

单词 布告

布告 noun

announcement n

布告 verb ()

announce v


布告板 n

notice board n


bulletin board

布告栏 n

billboard n

External sources (not reviewed)

与其他学生合租是一种较为普遍和受欢迎的方式。学 布告 栏 和报 纸上经常会刊登各类客房、公寓和住宅的出租广告。
Shared accommodation with other
students is common and popular
[...] and student noticeboards and newspapers often advertise rooms, apartments [...]
and houses for rent.
有一个标准,即西班牙语应用水平,在职 布告 中 被描述成是一个关键条件,但 在对候选人之一的评语中甚至都没有提及。
one criterion, knowledge of Spanish, listed as an asset in the post description, was not even noted on the evaluation sheet of one of the applicants.
办公大楼前厅(电话:212-326-7524) 会议日程布告板位 于大会大楼一楼代表入口处附近,及北草坪大 楼内。
Bulletin boards displaying the programme of meetings are located on the first floor of the General Assembly Building just inside the Delegates’ Entrance and in the North Lawn Building.
然而,公共屋邨布告板可 供使用的空間畢竟有限,為確布告板的 可用空間得以公平分配,並讓合資格人士均享 有同等發放資訊的機會,房署有權並有需要制訂適當的指 引來規管宣傳品的展示。
Owing to the limited available space on the notice boards, and in order to ensure fair allocation of the space of notice boards so that all eligible parties can enjoy equal opportunities to disseminate their information, the HD has the right and need to formulate appropriate guidelines on the regulation of the display of PMs.
然而,代表团在查访的由检察院管理的一些监狱中的确发现张贴了关于 受到刑事罪指控者的权利布告,其 中包括禁止酷刑和残忍、不人道以及有辱人 格待遇,没有足够资金的人由公设律师辩护的权利,联系家人的权利以及其他权 利等信息,这些权利如果实际得到尊重,就可以为防范酷刑和虐待提供保障。
The delegation did, however, observe that in some of the jails maintained by the attorneys-general visited, information and notices were posted on the rights of persons accused of criminal offences, including information on the prohibition of torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, the right to a public defender for persons without adequate financial means, the right to contact family and other rights, which, if they are actually respected, provide safeguards for the prevention of torture and ill-treatment.
作为个人之间进行有关语言交流、文化交流、招聘、住宅及其他信息交流的场所而设置 布告 栏。
A notice board is available
[...] free of charge to advertise for language and [...]
culture exchange, employment and housing information.
联合国保留为任何理由和在恕不通知的情况下,将收自用户的任何论坛内容,包括但不限于电邮 布告 版 张 贴的任何内容移除。
The United Nations reserves the right to remove, for any reason and without notice, any content of the Forums received from Users, including, without limitation, e-mail and bulletin board postings.
评级不佳的主要原因是:在电布告 板 寻找信息遇到困难;有些文件 并非同时以所有正式语文提供;会议服务人员提供的服务。
Poor ratings were mainly attributed to difficulties experienced in finding information on the electronic board, the unavailability of documents in all official languages simultaneously, and the services provided by the meeting servicing staff.
此外,《电布告版法 》对鼓动反对某民族或 族裔群体的活动具有抑制作用,可对种族主义宣传适用。
The Act on Responsibility for Electronic Bulletin Boards also counteracts agitation against a national or ethnic group and could be applied to racist propaganda.
委员会(PABs)提交其的建议提出程序性动议,或是对不稳定的状况进行更严格的监督,抑或 采取新的旨在合理使用顾问的政策,以及 AIPU 一直提供法律帮助的旨在补偿一位被除名的
[...] 候选人所受伤害的一起诉讼案,现已取消了不合法的任命及重新张贴有关职位(P- 5) 的 布告, 如此种种均体现了这一点。
That has been reflected recently in the Director-General’s recognition of the right of observers representing the staff associations to make objections to the procedure followed in the recommendations submitted to him by the Personnel Advisory Boards (PABs), in stricter oversight over situations of job insecurity, in the adoption of a new policy aimed at rationalizing the employment of consultants and, in a contentious case in respect of which ISAU is still providing legal assistance in order to secure reparations for the prejudice suffered by the rejected
candidate, in the cancellation of an illegal appointment accompanied
[...] by a decision to re-advertise the post (P5) in question.
此外,「怎樣辦 理商業登記」的副本及申請表格(表格第 3 號)「關於商業登記條例第 9 條申 請豁免繳付登記費及附加稅事」的樣本,亦張貼於稅務大樓稅務局總辦事處 商業登記署的公眾大布告板㆖
In addition, copies of the publication, "How to Apply for Business Registration" and a specimen application form (Form 3), "Claim for exemption from payment of fee and levy under section 9 of the Business Registration Ordinance" are displayed on notice boards in the public hall of the Business Registration Office, which is situated at the Department's main offices in Revenue Tower.
请查看避难所布告板( 信息板)上的通告,也可以询问避难所的负责人。
Read the announcements on the emergency [...]
shelter's bulletin board, or ask the attendant.
10月7 日,委员会 发布了一布告表明 其能够受理来自公民的申诉,但已向法庭提出的事项,或者 正由法庭诉讼程序受理的事项或者已由法庭做出裁决的事项均不属于人权委员会 的职责范围之内。
On 7 October, the commission issued a notification that it could receive complaints from citizens, although matters that had been brought before or were under court proceedings or had been decided by a court would not fall within its competence.
在盘中出现与意大利国旗标志和面食ZARA,在桌子上, 布 , 告 诉 面食扎拉的故事。
Appears in the dish an Italian flag with the logo and Pasta
[...] Zara, on the table, a tablecloth, which tells the story of [...]
Pasta Zara.
书写成后,吕不韦命令把全文抄出,贴在咸阳城门上,并发 布告 : “ 谁能把书中的文字增加一个或减少一个,甚至改动一个,赏黄金千两。
To promote his book, Lu Bu Wei ordered the
copy of his book to be posted on the
[...] city wall, and he declared in public that [...]
anyone able to add or subtract one character
from his book would be rewarded a thousand pieces of gold.
这些 SMD LED 灯适合在众多电子产品中使用,如无绳与移动电话、笔记本电脑、网络系统、家用电器和室 布告 牌 等
These SMD LED lamps are suitable for use in a wide variety of electronic equipment, including cordless and cellular phones, notebook computers, network systems, home appliances, and indoor signboard applications.
与此同时,征聘工作 已经启动,2010 年 3 月 9 日公布了职务征布告。
In the meantime, the recruitment process has been initiated
[...] and the post was advertised as of 9 March 2010.
嚴格監控電腦與互聯網和外間電 布告 板 系 統的聯繫。
Connection to Internet / external BBS should be controlled.
除高值优惠(会员折扣高达30%) 外,总商会网站和大厦布告栏都 将为租用者提供免费宣传。
In addition, free publicity at the SCCCI Building and on the SCCCI website is extended to events held within the SCCCI’s premises.
若 本 行 发 出 有 关 e-Alert 服 务 的 更 改 通 知 ,
本 行 可 采 用 本 行 认 为 适 当 的 方 式 及 通 讯 方 法 发 出 该 通 知 , 包 括 但 不 限 于 使 用 直 接
[...] 邮 递 件 丶 广 告 丶 在 分 行 张布 告 或 电 邮 等 电 子 通 讯 方 式 。
If we give notice of a change to the e-Alert Services, such notice may be made in such manner and by such means of communication as we shall deem fit,
including, without limitation, use of
[...] direct mailing material, advertisement, branch display [...]
or electronic communications such as e-mail.
会议通知和议程应发给本委员会全体委员、总理府、相关政府部门、各政党党团以及相关委员会和被审议立法议案的第一提案人,同时在电 布告 栏 和 土耳其大国民议会官方网站上发布。
The meeting call and the agenda are sent to the committee members, the Prime
Ministry, relevant ministries, political
[...] party groups, the offices of related committees [...]
and to the first signatory deputy
whose proposal is placed on the agenda.
由于公司的名称是不完全不知道, 但有一个传说,说它的名称应以的公司的发展,
[...] 该公司的创始人之一是当看到"飞马"(代表科学灵感和创 意) 布告栏上, 然后删除不需要的信件了名称 [...]
kompaniiduh 力和创造力, 英雄神话与关联, 帮助你征服最高质量的创新技术.
As the name of the company is not exactly does not know, but there is a legend about the development of the company it's name should begin with a, and when one of the founders of the company saw
"Pegasus"(personifies inspiration science
[...] and creativity) on the Bulletin Board, [...]
then remove the unneeded letters got the
name kompaniiduh force and creativity, associated with the hero myths, to help you conquer the top quality innovative technologies.
[...] 告所述期间,在作为目标对象地方政府中,通常通过社 布告 栏 或 电台公开宣布 竞标程序。
Over the period under review, in the
targeted local governments, competitive bidding
[...] processes were announced openly, usually [...]
through community notice boards or on the radio.
有关区(市町村)政府发下的通知,请查看附近的避难所 布告 板 ,或询问负责人。
You can see these on the bulletin board of the nearby emergency shelter, or ask the attendant.
7 123. 小组委员会建议更多地采布告及其 他方法宣传这些保障措施,例如介绍 被剥夺自由者权利的小册子。
The Subcommittee recommends increasing the publication of posters and other means of disseminating information on these safeguards, such as pamphlets describing the rights of persons deprived of their liberty.
除了您直接交付個人資料給VOLVO網站之外,您可能會透過本站提供的線上交談、電子郵件來往、以及電 布告 欄 公 佈自己的個人資料,而這些動作並不在隱私權政策的涵蓋範圍之內。
In addition to directly providing information to a Volvo Web Site, you might also provide Personal Information through chat sessions, e-mail exchanges or bulletin board use made available to you on Volvo Web Sites.
象日常生活中的黑板报一样,电子公告牌按不同的主题、分主题分成很多 布告 栏 , 布告 栏 的 设立的依据是大多数BBS使用者的要求和喜好,使用者可以阅读他人关于某个主题的最新看法(几秒钟前别人刚发布过的观点),也可以将自己的想法毫无保留地贴到公告栏中。
Like the blackboard, like daily life, electronic bulletin boards according to different themes, sub-themes divided into a number of bulletin board, bulletin board set up is based on most BBS user requirements and preferences, users can read others on a theme of the latest views on (a few seconds before the others had just released the point of view), can also be attached to their own ideas without reservation notice column.




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