单词 | 带去 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 带去 —bring awayExamples:带...出去 v—take out v
您搬家或收到⼿表作为礼物,这种情况下您不能将⼿ 表 带去 购 买的商店进⾏服务,请联络客户⽀ 持中⼼。 citizen.com.hk | In the event that you have moved or have received your [...] watch as a gift, and are not [...] able to bring your watch to the shop where it was purchased for [...]serving, please consult Customer Support Center. citizen.com.hk |
带去的食 物可以是任何类型 的,而不仅仅是以盘子盛装的,并且通常是做好了的,可以即食。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Take the food to the party in any type of dish, not just a plate, and it is usually ready to serve. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
除此之外,由 Emerson 发起的新观念和创新为社区带去了目 的感和成就感,有助于提高整体生活质量。 emerson.com | Additionally, Emerson-sponsored new ideas and innovations offer a sense of purpose and fulfillment to these communities that help to improve the overall quality of life. emerson.com |
传感器实际上不会给恢复测量带去磁 滞 影响。 solartronmetrology.cn | The sensor has virtually no hysteresis to affect recovery measurements. solartronmetrology.com |
今天做了这个日式乳酪蛋糕带去爬梯,非常受欢迎。 maomaomom.com | This light, soft, airy, and creamy cheesecake has just the right sweetness. maomaomom.com |
我们致力于为我们的投资者、我们所投资的公司、我们提供顾问服务的公司甚至全球经 济 带去 的 积 极经济影响,创造长期价值。 china.blackstone.com | We seek to create positive economic impact and long-term value for our investors, the companies we invest in, the companies we advise and the broader global economy. blackstone.com |
轮形的圆度及轮轴轴承的磨损会影响精度,这些误差又会给传感器的精 度 带去 影 响。 solartronmetrology.cn | The roundness of the wheel and wear on [...] the wheel bearing affect accuracy and these errors should be added to the accuracy of the transducer. solartronmetrology.com |
现在,作为G20计划的执行伙伴,AFI网络将见证其同等学习平台的成功扩展,为这个全球性论 坛 带去 世 界 各地金融包容性问题的经验和知识。 tipschina.gov.cn | Now, as the implementing partner for the G20 program, the AFI network [...] will see its successful peer learning [...] platform expanded, bringing a world of experience [...]and knowledge on financial inclusion issues to the global forum. tipschina.gov.cn |
一名见证 这一可怕行径的阿富汗国家安全局的目击证人说,是 高级和平委员会的一名成员、前塔利班政权的一名副 部长 [...] Rahmatullah Wahidyar 把自杀式炸弹手带去见 拉巴尼和总统高级顾问 [...]Mohammad Masoom Stanekzai 的,后者在那天的袭击中受重伤。 daccess-ods.un.org | An eyewitness from the National Directorate of Security (NDS) of Afghanistan who was witness to this gruesome act said that Rahmatullah Wahidyar, a member of the High Peace Council and [...] Deputy Minister in the former Taliban regime, [...] was the one who brought the bomber to [...]meet with Rabbani and with top presidential [...]adviser Mohammad Masoom Stanekzai, who was also seriously injured in that day’s attack. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们深谙, 在这一目标市场中,可用来投资此类产品的可支配收入十 分有限,因此他们希望确保能够为用 户 带去 价 值。 businesscalltoaction.org | They understand that their target market has only a limited amount of disposable income to invest in products like this, so they want to ensure that they deliver value for the consumer. businesscalltoaction.org |
短期外派的目的 是满足短期的业务需求,必要时为有需求的地 方 带去 专 门知识,并有助于本组织内全面的能 力建设和知识传播。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The objective of short-term assignments is to meet short-term operational needs, bring expertise where and when needed, and contribute to the overall capacitybuilding and knowledge transfer within the Organization. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我在半岛 电视台、BBC 或 CNN 晚间新闻上看到,安理会忙于应 付世界各地许多具有挑战性的冲突局势,因此我想, [...] 或许我应该去,不只是去寻求帮助,也要给忙于处理 世界各地那些挑战的人们带去一些 好消息。 daccess-ods.un.org | As I watched the nightly news on Al-Jazeera, the BBC or CNN, and saw the Council try to manage many challenging conflict situations around the world, I thought to [...] myself that maybe I should go, not only to ask [...] for help but to bring those people dealing [...]with these challenges around the world some good news. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们感谢来自世界各 [...] 地、各领域的所有勇敢男男女女,他们为了给海 地带 去支持,自己生活在艰难的条件下。 daccess-ods.un.org | We extend our thanks to all those brave men and [...] women from all over and in diverse fields who themselves are living under stressed [...] conditions to bring support to Haiti. daccess-ods.un.org |
中国从国内带去了 10,000 名工人,由此 GNPOC 能够在苏丹执政党 NIF(国家伊斯兰教前线) 10 周年年庆(1999 年 6 月 30 日)时在 Heglig 和 Unity 油田产出石油。 crisisgroup.org | China brought 10,000 Chinese labourers so GNPOC could produce oil in the Heglig and Unity fields by the ruling National Islamic Front’s tenth anniversary (30 June 1999). crisisgroup.org |
DNA也有这样的记忆,在过去两年中,它把散 居海外的非洲后裔带去了喀 麦隆,成立了一个叫 作“ArchAmer”的非营利组织。 daccess-ods.un.org | DNA also has a memory such that, in the past two years, it has allowed people of African descent in the diaspora to go to Cameroon with a non-profit group called ArchAmer. daccess-ods.un.org |
两支由卫生部负责管理的 [...] 移动免疫队也为居住在永久性城镇之外的贝多因家庭的新生儿提供家庭免疫接 种,这些新生儿的家人没有把他们 带去 任 何 一家妇孺保健诊所进行治疗。 daccess-ods.un.org | Two mobile immunization teams managed by the Ministry of Health also provide home immunizations to infants in Bedouin families [...] living outside of permanent towns, whose [...] families do not bring them to one of [...]the Mother and Child Health Clinics for treatment. daccess-ods.un.org |
毛毛周末去他的朋友家聚餐,我给他做些锅贴和匈牙利苹果 派 带去 , 锅贴用家里现有的材料做了西葫芦鲜肉馅的,据说两样都被抢一空。 maomaomom.com | I made this dish for my son Maomao’s potluck dinner at his friend’s home. With a crispy, crunchy bottom and juicy, tender meat filling, these pan fried potstickers were a huge hit as they disappeared quickly. maomaomom.com |
进口木质材料、天然石料、金色镶嵌地砖的巧妙组合,让蕴含东方气质的高科技治疗室和超现代健身房给 您 带去 超 凡 的平静享受。 msccruises.com.cn | Devoted to wellness, even the ambience promotes feelings of peace and regeneration, with exotic woods, natural stone and golden mosaic tiles. msccruises.com.eg |
3月19日,在福建省残联领导陪同下,特奥会东亚区总裁顾抒航来到福建龙岩市永定县,探望赖静和母亲李雪珍 , 带去 全 球 400万特奥运动员和他们父母的祈祷,以及 一封来自特奥会主席蒂姆•施莱佛的鼓励信函 ,信中提到“有时我们不得不和过去告别,甚至和生命告别,从某种程度上来说,这的确是无奈的事情。 specialolympics.org | Mary brought an inspiring letter written by Dr. Timothy P. Shriver, Chairman and CEO of Special Olympics, on behalf of 4 million athletes and their parents all over the world to Lai Jing and her mother. specialolympics.org |
请将⼿表带去您购 买的商店并询问是否可以维修,因为维修期限因使⽤条件,环境等⽽不 同。 citizen.com.hk | Please take the watch to the shop where [...] you purchased it and ask whether it can be repaired because the repair period varies [...]according to the conditions of use, environment and so forth. citizen.com.hk |
我 们在广州、深圳和成都开展了“狗医生”项目,通过招募温顺的家养狗狗担任志愿者去探访 病人、老人、特殊儿童等,给他们 带去 快 乐和慰籍,以“动物助人助己”的特殊方式改变人 们对待动物的态度。 animalsasia.org | By recruiting special dogs as volunteers to visit patients, senior people and children with special needs etc., these lovely four-legged friends bring happiness, comfort and help to change the attitude of people towards animals through this special animal therapy. animalsasia.org |
纳赛尔先生说,他不知道要把他的其他孩 子 带去 哪 里 ,因为到处都不安全。 unicef.org | Mr. Nasser says he does not know where to take his other children because nowhere seems safe. unicef.org |
透过"Hestia"杂志可以了解更多关于癌症的信息,从生活、饮食、心理、保健等多方面帮助你抵抗癌症,为 你 带去 更 多 的希望。 asiancancer.com | It tells how you to fight cancer from your life, diets, mentality and health care etc, which will bring you more hope of life. asiancancer.com |
位于 Nyabibwe 的第 103 团团长前全国保卫 人民大会 Josue Biyoyo 上校也应该加入他们,并带去他个 人的大量武器;刚果(金) 武装部队 4 月 21 日缴获了这些武器(见附件 22)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Josué Biyoyo, 103rd regiment Commander in Nyabibwe, was also supposed to join them with his large personal stock of weapons, which was seized by FARDC on 21 April (see annex 22). daccess-ods.un.org |
鉴于联 合国各机制已准备帮助朝鲜改善人权状况,他问特别 报告员,如果获准前往该国,他认为可 以 带去 哪 些贡 献。 daccess-ods.un.org | Given that the mechanisms of the United Nations system were ready to assist the DPRK to improve its human rights situation, he asked what contribution the Special Rapporteur considered he could make if he was permitted to enter the country. daccess-ods.un.org |
因为他们千里迢迢来到上海进行这次乐队汇演,我们也努力提供了更多的机会,在上海演出前,将他们 先 带去 中 国 的其他6个城市进行演出,包括香港、广州、北京、武汉、天津和长沙。 spli-t.com | And since they’re coming all the way to Shanghai to show us their stuff, we figured we might as well take them to 6 other Chinese cities too – Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Beijing, Wuhan, Tianjin and Changsha. spli-t.com |
艾维发现了V神秘身份,还发现了一个和自己有关的秘密––最终,她帮助V给这个曾经腐败、残酷的国 家 带去 了 自 由与正义。 v-for-vendetta...n.uptodown.com | As Evey uncovers the truth about V’s mysterious background, she also discovers the truth about herself – and emerges as his unlikely ally in the culmination of his plan to bring freedom and justice back to a society fraught with cruelty and corruption. v-for-vendetta...n.uptodown.com |
该项目于7月1日正式启动,将为星光儿童基金会(Starlight Children’s [...] Foundation)提供资助,该基金会致力于为美国的重病儿童及其家 庭 带去 希 望;此外,该项目还将资助中国的范思哲壹基金(Versace [...] One Foundation,由李连杰发起),壹基金致力于为四川地震灾区的长期恢复提供帮助,目前正在资助并运营两家范思哲壹基金儿童中心,通过视觉艺术创作以及其他救援形式为1200多名受助者提供学费、心理治疗和伤后咨询。 versace.com | The program, officially launched on July 1st, benefits the Starlight Children’s Foundation, an organization dedicated to [...] brightening the lives of seriously ill children and [...] their families in the US, and the [...]Versace One Foundation (founded by Jet Li) [...]in China, an organization committed to the long-term recovery of the areas devastated by last year’s earthquakes in the Sichuan province, funding and operating two Versace One Foundation children’s centers with schooling, psychological therapy, and post trauma counseling for over 1200, through creative visual arts, an essential form of relief. versace.com |