单词 | 市场价 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 市场n—marketspl 市场—market (also in abstract) 市价—market value 市价n—market pricen
发射服务的价格乃参考其他供应商提供类似发射服务的市场价格後经公平磋商议定。 asiasat.com | The launch services price were [...] negotiated on an arm’s length basis and [...] reference to the market price ofsimilar [...]launch services provided by the other providers. asiasat.com |
本集团会继续维持及扩大其中 [...] 央风险管理所采用的资料及信息系统,同时亦采纳及跟随用以缓解 及管理市场价格及信贷风险的政策。 glencore.com | The Group continues to maintain and expand the resources and information systems used in its centralised risk [...] management, whilst also adopting and following policies which are intended to [...] mitigate and manage marketpriceand credit risks. glencore.com |
公 允 价 [...] 值 由 独 立 评 估 师 根 据 公开市 场 价格定期 评 估。 zte.com.cn | Fair values are regularly assessed by [...] independent valuers basedon openmarket prices. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
本集团之投资物业乃按於二零零一年十二月三十一日按公开市场价值基准进行之专业估值为依据列账。 wingtaiproperties.com | The Group’s investment properties are stated at revalued amounts based on professional valuations at 31 [...] December 2001on an open market value basis. wingtaiproperties.com |
监於定价将根据正常商业条款或更有利於合营集团的条款(惟关於办公空 [...] 间的服务除外,有关定价将为当前的价格水平及市场价格中之较低者)厘定,吾等 认为,交接期间服务协议项下的条款乃按正常商业条款商定并属公平合理。 cre8ir.com | Given the pricing will be determined based on normal commercial terms or on terms more beneficial to the JV Group (except for the prices for services relating to office [...] space, which shall be the lower of the prior [...] pricelevel and the marketprice), weare of [...]the view that the terms of the Transitional [...]Services Agreement are on normal commercial terms and are fair and reasonable. cre8ir.com |
股 权 证 券的市 场 价格下跌 亦 是 产 生 减 值 损 失 的 [...] 迹 象。 sinotrans.com | A decreasein marketprice ofequity securities [...] may also lead to indicator of impairment losses. sinotrans.com |
根据意大利米兰的独立研究机构工业研究中心 (CSIL) [...] 2012年7月一份报告指出,由2002至2011年期间,全球的床垫市场价值平均每年增长9%,到2011年已达超过200亿美元 [...](约1,560亿港元)。 tipschina.gov.cn | According to a report dated July 2012 by Centre for Industrial Studies (CSIL) in Milan, [...] Italy, an independent research institute, [...] the worldmattress marketvaluegrew by an [...]average of 9% yearly, between 2002 to 2011, [...]reaching a value of more than US$ 20 billion (approximately HK$156 billion) in 2011. tipschina.gov.cn |
股东务请注意,建议分派项下将会分派的总值的实际數额会受(其中包括其他因素)TTM股份当 时的市场价格影响。 opc.com.hk | Shareholders should be aware that the actual amount of the aggregate value of the [...] Proposed Distribution to be distributed is subject to, among other [...] factors, the prevailingmarket price of the TTM Shares. opc.com.hk |
协议项下的产品价格按下述原则确定;凡有政府定价的,执行政府定价; [...] 凡 没 有 政 府 定 价,但 有 政 府 指 导 价 [...] 的,执 行 政 府 指 导 价;没 有 政 府 定 价和政府指导价的,执行市场价;前三者都没有或无法在实际交易中 适用以上交易原则的,执行协议价,即提供该等产品所发生的合理成 [...]本加上合理利润 clypg.com.cn | pricing of products under the agreement will be based on the following policies: the price prescribed by the state, if applicable; where there is no state-prescribed price but there is a state-guidance price, then the state-guidance price; where [...] there is neither a [...] state-prescribed price nora state-guidanceprice, themarket price; where none [...]of the above is applicable [...]or where it is not practical to apply the above pricing policies in the transaction, implement the price agreed, it shall be the reasonable costs incurred in providing the products plus reasonable profits clypg.com.cn |
物 业 发展 现 金 产 生单 位 之可 收回 金额,乃参照 [...] 根据 发 展项目 持 有之 物业 的现时市 场价格,按公 平值 减出 售 成本而厘 定。 evoc.com.cn | The recoverable amount of the cash-generating unit of property development is determined based on [...] the fair value less costs to sell by reference [...] to theprevailing market priceson the properties [...]held under development. evoc.cn |
户口价值每日会因应缴付保费金额、月扣费用、部份 提款或连系基金的市场价值浮动等而改变。 aia.com.hk | The Account Value will change from day to day due to events such as premium [...] payments, monthly deduction of charges, partial withdrawals or [...] fluctuations ofthe market value of the underlying funds. aia.com.hk |
虽 然 预 期 「 恒 生 之 ETF 」 每 基 金 单 位的市 场 价格通常 会 接 近 其 每 单 位 的 资 产 净 值 , 但其市 场 价格受市场供求 影 响 , 因 此 「 恒 生 之 ETF 」 每 基 金 单 位的市 场 价格或许 会 与 其 每 单 位 资 产 净 值 有 所 差 异 。 bank.hangseng.com | It is expected that the market priceper Unit in Hang Seng's ETF(s) will normally approximate its net asset value (NAV) per Unit. bank.hangseng.com |
有 关 数 字 指 根 据 股 份 收 购 价 计 算 之 贵 公 司 假定市 场 价值。 cigyangtzeports.com | The figures [...] represent hypothetical marketvalue of the Company calculated based on the Share OfferPrice. cigyangtzeports.com |
Momentus Thin 硬碟机可与传统 2.5 寸笔记型电脑匹敌的效能和省电效率,让薄型机壳设计可以运用在笔记型电脑运算的各部分,让 OEM [...] 厂商不单能在高阶小笔电设计中加入更大价值以利向上销售,还能为消费性及商业笔记型电脑创造更明显的市场价值区隔。 seagate.com | The Momentus Thin drive rivals traditional 2.5-inch laptop drives in performance and power-efficiency, enabling thin-chassis designs in all segments of notebook computing and allowing OEMs both to design in greater value [...] on high-end netbooks for easier upselling [...] and to createa wider value differentiation [...]between consumer and commercial laptop PCs. seagate.com |
此外,我们与其中一名最长期客户的合约已续期,但由於现时市场价格出现变化,新条款较之前合约订价明显为低。 asiasat.com | Additionally, the contract with one of our longest-running [...] customers was renegotiated at terms considerably lower than the previous contract due to [...] the change in prevailing marketrates. asiasat.com |
过去这些产品都由欧美及日本厂商生产,近年来由於台 湾电源供应器厂商积极地培养设计能力、相对於欧、美、日厂商市场价格的压力,中、低阶伺服器用电源供应器逐渐转由台湾厂商生产。 acbel.com.tw | We have the power management device design and manufacture know-how to first analyze customers’ power management needs at the device- and system-level, then to design, simulate and prototype power management products and to finally manufacture, distribute and support these solutions around the world. acbel.com.tw |
我们将持续主动平衡市场价值、销售量、资本及资产负债狀况。 prudential.co.uk | We will continue to proactively balance value, volume, capital and [...] balance sheet strength in this market. prudential.co.uk |
然而,鉴於绝大部分的债券支持英镑负债,评级下调并未导致金边市场价格大幅波动,加上评级依然稳健,预期评级下调不会对本集团的资产负债狀况及盈利造成重大影响。 prudential.co.uk | However, given that the vast majority of the debt backs sterling liabilities, [...] the downgrade has not resulted [...] in large price fluctuations inthe Gilt market and that the rating [...]remains very strong, the [...]downgrade is not expected to significantly impact the Group’s balance sheet and earnings. prudential.co.uk |
若无市场价格可供参考时,则依帐面价值或其他财务资讯估计 公平价值。 cathayholdings.com.tw | When marketprices are not available, [...] the fair value was based on relevant financial or any other information. cathayholdings.com.tw |
与政府相关实体之间属收支性质之交易乃根据相关协议所载之条款基於法定费率或市场价格或实际发生之成本。 mmg.com | The sale and purchase transactions conducted with government-related entities were based on terms [...] as set out in the underlying agreements referred to, based on [...] statutory rates ormarket prices or actual cost [...]incurred. mmg.com |
富 经 验 的 投 资 者 可 利 用 因 ETF 基 金 单 位 、 相 关 指 数 的 成 份 股 及 有 关 [...] 衍 生 工 具 ( 如 有 )的市 场 价格差异 而 出 现 的 套 戥 [...]机 会 。 bank.hangseng.com | Sophisticated investors can take advantage of the [...] arbitrage opportunities posed by the [...] differentiation in market prices among the ETF [...]units, constituent stocks of the underlying [...]index and related derivatives contract (if available). bank.hangseng.com |
该公开市场价值由本公司董事参照独立物业估值 师编制之有限范围估值报告作出评估。 wingtaiproperties.com | Theopen marketvaluewas assessed [...] by the Directors of the Company with reference to a limited scope valuation report prepared [...]by an independent property valuer. wingtaiproperties.com |
敦沛有权自行判断,决定何时沽出或处置上述有关抵押品及∕或将任何持仓平仓 或斩仓,亦有权以当时市场价格转让给敦沛任何客户证券或有关抵押品,如因此导致阁下任何损失,及对 [...] 敦沛集团公司因此取得之利益,敦沛概不负责。 tanrich.com | Tanrich is also entitled to exercise its own judgement in determining the time of the aforesaid sale or disposal or liquidation and [...] to sell or dispose of any of such [...] propertiesat current market price to Tanrich [...]without any responsibility for any loss [...]occasioned or being accountable for any profit made by Tanrich. tanrich.com |
本计划的投资是受市场价格波幅及其固有的风险所影响。 hsbc.com.hk | The investment under the [...] plan issubject to marketvaluefluctuations [...]and to the risks inherent in all investments. hsbc.com.hk |
胖胖自鱼自乐: 服务非常好,货真价实 【品牌】 伟峰 【品名】 [...] 铝合金三脚架 【产地】 宁波 【型号】 WT3730市场价280元【包装】 附送超酷的帆布拉链包一个,内层防磨塑料袋等 [...]【规格】 ★收缩高度600(mm)★最大管径(mm) [...]20X16.3★净重(g) 1220★最大承重(kg) 3.0★最高工作高度(mm) 1530★最低工作高度(mm) 590 ★伟峰WT3730三脚架采用经过特殊热处理的优质铝合金及专用工程材料制成,具有高稳定超豪华支撑稳固等特性。 tw.evershooting.com | Fat from fish from the music: Service is very good, genuine [Brand] Weifeng [...] [Name] Aluminum tripod [Origin] [...] Ningbo [Model] WT3730Market Price 280 yuan [Packaging] [...]Comes with cool canvas zipper bag, [...]inner wear plastic bags [Specifications] ★ contraction height 600 (mm) the ★ biggest diameter (mm) 20X16.3 ★ Net Weight (g) 1220 ★ Max Weight (kg) 3.0 ★ Maximum working height (mm) 1530 ★ minimum working height (mm) 590 ★ Weifeng WT3730 tripod adopt the high stability of ultra luxurious support solid after a special heat treatment quality aluminum alloy material and dedicated engineering characteristics. evershooting.com |
B.合并公司持有之权益证券系分類为公平价值变动列入损益之金融资产及备供出 售之金融资产,因此類资产系以公平价值衡量,因此合并公司将暴露於权益证券市场价格变动之风险。 weikeng.com.tw | The dividends to stockholders cannot be lower than 50% the accumulated unappropriated retained earnings in the current year, and cash dividends cannot be lower than 20% of the total stockholders’ dividends. weikeng.com.tw |
任 何 人 与 其 他 人 串 谋 藉 进 行 欺 骗 或 虚 假 陈 示 或 其 他 有 欺 诈 成 分 的 手 段 诈 骗 公 众 人 士 或 任 何 人 ( 不 论 该 人 经 确 定 与 否 ) , [...] 或 影 响 证 券 、 基 金 、 股 票 、 商 品 或 任 何 其 他 公 [...] 开 发 售 的 东 西 的 公开市 场 价格,则 不 论 该 欺 骗 或 [...]虚 假 陈 示 或 其 他 有 欺 诈 成 分 的 手 段 是 否 构 成 先 [...]前 所 界 定 的 诈 伪 手 段 , 可 处 监 禁 不 超 过 5 年 。 hkreform.gov.hk | Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years who conspires with any other person by deceit or falsehood or other fraudulent means to defraud the public, or any [...] person ascertained or unascertained, or to [...] affectthe public marketprice of stocks, [...]funds, shares, merchandise, or anything [...]else publicly sold, whether the deceit or falsehood or other fraudulent means would amount to a false pretence as hereinbefore defined. hkreform.gov.hk |