

单词 帖木儿大汗

See also:

大汗 adv

profusely adv


profuse perspiration
supreme khan

External sources (not reviewed)

我借此机会,欢迎工作 组在维蒂大使的 领导下访问阿富汗,在访问期间与 政府有关实体展开了重要讨论,以促进阿 汗儿 童生 活的改善。
I take this opportunity to welcome the Working
Group’s visit to Afghanistan, led by
[...] Ambassador Wittig, during which important discussions were held with relevant Government entities to enhance progress in the lives of Afghan children.
在开幕式上,卡里莫夫总统恰当地指出 帖木儿 的 历史使命也让亚洲和欧洲 国家首次产生了对同一地缘政治空间的归属感。
At the opening ceremony, President Karimov
noted quite rightly that one of the
[...] historical missions of Tamerlane had been for [...]
the States of Asia and Europe to see themselves,
for the first time in history, as sharing the same geopolitical space.
新的纪念性建筑 物也纷纷兴建,包括纪念伊玛目布哈里和法尔干尼的纪念碑 帖木儿汗 和 帖木儿 王 朝博物馆,以及体现东方建筑传统之优雅和现代建筑发展之辉煌的其他许多纪 念性建筑物。
New memorial sites have been built, including the Memorial of Remembrance and Commemoration, the Imam al-Bukhari and al-Ferghani sites, the Tamerlane museum and many others, which combine traditional oriental architecture with modern architectural elements and are renowned for their elegance and grandeur.
已经有几代阿富汗人承受了大的战 争负担,为 了阿汗儿童以 及他们对于更美好未来的希望,对话 与和解必须成为阿富汗所有各方的重中之重。
Dialogue and reconciliation must be the priority for all
[...] parties in Afghanistan for the sake of Afghan children and their hopes [...]
for a better future, generations
of whom have already borne the enormous burden of war.
有些在殖民年代被不公正遗忘的乌兹别克人民的 大 祖 先 ,重新获 得了崇敬,如伊玛目 al-Boukhari、伊玛目 at-Tirmidhi、Bakhaouddin Nakchbandi、 Hodja Ahmad Yasavi、帖木儿、Bo borakhim Mashrad、Burkhoniddin Marghiloni 等等;他们不仅为民族文化的发展、而且对全人类的文明做出了 大 贡 献
Also restored have been the names of great Uzbek forefathers, unjustly forgotten during the years of the colonial regime, names such as Imam al-Bukhari, Imam al-Termezi, Baha' al-Din Naqshband, Hoja Ahmad Yasawi, Tamerlane, Boborahim Mashrab, Burhan al-Din al-Margiloni and others, who contributed enormously not only to Uzbek culture, but also to the riches of global civilization.
汗还强调,该国的法律制度重视两性平等以及所 儿 童获 得平等的教育机会。
As well, Afghanistan stressed the importance of gender equality, as well as equal access to education for all children, embodied in [...]
its legal system.
暴力袭击发生在我们的村庄里、集市中 大 街 上, 将努力正常生活的阿汗儿童置 于危险之中。
Violent attacks take place in our
[...] villages, markets and public streets, and put Afghan children at risk as they attempt [...]
to live normal lives.
法国总统希拉克和教科文组织总干事马约尔等参观者,欣赏了展 帖木儿和 帖木儿时代科学文化遗产的展品(珍贵手稿、硬币和服装等),以及关 帖木儿时 代的当代乌兹别克艺术家的作品(绘画和应用艺术)。
The visitors to the exhibition, including the President of France at that time, Mr. Jacques Chirac, and the Director-General of UNESCO, Mr. Federico Mayor, became acquainted with the artefacts on display, which reflected the scientific and cultural heritage of the period of Tamerlane and the Timurids (valuable manuscripts, coins, items of clothing and so on), and also with contemporary works relating to the period of the Timurids by Uzbek artists and craftsmen.
帖木尔帝 国(Tamerlan)的故都,它拥有堪称伊斯兰创 造性文化之杰作的建筑和城市景观,也是 大 的 丝 绸之路上一个重要的文化交流中心。
The city, once the capital of the great Tamerlan (Timur), is well known not only for its architecture and townscape, masterpieces of Islamic cultural [...]
creativity, but also
as one of the most important centres of cultural interactions along the Great Silk Road.
大会第六十四届会议欣见完全由阿 汗 当 局 负责举行了阿富汗的第一次选 举;强调联合国在促进阿汗的和 平与稳定方面发挥不偏不倚的中心作用;请秘 书长大会第 六十四届会议期间每三个月 大 会 提 交一次报告,报告阿 汗 的事 态发展以及执行本决议的进展情况(第 64/11 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly, welcoming the first elections in Afghanistan run entirely under the responsibility of the Afghan authorities, stressed the central and impartial role of the United Nations in promoting peace and stability in Afghanistan, and requested the Secretary-General to report to the General Assembly every three months during its sixty-fourth session on developments in Afghanistan, as well as [...]
on the progress made
in the implementation of the resolution (resolution 64/11).
以下亚太经社会成员派代表出席了本届会议:阿 汗 、 澳 大利 亚、孟加拉国、不丹、文莱达鲁萨兰国、柬埔寨、中国、印度、印度 [...]
尼西亚、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、日本、老挝人民民主共和国、马来西 亚、蒙古、缅甸、尼泊尔、巴基斯坦、帕劳、菲律宾、大韩民国、俄
罗斯联邦、萨摩亚、所罗门群岛、斯里兰卡、泰国、美利坚合众国和 越南。
The Committee session was attended
by representatives of the following
[...] members of ESCAP: Afghanistan; Australia; Bangladesh; [...]
Bhutan; Brunei Darussalam; Cambodia;
China; India; Indonesia; Iran (Islamic Republic of); Japan; Lao People’s Democratic Republic; Malaysia; Mongolia; Myanmar; Nepal; Pakistan; Palau; Philippines; Republic of Korea; Russian Federation; Samoa; Solomon Islands; Sri Lanka; Thailand; United States of America; and Viet Nam.
这些突厥土耳其语诗歌很可能出自涅甫伊(1501 年逝世)编纂的诗集 《Divan》
[...] (纲要),涅甫伊是最后一帖木儿 统 治者 Husayn Bayqara 在1470-1506年执政时期的一位杰出的政治家,精通土耳其语及其文化。
The verses in Chaghatay Turkish most likely were drawn from the Divan (Compendium) of poetry composed by Mir ‘Ali Shir Nava'i (died
1501), a powerful statesman during the
[...] rule of the last Timurid ruler Husayn Bayqara [...]
(ruled 1470-1506) and a champion of
Turkish language and literature.
陷于冲突中的阿汗儿童的 困境依然令我国代 表团感到关切,在这方面,我们强烈谴责上周日一名 骑摩托车的疑似武装分子袭击一所学校的行为,此人 向学大门投掷了一枚手榴弹。
My delegation remains concerned by the plight of children caught up in conflict in Afghanistan, and in this connection we strongly condemn the attack on a school on Sunday by a suspected militant on a motorcycle, who [...]
threw a hand grenade at the gates of the school.
Asifi 是赫拉特著名诗人加米(卒于 1492 年 [希吉来历
[...] 897 年] )的学生,他一直都留帖木儿王朝 的首都直到去世(1517 年[希吉来历 [...]
923 年 ] ),甚至是在乌兹别克入侵期间和之后。
A student of the famous poet Jami (died 1492 [897 AH]) in Herat, Asifi
[...] remained in the Timurid capital city until [...]
his death (1517 [923 AH]), even during
and after the Uzbek invasions.
10 月 6 日,拉莫斯-奥尔塔总统在帝力主持仪式,将 2011 年 9 月 11 日辞职
[...] 的东帝汶武装部队(东帝汶国防军)离任指挥官陶尔·马坦·鲁阿克的职权移交给 继任人莱雷·阿南·帖木儿少将
On 6 October, President Ramos-Horta hosted a ceremony in Dili to mark the handover of functions from the outgoing Commander of the Timorese armed forces (Falintil-Forças Armadas de Defesa de
Timor-Leste (F-FDTL)), Taur Matan Ruak, who resigned on 1 September 2011, to his
[...] successor, Major-General Lere Anan Timur.
制造商: Italbaby国家: 意大利为古典风格,新儿的大型木 制 车 轮上 的柳条摇篮由天然河普鲁特河 (藤) [...]
Manufacturer: Italbaby Country: Italy Wicker
[...] cradle on large wooden wheels for the newborn in the classical [...]
style, is made
of natural river Prut (rattan) and natural fabrics.
在这方面,我很高兴听到武装部队领导莱雷·阿 南·帖木儿少将公开表示,东帝汶国防军在选举期间 [...]
的作用是如果有关文职部门提出请求,为国家警察提 供支持。
In this context, I was heartened by the public
statements of the head of the armed forces,
[...] MajorGeneral Lere Anan Timur, regarding F-FDTL’s [...]
role during the elections as a support
to the PNTL, if and when requested by the appropriate civilian authorities.
[...] (Shah Shujah) 的赞助许多年,并在晚年得帖木儿 的 资 助。
Born to a poor family in Shiraz, where he lived most
of his life, Hāfiz enjoyed the patronage of Shah Shujah for many years and in his
[...] last years that of Timur (Tamerlane).
下列国家的部长和高级官员在此次圆桌会 议上作了发言:克罗地亚、挪威、土耳其、喀麦隆、奥地利、泰国、赞比亚、菲
律宾、秘鲁、加纳、中国、塞内加尔、蒙古、安哥拉、罗马尼亚、美利坚合众国、 摩洛哥、匈牙利、莱索托、中非共和国、印度、波兰、俄罗斯联邦、捷克共和国、
[...] 以色列、毛里塔尼亚、乌克兰、加蓬、印度尼西亚、博茨瓦纳、厄瓜多尔、哥斯 达黎加、厄立特里亚、阿汗、意大 利 、尼泊尔和牙买加。
During this round table, ministers and high officials of the following countries made statements: Croatia, Norway, Turkey, Cameroon, Austria, Thailand, Zambia, Philippines, Peru, Ghana, China, Senegal, Mongolia, Angola, Romania, United States of America, Morocco, Hungary, Lesotho, Central African Republic, India, Poland, Russian Federation, Czech Republic,
Israel, Mauritania, Ukraine, Gabon, Indonesia, Botswana, Ecuador, Costa
[...] Rica, Eritrea, Afghanistan, Italy, Nepal [...]
and Jamaica.
容的三张帖。阿拉木图办 事处出版了关于对 Atyrau 城和地区(里海)可持续发展研究的 [...]
The Almaty Office published results of a study [...]
on sustainable development of Atyrau city and region (Caspian Sea).
另在 3 月 1 日第 5 次会议上,联合王国、俄罗斯联邦、喀麦隆、古巴、坦桑 尼亚联合共和国、摩洛哥、苏里南、蒙古国和尼日尔的代表以及伊朗伊斯兰共和
[...] 国、埃及、科威特、马拉维、西班牙、阿 汗 、 瑙鲁 、 大 韩 民国、印度、孟加拉 国和瓦努阿图的观察员发了言。
Also at the 5th meeting, on 1 March, statements were made by the representatives of the United Kingdom, the Russian Federation, Cameroon, Cuba, the United Republic of Tanzania, Morocco, Suriname, Mongolia and the Niger, as well as the observers for Iran
(Islamic Republic of), Egypt,
[...] Kuwait, Malawi, Spain, Afghanistan, Nauru, the Republic [...]
of Korea, India, Bangladesh and Vanuatu.
最好帖子通常会收大量的“赞同”反馈,并一再 得到分享,但帖子同样得大量的“评论”,因为 还有进一步改进的余地。
The best posts usually receive large numbers of “likes” and are “shared” repeatedly, but the good ones get an equally large number [...]
of “comments”,
because there is still scope for further improvement.
对保健工作者和设施的袭击也持续不断,迫使许多设施关闭或缩减服务,有 效地切断了几十万阿汗儿童的 基本保健服务,特别是在 大 哈 、尼姆鲁兹、库 纳尔、霍斯特、赫尔曼德、瓦尔达克、楠格哈尔和昆都士。
There were also continued attacks on health workers and facilities, forcing many to close or scale down
services, effectively
[...] cutting off hundreds of thousands of Afghan children from basic health care, in particular [...]
in Kandahar, Nimroz,
Kunar, Khost, Helmand, Wardak, Nangahar and Kunduz.
以下亚太经社会成员的代表出席了会议:阿 汗 、 亚 美尼亚、大利亚 、阿塞拜疆、孟加拉国、不丹、文莱达鲁萨兰国、中国、法国、印 [...]
度尼西亚、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、日本、哈萨克斯坦、基里巴斯、吉尔吉斯 斯坦、老挝人民民主共和国、马来西亚、马尔代夫、蒙古、缅甸、尼泊尔、
新西兰、巴基斯坦、帕劳、菲律宾、萨摩亚、新加坡、所罗门群岛、斯里 兰卡、泰国、东帝汶、汤加、图瓦卢、美利坚合众国、瓦努阿图和越南。
55. The meeting was attended by representatives of the
[...] following members of ESCAP: Afghanistan; Armenia; Australia; Azerbaijan; [...]
Bangladesh; Bhutan; Brunei
Darussalam; China; France; Indonesia; Iran (Islamic Republic of); Japan; Kazakhstan; Kiribati; Kyrgyzstan; Lao People’s Democratic Republic; Malaysia; Maldives; Mongolia; Myanmar; Nepal; New Zealand; Pakistan; Palau; Philippines; Samoa; Singapore; Solomon Islands; Sri Lanka; Thailand; Timor-Leste; Tonga; Tuvalu; United States of America; Vanuatu; and Viet Nam.
三年前,大会通过了具有历史意义的第 62/557
[...] 号决定,开始了关于改革进程的政府间谈判,我们赞 扬参与政府间谈判的各方在阿汗大 使 查希尔·塔宁 先生的领导下,朝着这一方向作了种种努力。
adopted the historic decision 62/557 to commence intergovernmental negotiations on the reform process, and we commend the efforts of the
intergovernmental negotiations, under the chairmanship of the
[...] Ambassador of Afghanistan, Mr. Zahir Tanin, [...]
in this direction.
一名 15 岁的男孩讲述,他 13 岁时被塔利班绑架,带到巴基斯坦靠近
[...] Turham 边界的地方,他在那里与其他 阿汗儿童一起被囚禁近 2 年,并受到使用武器的训练。
One boy, aged 15 years, recounted that he was kidnapped by the Taliban at the age of 13 and taken to Pakistan, near the Turham
border, where he was kept in
[...] captivity, among other Afghan children, for almost two [...]
years and received training in the use of weaponry.
大众媒体也报道侵略主权国家及随后严重侵犯人权的行为,如以“反恐战争” 为借口在伊拉克和阿汗大规模 杀害平民的行为,从而帮助人们清楚地了解这种 [...]
The mass media also carries accounts of the invasion into sovereign states and the subsequent grave human rights violations like the
massive killings of civilians
[...] perpetrated in Iraq and Afghanistan under the pretext [...]
of “war on terror”, thus helping people
have clear understanding of its grave consequences to global peace and security.
(a) 下列34
[...] 个缔约国自愿提供了为进行探雷、排雷或销毁地雷的技术培训 而使用所保留杀伤人员地雷的信息:阿 汗 、 阿 根廷、 大 利 亚 、孟加拉国、比 利时、巴西、保加利亚、加拿大、智利、塞浦路斯、丹麦、法国、德国、几内亚 [...]
比亚、荷兰、尼加拉瓜、卢旺达、塞尔维亚、南非、西班牙、瑞典、土耳其、乌 干达、也门、赞比亚和津巴布韦。
(a) The following 34 States Parties have volunteered information on the use of retained anti-personnel mines for the training in mine
detection, mine clearance or mine
[...] destruction techniques: Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, [...]
Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria,
Canada, Chile, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, Guinea Bissau, Honduras, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Latvia, Namibia, the Netherlands, Nicaragua, Rwanda, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Uganda, Yemen, Zambia and Zimbabwe.




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