

单词 市值

External sources (not reviewed)

各類 業務使 用 恒生自置 物業,市值計 算之 租 金反映於「其他業務」項㆘之跨業務收入及各業務類 [...]
別之跨 業務支出內。
Rental charges at the market rate for usage of [...]
premises are reflected as intersegment income for the ‘Other’ segment and
inter-segment expenses for the respective business segments.
在按成本初始確認後,投資性房地產按公允價值列賬,公允價值指由外部估 值師於每個報告日期釐定的公市值。
After initial recognition at cost
investment properties are carried at fair value,
[...] representing open market value determined [...]
at each reporting date by external valuers.
截至 2009 年 3 月 31 日(向养恤
[...] 金联委会提交报告通常所用的报告日期),基金资 市值为 290 亿美元, 而上一年为 406 亿美元,减少大约 [...]
As at 31 March 2009 (the normal
reporting date used in the reports to the
[...] Pension Board), the market value of the Fund’s assets [...]
stood at $29.0 billion as against
$40.6 billion a year earlier, a decrease of approximately 28.5 per cent.
合 約 之 重置成本代表所有市值重估 後具正 數值之合約 (包括非買賣用途之合 約)價值,而該等合約並無作任何雙邊淨額結算之安排。
The replacement cost of contracts
[...] represents the mark-to-market assets on all contracts [...]
(including non-trading contracts)
with a positive value and which have not been subject to any bilateral netting arrangement.
[...] 7.24(5)條為:「如建議進行的公開招股會導致發行人的已發行股本(不包括存庫 股)市值增加 50%以上(不論單指該次公開招股,或與發行人在下述期間公布的任何其他 [...]
公開招股或供股合併計算:(i)建議進行公開招股未公布之前的 12
個月內;或(ii)此 12 個月期 間之前的交易而在此 12 個月期間開始執行此等供股或公開招股中發行的股份包括授予或將 授予股東的任何紅股(發行予庫存的任何該等紅股除外)、權證或其他可換股證券(假設全 部轉換)):」。
Rule 7.24(5) is amended to read: “If the proposed open offer would increase either the
issued share capital (excluding
[...] treasury shares) or the market capitalisation of the issuer [...]
by more than 50% (on its own or
when aggregated with any other open offers or rights issues announced by the issuer (i) within the 12 month period immediately preceding the announcement of the proposed open offer or (ii) prior to such 12 month period where dealing in respect of the shares issued pursuant thereto commenced within such 12 month period, together with any bonus securities (other than any such bonus securities to be issued into treasury), warrants or other convertible securities (assuming full conversion) granted or to be granted to shareholders as part of such rights issues or open offers):-”.
本集團之投資物業根據二零一一年六月三十日按公 市值 準 則進行之專業估值之重估價值列賬。
The Group’s investment properties are stated at revalued amounts based on professional valuations at 30
[...] June 2011 on an open market value basis.
(b) 一名參與者在介紹另一名參與者加入該項計劃之時或之 後的任何時間收取報酬,而報酬( 不論全部或部分) 並非
[...] 按其本人或該另一名參與者所實際銷售的或透過該另一 名參與者而實際銷售的貨品或服務的公 市值 而 計 算的 ( 粗體字以示強調,為後來加上) 。
(b) a participant receives a reward on, or at any time after, the introduction into the scheme by him of another participant which reward is based,
whether wholly or in part, otherwise
[...] than on the fair market value of goods or services [...]
actually sold by him or by or through
that other participant (emphasis added).
根據房屋條例第 26A 條的規定,任何人士若因違反是 項規 定而被法庭定罪,可被判令(a)
[...] 將所購得的樓宇轉讓予房委會或其提名人;或(b) 向房委會繳付一筆款項,數額相等於該單位原 來買價與在判罪時十市值的差額。
On conviction of such an offence, the court may, under Section 26A of the Housing Ordinance, order (a) that the flat so purchased be transferred to the HA or its nominee; or (b) that the offender pay the HA a sum equivalent
to the difference between the original purchase price of
[...] the flat and its full market value as at the date of [...]
各項租約年期介乎兩至四年,大部 分租約於期滿時可根市值重新 釐訂租金。
The lease terms are between 2 to 4 years, and the majority of lease arrangements are renewable at the end
[...] of the lease period at market rate.
吾等遵照宏峰太平洋集團有限公司(「貴公司」)的指示,對由 貴公司的附屬公司富宏 國際投資有限公司擁有的位於香港的物業權益(「該物業」)進行估值,吾等確認已對該物業
[...] 進行視察及作出有關查詢,並已取得吾等認為必要的其他資料,以便就該物業於2012年11 月30日(「估值日期」)市值向 閣下提供意見。
In accordance with the instructions from Powerwell Pacific Holdings Limited (the ‘‘Company’’) to value the property interests (the ‘‘Property’’) owned by Richmind International Investment Limited, a subsidiary of the Company, situated in Hong Kong, we confirm that we have carried out inspections of the Property, made relevant enquiries and obtained such further information as we consider necessary for the
purpose of providing you with our
[...] opinion of the market values of the Property [...]
as at 30 November 2012 (the ‘‘date of valuation’’).
因素(其中包括)(i)選定之可資比較公司之平均EV/EBITDA比率;及(ii)選定 之可資比較公司之平均EV/EBITDA比率之折讓而釐定;及(b)為符合市場慣
[...] 例額外之市場流通性折讓,吾等認為採用市場法(包括天鍛比率之基準及市場 流通性折讓)對天津天鍛之全部股權 市值 ( 增 資前)進行估值乃屬恰當。
Based on our discussions with the Valuer, taking into account that (a) the Tianduan Ratio adopted by the Valuer was determined by reference to, amongst other factors, (i) the average EV/EBITDA Ratio of the Selected Comparables; and (ii) a discount to the average EV/EBITDA Ratio of the Selected Comparables; and (b) the additional marketability discount being in line with market practice, we consider the adoption of the market approach, including the basis of
the Tianduan Ratio and the
[...] marketability discount, to value the market value of the entire [...]
equity interest in Tianjin Tianduan
(before Capital Increase) to be appropriate.
由於車輛登記執照於收購日市值預 期上升,因此收購國康已產生商譽。
Goodwill has arisen in an acquisition of
Kwok Hong because of the anticipated
[...] appreciation in the market value of the motor vehicle [...]
registration licence at the date of acquisition.
26(2)條的規定,而該違例事項是與本人購樓有關,則法庭可根據房屋條例第 26B 條的 規 定,判令(a)
[...] 把所購得的樓宇轉讓予房委會或其提名人;或(b) 買主向房委會繳付一筆款項,數額相等於該單位原來買價 與在 判令發出之日的十市值的差額。
I also understand that where an offence under Section 26(2) of the Housing Ordinance is committed by some person in relation to the purchase of a flat by me, the court may, under Section 26B of the Housing Ordinance, order (a) that the flat so purchased be transferred to the Housing Authority or its nominee or (b) that the purchaser pay the HA a sum equivalent
to the difference between the original purchase price of
[...] the flat and its full market value as at the date of the order.
据总部设在加拿大、经营Bisha矿的矿业公司Nevsun公布的数字,2011 年
[...] 生产的厄立特里亚金矿为 10.7 吨,每盎司平市值为 1 620 美元(为现金生产成 本的 5 倍多)。
According to figures published by the Canada-based mining company, Nevsun, which operates the Bisha mine, 10.7 tons of
Eritrean gold ore were produced in
[...] 2011, with an average market value of $1,620 per ounce [...]
(more than five times the cash cost of production).
企 業 價值指 加 回 少 數 股 東 權 益 及 債 務 並 扣 除 銀 行 及 現 金 結 餘( 摘 錄 自 有 關
[...] 公 司 之 最 新 年 報 )後市 值 。
Enterprise value represents the market capitalisation after adding back minority
interests and debts and deducting bank and cash balances as
[...] extracted from the respective [...]
companies’ latest annual report.
如今,OFS 为古河电工(Furukawa Electric)所有,古河电工是一市值 高 达 数十亿美元的全球领先光纤通信公司。
Today, OFS is owned by Furukawa Electric, a multi-billion dollar global leader in optical communications.
並 未 就 該 物 業 之 發 展 取 得 建 設 工 程 規 劃 許 可 證 或 施 工 許 可 證 ; 該 物 業 亦 尚 未 作 出 任 何 具 體 發
[...] 展 方 案 , 因 此 , 吾 等 無 法 賦 予 該 物 業 倘 建 成 時 之 估市 值 。
No Planning Permit for Construction or Construction Permit in respect for the development of the Property has been obtained; there is no detailed development
proposal of the Property available yet, thus, we are unable
[...] to assign Estimated Market Value as if completed to [...]
the Property.
但是到2009年, 全市值最大的三家银行均为中资银行,而到2010年初,中国工商银行已成为世 市值 最 高 的银行,同时也是最赢利、总资产最高、员工人数和客户人数最多的银行。
However, in 2009, the world’s three
[...] largest global banks by market capitalisation were all Chinese and in early 2010, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China was not only the largest bank in the world by market capitalisation, but also the [...]
most profitable and largest
by total assets, total employees and total customers.
除了 歐洲內含價值業績,經營溢利不包括經濟假設及選擇權和保證成本時間價值變動的影響及核心借款 市值 變動
In addition for EEV basis results, operating profit excludes the effect of changes
in economic
[...] assumptions and the time value of cost of options and guarantees, and the market value movement on core [...]
全球眼保健领域的领导厂商博士伦公司和领先的眼科激光治疗技术公司Technolas Perfect Vision
[...] GmbH(TPV)达成了一项最终协议,博士伦有权基于某些里程碑和额外对价条款的实现,收购TPV的全部已发行股票和未确认股份,T PV 总 市值 高 达4.5亿欧元。
Bausch + Lomb, the global leader in eye health, and Technolas Perfect Vision GmbH (TPV), a leading ophthalmology laser company, have entered into a definitive agreement providing Bausch + Lomb with an option to purchase
all outstanding and unowned TPV shares for
[...] a total company value of up to EUR 450 [...]
million, based on the achievement of certain milestones and earnouts.
根 據 這 類 受 保 障 的 法 定 租 約( 即 第 I 部 的 戰 前 樓 孙 和 第 I I 部 的 戰 後 樓 孙 )而 收 取 的 多 類 租 金 , 均 受 法 定 加 租 率 的 限 制 ; 至 於 其 他 受 保 障 的 法 定 租 約( 即 第 I V 部 的 戰 後 樓 孙 、 豪 華 住 孛 租 約 和 新 訂 租 約 ) , 如 果 雙 方 不 能 達 成 共 同 協 議 的 話 , 則 要 由 土 地 審 裁 處 根 據 法 定 程 序 釐 定 當 時市 值 租 金
Many of the recoverable rents under such protected statutory tenancies (i.e. Part I Pre-War over Premises and Part II Post-War premises) are restrained by restrictions on the statutory rate of rent increase; whilst for other protected statutory tenancies (i.e. Part IV Post-War premises, luxury tenancies and new tenancy agreements), the prevailing market rents are fixed by the Lands Tribunal acting in pursuance to the statutory procedure if a mutual agreement between the parties could not be reached.
3.4.1 你和你父母(若你已婚,則你和配偶)須申報所有(無論是部份擁有或完全擁有) 的資產,無論資產是在香港、內地或在海外。資產計有住宅用或非住宅用物業市值(扣除 未償還的按揭數額)、土地包括租約及甲或乙類換地證明書、股票市值、私人及商業車輛、可轉售的車輛牌照例如的士及公共小巴牌照、銀行存 款、有現金及紅利的儲蓄或與投資連繫的保險計劃、基金、遺產及經營業務者 以公司名義擁有的資產等。
3.4.1 You and your parents (or you and your spouse, if you are married) are required to declare the total assets whether in Hong Kong, the Mainland or overseas, in your / their possession (partly or wholly) in the form of landed properties including both residential
and non-residential
[...] properties at current market value (after deducting outstanding mortgage amount, if any), land including lease agreements and Letters A or B entitlements, stocks and shares at current value, vehicles including [...]
private and commercial vehicles,
transferable vehicle licences including taxi and public light bus licences, bank deposits, insurance policy(ies) (savings / investment linked insurance policy(ies) with cash value and dividends), unit trust funds, estate, and for those engaged in business, all categories of assets owned by the companies operating such business and other assets owned, etc..
市值規模 劃分,大/中型股表現比小型股優勝。
Growth outperformed value across the board and in terms of market capitalizations, large/mid-caps [...]
outperformed small-caps.
倘股票損毀、遺失或毀壞,可於代 市值為 20,000 港元或以下的證券的股票情況下 (於作出更換要求時)支付 200 港元後更換;及可於代市值為 20,000 港元以上的證券的股票 情況下(於作出更換要求時)或就未名列登記冊的人士(與有關證 市值 無 關 )支付 400 港元 (或根據香港聯合交易所有限公司訂明的規則可能不時准許的有關較高金額)後更換,惟須符 合與刊登通告、憑證及董事認為適當的賠償有關的有關條款及條件(如有),而於磨損或損毀 情況下,於交回舊股票後即可更換新股票。
If a share certificate is defaced, lost or destroyed, it may be replaced on payment, in the case of
share certificates representing securities with a market value of HK$20,000 or less (at the time the request for replacement is made), of
[...] HK$200; and in the case of share certificates representing securities with a market value of more than HK$20,000 (at the time the request for replacement is made) or for a person not named on the register (irrespective of the market value of the securities concerned), of HK$400 (or such higher amount or amounts [...]
as may from time to time be permitted under the rules prescribed by The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited) and on such terms and conditions, if any, as to the publication of notices, evidence and indemnity as the Board thinks fit and in the case of wearing out or defacement, after delivery up of the old certificate.
截至 2008 年 12 月 31 日,基金资产市值为 313 亿美元,而 2007 年 12 月底为 [...]
417 亿美元,减少大约 25%。
As at 31
[...] December 2008, the market value of the Fund’s assets [...]
amounted to $31.3 billion as against $41.7 billion at the
end of December 2007, representing a decrease of approximately 25 per cent.
但他对 2009 年 3 月 31 日养恤基金资市值与 2007 年相比缩水 28.3%表 示关切,并强调了大会第 [...]
32/73 号决议所载标准,根 据该标准,养恤基金的投资应该安全、盈利、流动 和可兑换。
He was concerned, however, by the
[...] 28.3-per-cent decrease in the market value of the Fund’s assets [...]
as at 31 March 2009 compared to
2007 and underlined the criteria set out in General Assembly resolution 32/73, according to which investments should be safe, profitable, liquid and convertible.
在国有公司中,哥伦比亚石油公司 市值 增 长77%),中国海洋石油公司 市值 增 长51%),以及巴西石油公司 市值 增 长 15%) 市值 有 较 大幅度增长,而中国石化、Rosneft公司、中国石油和挪威石油公司 市值 缩 水
Within the NOC group, Ecopetrol (+77%), CNOOC (+51%) and Petrobras (+15%) posted impressive market cap gains while Sinopec, Rosneft, PetroChina and Statoil lost value.
上文提及的各有關財務資助及有關擔保的最高金額分別為人民幣212,660,000元及人民幣 800,000,000元(分別相等於約213,299,899.70港元及802,407,221.66港元),分別約佔(i)本集團於二
[...] 零零六年六月三十日的未經審核綜合資產總值3.89%及14.63%;及(ii)本公 市值 5 , 4 58 ,978,800港 元(根據於最後可行日期已發行總股數810,900,000股及最後可行日期之前五個營業日聯交所所報 [...]
The respective maximum amounts of the Relevant Financial Assistance and the Relevant Guarantees of RMB212,660,000 and RMB800,000,000 (equivalent to approximately HK$213,299,899.70 and HK$802,407,221.66 respectively) mentioned above represent (i) approximately 3.89% and 14.63% of the unaudited consolidated total assets of the Group as at 30 June 2006
respectively; and (ii) 3.90%
[...] and 14.65% of the market capitalization of the [...]
Company of HK5,458,978,800 (based on a total of 810,900,000 Shares in issue as at the Latest Practicable Date and the average of the closing prices of the Shares
as quoted on the Stock Exchange for the five business days immediately preceding the Latest Practicable Date, being HK$6.732 per Share, respectively.
L 為認可商人銀行或本公司當時的核數師真誠釐 定的一股普通股應佔資本分派部份於有關公佈
[...] 日期或(視乎情況而定)緊接資本分派記錄日期 前交易日的公市值。
L is the fair market value on the date of such announcement or (as the ease may require) the Dealing Day immediately preceding the Record Date for the Capital Distribution, as determined in good faith by an approved merchant bank or the auditors
for the time being of the Company of the portion of the Capital
[...] Distribution which is attributable [...]
to one Ordinary Share.
Adams 先生还曾在 Adaptec
[...] 担任业务发展副总裁,领导了一次重大重组,其中涉及两项收购、五项资产剥离和数个股权投资,最终使 Adaptec 的市值增加 5 倍。
Mr. Adams was also VP Business Development at Adaptec where he led a major restructuring that included two
acquisitions, five divestitures and several equity investments resulting in a 5X
[...] increase in Adaptec’s market capitalization.




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