

单词 市场经济

See also:

市场 n

markets pl
marketplace n

经济 n

economies pl
economic development n




market (also in abstract)

External sources (not reviewed)

马其顿:前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国自 1991 年独立以来,在向民主和职能 市场经济 转型进程中已经取得重大进展。
Macedonia: The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia has
made significant progress in its transition to democracy and to
[...] a functional market economy since its independence [...]
in 1991.
爱沙尼亚妇女培训中心(http://www.nkk.ee)的目的,是帮助妇女在发展市 场经济和民 主条件下找到自己的位置、新机会和新出路。
The aim of the Estonian Women’s Training Centre (http://www.nkk.ee) is to help
women find their place and new opportunities and outlets in the conditions of
[...] the developing market economy and democracy.
20.3 考虑到上文所述各个区域委员会的作用以及《联合国千年宣言》和《可持续发展问题世界首脑 会议执行计划》中的目标和承诺,2012-2013 年欧洲经委会工作方案的主要目标是:(a) 结合
欧洲联盟的扩大和区域东部正在推进的各类一体化举措,支持东欧、高加索和中亚及东南欧国 家加入泛欧经济一体化;(b) 提高区域内生活品质,促进区域可持续发展,包括减轻和适应气
[...] 候变化;(c) 增强竞争力,特别是区域内新 市场经济 体 和低收入国家的竞争力,以此推动经 济繁荣。
20.3 Taking into account the role of the regional commissions as expressed above and the goals and commitments contained in the United Nations Millennium Declaration and in the Plan of Implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable Development, the main objectives of the ECE work programme for 2012-2013 will be (a) to support the integration of the countries of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia, as well as South-Eastern Europe, into the pan-European economy, taking into account the enlarged European Union and the various integration initiatives under way in the eastern part of the region, (b) to improve the quality of life and to contribute to the sustainable development of the region, including in terms of climate change mitigation and adaptation, and (c) to
enhance competitiveness, in
[...] particular in the emerging market economies and low-income [...]
countries of the region, thereby contributing to their economic prosperity.
当前的经济危机更突显市场经 济国家 、缺乏监管的金融部门和迅速开放的贸易全都存在缺陷,无助于创造就业 机会和平等分配财富。
The current economic crisis has further highlighted that market economies, unregulated [...]
financial sectors and the rapid liberalization
of trade all present deficiencies with regard to creating jobs and distributing wealth equally.
就象 1989
[...] 年后我们帮助推倒柏林墙的人建立起 健全的民主政体市场经济那样;就象 1994 年我们 欢迎南非选择走和解与民主而非种族冲突的道路,因 [...]
而重返英联邦那样;如今在 2011 年,在北非和中东 人民挺身而起,表达他们希望建立更开放、更民主的
社会之时,我们有机会,同时也有责任,去 帮助他们。
Just as after 1989 we helped those who tore
down the Berlin Wall to build
[...] robust democracies and market economies, just as in 1994 [...]
we welcomed South Africa back into
the commonwealth of nations when it chose the path of reconciliation and democracy instead of racial conflict, so now in 2011, as people in North Africa and the Middle East stand up and give voice to their hopes for more open and democratic societies, we have an opportunity, and, I would say, a responsibility to help them.
定:哥伦比亚、墨西哥和委内瑞拉之间的三 国集团(G-3)、阿根廷、巴西、乌拉圭和 巴拉圭之间的南方共同市场(1991年)、安 第斯集团改为安第斯共同体(1997年)和加
[...] 勒比共同市场(2002年)改为加勒比共同体, 纳入了加勒比共同市场这一单 市场经济。
In the following years, several other agreements have been signed: the Group of Three (G-3) between Colombia, Mexico and Venezuela (1989), MERCOSUR between Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay (1991), the transformation of the Andean Group into the Andean Community
(1997), and the transformation of CARICOM (2002) into the Caribbean Community, including the
[...] CARICOM single market economy.
塞尔维亚共和国的经济体制是基市场经济、开 放和自由的市场、创业自由、营业实体独立及私营与其他类型的 资产平等。
The economic system in the Republic of Serbia is based on market economy, open and free market, freedom of [...]
entrepreneurship, independence
of business entities and equality of private and other types of assets.
为农业部门确立的目标必然涉及农业部门改革的继续、基 市场经 济原则 的现代法规和制度框架的建立、农业和食品加工行业竞争力不断增强、对 [...]
Thus, the objectives set for the agricultural sector had to do with the continuation of the reforms, creation of a
modern legislative and institutional
[...] framework based on market economy principles, increase [...]
of competitiveness of the agricultural
and food processing sectors, support of agricultural producers and promotion of agricultural products on external markets.
二十年来的机构重组以及由计划济 向 市场经济 转变 割裂了中国能源政策的统一制定和执行,也 阻碍了国家能源战略的发展。
The past two decades of bureaucratic restructuring and shifting
[...] from a planned to market economy have resulted [...]
in fragmented control over the energy
sector, preventing the development of a national energy strategy.
注重的焦点将设定为 政府可执行哪些政策,从法律上帮助穷人形成力量,增进数十亿非正式工人及企 业主市场经济充分获益的能力和 市场经济 作 出 贡献的能力。
Focus will be set on policies that governments may implement to legally empower the poor, and enhance
the capacity of billions of informal
[...] workers and entrepreneurs to fully benefit from and contribute to the market economy.
目前,它的主要任务是 推市场经济的发 展,同时与世界所有的产 生贫穷的原因作斗争。
Currently, its main task is to support the
[...] development of the market economy whilst combating [...]
all the causes of poverty in the world.
议案旨在包括市场经济转型 期期间,增强新一代人于该国生活所有各方面发挥的作用,维护 未成年人的权利和利益,保护未成年免遭成年人的暴力侵害,并确保未成年获得 教育和在健康的家庭环境内抚育成长。
Its aims include increasing the role of the new generation in all aspects of the country’s life during the transition to a market economy, defending the rights and legal interests of minors, protecting them against violence by adults and ensuring that they receive an education and an upbringing in a healthy family setting.
自1990年以来,对外贸易赤字已经成为 波市场经济的一个特征。
A deficit in the external trade balance has been a characteristic
[...] for Poland as a market economy since 1990.
通过教育使民众意 识到:盗版削弱了中国电影产业获取市场回报的能力,从根本上制约了中国电影产业生产力
[...] 的发展;盗版扼杀电影产业的原始创新,损害消费者不断增长的文化需求的长远利益;盗版 降低了中央政府的财政收入,扰乱了社会主 市场经济 秩 序,极大地败坏了中国政府的国际 形象和声誉。
It is hoped that relevant education will enable the people to realize that: piracy has fundamentally hindered the development of the movie industry and has undermined the capabilities of the movie industry to obtain market returns; piracy will, in the long run, harm the longterm interest of consumers in their increasing demand for cultural products by strangling the movie industry’s ability to innovate; piracy lowers the fiscal revenues of the
central government, disturbs the order
[...] of the socialist market economy and severely harms [...]
the international image and reputation of the Chinese government.
[...] 和最佳做法方面的活动协助了许多前转型 经济体将其经济从中央计划改革成社会导 向市场经济体。
The activities of UNECE in providing legal norms, standards and best practice recommendations have assisted many of the
former transition economies in transforming their economies from centrally planned to
[...] socially oriented market economies.
美国中断了对朝鲜民主主义人民共和国的贸易,指责朝鲜民主主义人民共和 国威胁地区稳定、未与美国反恐努力合作、从事大规模杀伤性武器扩散活动、共 产主义国家、市场经济体, 并以此对朝鲜民主主义人民共和国实施各种经济制 裁(2011 年 4 月 25 日《美国国会研究所报告》)。
The United States curtails trade with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and imposes all sorts of economic sanctions on such accusations that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea threatens regional stability, does not cooperate with the United States in its anti-terrorism efforts and engages in proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is a communist State, a non-market economy, etc. (United States Congressional Research Service Report, 25 April 2011).
虽然欧洲联盟新成员国家和欧洲新兴经济体在 2009 年经历了一场非常严重 的危机,国内生产总值下降幅度相当大,但这场危机的严重程度远远不及 1990 年代从计划济转向市场经济的过 程中所经历的经济衰退。
Although the European Union new member States and the European emerging economies experienced a very serious crisis in 2009 with some large declines in GDP, the severity of the crisis was
not even close to that of the economic
[...] decline experienced in the 1990s during the transition from planned to market economies.
对其中一些国家来说,满市场经济 更为 基本的知识产权需求仍然是一种挑战。
For several of these countries, meeting even the more basic IP
[...] requirements of a market economy is still a challenge.
很难 说具有发达市场经济的国 家在运用金融工具或管 制的效果更好,或更坏,因为案例中两种情况都出 现了。
In developing countries, institutions may be insufficiently developed for collection of emission fees from a wide variety of dispersed sources.
他在 2008 年报告(A/HRC/7/42)中还 建 议 :政府 必须保护土著人民的权利,保护由 于文盲 、
[...] 习惯做法或 其 他原因而 不 熟 悉法律或法律程序、不熟悉经济交易规则 市场经济 的 其 他人的权利。
In his report of 2008 (A/HRC/7/42), he further recommended that the Government protect the rights of indigenous persons and others who, due to illiteracy, customary practices or other
reasons, are not familiar with the law or its procedures, the rules for making
[...] of economic transactions or the market economy.
根据 来自经济发展和贸易部的数据,按照俄罗斯于 2006
[...] 年的经济表现,该国已经完全克服 了市场经济过渡时所产生的最严重的经济不景气。
According to data from the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade,
based on the Russian Federation’s economic performance in 2006, the country’s deepest economic recession owing to its
[...] transition to a market economy has been [...]
completely overcome.
一些发达国家和新市场经济体已 经实施一揽子财政刺激方案。
A number of
[...] developed and emerging market economies have implemented [...]
fiscal stimulus packages.
[...] 明其认同经合组织各成员国共享的基本价值观,即开放市场经济、民主的多元化社会形态以及尊重人权。
According to the OECD, “each candidate country must have demonstrated its
attachment to the basic values shared by all OECD
[...] members: an open market economy, democratic pluralism [...]
and respect for human rights.
推迟结婚和初产时间对于确保女孩和青年妇女尽量留校就读和获得改善自 身劳市场经济前景 所需的技能至关重要。
Delaying marriage and the onset of childbearing is important to ensure that girls and
young women remain in school as long as possible and gain the skills necessary
[...] to improve their labour market prospects.
这就允许我们在更为广泛的新 市场经济 体 中 找出那些最重要的国家和地区,同时也能够 [...]
This will allow
[...] identifying key economies in the EMs universe [...]
and warn about potential “fallen angels” in advance.
在工业市场经济国家 中,比如美国、韩国以及日本,公开的污染物排放与转移清单已将 投资人、生产商、消费者、政府、环保组织以及公共大众有效地团结在一起,环境表现欠佳的企 [...]
(Dasgupta 等人,2004;Konar 和 Cohen,1997;Decker 等人,2005;Agarwal 等人,2010)。
In industrialized market economies such as the United [...]
States, Korea, and Japan, investors, producers, consumers, governments,
environmental organizations, and the public have been effectively united by their publicly accessible pollutant release and transfer inventories to deliver both environmentally and economically desirable outcomes (Dasgupta et al. 2004; Konar and Cohen 1997, 2001; Decker et al. 2005; Agarwal et al. 2010).
与此同时,随市场经济的发展,标准的需求增加了,但标准化工作的经费 一直没有增加;参与国际标准化活动和采用国际标准和国外先进标准工作,由于 经费不足也受到较大的影响。
Moreover, participation in international standardization activities and adoption of international standards and advanced overseas standards are also affected by this fund deficiency.
最终《步步高》 成为一部非同寻常的纪录片,该纪录片让人
[...] 们深度了解中国远离城市和工业中心的农村 生活——在社会主义市场经济之间 ,农村 成为民主和自治的试验场。
The result is an extraordinary documentary film which gives insights into life in China away from the urban and industrial centres
– into a life between
[...] socialism and the market economy in which the [...]
villages become a testing ground for democracy and self-determination” (original in German quoted from the Web site www.j7m.at).
韩国一度是世界上最 贫穷国家之一,人均国内总产值在 1960 年代初低于 许多撒哈拉以南非洲国家,但是,在联合国和国际社
[...] 会的支持下,能够在战争的废墟中复苏,成功进行重 建,仅仅在一代人的时间内,发展成为一个具有活市场经济的繁荣民主国家。
However, with the support of the United Nations and the international community, Korea, once one of the world’s poorest countries, with a lower gross domestic product per capita than many sub-Saharan African nations in the early 1960s, was able to recover from the ashes of war and
successfully rebuild itself into a flourishing
[...] democracy with a vibrant market-based economy within just one [...]
除了包含历史信息外,本新闻稿也包括前瞻性叙述内容,这些叙述具有一定的风险和不确定性,包括公司在适时及盈利的基础上成功地设计和大量生产LTE组件的能力、高通Snapdragon MSM8655芯片及MDM9600
[...] LTE调制解调器应用和提供给终端制造商商用产品的范围和速度、公司服务的各 市场经济 状 况的变化以及公司向美国证券交易委员会定期提交的报告中详列的其他风险,包括截止到2010年9月26日的10-K年度报告中披露的风险。
Except for the historical information contained herein, this news release contains forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties, including Qualcomm’s ability to successfully design and have manufactured significant quantities of LTE components on a timely and profitable basis, the extent and speed to which Qualcomm’s Snapdragon MSM8655 chipset and MDM9600 LTE modem are adopted and offered in commercial
products by device
[...] manufacturers, change in economic conditions of the various markets Qualcomm serves, [...]
as well as the other risks
detailed from time to time in Qualcomm’s SEC reports, including the report on Form 10-K for the year ended 26 September, 2010.




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