




narrow alley
narrow street


fragrant wine fears no dark alley [idiom.]
quality goods need no advertising



External sources (not reviewed)

The development of two exploration declines is advancing and expected to intersect the main part of the ore body in the fourth quarter 2012.
缅 甸已经走进了如何让它调头?
Myanmar has come to a cul de sac, how does it make a u-turn?
即使在 21 世纪的今天,在世界上的许多城市,唯一固定或可靠的废物收集 服务(如果存在的话)是由靠一辆卡车走街法企业来提供的;青少年和他 们年幼的弟妹把垃圾场当作游乐场和捡拾物品换取零用钱的地方;冒着健康和安 全风险回收废物的非正规企业主未受赞扬和嘉奖,反遭迫害和刑事定罪;管理有 害工业材料的最安全方法便是由工人进行露天焚烧并呼吸有毒气体。
Even now, in the twenty-first century, there are many urban areas in the world where the only regular or reliable waste collection services (if they exist at all) are provided by illegal one-truck businesses run from people’s homes; where adolescents and their small sisters and brothers see the dump site as a playground and a source of materials to sell for pocket money; where informal entrepreneurs who risk their health and safety to recycle are persecuted instead of praised, criminalized instead of commended; where the safest way of managing hazardous industrial materials is for workers to burn them openly and breathe in the toxic fumes?
Some people believe that this kind of polling activity can create the atmosphere and raise people's intention to vote.
如果您对历史景区更 感兴趣,也能如愿以偿:拉多夫采尔拥有风景绮丽的老城
[...] 区,康斯坦茨大学城及其狭窄的意的购物体验触手 可及,在梅尔斯堡可以亲历神奇的中世纪生活,攀登霍恩特 [...]
Those who love historical locations, will definitely get their money’s worth: Radolfzell has a wonderful historic
district, the university town of Constance
[...] with its narrowalley waysand excellent [...]
shopping facilities is within easy reach,
and you can marvel at the life in the Middle Ages in Meersburg, or climb up the knights‘ castle on the Hohentwiel.
5 时,一武装恐怖团体用石块和橡胶轮胎封锁了 Kashaf 小区的小街暴力逼迫居民造反。
At 0500 hours, an armed terrorist group closed side roads in the Kashaf quarter with rocks and rubber tyres, using physical force to compel the residents to revolt.
在我昨天的访问过程中,我看到了三个多 星期的严重轰炸、射击这一小块人口稠 密的地区造成的毁坏和痛苦情况。
During my visit yesterday, I saw part of the destruction and suffering caused to this small and densely populated area by more than three weeks of heavy bombardment, shelling and street fighting.
(a) 作 为 加 强 楼 宇 安 全 的 一 系 列 新 措 施 的 其 中 一 环,屋 宇 署 自 2011年 4月 已 修 订 其 僭 建 物 执 法 政 策 , 把 须 优 先 取 缔 的
僭 建 物 范 围 扩 大 至 包 括 搭 建 於 私 人 楼 宇 的 天 台
[...] 、 平 台 、 天 井 / 庭 院僭 建 物 , 而 不 論 这 [...]
些 僭 建 物 对 公 众 安 全 构 成 的 风 险 或 是 否 新 建。
(a) As one of the initiatives in the new package of measures to enhance building safety, the Buildings Department (BD) has revised its enforcement policy against unauthorised building works (UBWs) since April 2011 by expanding the scope of the actionable UBWs to include
those UBWs located on rooftops, flat
[...] roofs or in yardsand lanes of private buildings, [...]
irrespective of their risk to public
safety and whether they are newly erected.
故事发生在汉密尔顿鲜活的城市街道上,这些城市街道正是曾经孕育真实的《法国贩毒网》(French Connection)的相同是安大略有组织犯罪的神经中枢,故事即在这样的背景下围绕我们的主人公Patrick [...]
Farley(又名Lucky 7)展开,讲述有关失去、爱恋与救赎的故事,Lucky7在漂泊异乡九年后返回家乡,然而却被诬陷犯有谋杀罪。
Taking place on the gritty, urban streets of Hamilton, the
[...] same streets that once hatched [...]
the real "French Connection," and the nerve
centre for organized crime in Ontario, is the backdrop for our story of loss, love, and redemption centered on our main character Patrick Farley, aka Lucky 7, who returns to his home town after a nine year absence only to find himself being framed for murder.
Wander down any of the small side alleys and discover a selection of tiny shops full of Omani silver, stalls of gleaming white dishdashas and embroided kumahs, brightly coloured cloth and multicoloured head scarves.
In traditional agricultural societies, gossiping in the market place was the primary channel for people to share information and exchange views.
预计非索特派 团的行动从现在起将从不对称的城为跨越大片地区的开阔地带作战,以 便控制所有其他三个区。
AMISOM operations will now be expected to move from asymmetric urban warfare, to open combat across vast distances in order to dominate all three additional sectors.
由 2011 年 4 月 1 日起,屋宇署会展开多项大规模行动:(a)每年拆除在 500 幢目标
[...] 樓宇的天台和平台,以及天井/庭院僭建物;(b)每年巡查 500 幢目标樓 [...]
宇,并在有需要时发出修葺令或勘测令,着令修葺或纠正有关樓宇的欠妥或失修 之处;及(c)每年巡查
150 幢目标樓宇,处理有关分间单位建筑工程的可能违规之 处。
From 1 April 2011 onwards, the Buildings Department (BD) will initiate a number of large-scale operations to : (a)
remove unauthorised building works on rooftops and flat roofs, as well as
[...] those in yards and lanesinrespect of 500 [...]
target buildings each
year; (b) inspect and issue repair or investigation orders as necessary to 500 target buildings each year to require repair or remedy of defects or dilapidation in the buildings; and (c) inspect 150 target buildings each year to tackle potential irregularities of building works associated with sub-divided flats.
Walk, cycle or take a rickshaw down the small quiet lanes within the old town.
(a) 由 2011 年 4 月 1 日起,屋宇署会开展 3
類大规模行动:(i)拆除根据修订和 较广的定义所涵盖须取缔的僭建物,包括每年在选定的 500
[...] 幢目标樓宇的天 台和平台,以及天井/庭院僭建物(拆除僭建物大规模行动); (ii) [...]
每年巡查 500 幢目标樓宇,并在有需要时发出修葺令或勘测令,着令修葺或 纠正在这些樓宇发现的欠妥或失修之处(修葺令/勘测令大规模行动);及
(iii)每年巡查 150 幢目标樓宇,处理有关分间单位建筑工程的可能违规之处 (分间单位大规模行动)。
(a) From 1 April 2011 onwards, the Buildings Department (BD) will initiate three types of large-scale operations (LSOs) to: (i) remove actionable unauthorised building works (UBWs) covered under a revised and wider definition, including unauthorised structures
on rooftops and flat roofs as well as
[...] those inyards and lanes, in respect of 500 [...]
target buildings to be selected each year
(LSO on UBWs Removal); (ii) inspect and issue repair or investigation orders as necessary to 500 target buildings each year to require repair or remedy of defects or dilapidation found in these buildings (LSO on Repair/Investigation Orders); and (iii) inspect 150 target buildings each year to tackle potential irregularities of building works associated with sub-divided flats (LSO on Sub-divided Flats).
许多英国伯明翰公民的时间拒绝进剧场而选择光顾 那里,次,他们觉得更受人尊敬的治疗的抒情。
Many Birmingham citizens of the time refused to enter
[...] theatres by the alley, choosing instead [...]
to patronize the Lyric where, for the time,
they felt a more respectable treatment.
於本季度,燃气供应及铁路运输协议已落实,两条地下勘开发进度继续较计划超前,目前开发总长 度超过 4,500 米。
During the quarter, agreements for gas supply and rail haulage were finalised and the two exploration declines continued to advance ahead of schedule, now in excess of 4,500m.
Pointing to a lamp post
[...] in her crowded alley, she observes, [...]
“Things are already better.
在机场出口处下福冈市 3 号线高速公路,看到机场路的第一个交通信号灯后立即右转(博多站就在 WOODONE 广场的右手边),在“榎田 1
[...] 街道”交通信号灯处右转,上福冈市南绕道,在下一个路口左转,穿过两条
Get off at the Kudo-dori Exit of Fukuoka Municipal Expressway Route 3, turn right at the immediate first traffic light on Kudo-dori (WOODONE PLAZA Hakata on the right hand side), turn right at the
"Enokida 1 Chome" traffic light, get on Fukuoka-Minami Bypass, turn left at the next intersection,
[...] and cross overtwo alleys.
An elderly woman told me last year, “For decades I have been traveling from villageto village collecting folktales and oral narratives.
由 2011 年 4 月 起,屋 宇 署 展 开 新 的 大 规 模 行 动 以 取 缔 僭 建 物,当 中 包
括:每 年 巡 查 500 幢 目 标 楼 宇, 以 清 拆 搭 建 於 天 台
[...] 、 平 台 、 天 井 / 庭 院僭 建 物 的 行 动 , 以 [...]
及 每 年 巡 查 150 幢 目 标 楼 宇 , 以 纠 正 与 分 间 单
位 相 关 建 筑 工 程 的 违 规 之 处 的 行 动 。
The BD has Session 10 DEVB(PL) – page initiated new large-scale operations since April 2011 to enforce against UBWs. These include an operation to inspect 500 target buildings each year for removal of UBWs
on rooftops and flat roofs as well as
[...] those inyards andlanes,and anotheroperation [...]
to inspect 150 target buildings each
year to tackle irregularities of building works associated with sub-divided flats.
不应该让儿童迫不得已 在洒满玻璃碎片的空地或到处是垃圾的化 学废物污染的场地活动。
Children should not be forced to play in vacant lots littered with broken glass, or in alleys choked with trash or fields contaminated by chemical waste.
If you have ever found yourself growing bored of walking around the
[...] city andseeing greywalls, uninteresting [...]
propaganda and corporate billboards,
or tired of the constant hum of political bickering, then you should love Street Art.
At present, with the development of China led display screen
industry increases ceaselessly, in each
[...] big city streets andlanes of theLED big screen [...]
slowly built up, people's consumption
level is also growing, LED lighting has been gradually applied to the family's daily life, LED electronic display not only raised the level of city image, LED also enrich people's cultural life, in the it can reflect the development of LED industry so fast, when we enjoy the LED electronic screen brings economic benefits at the same time, some with LED electronic display of the businessman did not fully understand the LED electronic screen operation and matters needing attention, resulting in reduced LED electronic display life.
印度加尔各答,2011年4月27日 - 13岁的萨利姆.史可 (Salim Sheikh) 和他的伙伴们正在把加尔各答杂乱无章的贫民区绘制到地图上,过去的一年里,他们一直在收集相关的信息,包括人口、建筑、拥挤的星分布的寺庙、树木、水泵以及其他能够代表加尔各答东部瑞施.奥罗宾多地区的数据。
For a year now, they’ve been gathering data about the people, small brick huts, crowded alleys, scattered temples, trees, water pumps and other facts that identify Rishi Aurobindo Colony in eastern Kolkata.
为开业设计的首幅壁画采用了由 分辨率极低的电影剧照片段组成 的巨大花卉图案,部分是普通图 片,部分是半色情性质,均来自 街处播放的简短影片。
The first wallpaper designed for the opening featured a gigantic floral pattern made up of extremely low- resolution fragments of film stills - some banal, some semi-pornographic - derived from the short films playing on the ubiquitous displays.
截 至 二 零 一一年底, 本 溪 铁 矿 地 采 工 程 完 成 了主竖 井 、 南 风 井 的 井 筒 施 工 及 部 分 中程 施 工 , 斜 坡 道 工 程 已 经 进 入 生产期 采 矿 。
As of 2011 year end, the following construction works for the underground mining of Benxi mine were completed; the main shaft,andtheshaftoftheSouthwindshaftand part of the middle section of the passage, and the slope ramp construction work has entered into production mining stage.




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