

单词 布政司

External sources (not reviewed)

鑑於這些組織遇 到困難,新訂的第 3(2)條布政司的酌 情權範圍擴闊,使這些組織能獲豁免繳付指定 [...]
Having regard to the difficulties of
these organizations, the new clause 3(2)
[...] extends the Chief Secretary's discretion [...]
to exempt these organizations from paying
the prescribed fee to cover Bills which are promoted to facilitate a government measure.
我知道,就這個問題,現任和候 布政司 , 以 及 現任和候任公務員事務司,均與我有共同的抱負。
That is what I will continue to try to do and I know that
[...] the existing Chief Secretary, the Chief Secretary designate, [...]
the Secretary for the Civil
Service at present and the Secretary for the Civil Service designate all share my enthusiasm on that particular point.
每逢話別之際,我們總不免憶念起大家㆒起共渡的快樂時刻。霍德爵士是 布政司的 身份最後㆒次在這裏與我們見面,我肯定大家也不會忘記在我們的小小挪亞方舟㆗所發 [...]
生的趣事,裏面有老虎、鴨子和恐龍;以及在各種運動比賽、晚宴和接待會㆗的樂趣; 甚至亦不會忘記我們彼此間有意見相左、取捨不同的時刻。
Farewells are occasions when we think of the good times we have shared
together and as Sir David meets us here for
[...] the last time as Chief Secretary, I am sure [...]
we can remember the fun we have had
in our small Noah's Ark, with the tiger, the duck and the rhinoceros, and the fun we have had at sports and dinners and receptions, as well as the times when we have all begged to differ from him.
就這件事我想問政府,究竟是否容許高級公務員 接受這樣的利益安排,以及當時 布政司 曾 否 作出局長剛才說的特別許可申 請呢?
With regard to this case, may I ask the Government if it allowed senior civil servants to accept such
advantages, and whether
[...] or not the then Chief Secretary had applied for the special permission as mentioned [...]
by the Secretary just now?
(6) 為停止任何工程或新發展工程及進行補救及復原工程而根據本條例作出 的任何命令,如須由總監或可由總監送達予政府的,必須送達予總監覺得應對該
[...] 項工程或新發展工程負責的政府部門首長;倘若未能決定該由哪㆒部門負責,則 該問題須布政司作出決定。
(6) Any order under this Ordinance concerning the cessation of any work or new development and the carrying out of remedial and restoration work which is to be, or may be, served by the Authority on the Government shall be served on the head of the Government department which appears to the Authority to be responsible for the work or new development; and, in the event
of any question arising as to which department is responsible, the question shall
[...] be determined by the Chief Secretary.
由於他經常以這兩種身份出現,他有時候大概也忘記了自己所扮演的角色,正如 有時我們也忘記了稱呼他布政司, 還 是總督先生。
Popping up so often in these two guises that he
probably forgets which role he is in, just as sometimes we forget whether
[...] to address him as Chief Secretary or Governor.
我 認為布政司訂出 的指引極合情合理, 並使我們能夠給予預委會在工作㆖取得更大成效而可能需要的任何協助和簡報。
I think that the guidelines set out by my
[...] honourable friend, the Chief Secretary, are extremely [...]
sensible and enable us to provide
members of the PWC with any help, with any briefing, that they may require to do their job better.
政 府 當 局 在 拒絕向委員會提供 上 述 政 策小組文件時
[...] 聲稱,當 局的一 貫原 則,是布 政司委 員會轄 下 所有政 策小組的 討論文件保密 [...]
, 以 確 保 在 屬 於 政 府 內部會議的政策小組會議上 , 委 員 可 隨 意 陳 述 及交流 意見。
In refusing to provide
[...] the PAC with the Policy Group paper, the [...]
Administration claimed that it had been its long-standing
principle to keep discussion papers of all Policy Groups of the Chief Secretary's Committee confidential to ensure free presentation and exchange of views at Policy Group meetings which were internal government meetings.
所有決策科的局部區域網絡聯繫而成 布政司 署 綜 合網絡 ― 這個網絡 將在未來數年逐步擴大,並布政司 署 以外的政府部門的網絡聯繫組成城 市區域網絡。
Local Area Networks in all the Policy Branches linked
to form an integrated network of the Government Secretariat, which will gradually be expanded and connected to networks in government departments outside the Secretariat to form a Metropolitan Area Network in the next few years.
家具及用具津貼的起 源 和 發 展 可從3份 文件中找 到,包括當 時布 政 司 於 1955年 10月 20日 發出的便 箋、1960年 8月 10日 財 務委員會文件的摘錄,以及1964年的《 人 事 科 規 條 》 第 862條。
the origin and development of the FDAA could be traced back to the then Colonial Secretary’s memo of 20 October 1955, an extract from a Finance Committee paper of 10 August 1960 and Establishment Regulation 862 in 1964.
布政司是香 港有說服力及堅強的代表,而作為首位華 布政司 , 陳太將能夠向美國的對話者表達 她本身對香港情況的認識,並為香港的論據提供新的動力。
The Chief Secretary is a persuasive and forceful representative of Hong Kong and, as our first local Chief Secretary, Mrs CHAN will [...]
be able to convey to her
American interlocutors her own insights on Hong Kong's situation and give fresh impetus to the Hong Kong argument.
(4) 布政司接獲根據第(3)款提交的報告後,須對有關情況進行調查,如調查 結果顯示違反第 9、17 或 22 條或根據第 21 條訂立的任何規例的行為仍持續或相 當可能再度發生布政司須確 保採取最佳的切實可行步驟,終止該違反規定的行 為或避免該行為再度發生。
(4) On receipt of a report under subsection (3) the Chief Secretary shall inquire into the circumstances and, if his inquiry shows that a contravention of section 9, 17 or 22 or any regulation made under section 21 is continuing or likely to recur, [...]
he shall ensure that
the best practicable steps are taken to terminate the contravention or avoid the recurrence.
我 相信大家仍會記得有㆒位布政司現 正 受僱於㆒間大型的公用事業機構,使該公司可 將不合理的計算利潤及資產淨值方法合理化。
I am sure we are
[...] aware that an ex Chief Secretary is now employed by a large public utility company and [...]
charged with the task of rationalizing
the unreasonable method of calculating profit against net fixed assets.
雖然剛布政司霍德 先生說現 時有很多職位已由本㆞㆟員擔任,但我要告訴各位,首長級 B1 [...]
至司級官員的比率,仍 然是 2:1,即是兩個本㆞公務員就有㆒個外籍公務員。
Although the Chief Secretary, Sir David FORD, [...]
has said just now that many posts have been filled by locals, I have to tell
Members that the ratio of locals to expatriates from Directorate Staff Grade B up to Secretary level is still 2:1, that is, for every two local officers there is one expatriate.
布政司答(譯文):主席先生,在考慮退休保障計劃時,我們還需要顧及其他因素,例 如就有關建議來說,廣大市民的受惠程度與所涉及的資源是否相稱;現有的財政資源是 否足夠;如果實行有關建議,會否使工作重複或加倍耗用資源,及有關建議是否切合實 際。
For example, whether the degree of benefit that the proposal will bring to the general public is commensurate with the resources involved, whether there are adequate financial resources available, whether any duplication of effort or resources will result if the proposal is implemented and whether the proposal is a realistic one.
16.15.1 這些提及年齡的規定應轉布政司署 各有關決策科考慮及 評議(附錄 2 及第 [...]
15.3.1 段)。
16.15.1 These references should be circulated to the appropriate
[...] branches of the Government Secretariat for [...]
consideration and comment (Annexure 2 and para. 15.3.1).
第 51(1)條說明第 III、IV 或 V
[...] 部並不將任何為保障香港安全而作出的行為定為違法,即是換句話說,如 布政司 簽了 ㆒張證明書,認為某㆒個行為是為了保障香港安全而做的,第 [...]
III、IV 及 V 部這 ㆔個部分的法例就不會違法。
Clause 51(1) specifies that nothing in Part III, IV or V shall render unlawful an act done for the purpose of
safeguarding the security of Hong Kong; in
[...] other words, if the Chief Secretary would sign [...]
to certify that a certain act was done
to safeguard the security of Hong Kong, then nothing in Part III, IV or V of the legislation would be unlawful.
容我向各位議員重申並強調布政司較 早 前在今次辯論所說,除 非政府肯定聯絡小組的協議完全合《聯合聲明》的規定,否則,是絕對不會達成該項 [...]
Let me repeat and
[...] emphasize what the Chief Secretary said [...]
earlier in this debate, that it would have been unthinkable, inconceivable
for any government to inter into the JLG agreement unless it was satisfied that it was fully consistent with the Joint Declaration.
(3) 如總監覺得任何㆟在為政府服務而執行職責時,違反第 9、17、或 22 或 根據第 21
[...] 條訂立的任何規例的規定,而該㆟又沒有隨即終止該違反規定的行為以 令總監滿意,總監須將事件布政司 報 告
(3) If it appears to the Authority that there has been a contravention of section 9, 17 or 22 or any regulation made under section 21 by any person in the course of carrying out his duties in the service of the Government, the
Authority shall, if the contravention is not forthwith terminated to his satisfaction, report
[...] the matter to the Chief Secretary.
換句 話說,如果有㆒群㆟想到總督府 布政司 署 、 或新華社和平示威,但在前往目的㆞時, [...]
In other words, suppose that a group of
people want to hold a peaceful
[...] demonstration in front of Government House, the Government [...]
Secretariat or the New China News Agency (NCNA) Office.
委員會從環境食物局局長的開場發言中察悉,早於1986年 9月, 由當時布政司擔任主席的政策小組,已得悉A公司要求政府以低廉地 價批出上水屠房用地。
The Committee noted from the Secretary for the Environment and Food’s opening statement that
as early as September
[...] 1986, the Policy Group, which was chaired by the then Chief Secretary, was aware of Company A’s request [...]
for the Government
to grant the SSSH at a low land premium.
吳榮奎先生是資深公務員,一九七一年加入政務職系,退休前擔任的高級職位計 有副銓敍司(人事管理)(一九八五至八七年)、公務員薪俸及服務條件常務委員會 秘書長(一九八九至九一年) 布政司 辦 公室轄下行政署長(一九九一至九四年)、 憲制事務司(一九九四至九七年)及運輸局局長(一九九七至二零零二年)。
Senior positions he held prior to his retirement include Deputy Secretary for the Civil Service (Staff Management) (1985 – 1987), Secretary-General of the Standing Commission on Civil Service Salaries and Conditions of Service (1989 – 1991), Director of Administration of the Chief Secretary’s Office (1991 – 1994), Secretary for Constitutional Affairs (1994 – 1997) and Secretary for Transport (1997 – 2002).
容伟雄先生于2010年加入海洋公园公司董事局,同时亦曾在多个决策局及部门服务,包括房屋署、前常务科、前宪制事务科、前政务总署、 布政司 办 公 室、前候任行政长官办公室、政务司司长办公室及财政司 [...]
Mr. Philip YUNG Wai-hung joined as a Board Member of Ocean Park Corporation in 2010, and has served in various bureaus and departments, including Housing Department, the former General Duties Branch, the former
Constitutional Affairs Branch, the former
[...] City and New Territories Administration (and later the [...]
Home Affairs Department), the former
Chief Secretary's Office, the former Chief Executive (Designate)'s Office, Chief Secretary for Administration's Office and Financial Secretary's Office.
(1) 任 何 文 件 如 看 來 是布 政 司 簽 署 , 並 核 證 所 隨 附 的 任 何 外 地 文 件 已布 政 司 在 與 任 何 刑 事 法 律 程 序 相 關 的 事 宜 中 收 取 , 則 在 該 刑 事 法 律 程 [...]
序 中 一 經 交 出 , 無 頇 再 加 證 明 , 即 連 同 所 隨 附
的 文 件 頇 接 納 為 該 等 文 件 內 所 載 事 實 的 表 面 證 據 。
(1) Any document purporting to be signed by the Chief Secretary and certifying that any foreign document attached thereto has [...]
been received by him in connexion with
any criminal proceedings shall be admitted in evidence in those proceedings together with the document attached thereto, on production without further proof, as prima facie evidence of the facts contained in such documents.
12.2.5 英皇御准香港賽馬會和其他聯誼會、體育會均可設賽馬投 注,但須布政司書面 批准,而且須符 布政司 所 訂的合適條件:[見 博彩稅條例(香港法例第一○八章)第二及第三條]。
12.2.5 The Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club and any other social or sporting club may conduct
betting on horse racing
[...] with the written permission of the Chief Secretary which may be granted subject [...]
to such conditions
as he may see fit (see sections 2 & 3 of the Betting Duty Ordinance (Cap. 108)).
在该联盟重要的成员中有索尼公司、日本 Pamberi 信托司、津巴布韦、美国 MNMF 公司和秘鲁政府。
Among its prominent members, the Alliance includes Sony Corporation,
[...] Japan Pamberi Trust, Zimbabwe, the MNMF USA or the Government of Peru.
工作组从已收到的答复中受到鼓舞并注意到,一些政府已对指控进 行调查,并采取了措施,包括布新 立 法;进 司 法 改 革;推 政 策 和 服务, 包括保健方面的服务,以更好地保护和帮助妇女,包括暴力行为的女受害人; 制定国家行动计划;起诉和惩处暴力施害者;实施有的放矢的措施促进妇女 的权利;努力确保妇女充分享有人权,包括通过对性别问题有敏感认识的预 算编制来实现;并改进提高公众认识的活动,从而根据有关国际标准促进性 [...]
From the replies received, the Working Group was encouraged to
note that some
[...] Governments had carried out investigations into the allegations made and taken measures, including enacting new legislation, conducting legal reform, introducing policies and services, [...]
such as health-related
services, to better protect and assist women, including women victims of violence, developing national plans of action, prosecuting and punishing perpetrators of violence, introducing targeted measures for the promotion of women’s rights, making efforts to guarantee the full enjoyment of human rights by women, including through gender-sensitive budgeting, and improving public awareness-raising activities to promote gender equality and the advancement of women in accordance with relevant international standards.
1.6 政務司司長進一步布,政府計 劃委任西九龍文娛藝 術區核心文化藝術設施諮詢委員會(下稱"諮詢委員會"),以便 重新審視和在適當情況下再確定建議邀請書所界定的西九文 [...]
化區核心文化藝術設施及其他文化藝術設施的需要,以及研究 發展和營運該等設施的財務要求。
1.6 Further, CS announced that the Government planned to appoint [...]
a Consultative Committee on the Core Arts and Cultural
Facilities of the West Kowloon Cultural District (Consultative Committee), to re-examine, and re-confirm if appropriate, the need for the Core Arts and Cultural Facilities (CACF) as defined in IFP and other arts and cultural facilities to be provided in WKCD, and to examine the financial implications of developing and operating these facilities.
采掘业透明度行动倡议”要政府公 开采掘类 公司向其支付的资金信息,也要求 司 公 布 他 们的支 付情况,这些情况还需由公民社会以及独立审计进行 监督。
The EITI obliges governments to publish payments that they receive from extractive companies and companies to [...]
publish the payments that they make to
governments under monitoring by civil society and independent auditing.




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