

单词 市委



Provisional Municipal Council of Macau
Câmara Municipal de Macau Provisória

External sources (not reviewed)

本公司已向聯交所市委員會申請批准因行使根據首次公開發售前購 股權而配發及發行的股份上市及買賣。
Application has been
[...] made to the Listing Committee of the Stock Exchange for the listing of, and permission [...]
to deal in, the
Shares to be allotted and issued pursuant to the exercise of the Pre-IPO Share Options.
本公司將向市委 員會申請批准因認股權證所附帶的認購權獲行使而將予發行的股份於聯交所上市及買 賣。
The Company will
[...] apply to the Listing Committee for the listing of, and permission [...]
to deal in, the Shares to be issued upon
exercise of subscription rights attached to the Warrants on the Stock Exchange.
宪法法院还要求莫斯塔市委员会 汇报采取了何种步骤,以在议会修正案公布后三个月内,使莫斯塔尔市规约符合波斯尼亚和黑 [...]
The Constitutional Court also requested
[...] that the Mostar City Council inform it of [...]
steps taken to bring the Mostar City statute in line with the Bosnia
and Herzegovina Constitution within three months of publication of the Parliamentary Assembly’s amendments.
在莱索托,开发署为马塞市委员会 提供技术 支助,将性别平等纳入其工作方案的主流,并增强女承包商的权能。
In Lesotho, UNDP provided technical
[...] support to the Maseru City Council to mainstream [...]
gender in their programs of work and to empower women contractors.
本公司將向聯交所市委員會 申請批准新股上市及買賣。
The Company
[...] will apply to the Listing Committee of the Stock Exchange [...]
for the granting of the listing of, and permission to deal in, the New Shares.
(d) 為處理有關市委員會成員必 須 避免可能出現利益衝突 方 面 的關注,政府當局應檢討該 委員會成員的委任制 度,並參考其 他 司法管轄區採用的委任制度。
(d) To address the concern about the need to avoid possible conflict of interests on the part of the members of the Listing Committee, the Administration should review the system for appointing members of the Committee with reference to the appointment systems adopted by other jurisdictions.
(b) 聯 交 所市 委 員 會 批 准 根 據 新 購 股 權 計 劃 授 出 之 購 股 權 獲 行 使 時 將 予 配 發 及 發 行 股 份之上市 [...]
及 買賣。
(b) the Listing Committee of the Stock Exchange granting the listing of, and permission [...]
to deal in, the Shares falling to
be allotted and issued upon the exercise of the Options granted under the New Option Scheme.
聯交所市委員會將於 2008 年 12 月 30 日開會,考慮最近由上市發行人、 [...]
傳媒和四位立法局議員提出的意見及證監會的信件,從而決定就此等發展採 取回應。
The Listing Committee will meet on 30 December [...]
2008 to consider the recent comments from listed issuers, media and four
Legislative Councillors together with a letter from the SFC and decide what action or actions the Exchange should take in response to these developments.
这部法律还包括有市委员会 的条款,规定应 市委 员 会框架内组织妇女 和年轻人集会。
The same law which also
[...] includes provisions on city councils stipulates that women and youth assemblies shall be formed within the framework of city councils.
(ix) 就 聯 交 所 上 市 科 及 ╱ 或市 委 員 會 或 其 他 監 管 機 關 就 貴 集 團 之 業 務 及 事 務 [...]
進 行 之任何 調 查 給 予 配 合 , 包 括 但 不 限 於 及 時 及 公 開 回 應 向 其
提 出 之 所 有 疑 問 、 及 時 向 聯 交 所 及 其 他 監 管 機 關 提 供 聯 交 所 及 其 他 監 管 機 關 可 能 就 此 需 取 得 之 所 有 該 等 資 料( 按 要 求 提 供 書 面 資 料 )及 出 席 彼 可 能 被 要 求 出 席 之任何 會 議 或 聆 訊 ; 及 (x) 於 出 現 任 何 導 致 周 先 生 不 適 合 出 任 貴 公 司 之 顧 問 之 情 況 後 立 即 通 知 董 事 會 。
(ix) to co-operate in any investigation
[...] conducted by the listing division and/or listing committee of the Stock Exchange [...]
or other regulatory authorities
in connection with the Group’s business and affairs, including but not limited to answering promptly and openly all questions addressed to him, providing promptly to the Stock Exchange and other regulatory authorities (in writing if so requested) all such information as the Stock Exchange and other regulatory authorities may require in relation thereto and attending before any meeting or hearing at which he is requested to appear; and (x) to forthwith notify the Board upon occurrence of any circumstances which may render Mr. Chow unsuitable to act as a consultant of the Company.
规定莫斯塔市委 员选 举的条款不完整,因此而产生的争议是,波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那中央选举委 [...]
Because the provisions regulating the
[...] election of Mostar City councillors are incomplete, [...]
it is disputable whether the Bosnia
and Herzegovina Central Election Commission will be able to call elections for Mostar when it announces local elections throughout the country.
(aa) 購股權計劃須待聯交所市委員會 批准可能因行使根據購 股權計劃授出的購股權而發行的股份(數目不少於一般計 劃上限)上市及買賣後,方可作實。
(aa) The Share Option Scheme is
[...] conditional on the Listing Committee of the Stock Exchange granting the listing of and permission [...]
to deal in, such
number of Shares to be issued pursuant to the exercise of any options which may be granted under the Share Option Scheme, such number being not less than that of the General Scheme Limit.
(d) 在香港聯合交易所有限公司(「聯交所」) 市委 員 會 (「 市委 員 會 」)批准新 股份及發售股份上市買賣後,公開發售正式完成。
(d) subsequent to the Listing Committee (the “Listing Committee”) of The Stock Exchange [...]
of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock
Exchange”) granting listing of and permission to deal in the New Shares and the Offer Shares, the Open Offer is duly completed.
彼亦為香港交易及結算所有限公司董事 (曾任主板及創業板市委員會 主席)、香港地產建設商會副 主席、香港經濟研究中心董事及機場管理局成員,亦為醫管 局前任主席。
He is also a director of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing
Limited and a past
[...] chairman of its Listing Committees of the Main Board and the Growth Enterprises Market, a Vice President [...]
of the Real Estate
Developers Association of Hong Kong, a Trustee of the Hong Kong Centre for Economic Research and a Board Member of the Airport Authority, and was a past chairman of the Hospital Authority.
他 於二○○七年獲委任為太平紳士,於二○○八年獲委任為中國人民政治協商會議上 市委 員。
In 2007, he was appointed a Justice of the Peace. In 2008, he
[...] was appointed a member of Shanghai City’s Chinese People’s [...]
Political Consultative Conference.
(b) 經全體董事或其中一名董事(代表全體董事)妥為簽署之各章程文件副本 (以及所有其他須隨附之文件)送交百慕達公司註冊處處長存檔以及遵守
[...] 公司法之其他規定; (c) 聯交所市委員會 批准或同意批准(受配發規限)供股股份上市及以未繳 [...]
及繳的形式買賣,且並無於緊接最後接納時限之後兩個營業日下午 5
時正 前撤回或撤銷有關上市及買賣之批准
(c) the Listing Committee of the Stock Exchange granting or agreeing to grant (subject to allotment) the listing of, and permission to deal in, all the Rights Shares, in their nil-paid and fully-paid forms, by not
later than, in respect of the Rights Shares in
[...] their nil-paid form, the first Business [...]
Day after the Prospectus Posting Date
and, in respect of the Rights Shares in their fully paid form, the day on which certificates for the Rights Shares are despatched to those entitled thereto under the Rights Issue, and such listing not being revoked prior to 5:00 p.m. on the day which is the second Business Day following the Latest Time for Acceptance
黃博士為香港董事學會主席、香港中樂團有限公司理事會顧問及前任主席、經濟合作組織(OECD)企業管治圓桌會議核心成員、香港聯合交易所有限公司主板及創業板 市委 員 會 成員、證監會(香港交易所 市 ) 委 員 會委員、稅務上訴委員會小組成員、商界環保協會董事局成員、上訴委員會(城市規劃)成員、香港管理專業協會理事會委員,並獲香港特別行政區政府委任為公司法改革常務委員會委員及廉政公署防止貪污諮詢委員會委員。
Dr. WONG is the Chairman of The Hong Kong Institute of Directors, the council advisor and past chairman of the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra Limited, a member of the OECD/World Bank Asian Corporate Governance
Roundtable, a member of Main
[...] Board and GEM Listing Committee of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, a member of the SFC (HKEC Listing) Committee, a member [...]
of the Board of Review
(Inland Revenue Ordinance), a board director of Business Environment Council, a member of the Appeal Board Panel (Town Planning), a council member of the Hong Kong Management Association and was appointed by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region as a member of the Standing Committee on Company Law Reform and the Corruption Prevention Advisory Committee of Independent Commission Against Corruption.
宪法》第 230(b)条规定:“为了实行权力下放式管理,根据法律规定,总统有 权创建选区、职位、岛屿委员会,环礁委员会 市委 员 会
Article 230(b) of the Constitution prescribes that “In order to provide for decentralised administration, the President has the power, as provided in law, to create constituencies, posts, island councils, atoll councils and city councils”.4 Article 231 (a) of the Constitution states that “All members of councils created for decentralised administration shall be democratically elected by secret ballot by their respective communities”.
两个国家的代表大会代表在2010年,扬 市委 书 记王Yanwen代表直接了:“国务院有关部门制定建议逐步淘汰白炽灯,加快行动计划来促进节能灯,你可以开始推广公共设施,任何政府的规定项目的投标工作照明产品,财政补贴范围从普通节能灯过去一直延伸到半导体照明尽快政策,促进应用新产品开拓市场”。
Two congresses representatives of the country in
[...] 2010, the Yangzhou Municipal Party Committee Secretary Wang Yanwen [...]
representatives bluntly:"
The State Council departments concerned to formulate proposals to phase out incandescent light, speed up the action plan to promote energy-saving lamps, you can start promoting public utilities, the provisions of any government project bidding lighting products, and financial subsidies range from the ordinary energy-saving lamps over the past extended to the semiconductor lighting as soon as possible to policies to promote application of new products to expand the market".
他亦為中國吉林市名譽市民、經濟顧問及中國 人民政治協商會議吉市委員會委員。
He is also an Honorary Citizen and Municipal Economic Advisor
[...] as well as a Committee Member of the CPPCC Jilin City, China.
男女平等地位和平等权利法案明文规定在政府( 国家或市) 委员会和议会中 至少有40% 配额,只要该机构超过3 名成员。
The act on Equal Status and Equal Rights of Women and Men includes a provision on
minimum quota of 40 per cent in
[...] governmental (state and municipal) committees and councils, if [...]
the body consist of more than three members.
[...] 九七年,彼作為香港聯合交易所有限公司(「聯交所」)理事會之獨立理事期間,彼擔任聯交所監察委員會及 市委 員會之會議召集人。
He has served as a part-time panel member of the Hong Kong Government’s Central Policy Unit from 1993 to 1995 and was an independent member of the Council of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock Exchange”) from 1992 to 1997
during which time he also acted as convener of both the
[...] Compliance Committee and the Listing Committee of the Stock [...]
(i) 聯交所市委員會 批准認購股份上市及允許其買賣(及隨後於配發及發行股份 前並未撤回該上市及允許);及
(i) the granting of the listing of, and the permission [...]
to deal in, the Subscription Shares by the Listing Committee of Stock
Exchange (and such listing and permission not subsequently revoked prior to the allotment and issue of Shares); and
按公佈、通函及章程之前所披露,本公司會向安排人發行代價股份(包括44,000,000股本 公司新股份),作為引薦包銷商敦沛融資有限公司的代價,惟有待公開售股完成且香港 聯合交易所有限公司市委員會(「 市委 員 會 」)批准代價股份上市買賣方會進行。
As previously disclosed in the Announcement, the Circular and the Prospectus, the Company will issue Consideration Shares which consists of 44,000,000 New Shares of the Company to the Arranger in consideration of the Arranger having introduced the Underwriter – Tanrich Capital Limited, to the Company after completion of the Open
Offer upon the
[...] condition that the Listing Committee of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Limited (the “Listing Committee”) having granted [...]
to the listing of
and permission to deal in the Consideration Shares.
葡 萄牙的合作架构是分散实施模式,主要行为体包括来自中央政府、地方管理当局 (包市委员会 和市政协会)、民间社会组织(如发展非政府组织)以及基金会、大 [...]
Portuguese cooperation is structured according to a decentralized implementation model, and the main actors include several entities from the central
Administration, the local
[...] Administration, including city councils and municipal associations, [...]
civil society organizations, such
as development non-governmental organizations (NGOs), as well as foundations, universities and research institutions.
動議待(i)香港聯合交易所有限公司 市委 員 會 批准於股本削減(定義見下文)生效後 本公司股本中每股面值0.001港元之股份上市及買賣;(ii)遵守百慕達一九八一年公司法 第46條;及(iii)通過通告內普通決議案第3、4及5項後,於二零零六年五月二十五日(香 [...]
THAT, conditional on (i) the Listing Committee of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited granting the listing of, and permission [...]
to deal in,
the shares of HK$0.001 each in the capital of the Company following the Capital Reduction (as defined below) becoming effective; (ii) compliance with Section 46 of the Companies Act 1981 of Bermuda; and (iii) the passing of Ordinary Resolution Nos. 3, 4 and 5 set out in the Notice, with effect from 25 May 2006 (Hong Kong time), or such other day and at such time as the board of directors of the Company may determine
2006年,上市委、市政府 领导亲自批示:要求有关部门全力支持LVD无极灯这一具有完全自主知识产权的高科技产品的发展;LVD无极灯被刊入上海工业行业“十一五”创新规划;上 市 经 委 , 市 发 改 委 , 市 技 监 局,市财政局发文:沪经节(2006)579号-LVD无极灯被列入《上海市节能产品应用推荐目
In 2006,
[...] leaders of Shanghai municipal Party committee and Shanghai government gave the following instructions: Firstly, the related governmental departments should give full support to the development of LVD induction lamp, because it is a high-tech product with full intellectual property rights; Secondly, LVD induction lamp should be listed into the "Eleventh five-year plan innovation plan"; Thirdly, Shanghai Municipal Economic Commission, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Quality [...]
and Technical Supervision
Bureau, Municipal Bureau of Finance should issue document that HUJINGJIE (2006) 579-LVD induction lamp is listed into the Recommendation List of Shanghai’s Energy-saving Products.
[...] [...] Spahl女士,德国莱茵TÜV大中华区总裁兼首席执行官薛勒先生,德国莱茵TÜV中国西部地区总经理蒋明红女士,苗圃行动董事局主席何毅良先生,OBC公司销售部经理罗红波女士,临沧市人民政府副秘书长杨青先生和临 市委 书 记 白玲女士等多位地方政府代表以及全体学生出席了开幕仪式。
The ceremonies were attended by Claudia Spahl, Deputy German Consul of the Chengdu German Consulate, Ralf Scheller, TÜV Rheinland Greater China President and CEO, Linda Jiang, General Manager of TÜV Rheinland Western China, Albert Ho, Chairman of the Board at Sowers Action, Luo Hongbo, Sales Manager of OBC Express, a team of local government representatives led by Yang
Qing, Vice-Secretary of Lincang
[...] Municipality, and Bai Ling, Party Secretary of Lincang Municipality, and students [...]
from grades 1-9 at the two schools.
出席本次颁奖论坛的嘉宾有:西门子东北亚区CEO、西门子(中国)总裁兼CEO程美玮,中共天 市委 统 战部副部长、天津市工商联党组书记、第一副主席李广文,天津市滨海新区人民政府经济信息化委员会主任金东虎,北京大学光华管理学院教授武常歧,罗兰贝格高级合伙人、大中华区副总裁刘文波,《环球企业家》杂志社执行副主编仇勇以及获奖企业代表。
Attending the ceremony were Mei-Wei Cheng, President and CEO of Siemens China and Cluster CEO of Northeast Asia; Li Guangwen, Vice Director of the United Front Work Department of the CPC of Tianjin, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group, and Deputy Director of the Tianjin Federation Of Industry and Commerce; Jin Donghu, Director of the Tianjin Binhai District Economic Informationalization Commission; Wu Changqi, Professor of the Peking University Guanghua School of Management; Watson Liu, Senior Partner and Vice President of Roland Berger Greater China; and Qiu Yong, Global Entrepreneur Magazine Vice Executive Editor-in-Chief.




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