

单词 带走

带走 ()

take-out (esp. food)
carry out (esp. food)

See also:


go v
leave v
walk v
run v
visit v

go away
die (euph.)
change (shape, form, meaning)
move (of vehicle)

External sources (not reviewed)

他们的双眼被蒙住,双手被捆绑在背后,受害人被置于军车带 走。
They were blindfolded and had their hands tied behind their back.
在执行计划中,刑法得到修订,增加了新条款,规定如果有家庭暴力嫌 疑,则授权从家庭带走家庭 暴力的被告方,将其置于特定监禁场所之中。
In implementing the plan, the penal
code has been amended, adding provisions
[...] authorizing the removal of the party accused [...]
of domestic violence from the household
and putting in place a specific restraining order, should domestic violence be suspected.
最糟糕的是,他带走了盖 嘎先生妻子和她一周大的婴儿 — 以及贝尔朵和哈鲁纳。
Worst of all, they took Mr. Garga’s wife and her one-week-old baby – as well as Beldo and Harouna.
届时他们得知 内部安全局人员已将他从 监狱带走。
During that month, they learned that the internal security services had removed him from the prison.
虽然据报道,这群人招募了至少 207 名难民,其中大部分是儿童,但综合安全分 遣队阻止他带走被招 募的人员,肇事者随后被乍得当局逮捕。
Although the group was reported to have enlisted at least 207 refugees, most of them children, they were prevented by the Détachement intégré de sécurité (DIS) from taking the recruits with them, and the perpetrators were subsequently arrested by Chadian authorities.
在一份国际刊物上提到可能会出现一个新的国 家、提议崇尚民族主义的政治人物应该开始讨论和平 解散波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那或这个国家根本就不应 该存在的论点,但所有这些论点都遭到反击,指出心 怀不满的人可以离开,但不带走国 家 的任何东西。
References in an international gazette to the possible emergence of a new State, and proposals that nationalist politicians should start discussing the peaceful dissolution of Bosnia and Herzegovina or that the country should not exist at all have been met by counter-statements to the effect that the disaffected elements are welcome to leave, but will not be allowed to take any part of the country with them.
Lem的尝试,让他从带走时, 一般Grawl标签LEM的僵尸,Kipple教授宣布,他将剖析他们的大脑。
When Lem tries to keep him from being taken away, General Grawl labels Lem a zombie, and Professor Kipple announces he will dissect both their brains.
(h) 警察和法院有权在发生对妇女的暴力行为时下达并强制执行保护和禁 止令,包括将行为人从住所带走, 禁 止在住所内外与被害人和其他受影响当 [...]
事人进一步接触,并有权下达和强制执行子女支助和监护令,以及对违反这些 命令的行为处以刑罚。
(h) Police and courts have the authority to issue and enforce protection and restraining or
barring orders in cases of violence against
[...] women, including removal of the perpetrator [...]
from the domicile and prohibition of
further contact with the victim and other affected parties, inside and outside the domicile, to issue and enforce child support and custody orders and to impose penalties for breaches of those orders.
因为香水中的酒精于挥发时把头发中的水份一 带走 , 引致头发开叉折断。
As the alcohol in the perfume brings the water of hair during evaporation, this leads to brittle and weak hair.
这些系统可以让含有污染物的水最大限度的接触到空气,从而使得可挥发组分扩散到空气里 然后被气带走。
These systems work by maximizing contact between air and the contaminated water to be treated causing the molecules of volatile contaminants to diffuse from the water into the air, which is then carried away.
Erosion 侵蚀 土壤和岩石逐渐破碎并被风和带走。
Erosion when soil and rock are worn away and carried away by wind and water.
在受访的被拘留者中,许多人报告说,他们的家人知道他们身在何 处,因为他们带走时或 者在家里或者有朋友或熟人在场,这些朋友或熟人已经 与他们的家属联系。
Among detainees interviewed, many reported that their family knew where they were, because they had been picked up either at home or in the presence of a friend or acquaintance, who had contacted their family.
图谋从伊朗、途径叙利亚向加沙地带恐怖组织转让武器的这些做法,公然违 反了安全理事会的众多决议,而在这两个国家向加沙 带走 私 武 器的非法活动 中,这只不过是冰山一角。
This attempt to transfer weaponry from Iran to terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip through Syria constitutes a blatant violation of numerous Security Council resolutions,
and represents only the tip of the iceberg of these two countries
[...] illegal efforts to smuggle weapons into the Gaza Strip.
通过母乳喂养,您的宝宝每天带走 您 体 内的500卡路里,锻炼同样能加快您体形恢复的进程。
Your baby takes around 500 calories from your body each day of breast feeding.
当谈到时间来关闭这台超级计算机,但由美是不愿意去通过它的Aelita仍然保持上来,希望能以某种方式保存的,她的父亲,杰里米并不 带走 的 东 西,这使他们的朋友,奇和Ulrich都喜欢英雄。
When it comes time to shut down the supercomputer, all but Yumi are unwilling to go through with it: Aelita is still holding onto the hope that her father can somehow be saved, Jeremy doesn’t want to take away the thing which made them friends, and Odd and Ulrich both liked being heroes.
(b) 据报还发生了两起菲律宾武装部队人员在军事行动中使用儿童的事件: 其中一起事件涉及一名 16 岁的男孩,该名男孩于 2008 年 1 月 12 日在马斯巴特 省克拉韦里亚被区域别动带走,作 为向导和告发那些据传被新人民军干部拜访 过的平民的线人。
(b) Two incidents of Armed Forces of the Philippines personnel using children during military operations have also been reported: one incident involved a 16-year-old boy who was taken on 12 January 2008 by the Regional Mobile Group in Claveria, Masbate Province, as a guide and informer to identify civilians allegedly visited by the New People’s Army cadres.
这首四行诗鼓励真正永恒的上帝之爱,反对短暂非理性的迷恋:“每一张显现在你面前的美丽面孔/上天都会迅速地从你眼 带走 / 来 吧 ,在有生之年把自己的心交给对方/她会一直陪着你,直到天长地久。
The quatrain encourages true and eternal love of God rather than passing infatuations: "Every beautiful
face that manifested itself to you/Quickly the
[...] heavens will remove it from your [...]
eyes/Go and give your heart to the person in
the bounds of existence/Who has always been with you, and always will.
他们被迫离开自己的家园和社区 带走 了 所有能够证明他们曾经有过的繁荣的记录和物品。
Forced to leave their homes and communities, they took with them all of the records and objects that could attest to their once flourishing presence.
保护儿童及少年条例》亦订明,社署署长或获其授权的任何人员,均 可进入任何处所,把看来需要照顾或保护的儿童或少 带走 , 以便其接受医疗、 心理或社会背景评估。
23.10 The PCJO also provides that the Director of Social Welfare or any officer authorised by him may
enter any premises
[...] with a view to removing any child or juvenile who appears to be in need of care or protection for the purpose of medical, [...]
psychological or social assessment.
Moreover, to avoid being carried away by the emotions or subjective factors, you should always place your stops buying and selling at the time of giving the order to buy or sell.
4 月 11 日,一伙疑似属于国家情报和安全局的人 进入卡尔马境内流离失所者营地 带走 了 一 位居民—— 此人也是非政府组织国际医疗团的本国工作人员。
On 11 April, a group of persons suspected of belonging to the National Intelligence and Security Service entered the Kalma internally displaced persons camp and took away a resident, who is also a national staff member of the non-governmental organization (NGO) International Medical Corps.
在巨大的产出差距、高失业率、投 资的不确定性和金融脆弱性的背景下,规避采取财政刺激措施 带走 了 推动总体 需求的最后一线希望,正在阻止经济增长,导致失业率居高不下,从而损害财政 整顿。
In a context of large output gaps, high unemployment, investment uncertainty and financial fragility, the retreat from fiscal stimulus measures has taken away the last straw of aggregate demand impulses and is holding back economic growth and keeping unemployment rates high, thereby undermining fiscal consolidation.
我祖父和父带走了他 们所拥有的一切并投资了美国梦。
My grandfather and my father took everything they had and invested in the American dream.
江水将在竹林“工厂”中得到净化,而洁净的饮用水将在美术馆中蜿蜒前行,供参观者品尝、赏玩或盛入一个特别设计的奥塔水瓶中,作为艺术纪念 带走。
It will be purified in the bamboo ‘factory’ and the clean drinking water will snake around the museum for the visitors to taste, enjoy and take away as a souvenir artwork in a specially designer souvenir OrtaWater bottle.
在四川和青海的佛教地区,一场“佛教教育运动”迫使藏族人谴责达赖喇嘛;强迫藏族父母将正在寺院接受藏语教育的孩 带走 , 并 将孩子送入汉语小学。
In Tibetan areas of Sichuan and Qinghai, a "religious education campaign" coerced Tibetans into denouncing the Dalai Lama and forced parents to withdraw their children from monasteries where they were receiving a Tibetan education and put them in regular Chinese elementary schools.
7.7 最后,关于提交人的堂兄弟被强迫失踪和可能被法外处决事宜,委员会注意 到,2002 年 9 月 29 日,在提交人在场的情况下,Chalio Traoré 被身着军装的总 统卫队士带走了, 理由是执行其指挥官 Dogbo 上校的命令;这些士兵第二 天,即 2002 年 9 月 30 日又回来了带走了 Bakary Traoré;自此之后,两兄弟都 失踪了,提交人认为两人均已被执行了法外处决;提交人早在 2002 年 10 月 15 日,即他第一次被法官聆讯之日,就将自己堂兄弟失踪一事告知司法机关;但没 有对他的指控开展任何调查。
7.7 With regard to the enforced disappearance and probable extrajudicial execution of the author’s cousins, the Committee notes that on 29 September 2002, Chalio Traoré was, in the author’s presence, taken away by men wearing the uniform of the presidential security guard acting on the order of their commander, Colonel Dogbo; that the men returned the next day, 30 September 2002, to take away Bakary Traoré; that since that date the two men have disappeared and the author thinks they have been extrajudicially executed; that the author first reported his cousins’ disappearance to the judicial authorities on 15 October 2002, the date of his first appearance before a judge; and that his allegations were never investigated.
数世纪以来,数百万非洲人被迫迁移到世界其它地区,随之 带走 了 他 们的文化传 统、技能、思想和普通遗产,这对世界文化和文明的形成和形式留下深远影响。
Centuries of forced transfer of millions of Africans to other parts of the world, along with their cultural traditions, skills, ideas and general heritage have left a strong mark on the formation and shape of the cultures and civilizations of the world.
在不对产品增加过多额外重量的同时,产品 也被包装得非常牢靠,消费者可以容易地提带走;而 且膜包也符合物料配送的需求, 即使象1,5 升瓶装的不稳定产品,膜包后也 能稳固地码垛在托盘上;所以无论是大瓶还 是小瓶的膜包产品都很方便物流配送,也能 直接在市场上销售,使得货架看起来比放置 散瓶更整洁。
In actual fact, without adding to the weight of products, an extremely stable pack is obtained, which is easy for the consumer to hold and lift; at the same time, the bundle meets distribution requirements thanks to the fact that even heavy, unstable containers such as 1,5 litre PET bottles can be left on the respective pallets.




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