单词 | 帐篷 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 帐篷 noun —tents plless common: marquee n • flysheet n 帐篷 noun, plural —canopies plExamples:帐篷内 pl—tents pl See also:帐—tent • canopy • covering veil 帐 n—screen n
然后她穿过营地往家走,和数十万海地灾民一样,她们全家挤在一间简陋 的 帐篷 里。 unicef.org | Then she walked back through the camp to her home, where – like hundreds of thousands in Haiti – she lives in a flimsy shelter with her entire family. unicef.org |
令人遗憾的是, [...] 这并没有能够阻止青年一再投掷石块,发动袭击,最 近还发生向一家回归者帐篷开枪射击的事件,所幸没 有造成任何伤亡。 daccess-ods.un.org | Regrettably, however, this did not stop further repeated attacks by stone-throwing [...] youths and, most recently, the firing of [...] bullets into the tent of a returnee family, [...]which fortunately did not result in any injuries. daccess-ods.un.org |
末底改和里格比崩溃党,但他们被拒绝访问,幸运的是,高五Ghost的兄弟,五鬼,鬼将末底改和里格比,使他们能够逐步通过 党 帐篷。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Mordecai and Rigby try to crash the party, but they are denied access, fortunately, [...] High Five Ghost’s brother, Low Five Ghost, turns Mordecai and Rigby into ghosts so they can [...] phase through the party tent. seekcartoon.com |
难民署还为学童提供了衣物,为妇女提供了撒哈拉传统样式的衣 物,并提供了 2 200 个帐篷和建帐篷用的材料。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNHCR also provided clothing to schoolchildren, traditional Saharan clothing to [...] women and 2,200 tents and materials for tents. daccess-ods.un.org |
总医院的帐篷里挤 满了婴儿床和装满花生酱的硬纸板箱。 unicef.org | The tents at General Hospital are [...] crowded with cribs and cardboard boxes of fortified peanut paste. unicef.org |
由于很难取得建筑许可证以扩大和改善现有的学校和建新校,以容纳 C 区的学生人数,不适当的建筑结构,包 括 帐篷 、 窝 棚和粗糙的水泥结构都被用作 学校;而在东耶路撒冷,由于欠缺 1 000 个教室以上,每年都有大量巴勒斯坦儿 童被剥夺了在耶路撒冷市和以色列教育部开设的市立学校入学的机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | Inadequate structures, including tents, shacks and crude cement structures, are being used as schools owing to the difficulties in obtaining building permits needed to expand and upgrade existing schools and build new ones to accommodate the student population in area C, while in East Jerusalem, each year large numbers of Palestinian children are denied admission in the municipal schools run by the Jerusalem municipality and the Israeli Ministry of Education owing to a shortage of over 1,000 classrooms. daccess-ods.un.org |
阻燃剂化学品常用于童装和帐篷织物 (PU 涂层),以符合安全 标准。 afirm-group.com | Flame retardant chemicals are often used in [...] children’s clothing and tent fabrics (PU coatings) [...]to meet safety standards. afirm-group.com |
关于人道主义工作,我们在应急阶段所面临的挑 战是迅速分发大量的食品、水和帐篷 , 这项工作由联 合行动任务中心进行;该中心负责记录所有请求,并 将各种任务分派给适当的部门,由其采取合宜的行 动,对象既有军事人员或警察,也有正在参与行动的 各人道主义组织和联合国各机构。 daccess-ods.un.org | With respect to humanitarian efforts, in the emergency phase we had the challenge of quickly distributing large quantities of food, water and shelter, which was done by a joint operations task centre, where all requests were posted and tasks assigned to the proper sector for appropriate action development, not just towards the military or the police, but also towards all the humanitarian organizations and United Nations agencies that were on board. daccess-ods.un.org |
有关性别暴力的主要原因是避难营缺乏安全、夜间照明不足、缺 少合适的卫生设备、缺少避难场所或 帐篷 使 得她们被迫与陌生人合住在一起。 daccess-ods.un.org | The lack of security in the camps, the poor lighting at night, the dearth of [...] proper sanitation facilities and the [...] shortage of shelters or tents which compels people [...]to cohabit with strangers are the commonest [...]reported causes of gender-based violence. daccess-ods.un.org |
许多国家公园也有让人生火做饭的设备和 搭 帐篷 的 地 方。 visitfinland.com | Many parks also [...] have cooking places and tent sites. visitfinland.com |
就在最近,以色列拆除了 Hizma 镇的一个加油站和商店,将 Al-Baqa'a 村的 30 德南的农业用地夷为平地,捣毁了灌溉系统,拆毁了 Al-Jihesh 河谷 30 多名巴勒斯坦人栖身的 6 个帐篷房屋 ,摧毁了东耶路撒冷一处正在修建的住房, 拆毁拜特哈乌拉村的 13 000 平方米巴勒斯坦土地上的石垒梯田并将 100 棵橄榄 树连根拔起,向 Jinba 山村和 Arraba 镇的几个商店店主发出拆迁令,并准备拆 除一所学校、通道公路、帐篷、泥木屋和太阳能设施,向在东耶路撒冷老城 Alqurma 区的两名巴勒斯坦人家庭发出驱逐通知,并通知他们将财产交给以色列定居者。 daccess-ods.un.org | In just the recent period, Israel demolished a gas [...] station and shop in the town of Hizma, razed 30 dunums of agricultural land and destroyed the irrigation system in the village of Al-Baqa’a, demolished six residential tents housing over 30 Palestinians in Al-Jihesh valley, demolished a home that had been under construction in East Jerusalem, demolished stone terraces and uprooted 100 olive [...]trees in 13,000 [...]square metres of Palestinian land in the village of Beit Ula, issued demolition orders for a school, access roads, tents, mud huts and solar energy facilities in the Jinba cave village, and to several shop owners in the town of Arraba, and gave eviction notices to two Palestinian families in the Alqurma neighbourhood of the Old City in East Jerusalem, along with notices to hand their properties over to Israeli settlers. daccess-ods.un.org |
全国支持统一力量委员会 [...] 主席 Evariste Meambly 声称,该组织在 2009 年 5 月至 12 月期间筹集了约 110 [...] 万美元,并用其中部分资金向统一指挥中心部队提 供 帐篷 、 床 上用品和相关装备 以及对该国 10 个行政区的统一指挥中心部队进行需求评估。 daccess-ods.un.org | The President of CONASFOR, Evariste Meambly, claimed that the organization had, between May and December 2009, raised around US$ 1.1 [...] million and had invested a portion of those [...] funds in providing tents, bedding and associated [...]equipment to Centre units and in [...]conducting needs assessments of Centre units in 10 administrative zones of the country. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,为减轻无家可归问题,向紧急形势提 供 帐篷 以 及向返回故乡的克里 米亚鞑靼人提供1 000所房屋的住房项目正在进行。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, in order to alleviate [...] homelessness, provision of tents for emergency situations [...]and a housing project to provide [...]1,000 homes for Crimean Tatars returning to their homeland are in progress. daccess-ods.un.org |
媒体办证处常设于第 45 街和第一大道十字路 口的西北角第一大道 801 号 U-100 室。8 月 15 日至 9 月 30 日期间,办证处将搬 到北草坪上 48 街入口附近的帐篷内(第一大道和第 48 街十字路口东北角)。 daccess-ods.un.org | From 15 August to 30 September, the Media Accreditation Office will be located in a tent on the North Lawn, near the 48th Street entrance (situated on the south-east corner of 1st Avenue and 48th Street. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而, 尽 管 做 了 升 级 ,由于大多 数 [...] 非法 移民在一年中(海况有利于船渡时)相对较短时间内到达,在危机高峰时期不得不使 用帐篷设施。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, despite such upgrades, the fact that the large majority of illegal immigrants reach Malta within a relatively short period of time during the year (when sea conditions are [...] favourable for boat crossing) sometimes [...] necessitates the use of tent facilities to supplement [...]accommodation facilities during the peak crisis period. daccess-ods.un.org |
2011 年 8 月,依照一项总额高达 1 000 万美元的 非洲之角地区国家紧急人道主义援助计划的规定,阿 [...] 尔及利亚开始向肯尼亚达达阿布难民营的索马里难 民空运粮食、药品和帐篷,同 时向受旱灾影响的埃塞 尔比亚、吉布提、厄立特里亚和乌干达空运粮食。 daccess-ods.un.org | In August 2011, under a $10 million emergency humanitarian aid programme for the countries in the Horn [...] of Africa, Algeria had begun airlifting [...] food, medicine and tents to Kenya for the [...]Somali refugees in Dadaab and food to drought-stricken [...]Ethiopia, Djibouti, Eritrea and Uganda. daccess-ods.un.org |
堆叠帆布床大大减少了军队在野外 的宿营区或帐篷区的 面积,既省钱又高效。 glenraven.com | Stacking cots greatly [...] reduces the billet or tent area for troops in [...]the field, which is a significant advantage in terms of cost and efficiency. glenraven.com |
游客可在迷人的人造海滩边游泳,参与各种水上活动,例如划船,之后可以去韩 式 帐篷 里 享 用一顿精心准备的美餐。 shangri-la.com | Tourists can have a bath in the amazing man-made sea beach and enjoy water activities like boating or tuck in a [...] hearty meal in a Korean styled tent. shangri-la.com |
提供了四架飞机,向上述营地空运物资,其中包括大约 200 吨药品、帐 篷、毛毯、救护车和卡车 daccess-ods.un.org | Four aircraft were provided to airlift [...] supplies to the above-mentioned camp, including some 200 tons of [...] medicines, as well as tents, blankets, ambulances [...]and trucks. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 修订《特遣队所属装备手册》的相关条款(第 2 章第 33 段;第 3 章附件 B 第 8 段;第 8 章第 15 [...] 段),规定如特遣队由于行动或后勤/行政方面的需要,需 要(经双方商定)改变任何基地兵营(小队或分队一级)的位置,部队或警察派遣国 [...] 可向联合国提出索偿,要求补偿重新安置由其负责的自我维持事务(如房舍 、帐 篷、防御工事用品、因特网、餐饮等)的合理额外费用 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) To amend the relevant clauses of the COE Manual (para. 33 of chapter 2; para. 8 of chapter 3, annex B; and para. 15 of chapter 8) stating that in the case of one contingent being required (if mutually agreed upon) to change location of any base camp (unit or sub-unit level) due to an operational or logistics/administrative requirement, the troop- or police-contributing country may submit a claim to the United Nations for reimbursement of the extra and reasonable costs to reinstall the [...] self-sustainment services under its responsibility (e.g., [...] accommodation, tentage, field defence [...]stores, Internet, catering, etc.) daccess-ods.un.org |
帐篷的供 应可以很快满 足避护的需要,而材料和工具的供应可以更好地促进重建工作。 alnap.org | Providing tents can meet immediate [...] shelter needs, but providing materials and tools might better promote recovery. alnap.org |
无家可归的儿童/Homeless:a) 没有固定、日常和足够的夜间住所的儿童,原因为以下所列诸项 [...] [...] 中的一条:由于失去住所、经济困难或类似原因,目前正寄居在他人居所的儿童;由于没有其它 办法,现在正住在小旅馆、旅馆、 帐篷 营 地 的儿童;住在紧急收容所和长期收容所的无家儿童、 [...] 被遗弃在医院中的儿童,或正在等候寄养家庭收容的儿童;b) 夜间大多睡在未经指定或通常不 [...]供人睡觉的公共或私人场所的儿童;c) 住在汽车、公园、公共场所、被废弃的建筑、劣质房 屋、公交车或火车站或类似场所的儿童。 webapps.philasd.org | Homeless: a) A child who lacks a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence due to one of the following: Children who are sharing the housing of another person due to loss of housing, economic [...] hardship, or a similar reason; are [...] living in motels, hotels, or camping grounds [...]due to the lack of alternative accommodations; [...]are living in emergency or transitional shelters; or are awaiting foster care placement; b) Children who have a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings; c) Children who are living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations or similar settings. webapps.philasd.org |
公司 甚至为狩猎帐篷开发了样品座椅。 glenraven.com | The company has even developed prototype seating for hunting blinds. glenraven.com |
此外,6 月 18 日,占领军对以色列非法定居点“Karmi Zur”附近的 Beit Ummar 村的巴勒斯坦人颁布了 35 [...] 项销毁令,进一步侵吞该村土地,并针对 Tuba 南部村庄的四个居住帐篷和一个太阳能和风力发电系统颁布了销毁令。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, on 18 June, the occupying forces issued 35 demolition orders to Palestinians in the village of Beit Ummar, which is located near to the illegal Israeli settlement of “Karmi Zur”, which continues to encroach upon the village’s [...] lands, and issued demolition orders against [...] four residential tents and a solar and wind [...]power system in the southern village of Tuba. daccess-ods.un.org |
这就需要一 个具有包容性的“大帐篷式” 的工作风格,而不是 优先考虑政党各自的政治利益。 crisisgroup.org | This requires an [...] inclusive “big tent” approach rather [...]than prioritising party-political interests. crisisgroup.org |
在同突尼斯交界的 [...] Ras Jdir 建立了一个营地,内有 60 顶帐篷,为流离 失所者提供住房和人道主义服务 daccess-ods.un.org | A camp consisting of 60 tents was set up along [...] the Tunisian border at Ras Jdir to provide housing and humanitarian services for displaced persons. daccess-ods.un.org |
本组织还提供了 90 辆满载食物、毛 毯、保暖衣物和帐篷的卡车。 daccess-ods.un.org | The organization also provided 90 trucks loaded with eatables, [...] blankets, warm clothes and tents. daccess-ods.un.org |
每况愈下的事时,里格比忘记携带的 帐篷 , 只是因为它开始下雨了,末底改不小心锁定了玛格丽特的汽车里面的钥匙,公园护林员察觉他们猎杀,则本集团的half-man/half-buck生物为“危害性质”。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Things go from bad to worse when Rigby [...] forgets to bring the tents just as it starts [...]to rain, Mordecai accidentally locks Margaret’s [...]car with the keys inside, the Park Ranger spots them and then the group is hunted by a half-man/half-buck creature for “crimes against nature”. seekcartoon.com |
该书不仅包含各种行为准则,例如获胜的骑士应该如何对待战俘,而且还包括很多皮桑从多部经典文献中收集的实用信息,例如如何选择 搭 帐篷 的 最佳地点以及如何在围攻下守城等。 wdl.org | The book contained not only rules of conduct, such as how a victorious knight should treat a prisoner of war, but also practical information that Pisan had gleaned from several classical [...] texts, such as how to choose the best [...] site to pitch one's tent and how to prevent [...]one's castle from falling under siege. wdl.org |
在地震受灾人员的临时帐篷区安 装社区电台、社区多媒体中心(CMCs)以 及移动电信中心,从而增加了居民获得信息的途径。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Access to information for citizens facilitated through the installation of community radios, Community Multimedia Centres (CMCs) and mobile telecentres in the makeshift camps for the victims of the earthquake unesdoc.unesco.org |