

单词 帝制

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External sources (not reviewed)

一百年前,中國陷於空前的內憂外患,二千多年 帝制 統 治 雖然 被推翻,4億中國人仍然處於歷史的十字路口。
Although the rule of monarchy, which had been [...]
practiced for more than 2 000 years, was overthrown, 400 million Chinese people
were still stuck at the crossroads of history.
满族入关后,从顺帝制定的 祭葬礼中可以看出,入关之初,火葬方式和努尔哈赤时期基本一致。
After the Manchu, as can be seen from the shunzhi Emperor developed offering funeral, beginning of the GATT, cremation and nuerhachi times are basically the same.
中國人民於100年前成功透過辛亥革命推 帝制 , 建立亞洲第一 個民主共和國;很不幸,轉眼100年後,除了台灣人民可以透過 [...]
公平、公開、公正,以及普及而平等的民主選舉制度選擇政府和 產生民意機關外,中國內地、澳門及香港的人民仍未享有直接及 全面的選舉權利;有鑒於此,在辛亥革命接近100年後的今天,
本會呼籲全球華人秉承國父遺訓,致力推動民族、民生、民權, 令民主、人權及法治在中國神州大地早日得以實現。
That the Chinese people
[...] successfully toppled the monarchy in the Xinhai Revolution [...]
100 years ago and established the first
democratic republic in Asia; unfortunately, after the passage of 100 years, with the exception that the people in Taiwan can, through a democratic electoral system which is fair, open, impartial and based on the principles of universality and equality, choose their own government and return their elected representative assemblies, the people in Mainland China, Macao and Hong Kong are still unable to enjoy direct and full electoral rights; in view of this, on this day which is almost 100 years after the Xinhai Revolution, this Council urges the Chinese people all over the world to adhere to the teachings of the Founding Father and strive to promote nationalism, livelihood and democracy, so that democratization, human rights and the rule of law can be expeditiously realized on the soil of China.
1913 年,袁 世 凱 不 甘 自己只 是 一個民 國的臨 時 大 總 統 , 於 是 四 出收買各 政 黨 人士及議會議員,支 持 其 成 為正式大 總 統 , 開 始 其 復帝制的第一 步 。
In 1913, YUAN Shikai, not satisfied that he was just the Provisional President of the Republic of China, strove to bribe members of different political parties and councillors to elect him as the President, thereby marking his first step in restoring the monarchial system.
辛亥革命最重大的歷史貢獻,是推翻滿清、推 帝制 、 結 束封建 及建立共和。
The greatest contribution of the Xinhai Revolution to history
was the overthrow of the Qing
[...] Dynasty, the toppling of monarchy, the ending of feudalism [...]
and the establishment of a republic.
坐落在一個備用的將來,該系列被稱為Geass的前王子的魯魯修Lamperouge獲得的權力,並決定用它來摧毀的神聖Brita nn i a n 帝 國 , 帝制 和 一 個超級大國,已經征服了各國如何。
Set in an alternate future, the series focus on how the former prince Lelouch Lamperouge obtains a power known as Geass and
decides to use it to destroy the
[...] Holy Britannian Empire, an imperial monarchy and a superpower [...]
that has been conquering various countries.
因為在獨帝制下, 政府並不需 要自我完善,亦沒有辦法自我完善,而且亦不能保護人民,因為當你 不聽反對聲音、不聽批評意見、不改善施政的時候,貪污腐敗很快便 會滋生出來,致使民不聊生。
When the Government failed to listen to opposing views and criticisms, and failed to improve governance, corruption would soon emerge, causing undue hardship to people.
这种长久以来的他者属性造成了亚洲的焦虑,它随着19世纪末亚洲封 帝制 相 继 瓦解、殖民主义不断扩张、现代民族国家艰难建立的风云动荡,贯穿于近百年的亚洲历史之中。以中国和土耳其这两大东方帝国为例,它们在追寻自己的现代性的过程中几乎同步并具有惊人的相似性:清王朝与奥图曼王朝差不多在同一时间崩溃,孙中山和凯末尔(Mustafa [...] [...]
Kemal Ataturk)也差不多在同一时间崛起,他们都是坚定的西化论者,对长期积弱的国家忧心忡忡,为了学习和追赶西方,他们亲手缔造了各自国家的共和政体。
This long-standing attribute of the Other has resulted in Asian anxiety; it was present throughout nearly a century of
Asian history, as Asia lived through changes
[...] and turbulences from the end of the [...]
nineteenth century onwards –the successive
collapse of feudal monarchies, the continuous expansion of colonialism, the arduous establishment of modern nation-states, etc. Take the two Eastern empires, China and Turkey, for example, they almost coincided and shared astonishing similarities in the process of looking for their own modernity: the Chinese Qing dynasty and the Turkish Ottoman dynasty fell at about the same time, and Sun Yat-sen and Mustafa Kemal Ataturk emerged at roughly the same moment; both people were firm advocates of westernization, were deeply worried for their chronically weak countries, and in order to learn from the West and to catch up with it, they established a republican regime in their own country.
在結帝制的辛 亥革命 百年之際,重燃第一個亞洲共和國的聖火,洗脫專制大國的辱。
At this juncture of the 100th Anniversary of the 1911 Revolution which marked the end of the emperor system, the sacred fire of the first republican country in Asia would be ignited again to wash away the shame of this major totalitarian country.
譚耀宗議員:主席,我們在辛亥革命百周年紀念之際,一起回顧過去, 在整整一個世紀前,海內外的中華民族先賢志士懷着希望扭轉祖國飽
[...] 受列強欺凌,復興中華民族的一腔熱血,響應孫中山先生等革命先驅 的呼籲,推翻腐敗無能的滿清政府,結束中國二千多年 帝制 , 建立 共和。
A century ago, people with integrity and lofty ideals all over the world had, with the hope of saving the country from oppression by foreign powers, and the ardour of revitalizing the Chinese nation, responded to the appeals of revolutionary vanguards including Dr SUN Yat-sen to
overthrow the corrupt and incompetent Qing
[...] Dynasty, topple the monarchy that had existed [...]
in China for more than 2 000 years, and establish a republic.
洋務運動、百日維新也無 力回天,令支帝制的溫和改革派僅餘的希望亦告幻滅,有識之士相 信只有革命才能拯救中國。
And yet, attempts to save the nation by launching the Westernization Movement (commonly known as the Self-strengthening Movement) and the Hundred Days' Reform had ended in failure, dashing the last hope of the moderate-reformists who supported the monarchy.
我在今年年初一個新春團拜場合說過,現代社會要達至政通人 和,要比古帝制時代 困難很多,在那時候,只要出了一個勵精圖治 的好皇帝,人民豐衣足食,政通人和,庶幾近矣;今時今日卻是一個 複雜很多的局面,隨着民意的擡頭,市民對政府有越來越高的期望, 加上資訊發達,互動頻繁,單靠從上而下的長官意志固然行不通,即 使是真正在乎民意,用心良苦,但只要稍為托大,捉錯用神,也會碰 [...]
I said in a Chinese New Year gathering on the first day of the Lunar New Year that it would be much harder to foster harmony in a modern society than in the ancient imperial China.
所以, 我 代 表自由黨 發 言 , 支持我們原 來 的 修 正 案 , 但 正 如 楊議員的修 正 案所說 ,
有些字 眼 實在要修正 , 尤 其
[...] 我們說“復 甦 ” , 通 常 是 形 容經濟復 甦 , 說 軍 國主義復甦帝 制的復 甦 , 全部也 不 太 妥 善 ,其實在這種 情況下, 應 該 [...]
用“復 辟 ” , 而 “ 釣 魚 台 ” 的 稱
號,應 該 用“釣 魚 島”, 全部都應 該作 適當修改 。
Therefore, I speak on behalf of the Liberal Party to support the amendment.
在此次会议上,通过了一项主席声明(S/PRST/2011/21),其中安理会强烈谴 责帝军制造暴 行、招募和使用儿童、持续践踏人权,包括致使该区域各地超过 [...]
440 000 人流离失所。
At the meeting, a statement by the President was adopted
(S/PRST/2011/21), in which the Council
[...] strongly condemned LRA for the atrocities [...]
committed, the recruitment and use of children
and the continued abuses of human rights, including the displacement of over 440,000 people across the region.
秘书处代表表示,环境规划署提交了 帝 汶 体 制 建 设 项目的启动资金申请,该国是 剩余的非《议定书》缔约国之一。
The representative of the Secretariat said that UNEP had
submitted a request for start-up
[...] funding for institutional strengthening in Timor-Leste, which was [...]
one of the remaining non-Parties to the Protocol.
与联发援框架进程并行,教科文 组织雅加达办事处与位帝利的 计划实施单 制 定 了 东 帝 汶 -教科文组织国家计划文件(TLUCPD)以及支持国家教育战略。
In parallel to the UNDAF process, the UNESCO Jakarta Office and the
[...] Implementation Unit in Dili have also developed the Timor Leste-UNESCO Country Programming Document [...]
(TL-UCPD), and a UNESS.
对司法部门进行独立全面需求评估之后, 帝 汶 政府 又 制 定 司法 部门战略计划,这些是本报告所述期间的重大成就。
The independent comprehensive needs assessment of the justice sector, followed by the development
of a justice sector strategic plan by
[...] the Government of Timor-Leste, were major achievements [...]
during the reporting period.
总体上,帝汶的教育制分为 :学前教育、基础教育、中等教育、高等教育和经常性教 育。
In general terms, the
[...] educational system in Timor-Leste is divided in pre-school, [...]
basic education, secondary education,
higher education and recurrent education.
执行委员会决定核准帝汶的体制建 设 启动资金,资金数额为 40,000 美元,但条件 是在纽约的联合国文书保存机构收到《蒙特利尔议定书》核准文书之前不支付任何资金。
The Executive Committee
[...] decided to approve institutional strengthening start-up funds for Timor-Leste at a level [...]
of US $40,000, on the
condition that no funding would be disbursed until the instruments of ratification of the Montreal Protocol had been received by the United Nations depositary in New York.
目前政府和联 东综合团正在讨论是否有可能将小组的职能移交给安全国务秘书总稽核局办公 室,以确保增加国家所有权,以及将此程序纳入 帝 汶 法 律 制 度。
The Government and UNMIT are currently discussing the possible transfer of the Panel’s functions to the Office of the General Inspectorate of the Secretary of State
for Security in order to ensure
[...] increased national ownership and to embed the process within the Timorese legal system.
教科文组织支持亚太地区(特别是孟加拉国、不丹、印度、老挝、尼泊尔、巴布 亚新几内亚、帝汶和越南制订或 修订关于扫盲和非正规教育(NFE)的政策 及战略文件,包括非正规教育信息系统方面的工作。
Ÿ The Asia-Pacific region (particularly Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Lao People’s
Democratic Republic, Nepal, Papua
[...] New Guinea, Timor Leste, Viet Nam) benefited from UNESCO support [...]
in the development or revision
of policy and strategy documents in literacy and non-formal education (NFE), including work on information systems on NFE.
鉴于秘书长副特别代表办公室的工作重点是东帝汶的临时执法和公共安全,优先 工作是让东帝汶国家警察恢复维持各地区和单位治安的责任,进一步培训、指导、 从制上发展和加强帝汶国 家警察以及为 帝 汶 国 家警 制 作 和提供综合培 训套餐,预计该办公室的工作量将有所增加。
Given the focus of the Office of the Deputy Special Representative on interim law enforcement and public security in Timor-Leste and the priority accorded to the resumption of policing responsibilities by
PNTL in all districts
[...] and units, the further training, mentoring, institutional development and strengthening of PNTL as well [...]
as the development
and delivery of comprehensive training packages for PNTL, it is anticipated that the current workload of the Office will increase.
在非洲,刚果民主共和国东部局势、索马里局 势、苏丹局势、南苏丹帝抵抗军控 制 地 区的局势 以及科特迪瓦2011年选举后危机期间出现的局势, [...]
都突出表明了战斗人员对平民实施的暴力和暴行的 程度,即使有关方面敦促他们确保保护非战斗人 员。
Democratic Republic of the Congo,
Somalia, the Sudan, South Sudan in areas
[...] where the Lord’s Resistance Army holds sway, and [...]
in Côte d’Ivoire during the post-election
crisis of 2011, have highlighted the degree of violence and the atrocities that combatants have inflicted on civilian populations, even as they are urged to ensure the protection of non-combatants.
正如我上一次报告中指出的那样, 帝 汶 政府 在 制 定 安 全部门总体立法和政 策框架方面取得了显著进展(S/2010/522,第 29 段),而且还在这一过程中处理 了安全部门全面审查草稿中确定的多个方面。
As noted in my previous report, the Government has made notable progress in developing the overarching legislative and policy framework for the security sector (S/2010/522, para. 29) and, during this process, has addressed many of the elements identified in the draft comprehensive review of the security sector.
该计划由联 东综合团同帝汶当局共制定并于 2011 年 9 月签署,将指导联东综合团和联 合国系统开展工作,努力实现各项职责的顺利移交,以及警察、司法和关键机构 与职能的社会经济发展等方面长期能力发展努力的连续性。
Signed in September 2011, the plan developed jointly with Timorese authorities will guide the work of UNMIT and the United Nations system towards a smooth handover of responsibilities and continuity in longer-term capacity development efforts with regard to, inter-alia, police, justice and socio-economic development across key institutions and functions.
至少举行 8 次会议,向政府、特别是国防 事务国务秘书、安全事务国务秘书和军警 部门主要官员提供咨询和支助,帮助国家
警察、东帝汶国防军及其它有关安全部门 工作人员编制和通过协调程序 36 举行了编制和通过协调程序的会议,其
[...] 中包括:建立边境行动协调理事会,建 立制东帝汶国防军 2011 年招募战略的 国防秘书处/东帝汶国防军联合小组,并 [...]
举办了联东综合团赞助的“海岸警卫队 在海事安全中作用”讲座。
Provision of advice and support to the Government, through at least 8 meetings, particularly the Secretary of State for Defence, the Secretary of State for Security and the key officers of the uniformed services in the preparation and adoption of coordination procedures by PNTL, F-FDTL and other concerned security sector practitioners 36 Meetings were held on the preparation and adoption of coordination procedures, including the establishment of the Border Operations Coordinating Council, the
establishment of the joint secretariat of
[...] Defence/F-FDTL team to develop the F-FDTL 2011 [...]
recruitment strategy, and an UNMIT-sponsored
lecture was given on the theme “Role of coast guards in maritime security”.
就性别公正问题向政府提供咨询,包括争 取在司法和法律部门征聘妇女 是 特派团在反家庭暴力法方面继续向政府 提供技术咨询;就两性平等法开展调查/ 提供咨询;支持司法部制定两性平等政 策,发展东帝汶律师协会的妇女委员会; 开始制东帝汶国家警察基于两性平等 的暴力行为调查培训手册(由人口基金 牵头);支持东帝汶律师协会妇女委员会 与法律培训中心一道,鼓励增加符合条 件的女律师人数。
Provision of advice to the Government on gender justice matters, including with the aim of recruiting women into judicial and legal services Yes The Mission continued to provide technical advice to the Government on the law against domestic violence; survey/advice on gender equality law; support to the Ministry of Justice to develop a gender policy and the Women’s Committee of the Lawyers’ Association of Timor-Leste (AATL); launch of the PNTL gender-based violence investigations training manual (led by UNFPA); support to the Women’s Committee of AATL, in conjunction with the Legal Training Centre, to encourage increased numbers of qualified female legal actors.
我指的是东帝汶 在解放斗争老兵和平复员、招募新兵 制 订 有关 东帝 汶国 防军的立法和实现东帝汶国防军专业化方面取 得了经验教训并与他人分享,这支军队应当为自己服 务于本国人民和民主而感到自豪。
I note the lessons learned and shared by Timor-Leste with regard to the peaceful demobilization of the veterans of the liberation struggle, the new military recruits, the legislation concerning F-FDTL, and the professionalization of the defence forces of Timor-Leste, which should pride themselves for serving the people and democracy of their country.
[...] 专业工程学网络,为区域大学在建立大学-私营部门伙伴关系方面的能力建设提供援助,制订了东帝汶国 立大学工程系与其他亚洲国家大学之间的知识分享计划。
In the Asia-Pacific region, professional engineering networks were supported, assistance was given to regional universities to build capacity for university-private sector partnerships, and a knowledge sharing scheme was
created between the Faculty of
[...] Engineering of the National University of Timor-Leste and universities [...]
in other Asian countries.
2 月 26
[...] 日,安理会一致通过第 1912(2010)号决议,其中按目前人员制, 将联合国帝汶综 合特派团的任务期限延长至 2011 年 [...]
2 月 26 日,并认可秘书长 根据国家警察分阶段恢复履行维持治安职责的进程来重新配置特派团的警察部
On 26 February, the Council unanimously adopted resolution 1912 (2010), by which it extended
the mandate of the United Nations
[...] Integrated Mission in TimorLeste until 26 February 2011 [...]
at current levels, while endorsing
the SecretaryGeneral’s intention to reconfigure its police component, including its drawdown, in line with the phased resumption process of policing responsibilities by the national police.




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