

单词 市规划



town planning

See also:


plan (how to do sth)

External sources (not reviewed)

若干代表团赞扬秘书处纪录并促进各方交流了在以下诸领域的良好做 法和国家经验:扩大公共交通运输、实行绿色建筑、采用 3R 办法(减少、
[...] 再使用、再循环)战略、进行可持续的 市规划 、 实 行固体废物管理、注重 供水、下水处理、以及以采用参与式办法实行城市管理、推动公私营伙伴关 [...]
Several delegations commended the secretariat for documenting and sharing good practices and country experiences in eco-city development, promotion of public transportation, green buildings,
3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) strategies,
[...] sustainable urban planning, solid waste management, [...]
water supply, sewerage, participatory
approaches to urban management, promotion of public-private partnerships and municipal finance.
[...] 性多学科研究,促进培训和建立网络,重点是年轻的 市规划 人 员 ,以便推动新思想的产生 以及开展宣传计划。
The UNESCO Management of Social Transformations (MOST) Programme for Cities and Urban Development was sponsoring policy-relevant multidisciplinary research on key themes, promoting
training and networking with a
[...] focus on young urban planners to help generate [...]
new ideas, and undertaking advocacy programmes.
所举实例包 括特别在以下领域旨在促进社会经济发展和可持续发展的国家、双边、区域和 国际方案:农业和渔业;监测气候变化;灾害管理;水文学;管理生态系统和
[...] 自然资源;监测空气和水的质量;对生物多样性资源、沿海区、土地使用、荒 地和湿地进行测绘;海洋学;农村发展与 市规划 ; 以 及安全。
Examples were given of national, bilateral, regional and international programmes to further socio-economic and sustainable development, notably in the following areas: agriculture and fishery; monitoring climate change; disaster management; hydrology; managing ecosystems and natural resources; monitoring air and water quality; mapping biodiversity
resources, coastal zones, land use, wasteland and wetlands; oceanography; rural
[...] development and urban planning; and safety.
所举实 例包括特别在以下领域旨在促进社会经济发展与可持续发展的国家、双边、区 域和国际方案:农业和渔业、气候变化监测、侦测非法作物和罂粟种植、自然
灾害和人为灾害的预警与应对、地质学、人道主义救济、水文学、生态系统和 自然资源的管理、关于生物多样性资源、沿海地区、土地使用、荒地和湿地的
[...] 测绘、监测空气质量、荒漠化、旱灾、粮食安全、毁坏森林、电离层与气候、 海洋学、农村发展与市规划、搜 索和救援工作。
Examples were given of national, bilateral, regional and international programmes to further socio-economic and sustainable development, notably in the following areas: agriculture and fishery; climate change monitoring; detecting illegal crops and opium poppy cultivation; early warning of and response to natural and man-made disasters; geology; humanitarian relief; hydrology; managing ecosystems and natural resources; mapping biodiversity resources, coastal zones, land use, wasteland and wetlands; monitoring air quality, desertification, droughts, food security,
deforestation, the ionosphere and weather; oceanography; rural
[...] development and urban planning; and search and [...]
rescue efforts.
市规划应当首先考虑贫困人口的住宅问题, 确保他们获得优质、价廉和位置良好的住房,避免 棚户区进一步扩大,保护人们免受极端气候的影响。
The poor must urgently
[...] become the focus of urban planning and provided with [...]
access to affordable, well-located and higher-quality
buildings in order to avoid further expansion of informal settlements and protect populations from extreme weather conditions.
该报告确定了若干必须加以促进的广泛政策 方向,具体如下:(a) 政府应越来越多地在城市中发挥更为重要的发展作用;(b) 经 过改革的市规划系统必须充分和明确地应对当前和正在出现的城市挑战,包括 气候变化、快速城市化和贫穷、不断缩小的城市、老龄化、城市的多元文化组成、 非正规性和安全;(c) 各国应制定国家城市政策,以更加系统地应对城市挑战和 预期;以及(d) 应高度优先地重视并根据现实标准发展很多发展中国家缺乏的强 制执行市规划监管的能力。
It identified a number of broad policy directions that must be promoted, as follows: (a) Governments should increasingly take on a more central
development role in cities;
[...] (b) reformed urban planning systems must fully and unequivocally address the current and emerging urban challenges, including climate change, rapid urbanization and poverty, shrinking cities, ageing, multicultural composition of cities, informality and safety; (c) countries should formulate national urban policies in order to address urban challenges and prospects more systematically; and (d) capacity to enforce urban planning regulations, which is seriously lacking in many developing countries, should be given very high priority and should be developed on the basis of realistic standards.
主要困难:(a)地方当局和政府之间缺乏必要的体制和人力资源能 力,妨碍了相关人员对自己的职能产生自主感,并妨碍他们增强履行
[...] 自己职能以及把经济、社会和环境问题纳入地方发展政策的能力;(b) 多级和跨部门政府机构之间缺乏协调统一的方式来确保 市规划 的可 持续性。
The Committee was also informed of two key challenges that Thailand needed to overcome to enable sustainable urban development, namely: (a) the lack of institutional and human capacity among local authorities and governments to induce a sense of ownership of their functions, increase technical capacity to perform their function, and integrate economic, social and environmental issues into local development practices; and (b) the lack of
an integrated approach among multilevel and cross-sectoral government agencies to
[...] ensure sustainability in city planning.
从去年开始,阿尔梅勒市便开始关注与深圳市建立战略伙伴关系,这其中涵盖了 市规划 , 教 育和经济发展等多方面。
Since last year, the city government of Almere has focused on developing a
strategic friendship relation with Shenzhen in various
[...] areas such as  urban planning, education and economic [...]
[...] 宏观经济预测和部门计划;要求在 市规划 、 土 地使用规划、水资源管理 以及环境和自然资源管理中使用与气候风险有关的信息;加强和维护沿海 [...]
防波堤、河流堤坝、泄洪道和蓄洪池等防护工程;要求基础设施项目、建 筑设计和在其他工程实践中对气候风险作出例行评估和报告;建立风险转
移机制和社会安全网;支持生计多样化方案;在具体的灾后恢复计划中开 展适应活动。
Measures can include incorporating climate riskrelated considerations in development planning processes,
macroeconomic projections and sector plans; requiring the use of climate risk-related
[...] information in city planning, land-use [...]
planning, water management, and
environmental and natural resource management; strengthening and maintaining protective works such as coastal wave barriers, river levees, floodways and flood ponds; requiring routine assessment and reporting of climate risks in infrastructure projects, building designs and other engineering practices; developing risk transfer mechanisms and social safety nets; supporting programmes for diversification of livelihoods; and instituting adaptation activities in plans for recovery from specific disasters.
[...] [...] 在上述城镇中确定三个试点地区,(b)开展社会经济调查以确定当地居民的概况和需求,找到与旅游业管理相关的脱贫方法,(c)开展一项法 律研究,调查当地产权和市规划的 规 章制度,以加强对当地居民的法律保护,(d)确定可 [...]
The first phase aims at: (a) identifying each pilot area within these towns; (b) undertaking the socio-economic survey to determine the inhabitants’ profile and needs and to identify the opportunities related to tourism management; (c) conducting
a legal study reviewing the
[...] property rights and urban planning regulations with the view [...]
of strengthening legal protection
for the benefit of the inhabitants; and (d) identifying operational activities to be implemented as small-scale projects in the next phase.
项目的主要组成部分 包括由社区协调和管理的水和卫生服务、废物管理和幼儿园、生计培训、促进参 与市规划,以 及获得信贷和储蓄计划。
The key components of the project are community-coordinated and managed water and sanitation services, waste management and childcare;
livelihood training, facilitating
[...] engagement in the municipal planning process, and access to credit and savings schemes.
[...] 资,将其作为复苏和重建工作的一部分,在农业部门进行新的战略性 投资,并改进市规划和土 地使用,从而减少灾害风险。
Governments in the disaster-hit countries can take the opportunity to invest in social sectors as part of recovery and reconstruction efforts, undertake new and strategic
investments in the agriculture sector, as well as make
[...] improvements in urban planning and land use to reduce [...]
disaster risks.
我们还承诺促进实施可持续发展政策,支持包容性住房和社会服务,为包括儿童、 青年、妇女、老年人、残疾人在内的所有人创造安全健康的生活环境,提供负担
[...] 得起、可持续的运输与能源,推广、保护和恢复安全绿色城市空间,提供安全清 洁的饮用水和环卫设施,保持健康的空气质量,创造体面就业,改进 市规划和 贫民窟改造工作。
We also commit to promote sustainable development policies that support inclusive housing and social services; a safe and healthy living environment for all, particularly children, youth, women and the elderly and disabled; affordable and sustainable transport and energy; the promotion, protection and restoration of safe and green urban spaces; safe and clean drinking
water and sanitation; healthy air quality; the generation of decent
[...] jobs; and improved urban planning and slum upgrading.
为纠正这些问题,泰国正在对交通运输业采取多 管齐下的战略:(a) 通过改善公共交通服务促使人们摈弃私家车转向使用公共交
通,例如在曼谷开发公共汽车快速交通系统、扩大地铁/高架轻轨系统并实现城 际铁路双轨化;(b) 收紧车辆废气排放标准,并改进车辆检查和维修;(c) 促进
[...] 清洁燃料,如压缩天然气和生物柴油;(d) 加强非机动车运输(例如提供自行车 专用道和停车位);以及(e) 通过提供多模式运输改善市规划。
To rectify those issues, Thailand is taking a multipronged strategy in transport by: (a) shifting people from private vehicles to public transport by improving public transport services, such as the development of a bus rapid transit system in Bangkok, expansion of the subway/SkyTrain system, and double-tracking of the inter-city railway; (b) tightening vehicle emission standards and improving vehicle inspection and maintenance; (c) promoting clean fuels such as compressed natural gas and biodiesel; (d) enhancing non-motorized transport
(e.g., by providing bicycle lanes and parking);
[...] and (e) improving city planning with the provision of multimodal [...]
将最后一句改为:“城市化固然带来了许多问题,但同时也给减缓和适 应气候变化,特别是通过市规划设 计 减缓和适应气候变化战略的多样性带 [...]
Replace the last sentence with: “Although urbanization brings with it many problems, it also offers many opportunities
for diversification of strategies to mitigate and adapt to climate change
[...] especially through urban planning and design.
[...] 特别会议,以促进对迅猛城市化的挑战,包括气候变化、住房融资系统、 市规 划和可持续土地管理的了解
Recalling its encouragement to UN-Habitat to continue exploring the possibility of convening a high-level special event of the General Assembly on sustainable urbanization to promote understanding of the challenges
of rapid urbanization, including climate change, housing
[...] finance systems, urban planning and sustainable land [...]
除不会影响公共利益的全国性国土管理计划和详细的 市规划 外 , 该法还 规定了各级议会在批准各类市规划 和 国 土管理规划之前征求居民意见的机制。
The law also provides for a mechanism of consultation with the population before the
approval of all the
[...] categories of urban plans and territorial management plans, with the exception of the national territorial management plan and the detailed urban plans that do [...]
not affect the public interest.
它也应确 保市规划制度不具有歧视性。
It should
[...] also ensure that municipal planning systems are not [...]
有象征上海的外滩;有被誉为”城市绿肺”的人民广场;有创造了十个”世界第一”的东方明珠广播电视塔;有中国第一摩天大楼金茂大厦;以及南京路步行街、上海博物馆、上海大剧院、上海 市规划 展 示 馆等。
Shanghai symbols are the Bund, People Square, the Oriental Pearl Tower, the first skyscraper built in China
called Jinmao Tower and also Nanjing Road, Shanghai Museum, Shanghai
[...] Theatre, Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall, etc.
他们的工作是建筑、市规划、艺 术和都市干预的交集之处,他们把所工作的城市和都市更新当成一个过程。
They work at the intersection of
[...] architecture, city planning, art and urban [...]
intervention, and address in their work city
and urban renewal as a process.
(k) 要超越现有目标,努力建设无贫民窟的城市,在国际社会的充分支持下
[...] 通过减少贫民窟人口和改善贫民窟居民的生活,为此要优先安排所有的利益相关 者参与的国家市规划战略 ,推动贫民窟居民平等地获得公共服务,包括健康、 [...]
(k) Working towards cities without slums, beyond current targets, by reducing slum populations and improving the lives of slum-dwellers, with adequate support of the
international community, by
[...] prioritizing national urban planning strategies with the [...]
participation of all stakeholders,
by promoting equal access for people living in slums to public services, including health, education, energy, water and sanitation and adequate shelter, and by promoting sustainable urban and rural development
关于甲基溴,首席市规划师、首席农业干事和环境部举办了一个有岛屿高尔夫球 场主参加的讲习班,他们已达成共识,认为甲基溴对筹划高尔夫球场并非必不可少,今后 [...]
In relation to methyl
[...] bromide, the Chief Town Planner, The Chief Agricultural [...]
Officer and the Ministry of Environment conducted
a workshop involving owners of golf courses on the island, and the consensus was that methyl bromide was not essential for golf course preparation, and that alternatives should be explored in the future for any additional golf course developments.
WAI的作品、研究和写作在杂志、期刊上发表,其中包括纽约和柏林的Pin-Up杂志,鹿特丹的 市规划 杂 志 MONU,奥斯陆的Condition杂志,阿姆斯特丹的Mark杂志和Pop [...]
Up City杂志,Horizonte杂志在魏玛,米兰的Domus杂志以及Studio杂志,DPR-巴塞罗那杂志在巴塞罗那,以及亚伯达的On Site期刊,等等。
WAI’s work, research and writings have been published in magazines and journals around the world including
Pin-Up Magazine in New York and Berlin,
[...] MONU Magazine on Urbanism in Rotterdam, [...]
Conditions Magazine in Oslo, Mark Magazine
and the Pop Up City in Amsterdam, Horizonte Magazine in Weimar, Domus Magazine and Studio Magazine in Milan, DPR-Barcelona in Barcelona, and On Site Journal in Alberta, among others.
与会者呼吁制定合并各种政策和举措的战略,以便尽可能 避免使用交通运输(例如使用电视会议和其他技术解决办法以及更好的 市规 划),并使基础结构方面的投资与空间规划更协调一致。
Participants called for strategies combining different polices and measures for avoiding transport where possible (for example, through teleconferencing,
other technical
[...] solutions and better urban design) and for better coherence between infrastructure investment and spatial planning.
市规划师卢西奥·科斯塔(Lucio Costa)和建筑师奥斯卡·尼迈尔(Oscar [...]
Urban planner Lucio Costa [...]
and architect Oscar Niemeyer intended that every element – from the layout of the residential
and administrative districts (often compared to the shape of a bird in flight) to the symmetry of the buildings themselves – should be in harmony with the city’s overall design.
在上述规范工作和宣传工作的基础上,以及根据大会第 64/207 号决议第 10 段和第 14
[...] 市化问题高级别特别会议,促进对快速城市化面临的挑战,包括气候变化、住房 融资系统、市规划和可持续土地管理等问题的认识,以及拟订关于在 [...]
2016 年 召开第三次联合国住房和可持续城市发展会议(人居三)问题的第二份报告。
Building on the above normative and advocacy work, and in line with paragraphs 10 and 14 of resolution 64/207, UN-Habitat also started preparing a report on the possibility of convening a high-level special event of the General Assembly on sustainable urbanization, to promote understanding of the challenges of rapid urbanization,
including climate change, housing
[...] finance systems, urban planning and sustainable land [...]
management, as well as a second report
on the question of convening, in 2016, a third United Nations conference on housing and sustainable urban development.
[...] 维护或加强地方生态系统以提供城市区域服务的 战略(市规划、住 房、交通方面),地方政府 还可为后代保住一个良好的环境、促进城市的可 [...]
持 续 发 展 。
By developing
[...] strategies (in urban planning, housing, transport) [...]
for maintaining or enhancing local ecosystems to provide services in urban areas, local governments can also
safeguard the environment for future generations, and profile their city as a sustainable one.
除了 小块 土 地登记外,土 地管理、市 规 划和 建 设部对私有和国有大型 土地进行了登记,包括六大国有橡胶种植园 [...]
37 495 公顷、七大国家公园和野生动 物居住地、国家私有土地 5 000 公顷(用于社会工作和经济发展的土地分配方案),
10 处私有土地 3 463 公顷(工业和经济专用区),相当于 2 712 公顷家庭橡胶种植园 的 1 175 家工厂。
Apart from the registration of small plots, the Ministry of
[...] Land Management, Urbanization, and Construction [...]
registered both private and State large
lands including six State rubber plantations of 37.495 hectares, seven places of the national parks and homes of wild animals, the State’s private land of more than 5,000 hectares for the land distribution programme for social work, economic development, 10 places of private land of 3,463 hectares for special industrial and economic areas, and 1,175 plans equal to 2,712 hectares of family rubber plantations.
今年2月,联合国儿童基金会、青年地图绘制人员及合作伙伴向地方政府[包括市卫生和民防秘书处、 市规划 秘 书处(Urban Planning Secretariat)、健康促进政策协调(Health Promotion [...]
Policy Coordination)、环境教育协调(Environmental
Education Coordination)以及研究和学术机构]提交了他们的调查结果。
In February, UNICEF, the youth mappers and partners presented their
findings to local authorities from
[...] the Municipal Secretariat of Health and Civil Defense, the Urban Planning Secretariat, [...]
the Health Promotion Policy
Coordination, the Environmental Education Coordination, and research and academic institutions.
我们认识到,在制定可持续城市远景方面, 从启动市规划直至 振兴老城市和老街区,市政府都发挥重要作用,包括在建筑 物管理方面采纳提高能效方案,以及发展适合本地的可持续运输系统。
We recognize the
[...] important role of municipal governments in setting a vision for sustainable cities, from the initiation of city planning through to revitalization [...]
of older cities
and neighbourhoods, including by adopting energy efficiency programmes in building management and developing sustainable, locally appropriate transport systems.




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