

单词 市面

面市 ()

hit the market (of a new product)

External sources (not reviewed)

虽然非洲大陆对非洲反对种族主义和歧视城市联盟的兴趣一直非常浓厚,但由于 许多市面临财 政和结构问题,工作进展并不如预想得那么迅速。
Although interest in the continent for the Coalition of African Cities against Racism and Discrimination has been
very strong, progress has not been as rapid as desired given financial and
[...] structural problems faced by many of the cities.
Italy has also decided to launch an initiative at the United Nations to discuss
[...] the issue of inter-ethnic cities.
(c) 第三个步骤是确定哪些会员国市面 汇 率 估价指数与所有会员国同期 整体平市面汇率估价指数之比大于 1.2 倍或小于 0.8 倍。
(c) The third step is to identify Member States with an MER valuation index (MVI) greater than 1.2 or less than 0.8 times the average MVI across all Member States during the same period.
A6 使用市面上或 其他來源購買或取得的未經授權資料,而聲稱是自己的作品。
A6 Using unauthorised material obtained /
[...] bought from the market or elsewhere as [...]
his / her own work.
As the only Bluetooth headset on the market, you can adjust the [...]
height of the speaker house and with 3 sizes of ear gels,
the headset can be custom fit for all day comfort.
如果每個類別的食品和樣本數目增加,化驗檢測工作便能 夠更全面地涵蓋香市面供應的發酵食物,以及更準確地評估這些食物 [...]
Increasing both the number of food items and the number of samples per individual food
commodity for laboratory analysis could
[...] provide a more comprehensive coverage and [...]
a more precise estimate of the range and
average EC concentration of fermented foods in the Hong Kong market.
他回應主席市面上流 通的舊版千元 鈔票數量作出的查詢時指出,由於案件正在調查中,政府當局 認為現時並非發放該等資料的適當時間。
In response to the Chairman’s enquiry on the number of the old series $1,000 banknotes in circulation, he pointed out that as the case was under investigation, the Administration considered that it was not the right time to release such information.
如果要安市面销售 的G螺纹规格的堵头与接头时,请将尺寸表内 「*1」 的尺寸变更为12.5 。
If the market available plug and connector with G screw specs are considered to be mounted, “*1” [...]
in the specification list is 12.5.
位于纽约州波希米市,面积为 65,000 平方英尺,拥有斯派曼最先进的现代化机器和钣金车间。
Located in Bohemia, New York, this 65,000 sq. ft. facility houses Spellman's modern machine and sheet metal fabrication facility.
方剛議員察悉市面上"數量有限,售完即止"的推廣手法非 常普遍,他因而促請政府當局在條例草案中提供足夠的保障,以免 [...]
忠誠行事的企業不慎觸犯餌誘式廣告宣傳或先誘後轉銷售行為的罪 行,例如指明一間企業必須供應的商品數量,以便誠實的商戶可以 遵守。
Noting that the "while stocks last" promotion [...]
approach is very common, Hon Vincent FANG has called on the Administration
to provide sufficient safeguards in the Bill to ensure that businesses acting in good faith would not be inadvertently caught by the offences of bait advertising or bait and switch, for example, by specifying the amount of stock that a business must supply so that honest traders could comply.
这个距离市面上同类耳麦的 10 倍。
That is 10 times the range
[...] of similar headsets on the market.
推出之初 TPS92510 是市面上第一款集成 FET 的 DC/DC 降压转换器,能够以高达 97% 的效率提供 1.5 A 电流,具有频率用户可配置、PWM LED 电流调制以及热返送等三个直流 LED 照明领域客户要求的关键常用功能。
At the time of release, the TPS92510 is the first DC/DC buck with integrated FET in the market which can deliver 1.5 A at up to 97% efficiency with user configurable switching frequency, PWM LED current modulation and thermal foldback - three key common customer requests in DC LED lighting.
其漂移角仅为0,03°,基本解决了影 市面 上 许 多高质量云台的漂移角问题。
The problem that affects many high
[...] quality heads in the market regarding drift [...]
angle is absolutely minimized with an outstanding value of 0,03°.
日本代表团强调,文件CAC/35 INF/7第6段列出的百分比并市面上超 过监管限 值的抽样食品的平均水平,实际超标率低得多,因为检验重点放在需要强化管理的区域 [...]
The Delegation emphasized that the percentage figure shown in CAC/35
INF/7, paragraph 6 did not represent the
[...] average rate of marketed food sample exceeding [...]
regulatory limits, and that the actual
excess rate was much lower, as focus for inspection had been placed on the regions and foods that needed intense management and that monitored food included food before shipment and protective measures, such as restriction of distribution are taken on foods and food producing areas for which higher than standard limits value had been observed.
我们的数据网格是当市面上第 一个支持单元格合并的WPF数据网格,用户可以通过设置任意单元格的行和列跨距,轻松的合并单元格。
Our grid is the first WPF
[...] data grid on the market supporting cells [...]
merge. You can easily merge cells by setting the rows
and columns span of any grid cell.
从我们的4x4接入点凭借传输波束成形技术实现的无与伦比的性能, 市面 上 出 售的价格最为低廉的Wi-Fi解决方案,Avastar的设计考虑到了每一种移动需求。
Avastar is designed for every mobile need from the unparalleled performance of our 4x4 access point with transmit beamforming technology, to the least expensive Wi-Fi solution available in the market.
群眾外包或許無法完全解決市面臨 的問題,但有助匯集輿論,並產生多樣特殊構想,供設計師從中汲取靈感,擬定更明確的解決方案。
Crowd sourcing ideas from citizens may not provide exact solutions
[...] to the problems faced by a city, but it will help [...]
inform general opinions and generate
a huge variety of unique ideas that designers can draw inspiration from to provide more precise solutions.
例如,市面积的 迅速增加 会导致自然益惠缓慢、持续损失,直到达到关键 临界点。
The rapid increase of urban areas, for example, [...]
can result in a slow and prolonged loss of nature’s benefits until a critical tipping point is reached.
2003年末,上海市面积63 40.5平方公里,占全国总面积的0.06%,南北长约120公里,东西宽约100公里。
At the end
[...] of 2003, Shanghai municipality area was 6,340.5 [...]
square kilometers, that is to say a land area of 0,06% of the
national total, about 120 kilometers from North to South, 100 kilometers from East to West.
大会第 64/248 号决议决定,2010-2012 年期间的分摊比额表应当依据一些要 素和标准,包括基市面汇率 的换算率,但如采用此种换算率会使一些会员国的 收入水平过度波动和扭曲,则应采用价调汇率或其他适当的换算率,同时适当考 虑到大会第 [...]
46/221 B 号决议。
In its resolution 64/248, the General Assembly decided that the scale of assessments for the period 2010-2012 should be based on a number of elements and criteria,
including conversion
[...] rates based on MERs, except where that would cause excessive fluctuations and distortions in the income of some Member States, [...]
when PAREs or other
appropriate conversion rates should be employed, taking due account of its resolution 46/221 B. The Assembly also requested the Committee to review further criteria to be used for identifying cases where MERs should be replaced with PAREs or other appropriate conversion rates for preparing the scale of assessments, and to report thereon to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session.
会议讨论了受到迅速城市化冲击的 这些市面临的挑战。
The meeting addressed the
[...] challenges facing such cities, which are bearing the brunt of rapid urbanization.
是,現市面上已 有多種類商用電廚房設備,具備現時使用的燃氣或油渣設備相同或更佳的功能。
Yes, there are various types of electric kitchen equipment
[...] available in the market with similar or even [...]
superior function over the existing
gas / diesel kitchen equipment in use.
[...] 系統之特許經營權,而本公司管理層相信 市面 上 並 無其他資訊管理系統能及得上保險中介 [...]
At present, the Target Group owns the license of the InsureLink System and the management of the Company believes that
there are no other information management
[...] systems in the market that can match [...]
the comprehensive nature of the InsureLink
System within the insurance intermediary market.
市面上「限量選擇的小食」選擇眾多,而且「宜多選擇的小食」愈來愈普及,學校 應從小食部和自動售賣機中淘汰「少選為佳的小食」。
Schools should go for elimination of “Snacks to choose less” items from school tuck shops and vending machines when “Snacks to choose in moderation” items are readily available from the market and “Snacks to choose more” items are gaining in popularity.
委员会重申对缔约国住房不足的关切 (E/C.12/1/Add.38,第20段) ,该问题 源市面上适 足和可负担得起的住房无法满足社会上大部分人口的需要。
The Committee reiterates its concern about the continuing housing deficit in the State party (E/C.12/1/Add.38 para. 20), resulting from the gap between the needs of large parts of the society and the offer of adequate and affordable accommodation.
市面上有 不少私营骨灰龛已营运多年,成为很多市民存放先人骨灰的地方,但有部分未能符合所有法定及政府规定。
At present, there are many private columbaria which have operated for many years in the market, providing a place for the storage of cremains of deceased family members for many members of the public. However, some of them do not meet all the statutory or Government requirements.
另一面,市民在 沖泡即食杯麪時應遵從有關指 示,切勿把沸水注入破損或變形的容器沖泡麪條。
On the other hand, the public should follow the instruction when
[...] preparing the noodle for consumption [...]
and should not fill up damaged or distorted
container with boiling water to prepare the noodle.
另一面,市區舊區會勢將面對高發展密度的問題,原因是終審法院在 2004 年 1 月判決,要求日後的維港填海工程必須通過「淩駕性公眾需要」測試, [...]
On the other hand, old urban areas are expected to face a high level [...]
of development density as it is nearly impossible for
the Government to create extra supply of land through reclamation along the shore of the Victoria Harbour.
市民對各地政府觀感的排名方面,最新調查顯示,表示對香港特區政府好感的佔27%,淨值為正4個百分比;其他兩岸政府方面,表示對大陸、台灣及澳門特區政府好感的分別佔29%、31%及51%,淨值分別為正4、23及44個百分比;其他政府 面 , 市 民 對 新加坡及加拿大政府最好感,淨值分別為正52及48個百分比;而表示對澳洲、英國、德國、南韓、法國、泰國及意大利政府的好感淨值的分別為正39、33、28、22、8、4 和1個百分比;表示對美國、日本政府的好感淨值分別為負9和45個百分比;最後,表示對菲律賓政府的好感淨值為負74個百分比。
For the other cross-strait governments, the corresponding positive figures for the Mainland, Taiwan and Macau governments were 29%, 31% and 51% while their net values are positive 4, 23 and 44 percentage points respectively. As for the feelings on other governments, the net values for Singapore and Canada were the highest, with positive 52 and 48 percentage points correspondingly, while those for Australia, the United Kingdom, Germany, South Korea, France, Thailand and Italy were positive 39, 33, 28, 22, 8, 4 and 1 percentage points correspondingly, those for the United States and Japan were negative 9 and 45 percentage points correspondingly.
应当重视提高该地区各国在以下面 的能 力:确保可持续安全饮用水的供应, 市 水 资源的开发和管理战略,以及与 市 及 其 周 边排水和卫生相关的问题,恢复恶化了的水生态系统,对正在消失的水资源进行研究、预防 和解决与水资源问题有关的冲突问题,建立分地区水观察站、研究某些生态系统、尤其红树 林系统的可持续性,以及利用当地知识来保护环境。
Emphasis should be placed on enhancing the capabilities of countries of the region to secure sustainable and safe
[...] drinking water supplies, urban water development and management strategies as well as issues related to urban and peri-urban drainage and sanitation, [...]
the rehabilitation
of degraded water ecosystems, research on disappearing water resources, aspects of conflict prevention and resolution in relation to water issues, the creation of subregional water observatories, research in the sustainability of certain ecosystems and in particular of mangrove systems, as well as drawing on local knowledge for the protection of the environment.




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