单词 | 帝位 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 帝位 noun —throne n帝位 —the title of EmperorSee also:帝 n—emperor n
簡介 首播日期: 2012.08.13 [...] 南宋宮中兩大陣營,大王子趙貴誠(敖嘉年)及二王子趙貴和(黎諾懿)皆覬 覦 帝位。 justlatte.com | Synopsis Release Date: 2012.08.13 During the Southern Sung Dynasty, Prince CHIU [...] KWAI-SHING (Pierre Ngo) and Prince CHIU KWAI-WO (Lai Lok Yi) are rival brothers and they [...] both covet the throne of the kingdom. justlatte.com |
拿 破 崙 三 世 陷 入 了 墨 西 哥 遠 征 的 困 局 ﹐ 法 國 軍 隊 為 了 守 住 麥 克 西 米 倫 [...] (Maximillian)在 墨 西 哥 的 帝 位 而 陷 入 了 苦 戰。 hkahe.com | ment of the Mexican expedition, which committed French troops to trying to keep [...] Maximillian on the throne of Mexico. hkahe.com |
復 辟 ”原意是 失 去 帝 位而復 得 , 典 故 出自商 朝 時候的 [...] 皇 帝 太 甲 。 legco.gov.hk | But I think the use of the word "restoring" is not very [...] accurate for it originally meant the return of [...] emperor to his throne, an allusion coming [...]from a story about Emperor Taijia in the Shang Dynasty. legco.gov.hk |
与联发援框架进程并行,教科文 组织雅加达办事处与位于帝利的 计划实施 单 位 制 定了 东 帝 汶 -教科文组织国家计划文件(TLUCPD)以及支持国家教育战略。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In parallel to the UNDAF process, the UNESCO Jakarta [...] Office and the Programme [...] Implementation Unit in Dili have also developed the Timor Leste-UNESCO Country [...]Programming Document (TL-UCPD), and a UNESS. unesdoc.unesco.org |
值得注意的是,清朝康熙皇帝在位时 曾 前往大昭寺居住数日。 shangri-la.com | It is also the oldest building in the whole of Huhhot. shangri-la.com |
它是道歉,因为上帝,这位作曲家化为音乐的创作。 zh.cantorion.org | It is an apology [...] for the creation of God, translated into music [...]by this composer. cantorion.org |
這 從 以 下 的 事 例 中 見 到 其 影 響 ﹕ 奧 地 利 要 脅 腓 特 烈 四 世 ﹐ 要 他 拒 絕 法 蘭 克 福 會 議 所 給 與 的 帝 位 ﹐以 及 放 棄 在 阿 爾 穆 茨 (Olmutz)成 立 的「 王 公 聯 盟 」 。 hkahe.com | This was seen in the Austrian threat causing Frederick William IV to refuse the crown of the Frankfurt Parliament and to abandon the League of Princes at Olmutz. hkahe.com |
就算各地的君主能以武力穩守其位(如意大利和德意志各邦)﹐他們曾被打倒並 短暫失位這個事實提醒了各地的君主﹐ 其 帝位 是 何等的脆弱﹔當他們受到四方 八面的攻擊時﹐其在「梅特涅制度」中的地位是何等的孤立。 hkahe.com | iv. Even where rulers had been reinstated by force, as in the Italian and German states, their temporary overthrow had reminded kings everywhere how fragile was their position, and how independent they were on the general systems of Metternich, already under attack from so many directions. hkahe.com |
在这件印刷品上,彼得大帝站在由战争场面堆积而成的基座上,四周环绕着从九世纪到 1682 年彼得大帝即位以来,统治俄罗斯的 33 位沙皇和大公的肖像。 wdl.org | The print shows Peter standing on a pedestal depicting battle scenes, surrounded by portraits of the 33 tsars and grand dukes who ruled Russia from the ninth century to the beginning of Peter’s reign in 1682. wdl.org |
除了在1800年代晚期明治皇帝复位短暂 期间,直到今天,这个国家的兽群一直保持关闭着。 knowfood.cn | Except for a short period during the [...] Meiji Restoration in the late 1800′s, the national herd has remained closed to this day. knowfood.cn |
(d) 2010 年 5 月 16 日,上帝军袭击了位于西赤道州坦布拉 Nabaaria 村的一 [...] 个医疗中心,抢走了药品。 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) On 16 May 2010, LRA attacked a health centre [...] in Nabaaria village, Tambura, Western Equatoria State, and looted medicine. daccess-ods.un.org |
從巨大的肖像中,可以了解當時印度各邦的 王 帝 崇 高的 地 位 和 人們對他們的敬畏。 ktsf.com | From a life-size portrait of a Maharaja, it is easy to imagine the qualities this Indian king possessed and the respect and fear that he might have commanded. ktsf.com |
数量增加至 4 名。2010 年,仅有一个限期任用 职位,即帝力分 部领导的职位(ALD/P-4)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In 2010, the [...] only ALD post was that of Head of the Dili Antenna office [...](ALD/P-4). unesdoc.unesco.org |
显而易见,我们的上帝是一位做事有条 不紊的上帝。 thestudiesinthescriptures.com | Since he has recently made the grand outlines of his plan so clear, we may reasonably expect that his time is due to lead us into a knowledge of its time features. thestudiesinthescriptures.com |
上帝会称赞巴赫是由创作这首歌我们的 上 帝 的 羔 羊的 那 位 女 士 母亲救出。 zh.cantorion.org | God be praised and Bach is rescued by composing this song our Lady mother of the Lamb of God. cantorion.org |
从罗马帝国的尼禄皇帝(AD 54-68年间在位,第五代皇帝)逼 迫基督徒开始,到君士坦丁大帝公认基督教为止,约250年间,初代教会的圣徒们受尽迫害。 manmin.or.kr | From the [...] reign of the Emperor Nero who sat the throne in 54 AD and commenced persecutions against [...]Christians until Constantine [...]the Great issued the Edict of Milan and legalized Christian worship in 313, many believers of the early church had to endure and overcome severe persecutions. manmin.or.kr |
这件订制作品的综合意图和政治目的非常明显,即是维护罗马帝国朱利诺-克劳狄 [...] (Julio-Claudian) 王朝的正统性并让其延续统治(罗马 帝 国 的前 五 位 皇 帝 分 别 是:奥古斯都 (Augustus)、提比略 (Tiberius)、卡利古拉 [...](Caligula)、克劳迪斯 (Claudius) 以及尼禄 (Nero))。 wdl.org | The general meaning and the political goals of this commissioned work are clear: its aim is to assert the dynastic continuity [...] and legitimacy of the Julio-Claudian [...] emperors of the Roman Empire (the first five emperors: [...]Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, and Nero). wdl.org |
第一次世界大战引发一个事实,几乎傻了,刺杀奥 匈 帝 国 的 王 位 的 继 承人。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | World War I was to spark a fact almost silly, the assassination [...] of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
該seljuks人一組游牧土耳其勇士領導人從中亞,他們建立了自己在中東地區,在11世紀,作為監護人的下降阿巴斯哈里發,並經過1055年成立了偉大的seljuk阿曼蘇丹國,是一 個 帝 國 的中 心 位 置 在 巴格達和包括伊朗,伊拉克和敘利亞。 mb-soft.com | The Seljuks were a group of nomadic Turkish warrior leaders from Central Asia who established themselves in the Middle East during the 11th century as guardians of the declining Abbasid [...] caliphate, and after 1055 founded the Great [...] Seljuk sultanate, an empire centered in Baghdad [...]and including Iran, Iraq, and Syria. mb-soft.com |
我认为,每个人都是按 照上帝的模样造出来的,我们只有一 位 上 帝 , 他感召 我们不要仇恨,不要威胁,不要寻求优越地位,不要 杀戮。 daccess-ods.un.org | I believe that every person was created in the image of the Lord, and there’s just one Lord who calls — not to hate, not to threaten, not to seek superiority, not to kill. daccess-ods.un.org |
Seagate (深圳) 位於便利的「帝王商 城」(深圳最高的大樓),專門負責為 ODM/OEM 客戶及華南通路提供最佳技術支援與資訊服務。 seagate.com | Conveniently located in Di Wang Commercial Centre, [...] the highest building in Shenzhen, Seagate Shenzhen is dedicated to providing [...]best-in-class technical support and information services for ODM/OEM clients and the channels in South China. seagate.com |
2005 年 10 月 2 日,苏丹政府在 安理会没有参与的情况下,与我的办公室签署了一项 协议,以执行国际刑院针对约瑟夫·科尼和 上 帝 抵抗 军四位领导人签发的逮捕令。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 2 October 2005, the Government of the Sudan, without this Council’s involvement, signed an agreement with my Office to implement the arrest warrants issued by the ICC against Joseph Kony and four leaders of the Lord’s Resistance Army. daccess-ods.un.org |
自 2007 以来,三年平均经济增长率达到了两位 数。东帝汶被喻为 2008 年和 2009 年世界十个增长最 快的经济体之一。 daccess-ods.un.org | Averaging three years of [...] consistent double-digit economic growth since 2007, Timor-Leste has been [...]cited as one of the top 10 [...]fastest growing economies in the world for 2008 and 2009. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是 世人在冷眼旁观,并且说这是一些些不切 实际的狂热份子,还说,如果真的有 一位 上帝,他一定会更理智,更公正。 thestudiesinthescriptures.com | But the world coolly looked on, and [...] said that these were unreasonable enthusiasts, [...] and, if there is a God, he is certainly [...]more reasonable and just than that. thestudiesinthescriptures.com |
武则天,是中国历史上惟一的一位女皇 帝。 chinesestoryonline.com | Wu Ze Tian (武则天) (624-705), was the only woman in the Chinese history to assume [...] the title of Empress Regnant. chinesestoryonline.com |
1807年,Debauve & Gallais把歷史上第一塊當代巧克力 — 巧克力杏仁豆命名為「拿破侖」,全因御廚Marie-Antoine Carême [...] (傳統白色高頂廚師帽的發明者) 將這個朋友創立的巧克力品牌引進拿破侖 的 帝 國 版 圖,令 這 位 顯 赫 的政治和軍事家深深醉倒。 think-silly.com | Debauve & Gallais named the first contemporary chocolate ‘Croquamandes’, after royal chef Marie-Antoine Carême (who invented the [...] chef white top hat) introduced the [...] label to the Napoleon Empire, winning over this one [...]of the greatest politicians and military commanders in history. think-silly.com |
第六位成员是帝霍• 科洛特•德斯库瑞(Tijo Collot d'Escury)(43岁),他从监事会退出后加入董事会。 rolandberger.com.cn | The sixth member is Tijo Collot d'Escury (43), who joins the EC from the Supervisory Board. rolandberger.com.cn |
全世界的用户十分珍惜UWT( 物位帝 ) 在不同领域为他们提供量身设计的解决方案,UWT( 物位帝 )产品 的简便操作,可靠灵活及超长寿命的特性给所有用户留下了不可磨灭的印象。 industrystock.cn | This applies just as much to the technical reliability as to the quality of the products and services. industrystock.com |
几乎在每一地区和 单位,东帝汶国 家警察都继续面临严峻挑战,特别是在运输、后勤、通信、办公 设备和设施领域,这就要求它们依赖联东综合团警察来履行其日常职责。 daccess-ods.un.org | In almost every district and unit, PNTL continues to face serious challenges, especially in the areas of transportation, logistics, communications, office equipment and facilities, requiring them to depend on UNMIT police to carry out their daily duties. daccess-ods.un.org |