | The concourse for all the floors can be seen clearly from the street. The interaction between the interior and [...] exterior area creates a city arena that attracts and excites, therefore selecting [...] the use of glass curtain wall systems. taiwanglass.com |
5 月 4 日在南非桑德顿 (Sandton) 会展中心拉开 SWIFT 非洲地区会议 帷幕时,SWIFT 西欧、中东和非洲区总监 Javier Pérez-Tasso 为会议奠定了基调并强调了 SWIFT 在非洲的四大行动领域:市场基础设施、地区整合、汇款、咨询服务。 swift.com | Opening the SWIFT African Regional Conference at the Sandton Convention Centre on 4 May, Javier Pérez-Tasso, head of Western Europe, Middle East and Africa, SWIFT, set the scene for the conference and highlighted four key areas of action for SWIFT in Africa: market infrastructures; regional integration; remittances; and consulting services. swift.com |
2005 年春天,就进一步增加世界银行国际开发协会资金的第 14 次协商会议 (IDA-14)成功落下帷幕。本 次协商取得的平均成果比上一次(IDA-13)提高了 25%。 daccess-ods.un.org | Spring 2005 saw the successful conclusion of the negotiations on further increasing the resources of the World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA) (IDA-14): average sums were increased by 25 per cent compared with IDA-13. daccess-ods.un.org |
亞洲當代藝術展今天在香港君悅酒店正式開幕,同時舉辦香港年輕藝術家獎2012 的頒獎禮及亞洲當代藝術展的貴賓預覽,開啟了秋天藝術季節 的 帷幕。 asiacontemporaryart.com | Heralding the autumn art season, the inaugural Asia Contemporary Art Show officially launched at the Grand Hyatt Hong Kong today, with the award presentation for the Hong Kong Young Artist 2012 followed by an exclusive VIP Preview. asiacontemporaryart.com |
至诚感受 • 完美共享” — 2011 LEXUS雷克萨斯尊贵体验之旅于12月17-18日在成都市金港国际赛车场拉 开 帷幕。 lexus.com.cn | The 2011 Taste Of Lexus Event, focused on the theme "Perfect Experience, Perfect Sharing", brought the dignified Lexus experience to Chengdu on December 17th for two consecutive days at Goldenport International Circuit. lexus.com.cn |