

单词 希望...是对的

See also:

希望 n

wish n
hopes pl




look at each other

External sources (not reviewed)

一般性辩论的新形式应当使各代表团团长有充分的机会阐述他们主 要政治观点,当希望是针对选定的 主 题
During the General Conference, one or several ministerial round tables could continue to be held; furthermore, other
innovative, interactive discussions could be held with a view to
[...] promoting “real” dialogue/networking among Member States
希望收到关于给予外部膳食供应商 采购合的资料,特是关于 所提供食 的 质 量 控制和司法 对 外 部 供应商进行 任何巡查的资料。
It also wishes to receive information as to the procurement contracts granted to outside providers of food, in particular with regard to quality control [...]
of the food provided
and any inspections which the Ministry of Justice conducts of the outside providers.
释放转移登记册的期望 是,登记册对污染 水平产生很大的向下压力,因为没有公司 希 望 被 视为最大 污染方之一。
PRTRs operate under the expectation that they will exert a significant downward pressure on levels of pollution, as no company will want to be identified [...]
as among the biggest polluters.
是我们 的目标,而我国的 政府系统已经证明有能力为人民带来他们所要求和应得的进步,因此我 对 进步 的希望绝非空想。
Progress is our goal, and our expectation thereof is justified by the proven ability of our system of government to deliver the progress our people demand and deserve.
亚太信通培训中希望在下 列领域获得经社 的 支 持 :(a) 在各 个成员国对信通技术司和亚太信通培训中心的方案开展宣传;(b) 为信 通技术司能力建设提供预算拨款,并推动为国家和地方政府提供信通技术 培训;(c) 为亚太信通培训中心政府领导人信通技术基础知识学院这一核 心方案的开展、以及最佳实践个例研究的收集和记录寻求潜在合作伙伴; (d) 在资源、专家和教员的分享方面鼓励开展区域合作,尤 是 重 视 妇女 的参与。
APCICT seeks support from the Commission in (a) advocating for ICTD and APCICT programmes in individual member countries; (b) allocating budgets for ICTD capacity-building and promoting ICT training for national and local governments; (c) identifying potential partners for the roll-out of the APCICT core programme, the Academy of ICT Essentials for Government Leaders and the collection and documentation of case studies of good practices; and (d) encouraging regional cooperation in the sharing of resources, experts and trainers, with particular focus [...]
on the participation of women.
在这方面,一个重 要方是对全委会的提法,全委会 希望 把 它 们称作 合作伙伴,是希望把它们视为教科文组织的组成部 分。
In this regard, a key aspect is the terminology used for National Commissions which do not wish to be known as partners [...]
but, rather, constituent elements of UNESCO.
然而,商业私营部门一希望对数 据库的非法 使用加以控制,使它们从订费中获得最大程度的收入,即使其中包括的一些数 据可能已存在于公共领域是通过 公共资助的研究收集得来的。
However, commercially-owned private sector databases typically seek to control unauthorised access in order to maximise revenues from subscriptions, even when some of the data they contain may be in the public domain or collected through publicly funded research.
它特别 重视核废物管理和辐对环境 的影响,并且认为, 处置或降级武器级材料、反应器转换、逐步保证高 浓缩铀库存的安全或消除高浓缩铀库存,以及促进 多边化的具有成本效益和政治中立的燃料循环是 一些充满希望的时机
It attached particular importance to nuclear waste management and the environmental effects of radiation and viewed as promising opportunities the disposal or downgrading of weapons-grade material, conversion of reactors, gradual securing or elimination of highly enriched uranium stockpiles and promotion of a multilateral, cost-effective, politically neutral fuel cycle.
他因此希望 知道法国代是否希望对答复第 3 条草案第 3 款(c) 至(g)项中述的仲裁 通知的每一项组成部分都执 行严格的期限。
He therefore wondered
[...] whether the representative of France wished strict deadlines to apply to responses to every component of the notice [...]
of arbitration described
in draft article 3, paragraphs 3 (c) to (g).
的希望是,该国将从过去 20 年来走过的路程 中汲取力量,这一现实将激励各位政治领导人履行其 对该国公民的责任,我敢说也对国 际 社会的责任。
My hope is that the country will draw strength from how far it has come during the past 20 years and that this reality will inspire political leaders to meet their responsibilities to their citizens [...]
I dare say, to the international community as well.
防止酷刑小组委员希望对巴西 当局,特 是 人 权 部政府协调人在本次查 访中积极配合并提供便利表示衷的 感 谢
The SPT wishes to express its gratitude to the Brazilian authorities and, in particular, to the Governmental focal points in the Human Rights [...]
for their positive cooperation and facilitation of the visit.
叙利亚代表团强调,有些呼吁改革的人并不真正愿意开 对 话 ,而 只 是希 望操纵民众的情绪 ,包括在星期五祈祷后当人们从清真寺走出来游行时,有一些 [...]
The delegation emphasized however that some of
those calling for change were
[...] not willing to engage in dialogue but rather manipulated the emotions [...]
of people, including at the
time of Friday prayers, when people coming out of the mosques and engaging in demonstrations were joined by armed elements and extremists, who falsely purported to represent the whole people.
它注意到战争、恐怖主义和极端主义导致暴力和动荡,表 希望 , 除 其他 外,阿富汗将在不的将来有能力 对 这 些 问题。
It noted that war, terrorism and extremism produced
violence and
[...] insecurity and expressed the hope that, inter alia, Afghanistan would be able to cope with these problems [...]
in the near future.
毫无疑问,无论是对开展风险评估和拟定审计方 的 外 聘 审计员, 是对希望 了 解本 组织管理改进动态情况的理事机构, 关键在于要知道一项建议是否完全落实并达到所有的预 期效果,或是否还需要做出新的决定或开展新的活动来实现外聘审计员确定的目标。
Both for the External Auditor, in the framework of his risk assessment and the establishment of his audit plans, and for governing bodies in their need to have a picture of trends in management improvements in the Organization, surely the most important thing is to know whether a recommendation has been fully implemented and will yield all the expected results or whether decisions or activities are still required in order to achieve the goal set by the External Auditor.
促进世界 主要宗教与文化之间的互动对话与谅解是一种崇高 的思想,我们都必须予以适当尊重,而且必须为此采 取一致行动并作出持久承诺,以实现我 的希望 ,建设一个和平世界,一个普遍存在相互宽容和尊重及互 谅互让,而是排斥和对抗的 世界,一个不同民族之 间因无知和恐惧而产生误解的情况不复存在的世界。
The promotion of interactive dialogue and understanding between and among the world’s major religions and cultures is a noble idea to which we must all pay due respect and towards which we must exert our concerted action and
sustained commitment,
[...] so that we can attain our hope for a peaceful world, where tolerance, respect and accommodation, rather than rejection and confrontation, prevail, and [...]
where misunderstandings
based on ignorance and fear between and among peoples are removed.
哥斯达黎加 赞同许多国家和利益攸关者表的关 注 , 希望对 普 遍定期审议提出一些建议,使 之对所有受审议国都更加平衡、公正和有效。
It shared the concern expressed by many States
[...] and stakeholders and wished to make some suggestions [...]
for the universal periodic review
to be a more balanced, just and effective exercise for all.
对这个问题感到关的各 个代表团是希望这项决议的措辞 反映它们担心解 雇偿金可能被任职期间满 10 年或 10 年以上的工作人 员所误用。
The delegations with concerns about the issue simply wished the wording of the resolution [...]
to reflect their concern about
possible abuses of the termination indemnity by staff with 10 or more years of service.
他表希望该组 织利用表决结果,将申请保留在 审议中名单上,以便对所提出的重要问题做出答复。
He expressed hope that the organization would make use of the result of the vote to retain its application under consideration to provide answers to the important questions posed.
他目前仍然保留的头衔仅有东京大学荣誉教授与东京经济大学的荣誉教授,而放弃了之前的众多头衔【包括日本科学委员会委员、科学委员会人文部部长、国际历史学会日本国内委员会(CISH)前主席;中东研究协会亚洲联盟(AFMA)前会长;日本与伊斯兰世界文 对 话 召 集人;中韩历史会议组织委员会主席等】,部分是由于年岁增大,部 是希望 有 更 多 的 个 人 自由与独立。
Titles that he still keeps today are only Professor Emeritus, the University of Tokyo, and Professor Emeritus, Tokyo Keizai University, leaving other titles in his previous career (including Former Member, Science Council of Japan and Director of Humanities thereof; Former Chairperson, Japan National Committee for International Congress of Historical Sciences [CISH] ; Former President, Asian Federation of Associations for Middle
East Studies [AFMA] ;
[...] Convener, Dialogue of Civilizations between Japan and Islamic World; Chairperson, Organizing Committee for Japan-Korea Historians Congress; etc.) partly because of aging and partly because of securing [...]
preferable individual freedom and independence.
PPV 鉴定并非一定要分辨出该病毒的株系, 是 国 家 植物保护组织 可希望对该病毒的株系 进行鉴定,以有利于预测该病毒的流行学行为。
Strain identification is not an essential
[...] component of PPV identification but an NPPO may wish to determine the identity of the strain [...]
to assist in predicting
its epidemiological behaviour.
我们阿拉伯集的希望是,大 会将 以协商一致方式通过一项明确、务实和建设性的决 议,要求立即停火,支持目前的国际和区域努力,加 强安全理事会关于以色列撤军、解 对 加 沙 封锁和恢 复该巴勒斯坦领土正常生活的第 1860(2009)号决议。
Our hope, in the Arab Group, is that the General Assembly will adopt, by consensus, a clear, practical and constructive resolution that calls for an immediate ceasefire, supports ongoing international and regional efforts and reinforces Security Council resolution 1860 (2009), regarding the withdrawal of Israeli forces, the lifting of the blockade against Gaza [...]
and the restoration of normal
life to that part of the Palestinian territories.
是拥有或希望发展生物技术相关产 的 国 家可 能 希望对 这 一 领域提供某些专利保护。
Countries that have, or wish to develop, biotechnology-related industries may wish to provide certain types of patent protection in this area.
为了提高公众对知识产权促进创新和创造力的认 识,计划 19 将与地区局密切合作,向尤是发展 中国家和最不发达国 的希望 开 展 对 外宣 传活动和其他活动的成员国与利益攸关者集团提供帮助。
In order to increase public understanding of IP in relation to innovation and creativity, Program 19 will work closely with the Regional Bureaus to assist Member States and
stakeholder groups, particularly in
[...] developing and least developed countries, wishing to conduct outreach campaigns and activities.
這項工作雖然十分困 難,但我的主要的,是希望政府 切實想想辦法。
This is a formidable task indeed, but my major objective is that the Government will really try to work out some solutions.
该集 团注意到报告中列的问题,希望对 所 使 用 的 一 些 术 语及关于公布和分发内部审计报告的提 是 否 符 合 监督厅现行授权任务和符合联合国更大范围的监督 框架的问题作出澄清。
The Group had taken note of the issues outlined in the report and would be seeking clarification regarding several terms used as well as the compatibility of the proposal on the dissemination and distribution of internal audit reports with the existing OIOS mandates and the greater United Nations oversight framework.
值得注的是,本 办事处在教育领域开展的计划主要关注以下战略支助领域,所有这 些都直接回应肯尼亚教育部门支助计划(KESSP)所载的战略和成果,教育部门计划实现 《2030 年望》: 通过教育管理信息系统加强规划、监测和评估教育系统;加强教育部门 以对艾滋 病毒和艾滋病;提高教育促和平计划的质量;以及通过宣传和技术支持战略规划 来加强扫盲发展。
It is noteworthy that programmes implemented by the Office in the area education focused on the following strategic areas of support, all directly responding to strategies and results contained in Kenya Education Sector Support Programme (KESSP), the education sector’s plan to materialize Vision 2030: strengthening the planning, monitoring and evaluation of the education system through EMIS; enhancing the education sector responses to HIV and [...]
AIDS; improving the quality
of education for peace programme; and strengthening literacy development through advocacy and technical support to strategic planning.
续会第一期会议工作方案列入的议题给会员国 提供了一个推进改革议程关键部的 机 会, 而 对希望 加强联合的所有 人来说,这些关键部 是 优 先事 项。
The topics included in the programme of work for the first part of the resumed session offered Member States
the opportunity to
[...] advance key parts of a reform agenda that should be a priority for all who wished to strengthen the United Nations.
但在 此際趕及舉行辯論,令我們得以㆒致表明我 的 焦 慮, 就 是希望 能 為 問題覓得解決的 方法,以及美國無條件延續㆗國的最惠國待遇。
But by holding the debate at this point in time we can unanimously declare our anxiety that a solution be found to the problem and that MFN for China be continued by the United States without conditions.
最后,我希望对科威特与伊拉克各级双边关系取 的 显 著 进展表示满意, 两国进行最高层互访,并在联合部长级委员会 2012 年 4 月举行的最近一次会议 上达成重要协定,是这一 进展的证明。
In conclusion, we would like to express our satisfaction at the noticeable progress that has been made in bilateral relations between Kuwait and Iraq at various levels, as evidenced by the exchange of visits at the highest levels and the significant agreements reached by the two States [...]
at the most recent
meeting of the Joint Ministerial Committee in April 2012.
这样的专利池可能 被用于支持竞争的目的,是也可 能造成多样化市场上默认的一种串谋关系,使得参加联 营的成员可以通过制定不合的条件 , 对希望 获 得 该技术的非成员滥用其权利。
Such pools may be used for pro-competitive purposes.
[...] However, they may facilitate tacit collusion in a multiplicity of markets and allow the pool members to impose abusive terms on nonmembers wishing to get access to technologies.




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