单词 | 市场营销 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 市场营销 —marketingSee also:市场 n—markets pl • marketplace n 市场—market (also in abstract) 营销 v—market v
在农产品市场日益全球化的背景下,非洲国家必须通过区域价值链结成战略伙伴关 系,加强投资、贸易、市场营销和粮 食安全。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the context of increasingly globalized agricultural markets, African countries need [...] to form strategic partnerships through regional value chains that enhance [...] investment, trade, marketing and food security. daccess-ods.un.org |
Jürgen Sehnbruch从2002年起成为福伊特水电集团事业部的管理委员会成员,负 责 市场营销 和 产 品管理。 voith.com | Jürgen Sehnbruch has been a Member of the [...] Management Board of The Group Division Voith Hydro since 2002, and he [...] is responsible for Sales, Marketing and Product [...]Management. voith.com |
中低收入国家也应这样做,在中低 收入国家,许多本地生产的“品牌仿制药 ” 市场营销 力 度 很大。 daccess-ods.un.org | This also applied to low- and middle-income countries, where many locally produced [...] “branded generics” were aggressively marketed. daccess-ods.un.org |
保密信息"是指所有的数据(用户隐私声明的条款中定义的)存储使用的服务,包括但不限于计算机源代码,文件中包含的内容(例如,源代码,任何业务计划,概念,理念,诀窍,工艺,技术,方案,设计,公式,算法或工作正在进行中,任何工程,制造,营销,技术,财务,数据,或销售信息,定价或商业信息,以及任何其他信息或材料,无论是书面或图形,或任何其他形式),票发行,wiki内容,或任何其他专有信息,通过使用该服务,但不包括您的姓名,公司名称和/或标志,可用于网络经理拟用 于 市场营销 目 的 的用户隐私声明的条款。 net-managers.com | Confidential Information" means all of your Data (as defined in the Terms of User & Privacy Statement) stored using the Services including but not limited to computer source code, files and content contained within (e.g. source code, any business plan, concept, idea, know-how, process, technique, program, design, formula, algorithm or work-in-progress, any engineering, manufacturing, marketing, technical, financial, data, or sales information, pricing or business information, and any other information or materials, whether written, or graphic, or any other form), issue tickets, wiki content, or any other proprietary information created through use of the Services but [...] excluding your name, company and/or logo which may be used by [...] Net-Managers.com for marketing purposes as contemplated by the net-managers.com |
大部分UCLA 最初的国际品牌的成功起源于他们30年前第一次在日 本 市场营销 的 努 力。 labbrand.com | Most of UCLA's initial international brand success stemmed from their first marketing efforts in Japan [...] 30 years ago. labbrand.com |
西非经济和货币联盟(西非经货联盟)的次区域条例协调了成员国有关消耗臭氧层物质进 口、市场营销、使 用和再出口的条例以及有关淘汰使用消耗臭氧层物质包括氟氯烃的设备 [...] 和氟氯烃设备的条例,进而控制了这些国家之间的流动。 multilateralfund.org | The sub-regional regulation for the “Union Economique et Monétaire de l’Ouest Africain” (UEMOA) harmonizes the [...] regulations of member countries concerning [...] the importation, marketing, use and re-export [...]of substances that deplete the ozone [...]layer and elimination of equipment using ODS, including HCFCs and HCFC-based equipment, thereby controlling movement among these countries. multilateralfund.org |
作为活动的领导者而非追随者,联合国荒漠与防治荒漠化十年还将寻求 公共关系或市场营销公司 的支持,以在全球层面开展具体活动,同时视资金情 [...] 况,还需要志愿者为项目工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | To be a leader not follower in the campaign, the [...] UNDDD will also seek the support of a [...] public relations or marketing company to run [...]specific campaigns at global level, and [...]volunteers to work on the project, depending on the availability of funds. daccess-ods.un.org |
机密信息包括新产品 [...] 计划、业务计划、财务信息、业务流程、战略数据、商 业数据、市场营销数据、技术数据,以及与公司员工、 客户和其他业务合作伙伴相关的信息。 tenneco.com | It includes new product plans, business plans, financial [...] information, business processes, [...] strategic, commercial, marketing and technical data, [...]as well as information about our team [...]members, customers and other business partners. tenneco.com |
此书不仅面向设计工程师,还面向工程经理、技术人员、系统设计师以 及 市场营销 与 销售人员,通过超长的数学分析强调一般应用概念。 digikey.cn | Written not only for design engineers but also for [...] engineering managers, technicians, system [...] designers and marketing and sales personnel, the [...]book emphasizes general application [...]concepts over lengthy mathematical analyses. digikey.com.mx |
开发署在土库曼斯坦实施的一个方案是向 60 [...] 多名农村妇女提供业务发展及 运作(例如金融、市场营销和销 售)培训,这些人反过来又为其他妇女进行了这些 [...]技能方面的培训。 daccess-ods.un.org | A programme implemented by UNDP in Turkmenistan has provided training in [...] business development and operation [...] (e.g. finance, marketing and sales) to more than [...]60 rural women, who in turn have trained other women in these skills. daccess-ods.un.org |
增加在信用社和服务合作社的妇女成员人数,或创建全是女性的服务合 作社,以提供投入和帮助市场营销 daccess-ods.un.org | (i) Enhancing women’s membership in [...] credit and service cooperatives, or creating all-women service cooperatives that provide [...] inputs and help with marketing daccess-ods.un.org |
对于最新上市的JBL PRX600系列扬声器,JBL PRO市场营销理查 德鲁塞先生这样评价:“我们设计的JBL PRX600系列扬声器,可以用在对演出扩声音响环境充满挑战的地方,如:高环境噪声水平或是高声压级演出的环境等。 acehk.com | For the latest listing of JBL PRX600 Series speakers, JBL PRO Marketing Mr. Richard Ruse [...] commented: "We designed the JBL [...]PRX600 Series speakers, can be used in sound reinforcement for performances where challenging environment, such as: high ambient noise sound pressure level or high performance environment. acehk.com |
Blyzinskyj先生在克兰菲尔德管理学院获得金融 与 市场营销 工 商 管理硕士学位,在伦敦大学国王学院以优异成绩获得电子工程学理学士学位。 tipschina.gov.cn | Mr. Blyzinskyj holds an MBA [...] in Finance and Marketing from the Cranfield [...]School of Management, and a B.Sc. degree with honors [...]in Electronic Engineering from King's College, University of London. tipschina.gov.cn |
2010: 成为瓦克全球涂料市场经理,同时负 责 市场营销 与 发 展战略。 wacker.com | 2010: Became [...] global coatings market manager and is currently responsible for strategic marketing development. wacker.com |
在有案可查的 CRM 系统(及其中的数据)与营销自动化之间存在固有的协同作用;通过此次并购,Oracle 现在可以在 Oracle 平台上为市场营销参与 者们提供另一种本就储存其数据的工具。 china.blackstone.com | There is inherent synergy between the CRM system-of-record (and the data therein) and Marketing Automation; by making this move Oracle can now offer another tool to marketers that already house their data on the Oracle platform. blackstone.com |
网络优惠券中介通过将其营销重点从折扣程度转向价值、效用性、 甚至稀有性,以此改变人们对其所提供服务的认知,即把甩卖转变 成为一种深思熟虑的新型的公司 市场营销 策 略。 deloittetmt.com | By shifting the focus from discount size to value, utility or even rarity, online coupon intermediaries could change the [...] perception of their [...] offering from a last-ditch sales effort to a deliberate and innovative part of a company’s marketing strategy. deloittetmt.com |
通过组织线上及线下的活动,CIC 市场营销 团 队 不仅引领着中国网络口碑行业的发展,还帮助CIC巩固在行业内作为研究和咨询公司的领先地位。 ciccorporate.com | Through a combination of both online and offline promotional [...] activities, CIC's marketing team has not only [...]pioneered the growth of China's Internet [...]Word of Mouth (IWOM) industry, but has also helped CIC to retain its position as a leading strategy and research consulting firm. ciccorporate.com |
他在ADI公司先后从事过电机控制、电能计量和电力线通信的销售、全球营销及项目管理工作,最近担任Soundbar和数字桌面音频设备的泛亚消 费 市场营销 经 理。 analog.com | His career at ADI spanned across sales, global marketing and project management for motor control, energy meters and power [...] line communication, and, lately, as Pan-Asia [...] Consumer Segment Marketing Manager for [...]Soundbar and Digital Desktop audio. analog.com |
通过高度开发的网上服务咨询、专注 的 市场营销 、 优 质的物流管理和明确的服务承诺,RS [...] 不但一跃成为快达在欧洲、中东和非洲地区强大的渠道合作伙伴,而且继续在跨市场工程社区内为新产品的推出提供良好时机。 crydom.com | Through a highly developed on-line [...] presence, focused marketing, excellent logistics [...]and a clear commitment to service, RS [...]continue to be a very strong channel partner to Crydom in the EMEA and present a great opportunity to seed new products within the engineering community across the markets. crydom.com |
马库斯·莫法里奇拥有市场营销和地 产专业的商业学历,在踏足 IT 界之前,他曾想做一名地产开发商。 servcorp.com.cn | With a commerce degree in marketing and real estate, [...] Marcus Moufarrige was looking to become a property developer before he fell into IT. servcorp.com.cn |
其次,农民为应对这些挑战而制定的 市场营销 战略 通常在现有体制环境中并不可行。 daccess-ods.un.org | Secondly, the marketing strategies developed [...] by farmers to cope with these challenges are often not feasible within the [...]existing institutional environment. daccess-ods.un.org |
展望未来,中等收入国家应该借助这些改革, [...] 提高对外竞争力,方法是实现产品差异化,更积极地开展国 际 市场营销 , 并进入 具有较高技术含量和附加值、更具活力的专业领域。 daccess-ods.un.org | Looking ahead, middle-income countries should build on these reforms and improve external competitiveness through [...] product differentiation, and more [...] active international marketing, as well as through [...]moving into more dynamic areas of specialization [...]with a higher technological content and greater value added. daccess-ods.un.org |
André在中国主要负责直接与间接采购,工作包括航空航天工业的供货资源 , 市场营销 , 发 展供应商,优化供应链以及工业部件提供。 bciaerospace.com | The direct and indirect purchasing activities led by André in China [...] include; sourcing, marketing, supplier development, [...]supply chain optimisation and support [...]components industrialisation for the aeronautics industry. bciaerospace.com |
多年来,市场营销人员 的目光都一直聚焦于被我们称作中国消费群的“光鲜”之处:内地一线城市的高收入人群。这些消费者符合中国人对于成功人士的传统定义,并推动中国成为全世界最大的奢侈品和高档汽车消费市场。 labbrand.com | For years, [...] the attention of marketers has been focused [...]on what we can call the “shiny” section of China’s consumer base: [...]high-earning consumers in Tier one cities who conformed to traditional ideals of social success and have made China the world’s largest market for luxury goods and high-end cars. labbrand.com |
通过这项协议,有关公司能够将其各自的知识产权产品组合进行交叉销售;推出全球性 的 市场营销 活 动 ;更有效地为在多个地域从事设计及制造的原设备制造(OEM)客户提供服务;无论有关生产程序在世界哪处进行,都能有效追踪有关的设计项目,相关企业因此无须使用复杂而低效率的内部追踪系统。 cytech.com | The agreement includes the [...] ability to cross-market the companies' respective IP portfolios, to run global marketing campaigns, [...]to effectively cover [...]OEM customers with design and manufacturing across more than one geographic region and to provide effective tracking of design projects wherever the production takes place in the world, removing the need for complex and inefficient internal tracking systems. cytech.com |
这些措施包括:建立更广的本地业务网络,以便更好地满足客户需求;利用当地的研发能力设计产品并进行产品本地化;建立覆盖全中国的销售网络;通 过 市场营销 活 动提升品牌知名度。 emerson.com | Companies will expand their local organizations to better meet customer demands, utilize local R&D capability to design [...] and localize [...] products, establish sales networks throughout China, and increase brand awareness through marketing activities. emerson.com |
了解更多有关 DESIGN2LAUNCH Brand Manager [...] 的信息,以及该方案如何将强大的工作流程自动化、安全数码资产管理以及协作审查和批准结合在一起,以便有效地 对 市场营销 和 包装流程进行管理。 graphics.kodak.com | Learn more about DESIGN2LAUNCH Brand Manager and how it combines powerful workflow automation, secure [...] digital asset management and collaborative review and approval to help [...] efficiently manage marketing and packaging processes. graphics.kodak.com |
FIREBIRD拥有一批有志向、有活力的专家,他们拥有跨行业经验,尤其擅长网上银行系统;互联网安全系统与反病毒软件;NFC及导航与位置技术;电信;WiMax;IP;广播与卫星通信系统;数字内容提供、聚合与发布系统;VoIP;能源;纳米与生物技术;消费电子;设计与出版软件;社交网络平台;iOS与安卓应用;本地化品牌拓展 、 市场营销 与 公 关服务;政府关系建设;以及人力资源与企业培训。 tipschina.gov.cn | Firebird employs a host of ambitious, energetic specialists, with experience across fields and most notable for their expertise in on-line banking systems, Internet security systems and anti-virus software, NFC and navigation and location-based technologies, telecommunications, WiMax, IP, broadcast and satellite communications systems, digital content provisioning, aggregation, and distribution systems, VoIP, energy, nano and bio technologies, consumer electronics, design and publishing software, social networking platforms, iOS [...] and Android applications, localized [...] brand development, marketing, and PR services, [...]governmental relationship building, and HR and corporate training. tipschina.gov.cn |
高露洁的商业机密和其他保密信息并非都是技术类 [...] 的,可能还包括商业研究、新产品计划、战略目标、任何类型 的 市场营销 或 销 售材料或信息、任 何未公布的财务或价格信息、员工/客户/供应商名单以及与客户需求、喜好、商业习惯和计划相关 [...]的信息。 colgate.com | They can also include business research, new [...] product plans, strategic objectives, [...] any type of marketing or sales material or [...]information, any unpublished financial or [...]pricing information, employee, customer and vendor lists, and information regarding customer requirements, preferences, business habits and plans. colgate.com |
雅加达分公司在成立初期,其业务将主要集中在银行与金融以及销售 与 市场营销 招 聘 服务方面,并将在未来随着客户和候选人关系的建立,逐渐拓展至其他领域。 robertwalters.cn | The Jakarta office will have an initial focus on [...] banking & finance and sales & marketing roles [...]with plans for gradual expansion into other [...]disciplines as client and candidate relationships are established. robertwalters.nl |