

单词 市民社会

See also:


city resident

社会 adj

social adj

社会 n

societies pl
societal n


(in olden times) an association such as a political party, religious group or trade guild
a guild
the Japanese word for company

External sources (not reviewed)

他之所以有此想法,是因为自2001年成立之日起,仙台媒体文化中心就一直致力于推进 市民社会 能 动 性的结果记录归档,并以此系统完善中心。
His reasons for thinking this had to do with the fact that the smt, since its founding in
2001, had been promoting the need to archive
[...] the results of social activism by citizens and was equipped [...]
with such system.
充分实现信息权要靠政治意志、 活跃市民社会,还要靠民主制的至少是另外一些重要的条件,例如对法治的尊重。
Fulsome implementation requires political
[...] will, an active civil society and at least some [...]
other key democratic features, such as respect for the rule of law.
这取决于政治意愿与社区的资源,尤其 是市民社会没有 民主文化或体系的区域更是 如此。
This depends on the political will and the
[...] resources of the community, particularly in areas where civic society does not have [...]
a democratic culture or institutions.
[...] 条,广播业之宗旨为:确保市民无障碍及无歧视发放及获取的权利;教育和娱乐 大众;尊重道德文化价值、促进社会和文化进步;鼓励社会发展和文化多样性; 并培市民的公民和社会良知
In accordance with its article 3, the aims of this activity are: to guarantee the right to inform and to be informed without limitation or discrimination, to educate and entertain the public, to promote social and cultural progress with respect for ethic and cultural
values, to encourage social development and cultural diversity, and to
[...] help create a civic and social conscience of residents.
[...] 地管理的新型融资、气候变化融资、贸易援 助融资、森林融资、激励办法市场 机 制、民社会组织 (其官方发展援助融资窗口及 参与综合融资战略/综合投资框架进程)、慈 [...]
善基金会、生态旅游业、小额信贷和粮食安 全融资。
Topics include innovative finance for SLM in general, climate change finance, Aid
for Trade finance, forest
[...] finance, incentive and market-based mechanisms, CSOs (their Official [...]
Development Assistance financing
windows and participation in IFS/IIF processes), philanthropic foundations, ecotourism, microfinance and food security finance.
上海市旅游局是上海市人民政府直属部门之一,其职责主要是贯彻执行有关旅游业的方针、政策和法律、法规。根据 市 国 民 经 济 和 社会 发 展 总体规划,编制本市旅游发展规划和计划;负责全市旅游住宿、旅行社、旅游景(区)点、旅游度假区、旅游资讯等各类旅游企业及旅游办事机构的行业管理工作;研究制定旅游市场开发战略,培育和完善旅游市场;制定本市旅游形象宣传计划,建立国内外旅游宣传网点并确定年度宣传专题,重点推介本市大型旅游活动和旅游线路;组织、指导重要旅游产品的开发工作;参与组织协调本市会议、展览等有关大型活动。
Shanghai Municipal Tourism Administration (SMTA), under the Shanghai Municipal Government, is a regulating arm in charge of drafting the master plans and strategies for developing the city's travel and tourism industry, implementing the trade policies and regulations, and coordinating the operations of related organs and businesses in the industry.
教科文组织必须继续 以讲求实效的方式,探索各种现存的和新的机制通过 传统的和新的传媒促进信社会的文 化多样性,并提 出政府、艺术家、企业领导人、广播公司、决策者市民之间合作的新方式。
The Organization must continue to explore, in practical ways, existing and new mechanisms to
develop cultural diversity
[...] in the information society through traditional and new media, proposing fresh ways of cooperation among governments, artists, industry leaders, broadcasters, decision-makers and citizens.
该项目旨在促社会和解 ,其运作基于这样一项原则,即实现 赚取收入的参与式和透明的方式,将 市民 建 立 一种协作契约,在发展共同权益和缓解“强 硬”政治主张方面开展合作。
The project aims to promote community reconciliation and is based on the principle that a participatory and transparent approach to income generation will create a synergetic bond for municipalities to cooperate in the [...]
development of common
interests and the mitigation of “hardline” politics.
该组织促请人权理事会成 员确保该国政府与民社会协作 ,采取步骤结束基于族裔和性别的歧视,并促进 [...]
It urged the members of the Council to ensure that the
[...] Government work with civil society, take steps to end [...]
ethnic and gender-based discrimination
and promote freedom of expression, opinion and the press.
建立新的与全国委员会和新合作伙伴关系处表明,总干事不仅希望与我们的合作伙伴保持固定的关系,而且还 希望民间社会的参 与者(议会、教科文组织俱乐部、基金会 市 政 府 、私人团体等)建立合作伙伴关系。
The establishment of the new Division of Relations with National Commissions and New Partnerships reflects the
[...] desire for greater openness to the actors of civil society (parliamentarians, UNESCO clubs, foundations, [...]
local authorities, the
private sector, etc.) by going beyond the narrow framework of institutional relations with traditional partners.
特别委员会欢迎发布秘书长关于解除武装、复员和重返社会的报告 (A/65/741),并且意识到,前战斗人员重返 民社会 持 续 构成严峻挑战,因此需 要共同努力,帮助快速推动经济,为前战斗人员和广 市 民 创 造就业机会。
The Special Committee welcomes the release of the report of the
SecretaryGeneral on disarmament,
[...] demobilization and reintegration (A/65/741) and appreciates the fact that the civilian reintegration of ex-combatants continues to pose particular challenges, requiring [...]
concerted efforts to help rapidly jump-start the economy in order to create employment opportunities for ex-combatants and the wider community.
由公共部门市民代 表组成的全国家庭理会也致 力于促进活力家庭。
The National Family Council, which comprises public and people sector representatives, [...]
also seeks to promote resilient families.
这份报告重点关注三个方面:完成我国 民 主 过 渡;对于过去的侵犯人权事 件,致力于追求真相、正义和赔偿;为建立更公正并强烈关注社会问题 社会市 场经济奠定基础。
That report focused on three main areas:
[...] completing our democratic transition; seeking truth, justice and reparation in relation to the human rights violations of the past; and laying the foundations for a more equitable social market economy with a strong emphasis on social matters.
代表团还注意到,特别报告员 提出了一些需关注的领域,包括有必要针对土地改革制定具有法律约束力的国家
[...] 准则;立法进程有待进一步透明化,应与更广泛的社区共同讨论法律草案对人权 问题的影响;此外,应设立政府和 民社会 论 坛,以加强合作环境,促进该国的 民主和人权。
The delegation also noted that the Special Rapporteur had identified a number of areas of concern, including the need to develop binding national guidelines to address land reform; making the legislative process more transparent by sharing draft legislation with an impact on
human rights issues with
[...] the wider community; and creating a Government and civil society forum to foster [...]
an environment of
cooperation to strengthen democracy and human rights in the country.
[...] 会者认为,教科文组织内现有的宣传工作水平不是进一步强化的问题,而是要更加注重联合 国系统内部和与国际民社会及非 政府合作伙伴的分工和采取协调一致的行动。
Others felt that the present level of advocacy within UNESCO should not be further increased but rather subject to division of labour
and concerted action within the United Nations family and
[...] with international civil society and non-governmental [...]
有鑒於廣深港高鐵涉及公帑達669億元, 而在近期公布的港大民意調查中,卻顯示 59%市民自稱對整個高鐵項目認識'好少'或 '幾少',顯示大部市民均不 瞭解廣深港高 鐵的內容及社會影 響,本人現按照《財 務委員會會議程序》第37A段,動議要求政 府擱置廣深港高速鐵路撥款,並以獨立機 構的民調評估市民對廣深港高速鐵路的認 知程度,在確定大部分香市民均清 楚明 白廣深港高鐵的內容及社會構 成的影響 後才重新申請撥款。
As the Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link (XRL) involves $66.9 billion of public funds and the findings of the Public Opinion Programme of the University of Hong Kong published recently show that 59% of the respondents said they knew 'very little' or 'quite little' about the
entire XRL project,
[...] indicating that most people do not understand the substance and social impact of the XRL, I now move under paragraph 37A of the FC Procedure to demand that the Government shelve the funding proposals of the XRL and assess the public awareness of the XRL with an opinion poll conducted by an independent organization, and re-submit the funding proposals after having ascertained that the majority of the people of Hong Kong clearly understand the substance of the XRL and its impact on the society.
在政府和一些研究者眼中,香市民 是 經濟動物,對政治冷感,妥協性強,為了生計和穩定可以犧牲原則,而中產階級則忙於工作,遇 社 會 問 題,選擇以私人的方式解決,抗拒集體行動。
For government leaders and some scholars, Hong Kong people are economic animals; they are apathetic towards politics; they think and act based upon calculation of concrete [...]
material interests rather than abstract
principles; they are busy with their work; and they solve their own problems with individual rather than collective actions.
[...] 与更广泛民众之间的现行教育差距;开展对非洲人后裔的民族教育;增强非裔厄 瓜多尔人民间社会;采 取措施消除传媒中的种族主义和种族歧视现象;进一步 [...]
鼓励非裔人参与公共行政事务;建立一个非裔厄瓜多尔人研究中心;深入开展免 费法律援助服务;在监察专员署内设立一个主管与非洲人后裔相关问题的分支单
The concrete measures recommended by the Working Group include the adoption of specific legislation on non-discrimination; the development of a national campaign to promote multiculturalism and respect for the dignity of the Afro-Ecuadorian people; the adoption of measures to reduce the educational gap that exists between Afro-Ecuadorians and the wider population; the
introduction of ethno-education for people of African descent; the strengthening of
[...] Afro-Ecuadorian civil society; measures to eliminate [...]
racism and discrimination
in the media; further efforts to encourage participation of persons of African descent in public administration; the establishment of a centre for Afro-Ecuadorian studies; the further development of free legal aid services; the creation within the office of the Ombudsman of a sub-unit dedicated to issues related to people of African descent and the creation of special programmes to promote the education of women of African descent.
澳大利 亚的“最佳做法监管局”要求报告监管影响,即监管行动在实现政策目标,为企 业社区带 来最小代价的优点和效率;协助决策者了解成本和效益;鼓励与利益 攸关者进行透明、及时和有意义的协商;确保政府 市民 共 享 信息。
Australia’s Office of Best Practice Regulation requires a regulation impact statement on the merit and efficiency of regulatory actions in meeting policy objectives
with minimal costs for
[...] business and the community, assists decision-makers’ understanding of the costs and benefits, encourages transparent, timely and meaningful stakeholder consultation, and ensures information-sharing between Government and the public.
如果我們出售了一些公屋來解決財政上的問題,並把剩餘的舊型公屋租予貧 窮市民,社會便容易處理公屋居民在居住上的問題。
But if the financial problem is resolved by the sale of a number of PRH units, and the rest of old PRH units
are rented to the needy public in poverty, it
[...] will be easier for society to address the housing [...]
problem of PRH tenants.
活鱼在亚洲特别受欢迎(尤其是中国居民) 以及其他国家的市场, 主要是亚洲的 民社 区。
Live fish is particularly appreciated in Asia
(especially by the Chinese
[...] population) and in niche markets in other countries, mainly among immigrant Asian communities.
在本届会议上社会科学 及人文科学委员会和自然科学委员会审议了 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 号文件所建议的决议(提案国:奥地利、比利时、玻利维亚 民 族 国 、布基纳法 索、刚果、朝民主主 义人民共和国、丹麦、吉布提、多米尼加共和国、芬兰、冰岛、利比 亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、马达加斯加、新西兰、荷兰、挪威、帕劳、巴布亚新几内亚、波兰、 葡萄牙、萨摩亚、塞内加尔、斯洛文尼亚、瑞典、图瓦卢和乌拉圭;共同提案国:巴巴多 斯、哥斯达黎加、德国、哈萨克斯坦、拉脱维亚、黎巴嫩、马来西亚、摩纳哥、巴基斯坦、 所罗门群岛、苏里南和赞比亚),要求总干事利用教科文组织独有的跨学科背景,加强教科 文组织在气候变化问题上的专业能力。
During this session, the SHS and SC Commissions examined the resolution proposed in document 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 (submitted by: Austria, Belgium, Plurinational State of Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Congo, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Finland, Iceland, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Samoa, Senegal, Slovenia, Sweden, Tuvalu, Uruguay; co-sponsored by: Barbados, Costa Rica, Germany, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Malaysia, Monaco, Pakistan, Solomon Islands, Suriname, and Zambia), requesting the Director-General to strengthen UNESCO’s specialized capacity on climate change, building upon UNESCO’s unique interdisciplinary profile.
[...] 的城市借助于非洲城市以及非洲市长防治艾滋病毒³艾滋病联盟等网络正在团结起来,针对 在消除贫困和实现市社会和环境可持续发展方面的经验、创新和手段,交流信息。
In addition, cities worldwide and within Africa were uniting through networks such
as Africities and the African Mayors Alliance against HIV/AIDS to exchange information on experiences, innovations and means for combating
[...] poverty and attaining socially and environmentally [...]
sustainable urban development.
此次访问是在特别具有挑战性的背景下进行的,其特征是东北部地区连续四 年干旱,该国存在大量伊拉克民并 正 在从中央计划经济 社会市 场 经 济转变。
The visit took place in a particularly challenging context, characterized by the fourth consecutive year of drought in the north-eastern region,
the presence of a large
[...] number of Iraqi refugees and the transition from a centrally planned to a social market economy.
政府介绍了其在下列领域的工作计划:(a) 为大众媒体产品设置“容忍标 准”,包括在犯罪报告中不得提及族裔背景的禁令、在联邦媒体中在报道俄罗斯
联邦各民族时强制性正面新闻报道的定额以及在为儿童制作电影广播时塑造俄 罗斯联邦各民族的正面形象;(b) 在高等教育机构中设置族裔间研究;(c) 由
[...] 各民族代表在一般性教育机构中开设关于其民族文化、传统和习俗的综合课程; (d) 提高年轻人对于俄罗社会民族多 样性的认识。
The Government provided information about its plans to work in the following areas: (a) setting “tolerance standards” for popular media productions, including a ban on mentioning ethnic backgrounds in crime reporting, a mandatory quota for broadcasts of positive news accounts featuring the peoples of the Russian Federation in the federal media, and producing films and broadcasts for children casting the various peoples of the Russian Federation in positive roles; (b) establishing inter-ethnic studies in higher educational institutions; (c) conducting comprehensive lessons on the culture, traditions and customs of various ethnic groups by members of those groups in
general educational establishments; and (d) raising awareness among the young
[...] about the ethnic diversity of Russian society.
[...] “教育伙伴关系”协定也将提供一个有效机制,用于确定、测试和应用成功的教育伙伴关系原则和 模式,教育伙伴关系涉及私营部门、 民社会 、 国 际组织、捐助者和政府。
In this connection, the “Partnerships for Education” agreement between UNESCO and the World Economic Forum (WEF) will also provide an effective mechanism for identifying, testing and applying principles and models for successful
educational partnerships involving the
[...] private sector, civil society, international organizations, [...]
donors and governments.
谨随函附上多民族玻利维亚国总统胡安·埃沃·莫拉莱斯·艾玛发表的一项 声明(见附件),其中他向世界各国 民 、 各 社会 运 动 和地球母亲捍卫者发出呼吁, 并邀请科学家、学者、法律人士和各国政府参加 [...]
2010 年 4 月 20 日至 22 日在玻 利维亚科恰班巴举行的气候变化和地球母亲权利世界各国人民会议。
I have the honour to transmit herewith a copy of a communication from Mr. Evo Morales Ayma, President of the Plurinational State
of Bolivia (see annex), in which he
[...] calls upon all peoples and social movements of the [...]
world that advocate for Mother Earth
and invites scientists, academics, legal experts and governments to attend the Peoples’ World Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth, to be held from 20 to 22 April 2010 in the city of Cochabamba, Bolivia.
[...] 地,加上城市密度低,以及私人轿车和摩托车的使用,不仅导致交通堵塞,事故 率迅速上升,政治家们还日益面临严重的地方空气污染及 市民 和 社 区 的 有关健 康问题。
Unsustainable land use with low urban densities and the use of private cars and motorcycles have not only led to traffic congestion and a rapid increase in the accident rate. Politicians
are also increasingly facing severe local air pollution and related health
[...] problems for their citizens and communities.
此外,旅游局已向领有牌照之实体,如:酒店、公寓、餐饮场所及旅 社 等 转 发由卫生局制作的《预防人感染H7N9禽流感-给旅 社 和 旅客的建议》、《预防人感染H7N9禽流感-给旅游业、酒店及博彩娱乐场所的建议》及《预防人感染H7N9禽流感-给家禽业及饮食业从事员的指引》,以保障业界、旅客 市民 的 健 康。
In addition, MGTO has forwarded to all licensed entities, e.g. hotels, guest houses, restaurants and travel agencies, a series of guidelines produced by Health Bureau including
"Prevent Human Infection
[...] with H7N9 Avian Influenza – Advice for Travel Agencies and Tourists", "Prevent Human Infection with H7N9 Avian Influenza – Advice for Tourism, Hotel and Gaming Industries" and "Prevent Human Infection with H7N9 Avian Influenza – Guideline for Handlers of Poultry and Food" to protect industry partners, visitors and citizens' health.




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