

单词 市政

市政 noun, plural ()

municipalities pl

市政 ()

municipal administration



city government
city hall

市政府 n

municipal government n

市政厅 n

town hall n

External sources (not reviewed)

必要时,法院也会听取上述双方身边人的意见, 听取当事双方领地的农市镇政府、 城 市政 府 或警察当局的意见。
Where necessary, the court will also hear the persons close
to the persons specified above, and
[...] the rural municipality or city government or police [...]
authority of the residence of the persons.
这些措施促使妇女在国民议会以及地 区市政机构中有更好的代表性。
These measures have improved the representation of women in the National Assembly
[...] and regional and municipal bodies.
張瑞珍女士續說,有關塑化劑污染事件,當局根據《公眾衞生 市政 條 例 》(第132 章)第78C(3)條六度發出第78B條命令,從市面上回收食品或禁止受污染食品輸入和在本 [...]
Ms. S. C. CHEUNG continued that, in connection with the plasticiser contamination incident, there were six Section
78B Orders under Section 78C(3) of the
[...] Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance [...]
(PHMSO), Cap. 132, issued to recall
food from the market or to prohibit the tainted foods from importing and supplying within Hong Kong for which risk assessment showed that long-term consumption of such products may pose a health risk.
若干代表团赞扬秘书处纪录并促进各方交流了在以下诸领域的良好做 法和国家经验:扩大公共交通运输、实行绿色建筑、采用 3R 办法(减少、 再使用、再循环)战略、进行可持续的城市规划、实行固体废物管理、注重
[...] 供水、下水处理、以及以采用参与式办法实行城市管理、推动公私营伙伴关 系市政金融等。
Several delegations commended the secretariat for documenting and sharing good practices and country experiences in eco-city development, promotion of public transportation, green buildings, 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) strategies, sustainable urban planning, solid waste management, water supply,
sewerage, participatory approaches to urban management, promotion of public-private
[...] partnerships and municipal finance.
该报告确定了若干必须加以促进的广泛政策 方向,具体如下:(a)
政府应越来越多地在城市中发挥更为重要的发展作用;(b) 经
[...] 过改革的城市规划系统必须充分和明确地应对当前和正在出现的城市挑战,包括 气候变化、快速城市化和贫穷、不断缩小的城市、老龄化、城市的多元文化组成、 非正规性和安全;(c) 各国应制定国家市政策, 以更加系统地应对城市挑战和 预期;以及(d) 应高度优先地重视并根据现实标准发展很多发展中国家缺乏的强 制执行城市规划监管的能力。
It identified a number of broad policy directions that must be promoted, as follows: (a) Governments should increasingly take on a more central development role in cities; (b) reformed urban planning systems must fully and unequivocally address the current and emerging urban challenges, including climate change, rapid urbanization and poverty, shrinking cities, ageing, multicultural composition of cities, informality and safety; (c)
countries should formulate
[...] national urban policies in order to address urban challenges and prospects more systematically; and (d) capacity to enforce urban planning [...]
regulations, which is
seriously lacking in many developing countries, should be given very high priority and should be developed on the basis of realistic standards.
住戶將不受影響,因為住宅廢物,不 論是由兩市政局或 私營廢物收集商收集,都可豁免毋須列入這項計劃的範圍內。
Households will not be affected since domestic waste, whether
[...] collected by the municipal councils or [...]
private collectors, is exempted from the scheme.
儘 管 本 集 團 已 於 武 漢 陽 邏 港 項 目 開 始 時 獲
[...] 中 國 合 營 夥 伴( 為 武市 政 府 機 關 )授 予 發 展 武 漢 [...]
陽 邏 港 第 二 期 的 優先權 , 且 於 二 零零五 年 訂 立 一份綱 要
性 協 議( 連 同 於 二 零零七 年 四 月 簽 署 的 補 充 協 議 )並 獲 中 央 政 府 於 隨 後 批 准 相 關 發 展 計 劃 , 令 本 集 團 持 有 第 二 期 發 展 項 目的 44 % 股 權 及 由 武 漢 陽 邏 港 兩 間 中 國 合 營 夥 伴 持 有 其 餘 權 益 , 惟 就 合 資 合同條 款 的 磋 商 最 終 破 裂 , 導 致 本 集 團 未 能 如 願 參 與 該 項 目的開 發 。
Despite the Group having been granted the right of first refusal for the development of
Phase II of the WIT Port by the PRC joint venture partners
[...] who are Wuhan government agencies at inception [...]
of the WIT project,
the signing of the Heads of Agreement in 2005 (together with a supplemental agreement in April 2007) and the subsequent approval of the development plan by the Central Government for the Group to take a 44% equity interest in the Phase II development with the rest of the interest to be taken up by the two PRC Joint Venture partners of WIT, negotiations of the terms of the joint venture agreement have grinded to a halt resulting in the Group not being able to participate in the development of the project as intended.
a) 或 b)项所提及的实体的联合 考虑上述规定,我们可以列举一些符合成文法 规定的公共实体:公共权力机构,包括政府行
[...] 政机构、国家管理和法律执行机构及他们的协 会组织市政机构、国家和省级管理机构、国 家拨款实体和地方政府机构(包括其他根据立 [...]
法为执行公共任务而建立的中央和地方政府法 人),不包括企业、银行和商事公司。
Taking the above into consideration, we can enumerate some of the entities that fulfil the requirements of the statute to be regarded as public entities including: the organs of public authorities, including organs of government administration; state control, law
enforcement bodies and their
[...] associations; municipality; country and provincial [...]
authorities; entities financed by the state; and the local government (including other central or local
government legal people created under separate legislation for the purpose of performing public tasks), with the exclusion of enterprises, banks and commercial companies.
人居署的活动,加上来自技术合作经常方案的更多资源,有一个强大的乘数 效应,并产生了一个重要的项目组合,这体现在下列成果中:为受 2010 年 1 月 地震影响的海地城市制定统筹恢复和重建的战略方针;多方捐助者支持方案,协 助 10 个试点发展中国家采用关于权力下放和获得基本的普遍服务的国际准则; 城市间合作方案,为西部非洲 5 个国家提供培训、研究和能力发展;阿拉伯区域 可持续城市发展战略,将在 2012 年 5 月在科威特举行的“促进阿拉伯城市可持 续性市政管理 和城市发展”区域会议上启动。
UN-Habitat activities, with additional resources from the regular programme of technical cooperation, had a large multiplier effect and generated an important project portfolio, as demonstrated by the following results: the formulation of strategic lines for integrated recovery and reconstruction developed for Haitian cities affected by the January 2010 earthquake; a multi-donor support programme, assisting 10 pilot developing countries to adopt international guidelines on decentralization and access to basic universal services; a city-to-city cooperation programme providing training, research and capacity development for five countries in Western Africa; and a sustainable urban development strategy for the Arab region, to be launched at the regional conference “Municipal management and urban development for sustainability in Arab cities” to be held in Kuwait in May 2012.
此外,工商业非政府组织、环境类非政府组织、农民、土著人民组织、地政府和市政当局 、工会非政府组织、妇女和性别问题以及青年非政府组织的代表 [...]
In addition, representatives of business and industry NGOs, environmental NGOs, farmers,
indigenous peoples organizations,
[...] local government and municipal authorities, trade [...]
union NGOs, women and gender, and youth NGOs made statements.
35 为了从法律上处理因不执行决定而导致在实际中许多公民无法行使现有法
[...] 律规定的权利的问题,政府分两步骤授权县行政管理局,对未能在合理的时间期 限内执行裁决市政府进行惩处。
In order to legally deal with the existence of unimplemented decisions that in practice deny many citizens their rights under existing legislation, the Government has extended, in two stages, the county
administrative boards’ possibilities to
[...] impose penalties on municipalities that fail to enforce [...]
judgments within a reasonable period of time.
爱沙尼亚计划继续加大支持扩市政 租 赁住房存量,并鼓励地方当局成立 社会住户单位。
Estonia plans to continue increasing the support for
[...] expanding the municipal leased housing [...]
stock and encourage local authorities to
establish social housing units.
为完成这些优先事项,稳定团将就以下活动向海地政府提供支助:(a) 起草 立法和制定对稳定至关重要的政策;(b)
[...] 题在立法机构和行政机构之间建立共识;(c) 举行参议员和地方选举,以更换三 分之一的参议员和民选市长、城镇代表和社区议员;(d) 对新当选市政官员 进 行能力建设;(e) 推动选举法改革并建立常设选举理事会;(f) 建立省级代表办 公室进行规划和发展的能力;(g) 实施地方公务员制度改革;(h) [...]
在全国建立独 立媒体的能力。
To meet these priorities, the Mission will provide support to the Government in the following activities: (a) drafting legislation and developing policies critical to stability; (b) completing the constitutional reform process and building consensus between the legislature and the executive on key legislation; (c) holding senatorial and local elections to renew
one-third of the Senate
[...] and elect mayors, town delegates and communal section assembly members; (d) building capacity for the newly elected municipal officials; [...]
(e) fostering electoral
law reforms and the establishment of the Permanent Electoral Council; (f) building the planning and development capacity of departmental delegations; (g) implementing reform of the local civil service; and (h) building capacity of independent media throughout the country.
(a) 以本公司的資財進行投資或以其他方式獲取及持有、並擔任代理以發行在世界任何地方組成
[...] 權股證、以股代息股票、債券、債務、票據、證券及投資,以及世界任何地方的任何政府、 國家、領土、公眾團體或最高市政 、 地方或其他權力機構所擁有或發行或擔保的基金或貸 款或其他證券及投資,以及進行各類代理業務及收取債務及轉讓貸款。
(a) To invest the moneys of the Company in or otherwise to acquire and hold, and to act as agents for the issue of, shares, stocks, debentures, debenture stock, scrip, bonds, obligations, notes, securities and investments issued or guaranteed by any company, corporation, trust, firm or person constituted or carrying on business in any part of the world, and in the funds or loans or other securities and investments
of or issued or
[...] guaranteed by any government, state, dominion, public body or authority, supreme, municipal, local or otherwise [...]
in any part of the
world and to transact all kinds of agency business and to collect debts and negotiate loans.
国家培训讲习班的目标如下:(a)提高与会者在以下方面的知识和技能:机构间的合作 机制市政府和 城市理事会在城市管理中的地位与作用;城市管理的重大问题和促进积极参 [...]
The objectives of the national training workshop were the following: (a) to improve the knowledge and skills of participants about: inter-organizational
mechanisms of collaboration; place and
[...] role of the municipality and city council in [...]
the management of cities; city management
challenges and mechanisms for dynamic participation; importance of city management for the promotion of population security; local governance, and culture of peace and non-violence; and (b) to strengthen the participation of civil society in city management.
[...] (CASS)社会学研究所、中华全国妇女联合会(ACWF)、华东师范大学、云南社会科学院哲学 所、地方当局(大市政府、金堂县政府(2002 年)、云南迪庆藏族自治州)以及中国教 [...]
The project has been successful in involving many local partners such as, in China, the Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), All China Women Federation (ACWF), East China Normal University, Institute of Philosophy, Yunnan Academy of
Social Sciences, the local
[...] authorities (Dalian City Government, Jintang Country Government [...]
(2002), the Yunnan Diqing Tibetan
Autonomous Prefecture) and Chinese National Commission for UNESCO.
任 何人 除非得到人員的書面特准,否則不得在吊車系統區內出售、 為出售 而展示或要約出 售任 何貨
[...] 品、貨物或服務,而《公眾 衞生市 政條 例》(第 132 章)第 86、86A、86C [...]
及 86D 條適用於本條所訂的罪行,猶如 該罪行是該條例第 83 條所指的小販罪行一樣。
No person shall, unless authorized in writing by an official, sell or expose or offer for sale any goods, wares or services in the Cable Car System area, and
sections 86, 86A, 86C and 86D of the
[...] Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance [...]
(Cap. 132) shall apply to an offence
under this section as if such offence were a hawker offence within the meaning of section 83 of that Ordinance.
因此,该法规定了在政治和公共生活领域采取的具体措 施,这些措施将导致在公共当局、共和国、省、镇 市政 机 构、政党、工会、社 团及国际合作授权实现平等。
The Law therefore sets forth specific measures for the areas of political and public life which shall lead to achieving equality in public
authorities, the Republic, provincial,
[...] town and municipal bodies, in political parties, labour [...]
unions, associations and international cooperation delegation.
据此可将预算资金的 0.5%用 于建造和改造城市地区市政基础 设施、面向全体市民开放的 市政 机 构和 场所,特别是为残疾人和老年人提供服务的场所,实现无障碍通行;还批准 了相应的月度开支,数额达一个纳税单位(UIT),用以设立和运作相应的残疾 人关爱事务市级办事处和区域办事处。
Under these articles, governments at those levels are authorized to use 0.5 per cent of their budgets to improve or provide accessibility features for urban infrastructure and municipal buildings [...]
that are open to all persons,
and especially persons with disabilities and older adults, and are authorized to undertake expenditures equivalent to up to one taxation unit (UIT) for the purpose of opening municipal and regional offices to serve persons with disabilities.
但是,它仍关切的是,在各联邦 实体或联邦实体与国家市政当局 之间还没有建立起有效的协调。
It is concerned, however, that effective coordination has still
not been established in practice among federal entities or between federal entities
[...] and state and municipal authorities.
[...] 其他有关法律的义务性法令;对违反“该法和其他法律”的行政管理行为提出上 诉;在法庭上提出要求和向州市政 当 局提出提案和建议、以终止和废除所发布 “违反该法的歧视性做法”;对“规范性法案”发表评论;提交“关于歧视的投 [...]
The mandate of the Commission includes establishing violations of the Act or other laws regulating equality of treatment; issuing decree measures for prevention; imposing sanctions and applying administrative compulsory measures; issuing obligatory prescriptions for compliance with the Act and other relevant laws; appealing against administrative acts, which are in contravention to the Act and other laws; initiating claims before the
court and making proposals and
[...] recommendations to state and municipal authorities to terminate [...]
discriminatory practices and repeal
their acts issued in contravention to the Act; commenting on draft normative acts; providing independent assistance to victims of discrimination by submitting complaints about discrimination; conducting surveys.
邱頌韻女士告知與會者,中心在會上提交一份諮詢文件,當中建議食環署署長應在 《公眾衞生市政條例》(第132章)第55條下制定食物中殘餘除害劑規例(擬議規例),以 加強保障公眾健康,提高規管工作的成效,以及促使本地標準與國際標準接軌而又可平 衡維持本港食物供應穩定的需要。
In this consultation document, it was proposed that regulation on pesticide residues in food (the proposed Regulation) should be enacted by Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene (DFEH) under section 55 of the PHMSO, Cap. 132, with a view to better protecting public health, facilitating effective regulation and promoting harmonisation between local and international standards whilst balancing the need of maintaining a stable supply of food in Hong Kong.
更多的非法做法包括:通过驱逐巴勒斯坦居民改 变耶路撒冷的人口组成和法律地位;根据建造一个有 20
个住房单元组成的新定居点的计划拆毁位于东耶 路撒冷的历史悠久的牧羊人酒店,该计划威胁到巴勒
[...] 斯坦领土的地理连续性和任何未来巴勒斯坦国的生 存能力;耶路撒市政府最近通过了一项在东耶路撒 冷周围建造 124 个新住房单元的计划;耶路撒冷规划 [...]
地上为犹太定居者再建造 1 400 个住房单元的新计 划。
Additional illegal practices include changing the demographic composition and legal status of Jerusalem by expelling Palestinian inhabitants; the destruction of the historic Shepherd Hotel in East Jerusalem under a plan to construct a new settlement of 20 housing units, which threatens the geographic contiguity of the Palestinian territories and the viability of any
future Palestinian State; the recent
[...] adoption by the municipal Government of Jerusalem of [...]
a plan to build 124 new housing
units around East Jerusalem; and the recent announcement by the Jerusalem planning commission of a new plan providing for the construction of a further 1,400 housing units for Jewish settlers in annexed land in the occupied West Bank.
(b) 作為一家投資公司,並就此按任何條款(不論有條件或絕對)認購、收 購、持有、處置、出售、處理或交易由任何公司(不論註冊成立地點)或 由任何政府、主權、管治者、專員、公共組織或機關(最高級 市政 級、 地方級或其他)通過最初認購、招標、購買、轉換、包銷、加入財團或透 過任何其他方式發行或擔保的股份、股額、債權證、債權股證、年金、票 據、按揭、債券、債務及證券、外匯、外幣存款及商品(不論是否繳足款 項),以及就有關事項於要求繳付。
(b) to act as an investment company and for that purpose to subscribe, acquire, hold, dispose, sell, deal in or trade upon any terms, whether conditionally or absolutely, shares, stock, debentures, debenture stock, annuities, notes, mortgages, bonds, obligations and securities, foreign exchange, foreign currency deposits and commodities, issued or guaranteed by any company wherever incorporated, or by any government, sovereign, ruler, commissioners, public body or authority, supreme, municipal, local or otherwise, by original subscription, tender, purchase, exchange, underwriting, participation in syndicates or in any other manner and whether or not fully paid up, and to meet calls thereon.
相关国家提供支持:(a) 就可持续消费与生产、可持续农业、可再生
[...] 能源和能源效率、可持续城市和交通运输规划、废水处理以 市政危 险废物管理等领域,建立相关区域和次区域技术合作、能力开发和知 [...]
识共享平台;(b) 就自然灾害管理、综合水资源管理和气候变化适应
方面的研发和技术合作以及数据联网领域,建立新的区域和次区域伙 伴关系,并加强现有的相关区域和次区域伙伴关系。
One delegation proposed that the secretariat continue providing support to countries in the region by: (a) establishing regional and subregional platforms for technological cooperation, capacity development and knowledge sharing in the areas of sustainable consumption and production (SCP), sustainable
agriculture, renewable energy and energy
[...] efficiency, sustainable urban and transport planning, [...]
wastewater treatment, and municipal
and hazardous waste management; and (b) forging new, and strengthening existing regional and subregional partnerships in research and development and technical cooperation as well as data networking in the fields of natural disaster management, IWRM and climate change adaptation.
委员会建议缔约国在其下次定期报告中详细报告有关议会人权专员有效运作的情 况,因为这是一个按照《巴黎原则》建立的国家人权机构,授予其在种族歧视领
[...] 域内担负具体职责,特别担负着处理各种申诉,针对种族歧视受害者的问题采取 各种措施,确保他们在地区、区域 市政 各 级 有效地求助于专员办公室。
The Committee recommends that the State party include in its next periodic report detailed information on the effective functioning of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights, a national human rights institution set up in accordance with the Paris Principles, mandate it with specific competence in the field of racial discrimination, in particular to process complaints and take measures in response to the concerns of victims of racial
discrimination, and ensure their effective access to the Commissioner’s Office at the
[...] regional, district and municipal levels.
(b) 在包括卫生和福利部以及男女平等事务部和有关国家、地区 市政机 构 在内的各部门之间,明确与儿童权利有关的职能和关系,以便有效协调缔约国 为执行《公约》开展的各种活动。
(b) Ensure clarity in the child rights-related functions and relations between the relevant ministries, including the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Ministry of Gender Equality, and relevant national, regional and municipal bodies, and in doing so, effectively coordinate all activities undertaken by the State party for implementation of the Convention.
在第1 次会议上,还有人代表工商界非政府组织、妇女和性别类非政府组
[...] 织、青年非政府组织、环境非政府组织、工会非政府组织、以及地 政 府 和 市政 当局集团发了言。
Also at the 1st meeting, statements were made on behalf of the business and industry nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), women and gender
NGOs, youth NGOs, environmental NGOs, trade union NGOs, and the
[...] local government and municipal authorities constituency.
这座美丽的维多利亚城市有着无数可以做的事——你可以参观曾经建造大型轮船(比如泰坦尼克号)的造船厂、惊叹于宏伟 市政 厅 建 筑和美丽的皇后大学、或者就在顶级精品店和时髦商厦内享受贝尔法斯特绚烂的城市生活。
This beautiful Victorian city has stacks of
things to do, too ­– you can check out where great ships like the Titanic were built, marvel at the
[...] architecturally impressive City Hall and Queen’s [...]
University, or immerse
yourself in Belfast’s sparkling city life with hip boutiques and smart stores.




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