

单词 帮凶

帮凶 ()


See also:


party n
group n

for sb (i.e. as a help)
secret society
outer layer
hired (as worker)
side (of pail, boat etc)


External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 国战争(第二次世界大战)的历史事件有关的特定区域时,不应以培养对纳粹主义 意识形态的正面态度和以美化纳粹罪犯及 帮凶 为 目 的。
Establishing museums, erecting memorials on battlefields, organizing exhibitions and ensuring the maintenance and upkeep of specific areas associated with the historical events of the Great Patriotic War (Second World War) shall not be aimed
at cultivating a positive attitude towards the ideology of Nazism and at glorifying Nazi
[...] criminals and their accomplices.
公民委员会(理事会)有权在其管辖范围内编写并在媒体上发表关于为确保 不容许复活纳粹主义和美化纳粹罪犯及 帮凶 的 行 动而采取的措施的相关报告。
Civic chambers (councils) shall have the right, within their jurisdictions, to prepare and publish in the media alternative reports on measures to ensure the inadmissibility of actions to rehabilitate Nazism and to glorify Nazi criminals and their accomplices.
如果发生了利用公共通信网络开展复活纳粹主义和美化纳粹罪犯及 帮凶 的行动,政府主管机构及其官员应立即采取措施,确保迅速消除这类违法现象, 同时要适当顾及与通信有关的具体法律后果。
In the event that a public communications network is used for the performance of actions to rehabilitate Nazism and to glorify Nazi criminals and their accomplices, authorized Government bodies and their officials shall take immediate steps to ensure the prompt elimination of such violations, taking due account of the specific legal ramifications relating to communications.
为了打击美化纳粹罪犯及帮凶的行 动,公共机关和地方政府应在其管辖范 围内优先采取预防措施,包括编写旨在预防复活纳粹主义和美化纳粹罪犯及帮 凶的教育和宣传材料。
With the aim of countering the glorification
of Nazi perpetrators
[...] and their accomplices, public authorities and local governments shall prioritize preventive measures within their jurisdictions, including the preparation of educational and awareness-raising materials aimed at preventing the rehabilitation of Nazism and the glorification of Nazi criminals and their accomplices.
根据与尊重土著人民权利相关的责任,企业应当开展尽职调查,以确认影 响到其业务所在国家土著人民有效行使权利的法律、制度和其他任何因素,适当 评估其自身活动可能对土著人民产生的负面影响,避免这些活动成为可能导致政 府和其他方面滥用这些权利或不作为 帮凶。
As part of their responsibility to respect indigenous rights, companies must exercise due diligence by identifying legal, institutional or other factors that have an impact on the effective enjoyment of the rights of indigenous peoples in the countries in which such companies operate; evaluating effectively the possible negative impact their activities may have on indigenous rights; and ensuring that such activities do not contribute to acts or omissions by States and other stakeholders that might give rise to abuses of those rights.
为了防止继续进行复活纳粹主义和美化纳粹罪犯及 帮凶 的 活 动,法院可根 据这类禁令的规定程序要求暂停印刷有关定期刊物,暂停录制有关音频或视频录 像,或暂停播放有关电视、广播或视频节目。
With the aim of preventing the continuation of activities to rehabilitate Nazism and to glorify Nazi criminals and their accomplices, the court may suspend production of the relevant issue of the periodical, or the relevant audio or video recording, or the broadcast of the relevant television, radio or video programme, in accordance with the prescribed procedure for such an injunction.
公共机关和地方政府及其官员应在其管辖范围内参与实施政府政策,以确保 不容许复活纳粹主义和美化纳粹罪犯及 帮凶 的 行 动,并应向公民、媒体和社区 团体,以及其他实体和组织施加必要的压力。
Public authorities and local governments and their officials shall, within their respective jurisdictions, participate in the application of government policy to ensure the inadmissibility of actions to rehabilitate Nazism and to glorify Nazi criminals and their accomplices, and shall exert all necessary pressure on citizens, the media and community associations, along with other entities and organizations.
阿塞拜疆共和国政府一再声明,而且我也奉命再次指出,因亚美尼亚共和国 在侵略阿塞拜疆共和国过程中对霍贾里进行的种族灭绝以及犯下的其他严重罪
[...] 行,必须追究前者依据国际法应负的国家责任,并须追究那些参加上述行动者及帮凶和同伙的个人刑事责任。
The Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan has repeatedly stated, and I have been instructed to point it out once again, that the genocide in Khojaly, along with other grave offences committed in the course of the aggression of the Republic of Armenia against the Republic of Azerbaijan, entails the former’s State responsibility under international law
and the individual criminal responsibility of those who participated in said
[...] acts and their accomplices and accessories.
毫无疑问,在 Khojaly 犯下的罪行以及亚美尼亚对阿塞拜疆侵略过程中犯下
[...] 的其他暴行,是前一个国家违背了根据国际法应承担的责任,是上述参与所述行 为或帮凶和同谋应负的个人责任。
We have no doubt that the crime in Khojaly, along with other atrocities committed in the course of the aggression of Armenia against Azerbaijan, entails the former’s State responsibility under international law
and the individual criminal responsibility of those who participated in said
[...] acts and their accomplices and accessories.
呼吁各国议会联盟、欧洲安全与合作组织议会间大会、欧洲委员会议会间大 会,欧洲安全和防务大会、欧洲议会、集体安全条约组织议会、欧亚经济共同体 议会间大会、北大西洋公约组织议会、黑海经济合作组织议会和其他国际议会组 织,加强议会外交,阻遏在国家一级重评二战结果和为法西斯平反的企图,防止 议会被用作美化纳粹分子及帮凶并 为之辩护的论坛。
Call upon the Interparliamentary Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the European Security and Defence Assembly, the European Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, the Interparliamentary Assembly of the Eurasian Economic Community, the Parliamentary Assembly of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation and other international parliamentary organizations to engage in active parliamentary diplomacy in order to counteract attempts to reassess the outcome of the Second World War and rehabilitate fascism at the State level, and to prevent the use of parliamentary podiums by those who would justify and praise the Nazis and their collaborators
[...] 门及与国际组织和外国组织合作,确保不容许复活纳粹主义和美化纳粹罪犯及帮凶的行动。
Local governments, in the conduct of cross-border cooperation and in the exercise of other vested powers, shall cooperate with the authorities of other countries, and also with international and foreign
organizations, in ensuring the inadmissibility of actions to rehabilitate Nazism and to glorify Nazi
[...] criminals and their accomplices.
[...] 确定在这些作品中是否存在复活纳粹主义和美化纳粹罪犯及 帮凶 的 迹 象。
Community anti-Nazi audits shall also focus on scholarly, scientific, literary or other creative or artistic outputs in order to
identify indications in such work of the rehabilitation of Nazism or the glorification of Nazi
[...] criminals and their accomplices.
[...] 于为确保不容许复活纳粹主义和美化纳粹罪犯及 帮凶 的 行动而采取的措施的 年度报告。
The designated authority responsible for countering the rehabilitation of Nazism shall prepare and publish in the media and on the internet an annual report on
measures to ensure the inadmissibility of actions to rehabilitate Nazism and to glorify
[...] Nazi criminals and their accomplices.
对于霍贾里种族灭绝以及在亚美尼亚和阿塞拜疆冲突期间犯下的其他严重 罪行,必须追究亚美尼亚的国家责任和那些参加上述行动者及 帮凶 和 同 伙的个 人罪责。
The genocide in Khojaly, along with other grave offences committed during the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan, entail the State responsibility of Armenia and the individual criminal responsibility of those who participated in said acts and their accomplices and accessories.
法院审理了贩卖妇女和 儿童的案件并对罪犯帮凶实施严重的威慑性惩罚。
A number of cases of trafficking in women and children have
been brought before the courts and severe deterrent penalties have been imposed on the
[...] perpetrators and their accomplices.
如果发现有事实显示一法律实体或其任一下属机构的活动中有证据表明存 在复活纳粹主义和美化纳粹罪犯及 帮凶 的 行为,可暂停该法律实体的活动直到 法院审查政府指定机构对该实体所作的解散(禁止其活动)的声明。
In the event that facts are uncovered which point to evidence in the activities of a legal entity or any of its subdivisions of indications of the rehabilitation of Nazism or the glorification of Nazi criminals and their accomplices, the activities of the said legal entity may be suspended until an examination by a court of the declaration by the designated Government authority regarding its dissolution (prohibition of its activities).
社区团体和其他非营利组织应根据现行法律和这类团体(组织)的章程(组成 文件)参与采取旨在预防复活纳粹主义和美化纳粹罪犯及 帮凶 的 行 动的措施。
Community associations and other non-profit organizations shall participate in measures aimed at preventing the rehabilitation of Nazism and the glorification of Nazi criminals and their accomplices, in accordance with existing legislation and the by-laws (constitutive documents) of such associations (organizations).
公共机关和地方政府及其官员有义务在其管辖范围内打击以任何形式出现 的复活纳粹主义和美化纳粹罪犯及 帮凶 的 行 动。
Public authorities and local governments and their officials shall be obliged, within their respective
jurisdictions, to counter any form of rehabilitation of Nazism and the glorification of Nazi
[...] criminals and their accomplices.
在我们即将看到 关于第 1701(2006)号决议的报告之时,显而易见的是
[...] 真主党恐怖组织在继续加强它的军事力量和装备,从 伊朗和叙利帮凶那里 取得尖端武器和导弹。
As we approach the upcoming report on resolution 1701 (2006), it remains clear that the Hizbullah terrorist organization continues to build up its
military capabilities and armaments, acquiring sophisticated weaponry and missiles
[...] from its Iranian and Syrian patrons.
1861 年帮凶和教 唆犯法》将协助、教唆被《反恐怖主义、打击犯罪和维护 安全法》所禁止的活动、为这种活动牵线或为其提供咨询的行为定为犯罪。
The Accessories and Abettors Act 1861 makes it an offence to aid, abet, procure or counsel activities prohibited under the Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act.
如果在大众媒体渠道发现表明存在复活纳粹主义和美化纳粹罪犯及 帮凶 的活 动的证据,可由法院或由有关检察官根据将有关媒体渠道进行登记的指定机 构的声明作出裁决,停止该渠道的作业。
In the event of evidence in the activities of a mass media outlet indicating the rehabilitation of Nazism and the glorification of Nazi criminals and their accomplices, its operation may be halted by a decision of a court on the basis of a declaration by the designated Government authority which registered the media outlet in question, or by the relevant procurator.
尼加拉瓜重申,必须立即结束以色列有恃无恐的 现象,这种现象得到一个安理会常任理事国不负责任
[...] 的怂恿,特别是通过滥用否决权,该国已经成为以色 列的主帮凶。
Nicaragua reiterates the need to put an immediate end to the Israel’s impunity, which has been irresponsibly guaranteed to it by a permanent member of the
Council, in particular through the indiscriminate use of the veto by that member, who has become
[...] Israel’s major accomplice.
负责打击复活纳粹主义现象的指定机构有权要求监管、监督、执法及其他公 共机关和地方政府采取行动,消除通过社区监督发现的违法现象,进行调查和检
[...] 查,以及采取措施,以确保不容许复活纳粹主义和美化纳粹罪犯及 帮凶 的 行 动。
The designated authority responsible for countering the rehabilitation of Nazism shall have the right to apply to regulatory, supervisory, law enforcement and other public authorities and to local governments for action to eradicate violations uncovered through community oversight, for the conduct of investigations and inspections, and for the adoption of
measures to ensure the inadmissibility of actions to rehabilitate Nazism and to glorify Nazi
[...] criminals and their accomplices.
本法令的任何规定都不得解释为可妨碍适当安排、维护和保养为参与第二次 世界大战并阵亡人士建造的军人公墓,但用于纪念阵亡人士的墓碑、纪念碑、纪
[...] 念柱、方尖碑和其他纪念性结构和设施不得含有复活纳粹主义和美化纳粹罪犯及帮凶的属性。
Nothing in the present Act shall be construed as an impediment to the proper arrangement, maintenance and upkeep of military cemeteries for those who took part in and perished in the Second World War, provided that the headstones, monuments, columns, obelisks and other memorial structures and facilities commemorating the fallen
do not contain attributes of the rehabilitation of Nazism and the glorification of Nazi
[...] criminals and their accomplices.
2.16 2005 年11 月,国家高等法院传唤申诉人,对他提起作为恐怖主义者实施 谋杀帮凶的刑事指控。
2.16 In November 2005, the complainant was brought before the National High Court to face criminal charges as an accessory to a murder carried out by terrorists.
如果存在复活纳粹主义或美化纳粹罪犯及 帮凶 的 迹 象,审查结论可对这类学 术、科学、文学、创造性或其他艺术性产出可能带来的精神、道德和/或其他方 面影响的风险作出评估,并提出建议以纠正对个人、公众和国家的不利后果。
Where there are indications of the rehabilitation of Nazism or the glorification of Nazi criminals and their accomplices, the findings may include an assessment of the spiritual, moral and/or other impact of exposure to the scholarly, scientific, literary, creative or other artistic output, as well as proposals for remedying the adverse consequences for the individual, the public and the State.
由于所有这些原因,尼加拉瓜重申,必须立即取 消以色列一直享受的令人难以容忍的有罪不罚的待
[...] 遇,这种待遇一直由于安全理事会不负责任,更具体 地来说,由于已成为以色列主帮凶 的 那 些国家滥用 否决权而得到保障。
For all of these reasons, Nicaragua reiterates the need to put an immediate end to the insufferable impunity that Israel has been enjoying, which has been ensured, irresponsibly, by the Security
Council, and more specifically by the indiscriminate use of the veto by those who have
[...] become the major accomplices of Israel.
纳 粹分子及帮凶的杀人癫狂产生于一种种族主义和反犹太主义的意识形态,它 还夺去了包括罗姆人和辛提人等少数族裔、持不同政见者、战俘、残疾人和同 性恋者等数百万其他人的生命。
The murderous folly of the Nazis and their collaborators, the outcome of racist and anti-Semitic ideology, also cost the lives of millions of other people, including minorities such as the Roma and Sinti, political dissidents, prisoners of war, people with disabilities and homosexuals.
如果我们要谴 责挑衅行为,那么我们也应该谴责塞尔维亚政府一名
[...] 高级官员的挑衅行为,他把任何支持科索沃塞族的科 索沃塞族人称为阿族恐怖分子帮凶。
If we are to condemn provocations, then we should also condemn the provocation by a senior
Serbian Government official calling any Kosovo Serb who supports the Kosovo
[...] Government an accomplice to Albanian terrorists.




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