

单词 帕台农神庙

See also:

神庙 n

shrine n


temple (nonspecific)

External sources (not reviewed)

我们期待着与其他博物馆合作,并找到归帕台农神庙石雕的途径,这将丰富而非剥夺它们的 精美收藏。
We look forward to cooperating with other museums and to finding ways of returning the Parthenon marbles that will enrich rather than deprive their magnificent collections.
7.请总干事协助希腊和联合王国召开所需会议,以便 帕台农神庙 的 浮 雕 问题找到一个双方都能接受的解决办法。
the Director-General to assist in convening the necessary meetings between Greece
and the United Kingdom with the aim of reaching a mutually acceptable
[...] solution to the issue of the Parthenon Sculptures.
帕台农神庙以人性为基 础,是一个非常独特的象征,不仅对于我们已取得的 [...]
成就,而且最终对于我们即将创造的成就,都是一座 屹立的灯塔。
With its foundation in human
[...] nature, the Parthenon is a symbol [...]
so unique that it stands as a beacon, not only for the achievements
we have managed, but ultimately for those we are about to create.
对于我们希腊人来说帕台农神庙既 是 所有那一 切,也是我们民族特性的一部分——这是我们遗产的 [...]
To us Greeks, the Parthenon is all those things [...]
and also part of who we are — a fundamental part of our heritage.
提 交给教科文组织促使文化财产送回原有国或归还非法占有的文化财产政府间委员会的一些问 题得到了特别的重视和支持,尤其 帕台农神庙 大 理 石(联合王国和希腊)和哈特拉头像 (联合王国和伊拉克)。
Return of Cultural Property to its Countries of Origin or its Restitution in Case of Illicit Appropriation received special attention and support, notably the Parthenon Marbles (United Kingdom and Greece) and the Head from Hatra (United Kingdom and Iraq).
5.注意到雅典卫城博物馆邀请大英博物馆于 2011 年举行会议,以进一步 开展拟议的合作;
[...] 6.请总干事协助希腊和联合王国召开所需会议,以便 帕台农神庙 的 浮 雕 问题找到一个彼此都能接受的解决办法。
the Director-General to assist in convening the necessary meetings between Greece
and the United Kingdom with the aim of reaching a mutually acceptable
[...] solution to the issue of the Parthenon Sculptures.
2008 年 9 月,意大利归还希腊台农神庙檐壁 的希腊女神阿尔忒弥丝脚部雕塑残片。
In September 2008, Italy returned to Greece a fragment of the Parthenon frieze representing the foot of the ancient goddess Artemis.
台农神庙 大理石浮和博阿兹柯伊狮身人面像就是委员会关注的广为人知的案例。
Cases such as the Parthenon Marbles and the Bogazkoy Sphinx are some widely known examples brought to the attention of the ICPRCP.
这次会议上阐明两点:a)由于大英博物馆所具有的法律地位使其独立 于英国政府,因此,大英博物馆的托管委员会有权决定如何处理 台农神庙 大 理 石浮雕问 题;b)可以通过一项法律改变大英博物馆的独立地位,但是,英国政府目前不考虑修改有关 这一事项的立法。
There it was clarified that: (a) because of the legal status of the British Museum which makes it independent in this regard from the British Government, it is the prerogative of the Board of Trustees of the British Museum to determine the disposition of the Parthenon Marbles; and (b) the independent status of the British Museum may be changed by a law, but the British Government is not currently considering to revise legislation on this matter.
希腊同样强调了在文化方面与英国开展的卓有成效的合作,并表 示希望这种合作能够继续下去,希望这种合作可以为寻求解决 台农神庙 大 理 石浮雕问题起 到推动作用。
Greece also underlined the valuable cooperation with the United Kingdom on cultural matters which, it hoped, would continue and would act as a catalyst in finding a solution for the Parthenon Marbles.
关于台农神庙大理 石浮雕的问题(委员会第十五届会议通过的第 1 号建议), 希腊代表强调了该作品超越所有权问题的美学价值的重要性、其统一性及其原始背 景。
Regarding the issue of the Parthenon Marbles (Recommendation No. 1 adopted at the fifteenth session of the Committee), the representative of Greece stressed the importance of the aesthetic value of the work, its unity and its original context over the question of ownership.
邓恩郡的历史已有七千年,那里充满了历史遗迹,但是最有名的还是邓恩帕特里克(Downpatrick)——爱尔兰的守 神 圣 帕 特 里 克据说就埋葬在那里。
With a history that covers over 7,000 years, Down is blessed with a
wealth of heritage sites, but the most famous of all is Downpatrick,
[...] where Ireland’s patron saint is reputed [...]
to be buried.
2008 年 10 月,瑞士巴塞尔博物馆以捐赠方式归还埃及一只来自阿蒙霍特普三世雕像 ƒ 2008 年 11 月,梵蒂冈博物馆归还了希腊 台农神庙 北 面 檐壁的残片,结束了雅典长达
In October 2008, the Basel Antikenmuseum returned to Egypt (by way of a donation) an eye originally belonging to a statue of Amenhotep III.
大英博物馆表示愿意出借一些标牌,但条件是希腊方面必须正式承 认大英博物馆对台农神庙大理 石浮雕的所有权。
The British Museum offered to loan some of the panels on condition that Greece officially acknowledge the British Museum’s ownership of the Marbles.
第 1 号建议 促使文化财产送回原有国或归还非法占有的文化财产政府间委员会 考虑到教科文组织的相关建议,建议表示了对 台农神庙 大 理 石浮雕问题长期关注, 以求找到解决办法
The Intergovernmental Committee for Promoting the Return of Cultural Property to its Countries of Origin or its Restitution in Case of Illicit Appropriation
在该博物馆可以直接看到台农神庙 , 为目前在大英博物馆展出的浮雕提供 了在美学上完美的呈现。
The Museum was in direct visual contact with the Parthenon and thus offered an aesthetically perfect repository for the sculptures currently displayed at the British Museum.
委员会还再次请总干事 协助在希腊和联合王国之间举行必要的会议,以便在 台农神庙 大 理 石浮雕问题上达成双方 都能接受的解决办法。
The Committee again requested the Director-General to assist in convening the necessary meetings between the parties in order to find a mutually acceptable solution to the issue of the Parthenon Marbles.
一名 trokosi 通常在神庙中除了操持家务和司仪之外,还要在属 神庙 的 农 田 上 长时间地劳 动。
In addition to performing domestic chores and
ritual duties at the shrine,
[...] a trokosi is usually also expected to work long hours on farmland belonging to the shrine.
主席(以阿拉伯语发言):我衷心感谢卢森堡大使 西尔维·卢卡和新加坡大使瓦努·戈帕 拉 · 梅 农 如此 干练和耐心地主持了非正式协商中的讨论和进行了 复杂的谈判,以及全体会员国对成功完成成果文件草 稿所作的宝贵贡献。
The President( spoke in Arabic ): I should like to express my sincere thanks to Ambassador Sylvie Lucas of Luxembourg and Ambassador Vanu Gopala Menon of Singapore, who so ably and patiently conducted the discussions and complex negotiations in the informal consultations, and to all Member States for their valuable contributions to the successful completion of the draft outcome document.
继续与萨帕农业研 究所合作 将使得能够进一步查明该地区的土壤病原菌,考虑到气候条件,从而提高替代化学品的功 [...]
[...] cooperation with the Agriculture Institute in Zacapa [...]
will allow enhancing the identification of the soil pathogens
in the region, incorporating climatic conditions in order to improve the efficacy of the alternative chemicals, and providing training to the staff.
一些學者,如威廉爵士瓊斯宣稱,這是一個拙劣的偽造現 帕 西 神 父 , 和這個問題是有爭議的半世紀之前,事先研究報告中提出的梵文和比較語言學決定此事,並證實了真實性的聖經和價值安克蒂爾的工作,雖然他的翻譯,作為第一次嘗試,是必然,不完善在許多方面。
Some scholars, like Sir William
Jones, declared that it was a clumsy
[...] forgery of modern Parsee priests, and the question [...]
was disputed for half a century until
the advance made in the study of Sanskrit and comparative philology decided the matter and vindicated the genuineness of the scriptures and the value of Anquetil's work, although his translation, as a first attempt, was necessarily, imperfect in many respects.
下列小组成员作了讲述:主管经济和社会事务副秘书长沙祖康;新加坡常驻 联合国代表瓦努·戈帕拉·梅农;全 球金融、国际发展和慈善事业经济评论员 Michael Green。
The following panellists made presentations: Sha Zukang, Under-SecretaryGeneral for Economic and Social Affairs; Vanu Gopala Menon, Permanent Representative of Singapore to the United Nations; and Michael Green, Economic Commentator on Global Finance, International Development and Philanthropy.
这 些项目包括在加拉巴格的流离失所者和回归者的重
新融入社会项目;在喀布尔建立一个肠胃病中心;在 喀布尔理工大学通过对外公开的教学小组和能力建
[...] 设指导母亲如何照顾健康或生病的儿童;通过妇女的 积极参与支帕尔万省农村社 区的社会经济发展;扩 大 Lodin 医院的紧急护理能力;在昆都士省建立文化、 [...]
教育和社会中心;以及指导农村社区居民以更有效的 方式从农业中获益。
They include reintegrating displaced persons and returnees in Qarah Bagh; establishing a gastroenterological centre in Kabul; educating mothers on how to take care of healthy or sick children through publicly available teaching panels and building capacities at Kabul Polytechnic University;
supporting the socio-economic
[...] development of rural communities in Parwan province through [...]
the active involvement of women;
expanding the urgent-care capacities of the hospital in Lodin; building a cultural, educational and social centre in Kunduz province; and educating inhabitants of rural communities on more effective ways of profiting from agriculture.
在风景秀丽的邓恩郡旅行能够了解 帕 特 里克 的 神 奇 一 生。
Take a glimpse into the fascinating life of Saint Patrick with a trip to scenic County Down.
将继续与萨帕农业研 究所开展讨论,还将推 动实现甲基溴淘汰的长期可持续性。
Discussions with the Agriculture Institute in Zacapa [...]
will continue and will also contribute towards the long-term sustainability of the phase-out of MB.
提交委员会的两个悬而未决的案件的当事方( 台农神庙 大 理石浮雕案中的希腊 和大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国以及博阿兹考伊狮身人面像案件中的土耳其和德国) 介绍了正在进行的双边谈判的最新情况。
The parties involved in the two cases pending before the Committee, Greece and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland for the Parthenon Marbles and Turkey and Germany for the Boğazköy Sphinx, gave an update on the ongoing bilateral negotiations.
在亚洲及太平洋地区,总干事出访了下列会员国:在庆祝婆罗浮 神庙 保 护运动结束 二十周年而召开的第四届婆罗浮图问题国际专家会议(2003 [...]
年 7 月 4-8 日)之际访问了印度 尼西亚(2003 年 7 月 2--6 日);最近加入本组织的第
189 个会员国,赢得独立(2002 年 5 月 20 日)后刚好一年多的东帝汶(2003 年 7 月 6--7 日);两次访问印度,首先是 2003 年 7 月 9--11 日在举行国际部长级会议“文明对话:探索新前景”之际,其次是 2003 年 11 月 9-13 日在新德里召开的教科文组织全民教育高层工作组第三次会议时;孟加拉国(2003 年 11 月 13--17 日),在此期间,他签订了促进技术和职业教育项目的业务运作计划;不丹(2003 年 11 月 17--20 日)---这是总干事自该国于 1982 年加入本组织以来的首次访问。
In the Asia and the Pacific region, the Director-General paid official visits to: Indonesia (2-6 July 2003) on the
occasion of the Fourth International
[...] Experts’ Meeting on Borobudur (4-8 July 2003) [...]
which marked the twentieth anniversary of
the closing of the Borobudur Safeguarding Campaign; Timor-Leste (6-7 July 2003) the Organization’s 189th and newest Member State, just over one year after it attained independence (20 May 2002); India, first, from 9 to 11 July 2003, on the occasion of the International Ministerial Conference “Dialogue among Civilizations: Quest for New Perspectives” and, from 9 to 13 November 2003, on the occasion of UNESCO’s Third Meeting of the High-Level Group on Education for All hosted in New Delhi; Bangladesh (13-17 November 2003) where he signed a Plan of Operations for a Technical and Vocational Training project; Bhutan (17-20 November 2003) – this being the first visit by a Director-General since the country joined the Organization in 1982.
在 3 月 11 日第 8 次会议上,法国外交和欧洲事务部主管全球经济和发展战 略的司长兼二十国集团发展工作组共同主席 Serge
[...] Tomasi 以及新加坡常驻联合 国代表兼全球治理组织召集人瓦努· 戈 帕 拉 · 梅 农 作 了 介绍。
At the 8th meeting, on 11 March, presentations were made by Serge Tomasi, Director of Global Economy and Development Strategies of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of France and
Co-Chair of the G-20 Development Working
[...] Group and by Vanu Gopala Menon, Permanent Representative [...]
of Singapore to the United
Nations and Convener of the Global Governance Group.
神经科主管头痛 Clinic、癫痫治疗及咨询、脑中风诊疗及治疗 帕 金 森 氏病 神 经 肌 肉疾 病 ( 神 经 电 图检查、肌电图检查), 并进行脑波检查。
Neurology treats and counsels headache clinic, epilepsy, stroke and Parkinson's disease, carries out nerve conduction test and electromyogram(EMG) test of neuromuscular diseases and electroencephalography(EEG) and treats them.
主席介绍了食品中兽药残留法典委员会第二十届会议上提出的事项,并解释说委 员会 无 法 就是 否 将帕特 罗 纳 入农 组 织 / 世 界 卫生 组 织 食品 添加 [...]
剂 联 合专 家 委 员 会 (JECFA)兽药评估或复评优先列表(以下简称“优先列表”)达成共识,并希望食典
The Chairperson introduced the matter arising from the 20th CCRVDF and explained that the
Committee could not reach
[...] consensus on the inclusion of zilpaterol in the Priority List [...]
of Veterinary Drugs for Evaluation
or Re-evaluation by JECFA (“Priority List”) and had sought the Commission’s guidance regarding the factors that should be considered in making a decision on whether or not to include a veterinary drug in the Priority List.




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