

单词 带调

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许多家庭网络路由器包括将 互联网连接到网络的带调制解 调器,其中许多还包括一个使带 有无线功能的网络硬件连接的无线元件。
Many home network
[...] routers include a broadband modem to connect [...]
the network to the internet and many also include a wireless
element that enables network hardware with wireless capabilities to connect.
这一年的标志是建造了第一条带液态金属冷 却池的带调质处 理生产线:这是艾伯纳公司技 术创新专家们的又一项成果。
This year marks the construction of the
[...] first hardening and tempering line for steel [...]
strip with molten metal quench technology:
another accomplishment of EBNER's innovative experts.
The multi adjustable strap allows for a wide range of adjustments, from a handle to a shoulder strap.
委员会依照国际标准 对严重违反国际人道主义法和侵害人权行为开展有公信力的独立调查,从一开始 就遇到一系列障碍和困难,其中一些障碍和困难如下:委员会无法进入加沙带 调查据 称由巴勒斯坦武装团体实施的违反国际人道主义法的行为,特别是向以色 列城镇和定居点发射自制火箭。
Among those challenges and obstacles were the following: The Commission was unable to enter the Gaza Strip in order to investigate violations of international humanitarian law allegedly committed by Palestinian armed groups, in particular the firing of homemade rockets against Israeli towns and settlements.
Marvell PXA1802是业界第一款多模LTE调制解调器芯片组,支持新一代的LTE标准,可实现4级150Mbps的下行链路吞吐量以及第8版TD-SCDMA HSPA+技术,该器件采用了40
[...] nm技术,并能够在单芯片上集成所有2G、3G和4G移动 带调 制 解调器技术,它完全与目前中国的TD-SCDMA网络具有向后兼容性,并支持新一代的TDD/FDD网络。
The industry’s first multimode LTE modem chipset to support next generation LTE standards with Category 4 150Mbps (megabits-per-second) downlink throughput and Release 8 TD-SCDMA HSPA+, Marvell PXA1802 features 40 nanometer (nm)
technology and integrates all of 2G, 3G
[...] and 4G mobile broadband modem technologies [...]
on a single chip, fully backward compatible
with current China TD-SCDMA network and supporting the next generation TDD/FDD network.
JK Lasers
[...] 的研究表明,使用优异的光束质量 带调 制 的低功率(100 - 200W)连续波(CW)光纤激光器,可在不锈钢薄片(20μm [...]
- 150μm)上持续地实现高质量的点焊。
JK Lasers' research has demonstrated how the excellent beam quality, low
power (100 - 200W) continuous wave (CW) fiber
[...] lasers with modulation consistently [...]
achieve high quality spot welds on thin stainless steel foils (20μm - 150μm).
调查团在Xaafuun、Bandarbeyla 和Eyl三个沿海主要聚居地之间 500 公里沿海带调查三个采样点。
It investigated three sample sites along a 500 km coastal stretch between the three main populated coastal locations of Xaafuun, Bandarbeyla and Eyl where toxic waste had reportedly been uncovered by the tsunami.
解决了一般带调拼音 输入的问题:中文状态下,敲入拼音及声调码(键盘最左边一列键),然后用F8 (或右ALT+e) 便可输带调拼音
Toned PinYin input: when in Chinese
[...] input mode, first type in pinyin, then type in Tone key (in HanWJ Chinese software, Tone keys are the leftmost column of keys on keyboard), then type F8 or Right-ALT+e. See figure.
这些应用包括工业流程控制、工厂自动化、雷达系统和 CAT 扫描仪乃至蜂窝基站、带调制解调器、无线电话、计算机、汽车和数码相机等等。
ADI's products play a fundamental role in converting real-world phenomena such as temperature, motion, pressure, light and sound into electrical signals to be used in a wide array of applications ranging from industrial process control, factory automation, radar systems and CAT scanners to cellular base stations, broadband modems, wireless telephones, computers, cars and digital cameras.
GCT解决方案被嵌入到经Windows-8认证的移动 带调 制 解 调器中,可在LG全新的Windows [...]
8系列中实现LTE连接,该系列包括14英寸U460超极本和Tab-Book Ultra Z160,两款产品目前均由LGU+发售。
GCT’s solution, embedded into a Windows-8
[...] certified mobile broadband modem, enables LTE [...]
connectivity in LG’s brand new Windows-8
line, including the 14” U460 ultrabook as well as the tab book ultra Z160, both currently available with LGU+.
高通公司的FSM芯片组同时支持CDMA2000®和UMTS/HSPA+网络技术,且包含 带调 制 解 调器、无线射频、网络侦听、GPS和应用处理器,是住宅和商业femtocell开发的理想选择。
Qualcomm’s FSM chipsets support both
CDMA2000® and UMTS/HSPA+ network technologies and
[...] include a baseband modem, RF, network [...]
listen, GPS and an application processor,
making them ideal for residential and commercial femtocell development.
在进行这一检查之后,市警察局长 Saud Aziz 并没带调查人员直接去犯 罪现场,而是招待他们吃午饭,直到下午很晚之时。
Following that inspection, rather than taking the investigators directly to the crime scene, CPO Saud Aziz hosted a lunch that went into the late afternoon, at the end of which he again, according to the same source cited above, indicated that it would be dark by the time the team arrived at the crime scene.
可提带有可调节指针的 B、S 和 P 型压力表。
B, S, and P model gauges are
[...] available with adjustable pointers.
尽管更换非驻地机构调员带来了特殊挑战,教科文组织仍然充分参与 编制了联发援框架。
UNESCO fully participated in the development of the UNDAF, despite the particular challenge posed by the turnover of the NRA coordinator.
虽然地方和区域级海上执法机构一直在开展联合执法 行动,但这仅是临时性行为,没有为南海各方 调带来 什么长期利益。
While local and regional level maritime law enforcement
agencies have been conducting joint law
[...] enforcement operations (联合执法) they are mainly ad hoc, [...]
bringing little lasting benefit
to coordination of actors in the South China Sea.
关切一些重大自然灾害对特别是人道主义应急系统的能力和 调带 来 的 挑 战,深为关切发展中国家的农村和城市贫穷社区受灾害风险增加的影响最大
Expressing its deep concern that rural and urban poor communities in the developing world are the hardest hit by the effects of increased disaster risk
不能过分调带有 中 间效应的反对方面的实践得以发展的非常独特的 情况。
The very unique context in which practice [...]
in respect of objections with intermediate effect had developed could not be overemphasized.
多哈回合在发展方面的谈判应包括:在各种出 口利益领域扩大对加共体地区的市场准入;承认发 展中国家和发达国家之间的不均衡;对贸易改革和 自由带来的调整关切事项具有敏感度;以及充分 支持并通过弱小经济体集团提出的提案。
The development dimension of the Doha Round should include enhanced market access in areas of export interest to the CARICOM region; recognition of asymmetries between developing and developed countries; sensitivity to adjustment concerns resulting from trade reforms and liberalization; and full support for and adoption of the proposals put forward by groups of small and vulnerable economies.
葡萄牙表示希望,随着国家人权委员会为人权领域机构 间调带来的新的势头,它将能够在
Portugal expressed hope that, with the new impetus that the
national human rights
[...] commission would bring to inter-ministerial coordination in the field [...]
of human rights, it would be
able to deliver all overdue reports by the end of 2010.
比如说,我们建议法律应当重点(至少应在 带 的 注 释中)调其它 诸如农民的权利,专利物产物的权利以及其它专利权的例外情况(如用于教育)的不同地 位。
We would suggest, for example, that the law should highlight, at least in the accompanying commentary, the different positions taken also on other issues such as farmer’s rights, rights in respect of the progeny of patented material and other exceptions to patent rights such as for educational uses.
然而,在如此广阔的区域部署海 军舰只给后勤和调带来挑战,并使持续开展行动所 需的有限资源捉襟见肘。
The deployment of navy assets, however,
[...] in such a wide expanse of territory poses logistical and coordination challenges [...]
and strains the limited
resources needed for the operation’s sustainability.
然而,他们也指出,联合国工作的范围之大,为有效调带来了 挑战,因为各实体倾向于专心处理自己的任务,因而它们只参与协调 有关宽泛主题或国际日等孤立、重复性问题的宣传活动。
It was noted,
[...] however, that the wide scope of work created challenges to efficient coordination since entities [...]
tended to focus on
their respective mandates, as a result of which they took part in coordinating only campaigns related to broad topics or discrete, reoccurring issues such as international days.
与会者调,加沙地带是 1967 年被占巴勒斯坦领土的组成部分,该领土是 未来巴勒斯坦国的立国之地,他们同时也重申,建立一个具有生存能力的巴勒斯 [...]
坦国除其他外将需要国际社会的持续支持,他们还呼吁增加对巴勒斯坦权力机构 的财政和经济援助。
While participants stressed that the Gaza Strip constitutes [...]
an integral part of the Palestinian Territory occupied in 1967
on which the future Palestinian State shall be established, they reiterated that the establishment of a viable Palestinian State will require, inter alia, the sustained support of the international community and called for increased financial and economic assistance for the Palestinian Authority.
[...] 略和以市场为基础的人员报酬标准);在不同知识产权领域实行更好的政策 调带 来的 潜在利益。
These include the separation of the policy and administrative functions; creation of a more business-oriented approach to cost-recovery and expenditure control (including capital investment strategies and
market-based staff remuneration); and the potential benefits from
[...] better policy co-ordination across different [...]
areas of IP.
(b) 提供各会员国以及会员国和各国际组织(包括联合国区域制图会议及其
[...] 区域空间数据基础设施常设委员会)之间就有关全球地理空间信息管理的工作进 行联络与协调的载体,并展示此种 调带 来 的 益处
(b) To provide a vehicle for liaison and coordination among Member States and between Member States and international organizations, including the regional cartographic conferences and the related permanent committees, on work associated
with the management of global geospatial information and to demonstrate the benefits to
[...] be derived from such coordination
gold, with subtle touches of opulence inspired by the Viennese Secession period, the new architectural concept intensifies a feeling of preciousness and of the meticulous care lavished on the creation of each piece.
[...] 所有人抵达的地区,再设立一支排雷中队,重 调 查 所 有已知雷场和疑似危险区 域,并继续进行排雷和雷险教育。
Zimbabwe recommitted to relocate from its mine action centre to an areas where it will be easily
accessible to all, to establish another demining
[...] squadron, to resurvey all known minefields [...]
and suspected hazardous areas, and,
to continue with mine clearance and mine risk education.
新举措的另一个方向可能在对公众进行提高认识的宣传 活动中发现,宣传的主题是我们的星球对未来几代人的潜力,并鼓励青年人更多地了解我们 的地球家园、地球的力量、地球的美丽 带 来 的 挑战。
A second direction for new initiatives will probably be found in outreach for raising awareness among the general public on the potential of our planet for future generations and to encourage young people to learn more about our home planet, its powers, its beauty and its challenges.
大会第六十六届会议调指出继续对《关于进一步执行小岛屿发展中国家可 持续发展行动纲领的毛里求斯战略》的后续行动和执行情况进行实质性审议的重 [...]
要性,并决定在其第六十七届会议上审议为第六十六届会议印发的秘书长关于更 好地执行《小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展的行动纲领》和《关于进一步执行小岛
屿发展中国家可持续发展行动纲领的毛里求斯战略》的具体建议的报告 (A/66/278)以及秘书长关于审查联合国系统对小岛屿发展中国家支持情况的报 告(A/66/218)(第 66/198 号决议)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the
[...] General Assembly stressed the importance [...]
of the continued substantive consideration of the
follow-up to and implementation of the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States and decided to consider at its sixty-seventh session the reports of the Secretary-General on concrete recommendations to enhance the implementation of the Barbados Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States and the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States (A/66/278) and on the review of United Nations system support to small island developing States (A/66/218), issued for the sixty-sixth session (resolution 66/198).




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