

单词 市人口

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

最不发达国家的市人口中, 有很多人居住在往往缺乏基本环卫条件的贫民窟。
Much of the urban population in least developed [...]
countries live in slums that often lack basic sanitation.
同时,乡村地区也为市人口提供 从食物和纤维制品到水、矿物质和能源 等各种资源。
At the same time, rural areas provide
[...] resources for urban populations, ranging from food [...]
and fibre to water, minerals and energy.
发达国家与发展中国家之间的差距、富人与穷人之间 和农村口与城市人口之间 的不平等持续存在而且非常严重,需要加以解决。
Disparities between developed and developing countries and inequalities
between the rich and the poor, and
[...] between rural and urban populations, inter alia, remain [...]
persistent and significant and need to be addressed.
挂图中的数据包括农村地区的农村人口规模和增长速度、农业人口规模、 农业区和农田、森林面积、灌溉面积、获得改善供水和卫生的情况、农业中经济 活跃人口和化肥的使用;以及城市地区的 市人口 规 模 和增长率、人类住区占据 的土地面积、生活在贫民窟中的 市人口 、 获 得改善供水和卫生的情况、二氧化 碳的排放量、空气中颗粒物的密度、产业和服务业中的就业、国内生产总值、使 用中的机动车辆和能源消耗。
The data contained in the wallcharts include, for the rural areas, size and rate of growth of the rural population, size of the agricultural population, agricultural area and cropland, forest area, irrigated areas, access to improved water and
[...] economically active population in agriculture and fertilizer use; and for the urban areas, size and rate of growth of the urban population, land area occupied by human settlements, urban population living in slums, [...]
access to improved
water and sanitation, carbon dioxide emissions, concentrations of particulate matter in the air, employment in industry and services, gross domestic product, motor vehicles in use and consumption of energy.
关于拟议战略框架中有关方案总方向的第 12.5
[...] 段,有代表表示国际合作 对于支持发展中国家克服市人口迅 速 增加带来的挑战极为重要。
With regard to paragraph 12.5 of the proposed strategic framework, concerning the overall orientation of the programme, a view was expressed on the crucial importance of international
cooperation to support efforts of developing countries to address challenges arising from
[...] the rapid increase of urban population.
委员会进一步强调,人口司应继续在以下方面开展基本工作:人口预计和预 测;农村和市人口的变 化格局;国际移徙分析;变化中的人口年龄结构对发展 的影响;生育率和死亡率及其趋势的差异越来越大的情况;人口、资源、环境与 [...]
发展之间的相互关系;人口政策的演变并在这方面采用性别观点(委员会第 2004/1 号决议)。
The Commission further emphasized that the Population
Division should continue
[...] basic work on population estimates and projections; patterns of rural and urban population change; the [...]
analysis of international
migration; the implications of the changing age structure of the population for development; the increasing diversity of fertility and mortality levels and trends; the interrelations among population, resources, the environment and development; and the evolution of population policies, applying a gender perspective in this regard (Commission resolution 2004/1).
随着受抚养比例下降以及青年(以及越来越多的 市)人口 提 供 大量的经济机 会,许多发展中国家的繁荣程度将大幅提高。
With dependency ratios falling and youthful (and
[...] increasingly urban) populations offering substantial [...]
economic opportunities, many developing
countries are primed for major increases in prosperity.
[...] 估,并查明其薄弱环节,并请缔约国在下次定期报告中纳入按照性别、年龄、农 村和市人口分类 的比较数据,并说明用哪些指标衡量极度贫困的人数以及消除 [...]
The Committee recommends that the State party adopt evaluation measures to assess the impact of its poverty and social reduction strategies and identify its weaknesses, and requests that the State party include, in its next report,
comparative data disaggregated by gender,
[...] age, rural and urban populations, as well as indicators [...]
on the number of persons living
in extreme poverty, and on the progress made in its efforts to combat poverty.
[...] 和利达,少数民族成员受雇水平接近他们在这些 市人口 中 的 总比例,当然,在 更高等级的职位中,他们的受雇员水平要低一些。
In larger municipalities with mixed populations, such as Jerusalem, Haifa and Lod, members of minorities are employed at
a level which approaches their overall
[...] representation in the population, although less [...]
so at the most senior positions.
当前形势下,政府的 贫困数字是:在阿根廷,根据全国统计普查局在 24,107,196 城市人口中进 行的抽样调查,有 57.5%属于贫困人口(阿根廷总人口为 36,260,130);在巴拉圭,统计普查局的统计数字表 [...]
明,2002 年未满足基本需求的人口占总人口的 43.2%(包括贫困和极度贫困数字);在乌拉
圭,2003 年国家统计局的贫困预测为 30.9%,并指出,在贫困家庭的人口结构中,由于成人 所占实际比率不足 50%,所以儿童受贫困影响的比率高于成人。
Official poverty figures set the
current scenario: in
[...] Argentina, 57.5% of an urban population sample of 24,107,196 people (Argentina’s total population: [...]
36,260,130) was poor according
to the Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos (October 2002); in Paraguay, statistics by the Dirección General de Estadística, Encuestas y Censos informs that the percentage of people living with unsatisfied basic needs reached 43.2% of the population in 2002 (poverty and extreme poverty figures added); finally, regarding Uruguay, poverty estimates of the Instituto Nacional de Estadística for 2003 are at 30.9%, indicating that poverty affects proportionally more children than adults, due to the family composition of poor households where less than 50% of the family components are actually adults.
35-44 岁人口就业率最高(约为 80%),其中,男性及市人口就业 率相对较 高。
Population aged 35-44 years is
characterized by the highest employment rates (of about 80%), with higher values for
[...] males and for those living in urban area.
[...] 弹,该弹落在以色列的阿什杜德市附近—— 市人口 20 多万——并将大约 8 枚 迫击炮弹射进以色列南部 [...]
Eshkol 和 Sha’ar Hanegev 两个地区。
In another incident today, terrorists in the Gaza Strip fired a Grad-type Katyusha
rocket that landed in close proximity to
[...] the Israeli City of Ashdod — a city of more than [...]
200,000 people — and launched some
eight mortars into the areas of Eshkol and Sha'ar Hanegev in southern Israel.
改善公共 服务和社会支持将是减少负面动态,减缓贫困的一些具体干预的重要因素, 例如改善孕妇和孩子保健,或学校膳食计划,具有相对快的积极作用31。
[...] 部分来实施,还要包括捕鱼作为“不得已的行业”的作用、人们离开和进入捕鱼 领域的原因和动态、农村和市人口 逐 渐 变化着的联系、市场和经济以及与这些 有关的政治分量的更全面的了解。
Improving public services and social support will be an important factor in reducing this negative dynamic, and some specific poverty alleviation interventions, such as improved maternal and child health care, or school feeding programmes, can have very positive effects relatively quickly.31 However, for lasting changes and more stable human–resource relationships, this has to be done as part of an integrated approach, one that also includes a fuller understanding of the role of fishing as a “last resort”, the causes and dynamics of people leaving and
entering fishing, evolving links between
[...] rural and urban populations, markets and economies, [...]
and the political weight related to these.
其中农村人口的劳动参与率 (62%)要高于市人口的劳动参与率(61.8%),而男性的劳动参与率(75.9%)要高于 [...]
This percentage is higher in rural areas (62
[...] per cent) than in urban areas (61.8 per [...]
cent) and higher for males (75.9 per cent)
than for females (48.3 per cent).
[...] 民、农业部门的妇女以及小农户生产者是粮食权受到侵犯的第一受害者――尽管 小农场生产了世界农村和市人口所 需 的主粮作物的大部分,以及妇女占农业生 产者的很大一部分,生产了当地消费的粮食的大部分。
Landless farmers, women in the agricultural sector, and smallholder producers are the first victims of violations of the right to food, despite small farms producing the majority of the
staple crops needed to feed the
[...] world’s rural and urban populations, and women being [...]
a substantial majority of the agricultural
producers who produce most of the food consumed locally.
最不发达国家的农村和市人口往往得不到体面和可负担的住房、适足的土 地保有权保障,包括获得土地,缺乏享有基本基础设施的机会。
People in least developed countries often lack access to decent and affordable housing and sufficient tenure security, including access to land and basic infrastructure, both in rural and urban areas.
这些“另类族群”绝大多数都是穆斯林、印度教徒和佛教徒,包括数量众多的 市人口。
These “separate peoples” are mostly Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist, and
[...] include significant urban populations.
到2050年,市人口比例在非洲将达 到58%,亚洲达到64%,尽管比其他大洲依然明显要低。
By 2050, the shares of urban population will be 58 percent [...]
in Africa and 64 percent in Asia, although this will still be
significantly less than most other continents.
此外,人居署和美洲开发银行在中美洲发起了一些联合方案,将人居署的试 验性可偿还种子资金业务催化式贷款工具与该银行大额贷款组合相结合,通过以 往没有为这些市人口提供 充分服务的大型基础设施支持低收入家庭获得水和 环卫服务。
In addition, UN-Habitat and the Bank initiated joint programmes in Central America, combining the catalytic lending instruments of the UN-Habitat experimental reimbursable seeding operations with the Bank’s larger loan portfolio to support access by low-income households to water and sanitation services provided through large-scale infrastructure projects that have not adequately served these urban populations in the past.
我们强调必须使更多大都会地区和市镇实施可持续城市规划和设计政策, 以有效应对未来数十年市人口的预 期增长。
We emphasize the importance of increasing the number of metropolitan regions, cities and towns that are implementing policies for sustainable
urban planning and design in order to respond effectively to the
[...] expected growth of urban populations in the coming decades.
从农村不断向城市移民日益成为一个令人担忧的问题,它尤其影响了麦地那(内地和 古城)的社会--经济结构,对 市人口 密 度、社会服务设施的恶化、贫困程度日增和越来越 多的失业真是雪上加霜。
The continuing migration from rural to urban areas is increasingly becoming a worrisome issue that affects in particular the socio-economic
fabric of the medinas (inner and
[...] historic cities) with a dramatic impact on urban density, [...]
deterioration of social services,
increased poverty levels and growing unemployment.
不过,许多穷人和最弱势市人口仍 无法负担基本的粮食 和非粮食物品成本。
However, the cost of basic food and non-food items is still beyond the reach of many of the poor and most vulnerable urban populations.
尽管下面的比较显然存 在着缺陷,但如果我们以纽市人口 来 比 较,同样的 比例会使伤亡数字超过 3 万;而拿全美国的人口来比 较,我们得到的数字将超过 [...]
100 万。
Although such comparisons obviously have their
limitations, if we translated
[...] these figures to the population of New York City, the equivalent proportion [...]
would lead us to the
number of more than 30,000 dead or injured; and if we compared it to the population of the whole United States, we would reach a figure of over 1 million people.
委员会关注的是,缔约国住房严重短缺,住所拥挤、质量不佳、缺少基本 服务以及很大比例的市人口生活 在贫民窟中。
The Committee is concerned about the acute housing shortage in the State party, overcrowding, the
poor quality of accommodation, the lack of basic services, and the high
[...] percentage of the urban population living in slums.
香港是一個歷經數世紀之久的多文化 市 , 人口 種 族 多元,但和睦相處。
Hong Kong is a multicultural
[...] and secular city with a multiracial population living in harmony.
在 廣 州市設有 12 個 採 樣 點 ( 詳 細 地 點 見 附件),原因是廣市人 口密度高,工商 業發達 , 更 是 珠 江 三 角洲經濟活 動中心 , 所 得 數 據 有較高的 參考 價 值 。
Twelve of them were within
[...] Guangzhou City (detailed locations at Appendix) because Guangzhou City has high population density, active industrial [...]
and commercial
operations and is a centre of economic activities in the Pearl River Delta Region, and therefore the data have a high reference value.
[...] 断加剧的经济和社会不平等,并确认发达国家与发展中国家之间的差距以及除其 他外贫富之间、农村与市人口之间 的不平等仍然持续存在,而且情况严重,需 要加以解决
9. Also recognizes that attention must be focused on the particular needs of developing countries and on the large and increasing economic and social inequalities that exist, and further recognizes that disparities between developed and developing countries and inequalities
between the rich and the poor and
[...] between rural and urban populations, inter alia, remain [...]
persistent and significant and need to be addressed
布洛頓和摩西一樣,明白小作為會創造大改變,「我們有一項計畫名為『潔淨社區』,即複製市中心的垃圾撿拾計畫,我認為社區環境品質已低於維護標準,故希望教育鄰人各種維護方式,再一傳十、十傳百」,底特律居民盼望「社區能夠乾淨與安全」,這種願望並非遙不可及,但要達成也不容易,儘管 市人口 不 到 百萬,要讓幾個街區擁有健康環境,光靠「下一個底特律」也絕不足夠。
Broughton, like Mosey, understands that doing small things can result in big windfalls, “One of our main focuses has been Clean Neighborhoods and we’re duplicating the litter picking program they have in downtown,” Broughton explained, “Our opinion is that the physical quality of neighborhoods has fallen below property maintenance standards and we want to educate our neighbors on maintenance codes so they can teach their neighbors.
如前所述,全球都市變遷重要性不可忽視,不過中國、日本、墨西哥等國雖有大批 市人口 , 籃 球隊表現卻差強人意,我在青少年時期就認清現實,籃球只適合肢體矯捷的高個子,兩者缺一不可,若觀察日本(國際排名第34位)及墨西哥(第30位)的球員名冊,平均身高比美國代表隊整整矮了兩吋、比西班牙隊矮三吋,差距聽來不多,但若再加上美西兩國籃壇競爭情況,以及籃球在日、墨兩國受歡迎程度不高,兩吋就可能形同一呎。
When you look at the rosters for Japan (34th in the FIBA rankings), and Mexico (30th) their average height is a full two inches shorter than the Americans, and three inches shorter than the Spanish roster.
[...] 路撒冷委员会的工作。摩洛哥愿向安理会表达它的关 切,并谴责以色列在东耶路撒冷采取的旨在改变市 人口结构 、法律地位和宗教面貌的措施,谴责以色列 为了修建道路和定居点以及使该地区犹太化而驱逐 [...]
In this context, Morocco, whose King, Mohammed VI, is presiding over the Jerusalem Commission, would like to state its concerns to the Council and to condemn
the measures taken by
[...] Israel in East Jerusalem with a view to changing its demographics, legal status and [...]
religious profile and
Israel’s expulsion of Palestinians in order to build roads and settlements and Judaize the area.




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