

单词 市政厅

市政厅 noun, plural ()

town halls pl

See also:

市政 adj

municipal adj

市政 pl

municipalities pl


municipal administration

living room
(reception) hall

External sources (not reviewed)

为孩子们做他们的方市政厅(Town Hall),僵尸最终会失去他们,并找到自己的困惑现代社会,然后的风向标,攻击他们的人集体所困扰。
As the kids make
[...] their way to the Town Hall, the zombies [...]
eventually lose them and find themselves confused by modern society
and then are beset by the citizenry, who attack them en masse.
甲斐贤治是仙台媒体文化中心行动支持部主管,大地震之后的几天,他一直追踪仙 市政厅 指 定疏散点的情况。
Kai Kenji, Director of the smt’s Activity
Support Department, spent the days following the earthquake inside a designated
[...] evacuation site at the Sendai City Hall.
旅馆Situla是位于新梅斯托中心,距 市政厅 3 0 米 , 距离最近的10个公共汽车或火车进站分钟步行路程。
Hostel Situla is located in the centre of Novo mesto,
[...] 30 m from the town hall, 10 minute walk [...]
from the nearest bus or train stop.
这座美丽的维多利亚城市有着无数可以做的事——你可以参观曾经建造大型轮船(比如泰坦尼克号)的造船厂、惊叹于宏伟 市政厅 建 筑 和美丽的皇后大学、或者就在顶级精品店和时髦商厦内享受贝尔法斯特绚烂的城市生活。
This beautiful Victorian city has stacks of
things to do, too ­– you can check out where great ships like the Titanic were built, marvel at the
[...] architecturally impressive City Hall and Queen’s [...]
University, or immerse
yourself in Belfast’s sparkling city life with hip boutiques and smart stores.
苹果白兰地是要她的奖金捐赠Equestria圈地和计划修 市政厅。
Applejack is going to the Equestria rodeo and plans on donating her
[...] winnings to repair the town hall.
动能力(包括使用无障碍信号指示器和路牌)以及为便 于其以低廉费用获得各种形式的援助(人力、动物或
[...] 辅助技术和设施)而采取的措施 - 《违反和惩治法》自今年起完全生效,这使得 市政厅 、 区 域 政府和各部委获得了相应的预算资金,以用于弥补和完善无障 [...]
Measures to facilitate the personal mobility of persons with disabilities, including the use of signal indicators and street signs for accessibility, in the manner and the time of their choice, as well as their access to forms of assistance (human, animal, or assistive technologies and devices), at an affordable cost The full entry into force of the Offences and Penalties Act this year
will encourage appropriate budget
[...] management by municipalities, regional governments [...]
and ministries in order to redress and
improve accessibility conditions for the free movement of persons with disabilities.
市政厅(To wn Hall),原主教的宫殿,而今天的戈雅博物馆收集了大量西班牙戈雅相当不错的代表艺术。
The town hall, formerly a [...]
bishop’s palace, and today the Musée Goya has a large collection of Spanish art with Goya fairly well represented.
[...] DomLounge坐拥柏林全景,令人叹为观止, 包括电视塔、红市政厅和柏 林大教堂。
The unique meeting and event location DomLounge, on the two top
floors, offers breathtaking panoramic views of Berlin including the
[...] Television Tower, red Town Hall and Berlin Cathedral.
2009 年 11 月,4 个加拿大和平组织(科学促进和平、加拿大帕格沃希团体、
[...] 医生促进全球生存协会和加拿大妇女和平之声)在多伦 市政厅 议 事 厅共同举办 了一个关于零核武器的公开论坛。
Four Canadian peace organizations (Science for Peace, Canadian Pugwash Group, Physicians for Global Survival and Canadian Voice of Women for
Peace) co-sponsored a public forum on zero nuclear weapons in November 2009 at the
[...] Council Chamber of Toronto City Hall.
1 个武装恐怖分子团伙劫走了 1 辆属市政厅厅长 Jihad Salaas 的政府大众 车,车牌号为 978382/大马士革。
An armed terrorist
[...] group seized a Government Volkswagen, registration No. 978382/Damascus, belonging to the head of the Tall city council, Jihad Salaas.
区域发展理事会由理事会主席 市政厅 主 席以及来自私营部门 和社会团体的代表组成。
The regional Council is comprised of the
[...] chairmen of raions, town halls, representatives [...]
of the private sector and the civil society.
这次活动在海市政厅正厅 举行,是法院书记官处在海牙市协助下举办的庆祝仪 式的一部分,法院各位法官、海牙市长、市政委员会委员、各外交使团的代表以 [...]
This event took place in
[...] the Atrium of the City Hall in The Hague, [...]
at a ceremony organized by the Court’s Registry, with
the help of the municipality, in the presence of members of the Court, the Mayor of The Hague, aldermen, representatives of the diplomatic corps and senior officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands and international organizations based in The Hague.
市政厅法令 》和《城市发展署法》均载有条款,允许在向法庭提出上诉 并获得法庭下达的法令之际,可拆毁非法住房和定居点。
Both the Municipal Councils Ordinance and the Urban Development [...]
Authority law contain provisions enabling the demolition
of illegal houses and settlements after filing action in a court of law and obtaining a court order in that behalf.
黎巴嫩内务部和市政厅都设 有人权单位,旨在防止黎巴嫩国家安全部队官员侵犯人权的行为, 并通过培训提高对人权概念的认识;最近,一个工作组与高专办协商起草了国安 [...]
The Human Rights Section in the Ministry of
[...] the Interior and Municipalities of Lebanon aims to [...]
prevent human rights violations by
Internal Security Forces officials in Lebanon and raise awareness of human rights concepts through training; a working group recently drafted, in consultation with OHCHR, a code of conduct for the Internal Security Forces.
一旦到了法兰德斯,外国公民应该到其居住 市政厅 报 到 (原则上讲是到达后的8天以内)以便市政厅的外国人办公室登记和获取居留卡(所谓的电子身份证)。
Once arrived in Flanders, the foreign national
concerned should
[...] present himself at the municipality he will be living in and should report to the city authorities of his place [...]
of residence (principally
within 8 days after his arrival) in order to be inscribed in the register of foreigners of the commune and obtain a residence card (so-called electronic ID card).
2012 年
[...] 5 月 22 日 24 时,一武装恐怖团体在 Qusayr 向市政厅和教堂附近的 执法人员开火。
At 2400 hours on 22 May 2012, an armed terrorist group opened fire on law enforcement
[...] personnel near the municipality building and church [...]
in Qusayr.
20 个受援国举办了制定应对气候变化战略讲习 班,还为曼市政厅举行 了在地方一级应对气候变化的培训班。
Regarding international cooperation, the presenter stated that Japan
has provided an information dissemination
[...] network for CDM projects in China; a training [...]
workshop on developing a strategy
to address climate change for 20 aid recipient countries; and a training session for the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration to address climate change at a local level.
25 (2000)、 29 (2002)和30 号一般性建议时提议缔约国监督 和评估在政府停止向各应急中心拨发专用支助金之后, 市政厅 所 提 供照料和资 助的实效。
Recalling its general recommendations Nos. 25 (2000), 29 (2002) and 30, the Committee recommends that the State party monitor and assess the
effectiveness of care provided
[...] and financed by municipalities after the cessation of earmarked government grants to crisis [...]
1880年创立于伦敦市政厅音乐 与戏剧学校,是欧洲音乐教育顶级学府之一。
Founded in 1880 in London, the Guildhall School of Music and Drama is one of Europe’s leading conservatoires.
列治市政厅已计 划于Riva 对街兴建大型市政公园:该位置彷佛为 Riva 量身打造的后花园一 般,为住户提供了一个野餐、运动、以及遛狗散步的理想场地。
This park will act as Riva’s unofficial backyard, providing an inviting space for riverside picnics, impromptu soccer games and dog walks.
这 些妇女庇护所系由社服童保机构、 市政厅 、 省级特别行政部门和非政府组织开 设和管理。
Women’s shelters can be opened and
[...] run by SHÇEK, municipalities, special provincial administrations, [...]
and NGOs.
职业卡的申请可以在申请人最后所在国的比利时外交部或领事馆,如果申请人申请职业卡时已经 定居在比利时或已经在比利时取得合法居留权可以在当地 市政厅 申 请
Applications for professional cards can be filed either with the Belgian diplomatic or consular post in the country of the last residence of the person concerned or with the local authorities of the (Flemish) commune if the applicant already
obtained a Be residence card and is already legally residing in Belgium at the time of
[...] the professional card application.
市政厅是库 奥皮奥集市广场的优雅背景,而集市广场则是夏天新鲜蔬果、浆果和蘑菇等的主要摆买地方,它也是一年一度舞蹈节的举办场地。
Kuopio's Town Hall forms one side of the city's central Market Square, a [...]
focus for the annual dance festival and a colourful,
thriving source of fresh Finnish produce – vegetables, berries and mushrooms – over the summer months.
这里还有赫尔辛基 城市博物馆 地址:码头市场市政厅 广场
Helsinki City Museum can also be [...]
found in the Tori Quarter.
这个区曾经是 一个自治区并拥有自己市政厅,教堂和学校,并且是第一个在坎普-林特福特保持城 [...]
市发展的区域,被称作"Altsiedlung"- 老领地-或者被当地人叫作“侨居地”。
The estate was an autonomous quarter
[...] with its own town hall, churches and schools, [...]
and was the first contiguous urban development in Kamp-Lintfort
currently referred to as the "Altsiedlung" – the "old settlement" – or the "colony" by the local townsfolk.
委员会关切,缔约国相关立法仍规定禁止某些公共部门,诸如:联邦交通 运输、轨道工人市政厅雇员 ,及其他不以国家名义行使权力的雇员的罢工权 [...]
( 165. 第八条)。
The Committee is concerned that the relevant legislation of the State party still imposes restriction on the right to strike for workers of certain public sectors such
as federal courier communications,
[...] railway workers and municipal employees, and [...]
others who do not exercise authority in
the name of the State (art. 8).
威勒市政厅领袖 Steve Foulkes大臣说道:“给予沛尔国际贸易中心规划许可是推广这一项目的一大重要和令人激动的步骤,它将为本区带来新的企业、工作和数以百万英镑计的投资,同时将为更广阔的威勒尔水域项目投资者起到催化剂的作用。
Wirral Council Leader, Cllr Steve Foulkes said: “The decision to grant planning consent to the Peel ITC is an important and exciting step towards a development which will bring new business, jobs and millions of pounds of investment to the Borough as well as providing a catalyst for investors in the wider Wirral Waters site.
山”系列 威诺里萨 北京 美国 参加展览 2001年 《迹象未来》红门画廊十周年展
[...] 2002年 《上苑艺术家联合展》 澳市政厅 澳门 2005年 《情劫》八人作品展 [...]
2006年 《亚洲艺术家交流展》 昌原美术馆 韩国 《抽象艺术的中国文本》 上海美术馆
上海 《2006年中国当代艺术文献展》 世纪坛美术馆 北京 2007年 《抽象艺术的中国文本》 宁波美术馆 宁波 《文脉当代——中国版本》 今日美术馆 北京 《厌战》 纽约艺术中心 北京
Mountain" series Weinuoresa Beijing U.S. To participate in exhibition 2001 "Signs in the future," the tenth anniversary of the Red
Gate Gallery Show 2002 "Shangyuan Artists
[...] Exhibition" Macao City Hall 2005 "Robbing [...]
the situation," Eight Exhibition 2006
"Asian artists exhibition," Art Museum Changwon Korea "The Chinese text of the abstract art " Shanghai Art Museum in Shanghai "Chinese contemporary art in 2006 Document," Beijing Millennium Monument Art Museum 2007 "the Chinese version of abstract art,", Ningbo Museum of Art "Contemporary Context - Chinese version of the" Beijing Today Art Museum "War-weariness of" New York Arts Center in Beijing




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